2021-08-06 19:01:40


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 06.08.2021. u 20:01


2013-09-03 10:04:52

Beograd (ne)ima svoju arhitekturu

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 03.09.2013. u 11:04

Odvajkada arhitektura u Beogradu sledi ritam i moć grada i reaguje na događaje koji određuju okvir za živote građana, pa i sada. Beograd je nastajao u vremenima i u njemu su bili, dolazili i odlazili, ali i ostajali  razni - od Rimljana, Turaka, Austrougara, onih iz okolnih prostora ali i onih iz lokalne netaknute prirode - i svako je u grad donosio deo svoje kulture i svog viđenja sveta i svog okruženja, pa je i arhitektura u Beogradu takva, raznolika i liči na muzejsku zbirku, na sajamsku postavku ili avangardni arhitektonski performans. Zato neki delovi grada izgledaju kao zaostale turske kasabe, drugi kao da su preneti iz Evrope a neki nastali proteklih nekoliko decenija  liče na stovarište izgrađenih kuća, a onaj ko treba da ih razmesti na pravo mesto - kasni na posao!

2023-01-03 08:57:01

ovde uvek ispočetka ...

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 03.01.2023. u 09:57


2011-02-17 02:53:32

Post 2 – rugby league explanatory

Mark Pullen RSS / 17.02.2011. u 03:53

Prompted by popular demand, this is an explanatory post aimed at shedding light, as succinctly as possible, on the differences between the various types of rugby, but principally ‘Union’ and ‘League’.

You may want to read it in instalments! 

By the early 18th century various forms of ‘football’ were being played across the British Isles, with differing local rules blah blah. Around 1870 the Rugby School in the town of Rugby became the first to write down its rules, which allowed it to spread and gain prominence.

With the exception of the ubiquitous 'soccer',

2013-12-07 12:48:12

The Great Shift continued

Mark Pullen RSS / 07.12.2013. u 13:48

continued from part 1:

According to physicist Tom Campbell's interesting Big TOE (Theory Of Everything), "We are individuated units of consciousness in a greater consciousness system and we evolve individually over many incarnations in this and other virtual reality sub-systems by lowering our entropy through love (manifested through empathy and collaboration). The opposite of love is fear (manifested through selfishness, a sense of ownership and competition), which increases our entropy and causes us to de-evolve".

As Yoda, the great Jedi Master, said "Fear leads to anger, anger to hate, hate to suffering."

2023-02-07 14:39:25

i ribe konačno sa stavom ....

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 07.02.2023. u 15:39


2020-08-01 18:38:42


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 01.08.2020. u 19:38

2023-02-16 12:24:00


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 16.02.2023. u 13:24


2021-10-02 08:13:32

ajde do ARARATA - pa sve ispočetka

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 02.10.2021. u 09:13





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