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Milan Novković RSS / 06.11.2007. u 11:15

U Beogradu će, sa malo sreće, u Janurau 2008. početi sa radom jedan mali klub.

Osnova će biti strane knjige i časopisi. Imamo novca za nekoliko stotina knjiga (najverovatnije preko hiljadu, ali teško je reći) i nekoliko desetina pretplata na strane časopise.

Focus je obrazovni sadržaj, i nauka i humanities, ali ne baš udžbenici. Popularniji sadržaj.

Ali to je samo fokus, oštrih pravila nema.

Klub će preporučiti članarinu, a postaviti i minimalne cene. Ta minimalna cifra je nula, besplatno, za đake, studente, penzionere i nezaposlene.

Ovo je eksperimenat od 12 meseci da vidimo koliko će se inicijativa pokazati interesantnom i koliko ćemo uspeti da pokrijemo operativu i izgubljene knjige od članarina, kafa i sokova, fotokopiranja, interneta.

Ovo je i ostaće neprofitabilna aktivnost. Pošto se blog meša sa dosta političkih blogova samo da napomenem da ova inicijativa nema ni jedne niti koja je veže sa bilo kakvom politikom ili strankom, meni politika ostaje omražena delatnost, uprkos ponekom uzornom pojedincu, malo znam o politici i nemam vremena da učim.

Predlozi za knjige i časopise, koje biste svi mogli dati, su razlog za pisanje bloga. Može i privatnim mailom, još bolje ovde.

Radi se o knjigama i časopisima koji nisu izdati tamo. Nije cilj da podrivamo postojeće izdavače ali možda poneku posebebno interesantnu knjigu i izdamo, unutar finansijskih mogućnosti.

Komentari (110)

Komentare je moguće postavljati samo u prvih 7 dana, nakon čega se blog automatski zaključava

Milan Novković Milan Novković 22:32 07.11.2007

Re: ajde...

ko da svako ne moze da si skine sta mu treba besplatno sa neta

U stvari, tema je interesantna iz još jednog ugla - ako nam nije deo posla to da znamo šta nam treba, kakve su šanse da mi to stvarno znamo?! Daleko od toga da su jako velike, ja mislim.

Evo malog eksperimenta, odvojiš 20 funti, odeš u knjižaru u deo gde dugo nisi bila, a koliko toliko te interesuje. Relativno su velike šanse da ćeš nešto izabrati što ti se čini jako interesantnim. Znači misliš da ti to "treba" iz razloga koji ti je u tom trenutku manje ili više jasan.

Kolike su šanse da si samo mentalnim radom, pre odlaska u knjižaru, mogla da provališ da ti baš to treba?

Taksonomija raznih apstrakata (jel tako ide množina, jednačenja i ostalo - ja bih mogao sebi da dopunim biblioteku srpskih knjiga ovde :) bi skoro sigurno bila izuzetno korisna. I kad bi sve kjnige onda postojale i na web-u onda ovakav klub ne bi više imao skoro nikakvu vrednost, osim, možda mesta za sitno druženje.
vucko vucko 23:01 07.11.2007

Re: ajde...

onda ovakav klub ne bi više imao skoro nikakvu vrednost, osim, možda mesta za sitno druženje.

Čuj ovo: "samo" druženje :)

E da - pretpostavljam da je jedan od bitnijih delova nameštaja novog kluba kvalitetna mašina za espresso :)
Brooklyn Brooklyn 18:46 08.11.2007

Re: ajde...

ako ne znas kako da nadjes, ne znas kako da trazis :)

elem, jedino sto mi pada na pamet stvarno korisno, je da uplatis pretplatu na fee-based servise, kao sto je lexis-nexis ili factiva, pa da delis passworde, ali je i tu organizovanje prostorija bacanje para. ili otvori internet stranicu gde ces dati linkove na stranice sa knjigama i uputstva kako se korise peer-to-peer servisi, mnogo veca korist za vise ljudi :))
Milan Novković Milan Novković 20:23 08.11.2007

Re: ajde...

ako ne znas kako da nadjes, ne znas kako da trazis :)

Fair enough :)

Iako te potpuno razumem krenuo sam odmah da nadjem primer gde fizički nećeš ni ti znati kako da nađeš: LACAN, The Silent Partners - edited by Slavoj Žižek.

