James Lyon's blog http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/blog/2791 sr Kako se sto bezbolnije poroditi u Srbiji http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5245 <p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/5244"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/baby.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Hello Baby!!" title="Hello Baby!!" width="200" height="150" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 198px;"><strong>Hello Baby!!</strong></span></span>Moja prijateljica M.F. je nedavno dobila bratanca. Radosni dogadji u jednom beogradskom porodilistu je bio prilicno traumaticno za celu porodicu. U mesto da ja to komentarisem, zamolio sam nju da nesto pise o tome. Sledi njen integralni tekst. A pitaju ljudi zasto izmedju ostalog pada natalitet.....</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5245">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5245#comment Tue, 17 Apr 2007 16:17:00 -0500 James Lyon 5245 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Partition of Kosovo? http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5156 <p><p class="MsoNormal">Belgrade’s Kosovo status endgame is increasingly clear. Plan “A” seems to consist of trying to delay an independence decision as long as possible. There are two reasons for this. One is an outside hope that somehow Belgrade may be able to actually win a reprieve from “losing” Kosovo. The other far more important reason is that Belgrade hopes delay will cause the Albanians to take unilateral action without Security Council approval thereby permitting Belgrade to achieve its real goal: partition.</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5156">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5156#comment Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:23:19 -0500 James Lyon 5156 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Is Serbia Guilty Of Genocide? http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5132 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/5131"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Srebrenica.jpg" alt="Serbian MUP About To Kill Srebrenica Civilians" title="Serbian MUP About To Kill Srebrenica Civilians" width="180" height="144" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 178px;"><strong>Serbian MUP About To Kill Srebrenica Civilians</strong></span></span>Since the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague many in Serbia have rejoiced that the Serbian state was not found guilty of genocide. The failed, however, to note that the ICJ found Serbia guilty of violating the Convention on Genocide. Many have also failed to actually ask the question as to whether -- the ICJ verdict aside -- Serbia did in fact commit genocide.</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5132">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5132#comment Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:03:23 -0500 James Lyon 5132 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Karić vs. Telenor http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5028 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/5027"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Bogoljub Karic goggles.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Bogoljub Karic" title="Bogoljub Karic" width="200" height="137" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 198px;"><strong>Bogoljub Karic</strong></span></span>I never thought I would say this, but as I examine Telenor, I now wonder if Bogoljub Karić was really all that bad. Since the Norwegian company Telenor bought the 062/063 provider Mobtel from its previous owner Bogoljub Karić -- a Milošević-era tycoon -- I feel as though service seems to have gotten progressively worse for me, the customer. And many of my friends have told me they feel the same way.<br /> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5028">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/5028#comment Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:09:50 -0500 James Lyon 5028 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva I Want To Be Premier: Here Are My Principles!!! http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4886 <p><p class="MsoNormal"><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/4885"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Tito and I 2.thumbnail.jpg" alt="The New Tito!!" title="The New Tito!!" width="150" height="200" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 148px;"><strong>The New Tito!!</strong></span></span>The other evening I was at one of Belgrade’s new, hip night spots with a friend. The place is located down near the Sava River in a refurbished warehouse, and the interior was worthy of any western capital. The music was loud to the point of causing pain, but we withstood it, due to the fact that this place is “IN”, and after all, we were there not to talk, but to engage in Belgrade’s favourite sport: posing. As we shoved our way through the crowd towards the VIP section, we noticed a prominent politician from a prominent political party who has been mentioned as a prominent candidate for a prominent post in the new government, accompanied by an attractive woman with prominent… uh.... contours. We greeted the prominent candidate prominently, engaged in brief chit-chat, and then moved on to our table and began talking about the latest candidates for government posts.... All the while posing. It is an art form, trust me. The conversation went something like this:</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4886">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4886#comment Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:10:22 -0500 James Lyon 4886 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Contemplating Ahtisaari's Visit http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4142 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/4140"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Ahtisaari&#039;s plan.thumbnail.jpg" alt="" title="" width="200" height="144" class="image thumbnail" /></a></span>Martti came and went today, his motorcade causing the usually congested Belgrade traffic to become even worse. He met Tadić and his serious-looking group of advisors, presented his proposal, and then flew off to Priština, where he repeated the process with the Albanians. So what did it all mean? I have a copy of the entire proposal and all 12 annexes. I will not discuss it in detail here, as I am still reading it and trying to digest its 59 pages. Rather, let me share a few first impressions.