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Aleksandar Vasović RSS / 01.03.2012. u 21:33


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mariopan mariopan 21:58 01.03.2012

Padaj silo i nepravdo

ivana23 ivana23 22:31 01.03.2012


Najnovije (?):

Glavne teze ITU dokumenata koji je nekoliko vodećih zemalja sklopilo pod okriljem UN su: stavljanje internet privatnosti pod međunarodnu kontrolu, te uspostavljanje ekonomskih regulativa bez presedana poput ovlašćenja za naplatu i regulisanje uslova korišćenja do sada neregulisane razmene sadržaja poznatije kao “pirovanje” ili P2P.
Stranim telefonskim kompanijama se omogućava naplata taksi za 'internacionalni' Internet saobraćaj, možda čak i na 'po kliku' bazi za određene Web destinacije, sa ciljem sticanja profita za državne telefonske kompanije i državne kase, navode organizatori protesta.

Kako kažu, jeoš jedan od problematičnih aspekata ovog dokumenta je premijerno uvođenje dominacije ITU nad bitnim funkcijama Internet upravljanja koje je do sad bilo decentralizovano, u rukama nekoliko odgovornih strana koje su se bavile koordinacijom “.com” i ”.org” veb adresa kroz ICANN.

In a question-and-answer session at Mobile World Congress 2012 on Tuesday, Schmidt said handing over control of things such as naming and DNS to the UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) would divide the internet, allowing it to be further broken into pieces regulated in different ways.

"That would be a disaster... To some, the openness and interoperability is one of the greatest achievements of mankind in our lifetime. Do not give that up easily. You will regret it. You will hate it, because all of a sudden all that freedom, all that flexibility, you'll find it shipped away for one good reason after another," Schmidt said.

"I cannot be more emphatic. Be very, very careful about moves which seem logical, but have the effect of balkanising the internet," he added, urging everyone to strongly resist the moves.

Dragan Pleskonjic Dragan Pleskonjic 22:48 01.03.2012

Re: ***

Upravo sam u Barseloni na Mobile World Congressu i prekjuče sam slušao dok je govorio Eric Schmidt (sada Executive Chairman, ranije CEO Googlea). Ovde je kompletan snimak njegovog govora i Q&A, pa možete da pogledate.

Pomenuti deo počinje pitanjem negde na 35:45, pa onda na 41:30.

Takođe, ovde je lista svih Keynote Speakers, pa možda će vas zanimati i šta su drugi govorili. Možda bude tekst na temu MWC 2012 kada se vratim.
ivana23 ivana23 15:54 02.03.2012

Re: ***

In days, the European Commission will try a last ditch attempt to revive ACTA. But we can shine a light on their dirty trick and foil their plans.

Governments are turning their back on ACTA one by one, so the EC is asking their Court of Justice to give the treaty the greenlight and renew its momentum -- but they plan to manipulate the process by giving the court only a narrow, uncontroversial question to consider, hoping it will lead to a positive outcome.

We can push the court to see though the EC's ploy and look at all the legal implications of this censorship treaty on our freedoms -- forcing a negative decision that kills ACTA for good. Click below to sign the call:

The European Commission spent five years negotiating ACTA in secret with corporations, but in the last five weeks we've blown the ACTA debate into the open. Now the Commission is fighting to keep ACTA alive by getting the blessing of the EU’s highest court. Unless we step in now the Commission, well-versed in bureaucratic dodges, may only present the court with a narrow question, preventing it from assessing ACTA's impacts on our freedom of expression, privacy and democracy.

We’ve forced governments in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries to freeze ratification. And now, if we win this battle in the European Commission, we can stop ACTA for good. If the EU does not ratify, ACTA will never become a global agreement and negotiators will have to go back to the drawing board to produce a treaty that stops genuine abuses but protects our rights.

Let's urgently call on the Commission and Court to give ACTA a full and fair hearing, and make sure the whole truth about this threat to our fundamental freedoms is revealed. Sign now and send this to everyone:

Millions of us joined together to fight for Internet freedom and stop the US censorship laws. We won, but now this threat is back on a global scale with ACTA. We've done what no one thought we could and stopped the treaty's march to ratification. Let's finish what we started and beat back ACTA, for good!

With hope and determination,

Alex, Pascal, Laura, Alice, Ricken, Dalia, Diego and the whole Avaaz team

PS. Check out the media coverage of our 2.4 million strong petition delivery to the European Parliament on Tuesday -- we caused quite a stir!

- Activists present anti-ACTA petition to EU (Associated Press)

- Anti ACTA petition hits European Parliament (The Inquirer)

ACTA opponents present 2 million petition to EU (Washington Post)

More Information

- ACTA approval stalled by European commission (Guardian):

- ACTA: EU court to rule on anti-piracy agreement (BBC)

- EU suspends ACTA ratification (Euractiv):

- EU To Refer ACTA To Top Court (Wall St Journal):

- FAQ on Commission Referral of ACTA to the CJEU (Access Now):

- What makes ACTA so controversial (EDRI):
fantomatsicna fantomatsicna 03:34 02.03.2012

Dace Bog

Dace..ali ne znam kad ce
alselone alselone 09:51 02.03.2012


ivana23 ivana23 11:51 02.03.2012




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