Relativno "mlada" knjiga, godinu dana. I.......:)
Nađem je i sam online i downloadujem za nekoliko minuta :) Ode, tako, mojih 18 funti u Verso (publisher) vetar.

E sad, ako si u pravu za knjigu staru godinu dana verovatno mi je malo glupo da se bacam na analizu elektronske pristupačnosti kjniga starih manje od godinu dana. Bolje da vidam rane do sutra :)

Ovo bi, sigurno redukovalo, audience, ali baca teret na celu ideju gde sam ja mislio da ako knjigu u proseku pročita troje to je uspeh. Ovako bi trebalo da knjigu pročita troje P2P-Shy ljudi, što je ozbiljniji target, pogotovo u Srbiji.

A i nemaju svi Internet još. Plus phihičko traženje, al to je IT lakši posao. Pa knjige za decu sa slikama...

U svakom slučaju u pravo vreme bačen klip u točkove, thanks :)
jasnaz jasnaz 11:19 08.11.2007


ja bih mogao sebi da dopunim biblioteku srpskih knjiga ovde :)

što da ne ? ako je moguće da se rad kluba i tako organizuje : u obrnutom pravcu !
pvlatkovic pvlatkovic 13:48 08.11.2007

Svašta ponešto

Evo moje liste predloga:

- Popular Science
- Time Magazine
- Forbes
- Newsweek
- niko nije pomenuo National Geographic
- T3
- Uncut
- Mojo
- znam da nije strani časopis ali treba mu svakako pomoći makar jednom pretplatom POLITIKIN ZABAVNIK

Što se tiče ostalih popularniji sadržaja, veliki sam ljubitelj stripova, možda ne bi bilo loše da se napravi neka selekcija, klasika i modernih. Nadam se da ovo nećete uvrstiti u listu neozbiljnih predloga :)

Milan Novković Milan Novković 17:23 08.11.2007

Re: Svašta ponešto

Sve najozbiljnije :)
fixer fixer 14:21 08.11.2007

mene nikkad neeće uhvatiti:.

ko da svako ne moze da si skine sta mu treba

skidao sam

al mi treba bar 10minuta dati za peeting žvaku:

nekoliko ličnih grešaka iz šestinga:

Milan Novković Milan Novković 13:27 11.11.2007

So far

Imamo 357 knjiga. Wild card predloyi tipa Ekonomistovih, FT Press, Oxford Uni Press itd niju još izlistani. Ali hoće, radiu se samo o vremenu.

Prvih 256 knjiga su za decu, profesionalci izabrali i predložili pa je tako lista kvalitetnija i potpunija.
Poslednih 100 za "odrasle". Opet, radi se samo o vremeno da se lista dovede u kvalitetnu formu, pa ponovo analizira itd.

Inicijalna procena pokazuje da će knjige ispasti jeftinije nego što se mislilo. A i ovo su Amazon cene.

Zbog toga, a i u svetlu komentara što je priložila Brooklyn klub neće forstirano trošiti novac na što više knjiga. Staćemo kod 1,000 za početak i preostali keš staviti na klupski račun i koristiti po željama čitalaca, kao i na projekte.

Do 1,000 ima još dosta da se ide pa šaljite predloge, ovde ili preko privatnih poruka, svejedno.