<br /></p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4142">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/4142#comment Fri, 02 Feb 2007 17:53:49 -0600 James Lyon 4142 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Another Can Of Worms http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3946 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/3945"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/can of worms.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Can Of Worms" title="Can Of Worms" width="162" height="200" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 160px;"><strong>Can Of Worms</strong></span></span> </p> <p>I expect that this blog will open a can of worms. I expect you all to write nasty responses and tell me what a bad person I am and how wrong I am and that I should leave Serbia immediately. But really, who cares? Chill out. :-)</p> <p>Serbia just had an election. Has anything changed? Here are a few thoughts that I jotted down as I visited the different party campaign headquarters Sunday night. </p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3946">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3946#comment Mon, 22 Jan 2007 15:21:58 -0600 James Lyon 3946 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Šešelj’s Liposuction: Vidoviti James' New Year’s Predictions for 2007 http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3489 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/3488"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Vacuum_cleaner.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Liposuction" title="Liposuction" width="107" height="200" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 105px;"><strong>Liposuction</strong></span></span>I have a friend from Bosnia who is very good at predicting the future. She uses beans, coffee cups and tarot cards to look into people&#39;s future and see what will happen. She has always been very accurate and almost everything she has predicted has come true. Because of her gift as a seer I have often used her skills professionally, particularly when it comes time to write reports. I decided that we should give the people of Serbia the benefit of our great wisdom and insight and that we should compare our predictions for 2007 and see whose are the most accurate. First are Fata’s predictions, followed by mine. Read below to see what will happen in Serbia in 2007.</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3489">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3489#comment Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:25:27 -0600 James Lyon 3489 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Deck The Halls With Šljivovica! http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3343 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/3341"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Ho Ho Ho.img_assist_custom.jpg" alt="Yuletide Spirits" title="Yuletide Spirits" width="254" height="340" class="image img_assist_custom" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 252px;"><strong>Yuletide Spirits</strong></span></span>Christmas has come early to Serbia this year as Santa Claus packed Belgrade’s stocking with all sorts of things. But did the Jolly Olde Elf fill the stocking with candy and gifts? Or did he decide that Koštunica had been a naughty boy and bring coal and sticks instead? Hmmm, let’s take a look in the stocking and see what we can pull out…..<br /> <p class="MsoNormal">-Membership in Partnership for Peace? A large gift.</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3343">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3343#comment Wed, 13 Dec 2006 14:09:51 -0600 James Lyon 3343 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva Belgrade and Baščaršija http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3061 <p><p><span class="inline left"><a href="/arhiva/node/3060"><img src="//blog.b92.net/arhiva/files/images/Sarajevohram_0.thumbnail.jpg" alt="Sarajevo Centre" title="Sarajevo Centre" width="150" height="200" class="image thumbnail" /></a><span class="caption" style="width: 148px;"><strong>Sarajevo Centre</strong></span></span>I am writing this from Sarajevo. I haven’t been in Sarajevo from some time, and every time I return, the changes always surprise me. This isn’t the same Sarajevo I first saw in the spring of 1980, when the main pedestrian street (today’s Ferhadija) and the entire Baščaršija were dug up as the city feverishly prepared for the 1984 Olympic games. It certainly isn’t the same Sarajevo whose war-ravaged streets I walked in early 1996, watching the smoke rise over Hrasno, Ilidža and Stup as withdrawing Serbian forces burned the neighbourhoods the Dayton Peace Accords required them to abandon. It isn’t the same Sarajevo I left behind in October 2000, a city then still overrun with international organisations and armies and diplomats and aid workers.<br /> <p class="MsoNormal">The number of foreigners has diminished sharply. No longer does one see foreign military vehicles everywhere, nor the ubiquitous jeeps driven by the international organisations parked haphazardly all over the sidewalks. Things appear orderly, cleaner than in Belgrade, and certainly far more relaxed.</p><br class="clear-both" /></p><p><a href="http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3061">dalje</a></p> http://blog.b92.net/arhiva/node/3061#comment Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:12:22 -0600 James Lyon 3061 at http://blog.b92.net/arhiva