1 Harold and the Purple Crayon, Crockett Johnson
2 Where the Sidewalk Ends Shel Silversein
3 Blubber Judy Blume
4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Judy Blume
5 Shark in School Patricia Reilly Giff
6 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
7 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Betty MacDonald
8 Go Ask Alice, a Real Diary anonimous
9 Sarah, Plain and Tall Patricia MacLachlan
10 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Robert C. O’Brien
11 Sideways Stories from Wayside School Louis Sacher
12 Three Tales of My Father’s Dragon Ruth Stiles Gannet
13 The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance Margaret Mahy
14 Mr. Popper’s Penguins Richard and Florence Atwater
15 Love That Dog Sharon Creech
16 Walk Two Moons Sharon Creech
17 The Read-Aloud Handbook (prirucnik) Jim Trelease
18 The Essential Guide to Children’s Books and Theirs Creators (prirucnik) Anita Silvey
19 Frog and Toad Together Arnold Lobel
20 From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler E. L. Konigsburg
21 The Phantom Tollbooth Northon Juster
22 Could Be Worse! James Stevenson
23 Ramona the Pest Beverly Cleary
24 Ramona the Brave Beverly Cleary
25 The Mouse and the Motorcycle Beverly Cleary
26 Ramona Forever Beverly Cleary
27 Beezus and Ramopna Beverly Cleary
28 Dog Called Kitty Bill Vallace
29 Henry Huggins Beverly Cleary
30 Charlotte’s Wab E. B. White
31 Nothing’s Fair in Fifth Grade Barthe DeClements
32 Laura’s Early Years Collection Laura Ingalls Wilder
33 Don’t Put Lipstick on the Cat, Debbie Farmer Jana Christy
34 The Outsiders S. E. Hinton
35 Shane Jack Schaeffer
36 The Indian in the Cupboard Lynne Reid Banks
37 Island of the Blue Dolphins Scott O’Dell
38 A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L’Engle
39 The Incredible Journy Sheila Burnford
40 Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Judy Blume
41 Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
42 Madeline Ludwig Bemelmans
43 Crow Boy Taro Yashima
44 Matilda Roald Dahl
45 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Goog, Very Bad Day Judith Viorst, Ray Cruz
46 Snow Uri Shulevitz
47 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Virginia Lee Burton
48 Ten Little Ladybugs Melanie Gerth, Laura Huliska-Beith
49 Hush Little Baby Silvia Long
50 I’ll Always Love You Hans Wilhelm
51 I Was So Mad Ron Miller, Mercer Mayer
52 Stellaluna Janell Cannon
53 Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing Judi Barrett, Ron Barrett
54 There’s No Such Thing As a Dragon Jack Kent
55 The Polar Express Chris Van Allsburg
56 Gues How Much I Love You Sam McBratney
57 The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs Sam McBratney
58 If You Give a Pig a Pancake Laura Numeroff, Feicia Bond
59 If You Give a Moose a Muffin Laura Joff Numeroff, Felicia Bond
60 Tub Toys Terry Miler Shannon, Lee Calderon, Timothy Warner
61 Hilda Must Be Dancing Karma Wilson, Suzanne Watts
62 Andrew’s Angry Words Dorothea Lachner, The Tjong-Khing
63 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Judy Barrett, Ron Barrett
64 No Girls Allowed Jan Berenstein
65 Slugs David Greenberg, Victoria Chess
66 The BFG Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
67 Tell Me a Mitzi Lore Sega, Harriet Pincus
68 Miss Nelson is Missing! Harry Allard, James Marshall
69 I’ma Gonna Like Me Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
70 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Bill Martin Jr., Eric Carle
71 No, David! David Shannon
72 David Gets in Trouble David Shannon
73 David Goes to School David Shannon
74 Good Night, Monkey Boy Jarrett J. Krosoczka
75 Baghead Jarrett J. Krosoczka
76 Click, Clack, Moo – Cows That Type Doreen Cronin, Betsy Lewin
77 Froggy Gets Dressed Jonathan London, Frank Remkiewicz
78 Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Sad the Sloth Eric Carle, Jane Goodall
79 Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
80 Ten Apples Up on Top! Dr. Seuss
81 The Gas We Pass: The Stoy of Farts Shinta Cho, Amanda Mayer Stinchecum (translator)
82 Polar Bear, Plar Bear, What Do You Hear? Bill Martin Jr., Eric Carle
83 Snow P.D. Eastman
84 The Runaway Bunny Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
85 Today I Feel Silly Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
86 When I Was Little Jamie lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
87 The Very Hugry Caterpillar Eric Carle
88 The Hurt, Teddi Doleski W.H. McNichols
89 The Bears Picnic Stan and Jan Berenstein
90 The Going to Bed Book Sandra Boynton
91 Goodnight Moon Margaret Wise Brown
92 James and the Giant Peach Roald Dahl, Lane Smith
93 Tituba William Miller, Leonard Jenkins
94 Fish Wish Bob Barner
95 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bob Barner
96 Comes a Wind Linda Arms White, Tom Curry
97 Emily’s First 100 Days od School Rosemary Wells
98 Henry Hikes to Fitchburg D.B. Johnson
99 Off We Go! Jane Yolen, Laurel Molk
100 Some Things Are Scary Florence Parry Heide, Jules Feiffer
101 Before you Were Born Jannifer Davis, Laura Cornell
102 Flat Stanly Jeff Brown, Tomi Ungerer
103 Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano Jorge
104 Counting Kisses Karen Katz
105 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Laura J. Numeroff, Felicia Bond
106 Jonatan Cleaned Up – Then He Heard a Sound Rober N. Munsch, Michael Martchenko
107 The Popcorn Book Tomie De Paola
108 Bluberrise for Sal Robert McCloskey
109 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Eileen Christelow
110 Olivia... and the Mising Toy Ian Falconer
111 Olivia Saves the Circus Ian Falconer
112 The Boy Under the Bed Preston McClear, Nicholas Dollak
113 Ted Tony DiTerlizzi
114 The Spide and the Fly Mary Howitt, Tony DiTerlizzi
115 The House on East 88th Street Bernard Wabber
116 The Mysterious Tadpole Steven Kellogg
117 Free Fall David Wiesner
118 June 29, 1999 David Wiesner
119 Are You My Mother? P. D. Eastman
120 Just me and My Dad Mercer Mayer
121 Just Go to Bed Mercer Mayer
122 The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss
123 There’s a Nightmare in My Closet Mercer Mayer
124 A Chair for My Mother Vera B. Williams
125 Morris’s Disappearing Bag Rosemary Wells
126 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me Eric Carle
127 Dawn Uri Shulevitz
128 Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
129 Madeline Ludwig Bemelmans
130 Crow Boy Taro Yashima
131 Matilda Roald Dahl
132 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Judith
133 Viorst
134 Snow Uri Shulevitz
135 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Virginia Lee Burton
136 Ten Little Ladybugs Melanie Gerth, Laura Huliska-Beith
137 I Was So Mad Ron Miller, Mercer Mayer
138 Stellaluna Janell Cannon
139 Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing Judi Barrett, Ron Barrett
140 There’s No Such Thing As a Dragon Jack Kent
141 The Polar Express Chris Van Allsburg
142 Gues How Much I Love You Sam McBratney
143 The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs Sam McBratney
144 If You Give a Pig a Pancake Laura Numeroff, Feicia Bond
145 If You Give a Moose a Muffin Laura Joff Numeroff, Felicia Bond
146 Hilda Must Be Dancing Karma Wilson, Suzanne Watts
147 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Judy Barrett, Ron Barrett
148 No Girls Allowed Jan Berenstein
149 Slugs, David Greenberg Victoria Chess
150 The BFG Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
151 Tell Me a Mitzi Lore Sega, Harriet Pincus
152 Miss Nelson is Missing! Harry Allard, James Marshall
153 I’m Gonna Like Me Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
154 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Bill Martin Jr., Eric Carle
155 No, David! David Shannon
156 David Gets in Trouble David Shannon
157 David Goes to School David Shannon
158 Good Night, Monkey Boy Jarrett J. Krosoczka
159 Baghead Jarrett J. Krosoczka
160 Froggy Gets Dressed Jonathan London, Frank Remkiewicz
161 Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Sad the Sloth Eric Carle, Jane Goodall
162 Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
163 Ten Apples Up on Top! Dr. Seuss
164 The Gas We Pass: The Stoy of Farts Shinta Cho, Amanda Mayer Stinchecum
165 Polar Bear, Plar Bear, What Do You Hear? Bill Martin Jr., Eric Carle
166 Snow P.D. Eastman
167 The Runaway Bunny Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd
168 Today I Feel Silly Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
169 When I Was Little Jamie Lee Curtis, Laura Cornell
170 The Very Hugry Caterpillar Eric Carle
171 The Hurt, Teddi Doleski W.H. McNichols
172 The Going to Bed Book Sandra Boynton
173 Goodnight Moon Margaret Wise Brown
174 James and the Giant Peach Roald Dahl, Lane Smith
175 Tituba William Miller, Leonard Jenkins
176 Fish Wish Bob Barner
177 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bob Barner
178 Comes a Wind Linda Arms White, Tom Curry
179 Henry Hikes to Fitchburg D.B. Johnson
180 Off We Go! Jane Yolen, Laurel Molk
181 Some Things Are Scary Florence Parry Heide, Jules Feiffer
182 Flat Stanly Jeff Brown, Tomi Ungerer
183 Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano Jorge
184 Counting Kisses Karen Katz
185 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Laura J. Numeroff, Felicia Bond
186 The Popcorn Book Tomie De Paola
187 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Eileen Christelow
188 Olivia Ian Falconer
189 Olivia Saves the Circus Ian Falconer
190 The Boy Under the Bed Preston McClear, Nicholas Dollak
191 Ted Tony DiTerlizzi
192 The Spider and the Fly Mary Howitt, Tony DiTerlizzi
193 The House on East 88th Street Bernard Wabber
194 The Mysterious Tadpole Steven Kellogg
195 Free Fall David Wiesner
196 June 29, 1999 David Wiesner
197 Are You My Mother? P. D. Eastman
198 Just me and My Dad Mercer Mayer
199 Just Go to Bed Mercer Mayer
200 The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss
201 There’s a Nightmare in My Closet Mercer Mayer
202 A Chair for My Mother Vera B. Williams
203 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me Eric Carle
204 Dawn Uri Shulevitz
205 Harold and the Purple Crayon Crockett Johnson
206 Blubber Judy Blume
207 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Judy Blume
208 Shark in School Patricia Reilly Giff
209 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
210 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Betty MacDonald
211 Go Ask Alice, a Real Diary anonymous
212 Sarah, Plain and Tall Patricia MacLachlan
213 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Robert C. O’Brien
214 Sideways Stories from Wayside School Louis Sacher
215 The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance Margaret Mahy
216 Love That Dog Sharon Creech
217 Walk Two Moons Sharon Creech
218 The Read-Aloud Handbook Jim Trelease
219 Frog and Toad Together Arnold Lobel
220 From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler E. L. Konigsburg
221 The Phantom Tollbooth Northon Juster
222 Could Be Worse! James Stevenson
223 Ramona the Pest Beverly Cleary
224 Ramona the Brave Beverly Cleary
225 The Mouse and the Motorcycle Beverly Cleary
226 Ramona Forever Beverly Cleary
227 Beezus and Ramona Beverly Cleary
228 Dog Called Kitty Bill Vallace
229 Henry Huggins Beverly Cleary
230 The Outsiders S. E. Hinton
231 The Indian in the Cupboard Lynne Reid Banks
232 A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L’Engle
233 Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Judy Blume
234 Owl Babies Martin Waddell, Patrick Benson
235 The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone Timothy Basil Ering
236 The Tale of Despereaux Kate Dicamillo, Timothy B. Ering
237 The Thief Lord Cornelia Funke
238 Inkheart Cornelia Funke
239 Giraffes Cant Dance Giles Andreae, Guy Parker-Rees
240 Rumble in the Jungle Giles Andreae, David Wojtowycz
241 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Sims Taback
242 Officer Buckle and Gloria Peggy Rathman
243 When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry Molly Bang
244 The House That Jack Built Simms Taback
245 My Monster Mama Loves Me So Laura Leuck, Mark Buehner
246 Everyone Poops Taro Gomi, Amanda Mayer Stinchecum
247 Doggies - a Counting and Barking Book Sandra Boynton
248 Opposites Sandra Boynton
249 Barnyard Dance! Sandra Boynton
250 What Are You So Grumpy About? Tom Lichtenheld
251 Dirty Bertie David Roberts
252 Charlotte's Web E.B.White
253 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly Simms Taback
254 Does a Pig Flush? Emily Bolam
255 Love You Forever Sheila McGraw, Trinka Hakes Noble
256 The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash T. H. Noble, Steven Kellogg
257 The Road to Reality Roger Penrose
258 The Great LIFE Photographers Time Inc
259 The Elegant Universe Brian Greene
260 Knowing - The Nature of Physical Law Michael Munowitz
261 What is Your Dangerous Idea Edge Foundation Inc
262 What We Believe But Cannot Prove Edge Foundation Inc
263 Don't Make Me Think!: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability Steve Krug
264 Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck David M. Raup
265 Time’s Arrow, Time’s Cycle Stephen J. Gould
266 Full House Stephen J. Gould
267 The Future of Life Edward O. Wilson
268 The Life and Death of Planet Earth P. Ward & D. Brownlee
269 Where is Everybody? Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox Stephen Webb
270 Cosmology and Controversy Helge Kragh
271 Wonderful Life: Burgess Shale and the Nature of History Stephen J. Gould
272 Lonely Planets: Natural Philolosophy of Extraterrestrial Life David Grinspoon
273 The Fabric of Reality David Deutsch
274 When Life Nearly Died Michael Benton
275 Evolution – The History of an Idea Peter J. Bowler
276 Liberty, 2nd Ed.
277 Freedom and Its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty Isaiah Berlin
278 The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays Isaiah Berlin
279 The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas Isaiah Berlin
280 Four Essays on Liberty Isaiah Berlin
281 Russian Thinkers (Penguin Philosophy) Isaiah Berlin
282 Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought Isaiah Berlin
283 The Roots of Romanticism Isaiah Berlin
284 One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin George Crowder and Henry Hardy
285 On Liberty (Everyman's Library Classics) Isaiah Berlin
286 The Hedgehog and the Fox: Essay on Tolstoy's View of History Isaiah Berlin
287 Isaiah Berlin: A Life Michael Ignatieff
288 The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays Isaiah Berlin, Roger Hausheer, and Henry, Jr. Hardy
289 Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas (Pimlico) Isaiah Berlin and Roger Hausheer
290 Conversations with Isaiah Berlin Ramin Jahanbegloo
291 Научимо Малтешки Светислав Стојановић
292 Српко Малтешки Речник Светислав Стојановић
293 The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life Steven E. Landsburg
294 The Undercover Economist Tim Harford
295 The Fifth Discipline Peter M. Senge
296 Breakthrough Thinking Harward Business Review
297 Strategies for Growth Harward Business Review
298 Managing the Value Chain Harward Business Review
299 From Here to Infinity Ian Stewart
300 Fermat's Last Theorem Simon Singh
301 Fuzzy Thinking Bart Kosko
302 The Geometric Universe
303 The Next Fifty Years John Brockman (editor)
304 Linked - The New Science of Networks Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
305 Wittgenstein and the Theory of Perception Justin Good
306 A Terrible Beauty - The people and Ideas that Shaped the Modern Mind Peter Watson
307 Le Monde diplomatique on CD-ROM
308 LIFE Lennart Nilsson
309 Science at the Edge John Brockman (editor)
310 Flourishing Isaiah Berlin
311 What Remains to be Discovered John Maddox
312 The Conscious Mind - In Search of a Fundamental Theory David J. Chalmers
313 The Definitive Business Plan Richard Stutely
314 The Mathematical Brain Brian Butterworth
315 Genome - The Autobiography of a Species Matt Ridley
316 Wittgenstein's Poker David Edmonds and John Eldinow
317 Managing People Harward Business Review
318 Cultural Amnesia Clive James
319 Six Degrees - The Science of Connected Age Duncan J. Watts
320 Small World - Uncovering Nature's Hidden Networks Mark Buchanan
321 The New Elites - Making a Career in the Masses George Walden
322 At the Edge of Art Joline Blais & Jon Ippolito
323 The Theory Toolbox - Critical Concepts for the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Jeffrey Nealon & Susan Searls Giroux
324 Philosophy of Science, An Anthology Marc Lange (editor)
325 A Different Universe Robert B Laughlin
326 Icons of Photography - The 20th Century Peter Stepan (editor)
327 A Gun for Hire Helmut Newton
328 The Worlds Top Photographers - Nudes Anthony LaSala
329 The Transfiguration of the Commonplace Arthur C Danto
330 The Philosophy of Art - Readings Ancient and Modern Alex Neil, Aaron Ridley
331 Contemplating Art - Essays in Aesthetics Jerrold Levinson
332 Wittgenstein and the Theory of Perception Justin Good
333 A Terrible Beauty - The people and Ideas that Shaped the Modern Mind Peter Watson
334 How to Be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking Nigela Lawson
335 Nigella Express: 130 Recipes for Good Food, Fast Nigela Lawson
336 How to Eat: Pleasures and Principles of Good Food Nigela Lawson
337 Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food: Recipes from "The F Word" Gordon Ramsay
338 Gordon Ramsay's Just Desserts Gordon Ramsay, Roz Denny, and Georgia Glynn
339 Gordon Ramsay Makes It Easy Gordon Ramsay
340 Recipes from a 3 Star Chef Gordon Ramsay
341 Keeping It Simple Gary Rhodes
342 Great Fast Food Gary Rhodes
343 Agains the Flow Samuel Brittan
344 Nothing Inhuman Is Alien to Me Oleg Kulik
345 Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky Robert Redford, Art Wolfe (Photographer), Art Davidson
346 The Breathing Field Wyatt Townley, poet; Eric Dinyer, images
347 Art Matters John Tusa
348 RX for Quilters: Stitcher-friendly Advice for Every Body Susan Delaney Mech
349 Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die Chip Heath and Dan Heath
350 Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke... And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich! Randy Gage
351 It's Called Work For A Reason Larry Winget
352 The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid C. K. Prahalad
353 Never Quit! The Ups and Downs of Running a Family Business Donna M. Gray
354 Investigations Stuart A. Kauffman
355 The Singularity Is Near Raymond Kurzweil
356 God's Funeral A. N. Wilson
357 Moral Particularism Brad Hooker and Margaret I. Little

1 Wired
2 The Economist
3 Foreign Afairs
4 New Scientist
5 Scientific American
6 Psychology Today
7 Chemical Week
8 Mark
9 Frame
10 ID
11 Dazed and Confused
12 Color
13 Wallpaper
14 Dutch
15 Skeptical Inquirer
16 Popular Science
17 Time Magazine
18 Forbes
19 Newsweek
20 National Geographic
21 T3
22 Uncut
23 Mojo

jasnaz jasnaz 13:33 14.11.2007


Rebecca Dautremer

––> krajem oktobra bila izložba ilustracija u Francuskom kulturnom centru – bgd :


Rebeka Dotrmer (1971) završila je Visoku školu primenjenih umetnosti u Parizu (ENSAD) gde su profesori odmah uočili njen talenat i podstakli je da radi na knjigama za decu. Njena prva knjiga „Vukova koza“ izašla je 1996. u izdanju Gautier-Languereau a potom se nižu mnogobrojni uspesi sa knjigama kao što su „Div i ptice“, „Dve Petiruove mame“, „Pismo za jednoroga Jeli“, „Zaljubljen“, „Babajaga“ ili nezaboravne „Zaboravljene ili nepoznate princeze“. Pored ilustracija za nekoliko izdavačkih kuća, radi i za omladinsku knjigu. Strastveni je ljubitelj fotografije.



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