Eksperimenti u blogovanju| Gradjanske inicijative


Srđan Fuchs RSS / 29.05.2012. u 18:19

interesting development, in deed.

 it's not nice to be fake.


i know you're rich in
good clothes and little things
your mind is fancy
(and your car is bitchin')

is she weird
is she weird, is she white
is she promised to the night
and her head has no room
and her head has no room

your heart is ripshit
your mouth is everywhere
i'm lyin' in it

is she weird
is she over me
like the stars and the sun
like the stars and the sun
is she weird
is she weird, is she white
is she promised to the night
and her head has no room!

no more of this girl cryin'
i'm here, your big man
you're mine

is she weird, is she white
is she promised to the night
and her head has no room

Komentari (29)

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antioksidant antioksidant 18:21 29.05.2012

sto volim dobar izgovor za dobru muziku

antioksidant antioksidant 18:22 29.05.2012

Re: sto volim dobar izgovor za dobru muziku

antioksidant antioksidant 18:23 29.05.2012

dobice zvezda ove prestonicane :)

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:23 29.05.2012

Re: dobice zvezda ove prestonicane :)

dobicemo ih, zvezda shampion izraziti favorit...

nego podseti me iz nekog razloga...

i moram reci da si pravi shaban jer si me prodao tamo za dve chashe vina...

...this could've been the beginnin of a beautiful friendship...
stefan.hauzer stefan.hauzer 22:59 29.05.2012


što ja volim dobar izgovor za obožavanje kim deal

*big big love :)
Bojana Maljević Bojana Maljević 23:57 29.05.2012

Re: dobice zvezda ove prestonicane :)

nego podseti me iz nekog razloga...

Moja omiljena. Mada je volim i u ovoj verziji:
antioksidant antioksidant 07:42 30.05.2012

Re: dobice zvezda ove prestonicane :)

i moram reci da si pravi shaban jer si me prodao tamo za dve chashe vina...

ako ti je lakse, nije zbog 2
zilikaka zilikaka 18:25 29.05.2012


Izvini, da li si ti prethodno imao neki sasvim drugi blog, ili ja moram da proverim šta mi sipaju u kafu?
cult cult 18:29 29.05.2012

Re: 3

pojačaj ovo na max, da ne čuju odgovor

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 18:33 29.05.2012

Re: 3

it's just your coffee, my dear, it's been lcd around in the area these days...

zilikaka zilikaka 18:43 29.05.2012

Re: 3

Mislim da i ovde paše

Atomski mrav Atomski mrav 19:22 29.05.2012

Re: 3

Izvini, da li si ti prethodno imao neki sasvim drugi blog, ili ja moram da proverim šta mi sipaju u kafu?

Sad ga vidiš, sad ga ne vidiš...

benevolent benevolent 21:45 29.05.2012

Провери кафу, али ...

Провери кафу, али сасвим други блог је претходно имао Срђан и то о плати Данице Вучинић (тачније Вученић) на РТ Војводине. Имао сам и ја коментар на том посту, па сам и сам почео да проверавам своју кафу...
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:01 29.05.2012

Re: 3

violent femmes

heh, femsi, promenuli mi zivot, zbog njih sam izgubio vukovu diplomu u osnovnoj, zapalio prvi dzoks.
cult cult 23:41 29.05.2012

Re: 3

Srđan Fuchs
violent femmes

heh, femsi, promenuli mi zivot, zbog njih sam izgubio vukovu diplomu u osnovnoj, zapalio prvi dzoks.

a ja se tako strahotno zaljubio u Micu iz III3 u srednjoj. Nesrećno.
sokodbuba sokodbuba 19:22 29.05.2012


Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:49 29.05.2012

Re: ;)

i deeply believe that we r goin to outlive all this crap.

care to u.

Colin_bgd Colin_bgd 20:29 29.05.2012

Ne znam...

... zasto mi ovo pada na-pamet...

Rejlem Rejlem 21:33 29.05.2012


expolicajac expolicajac 22:09 29.05.2012

Samo za moju dušu

b92fmember b92fmember 22:09 29.05.2012

kad sam bio mlad...

The Polar DEW has just warned that
A nuclear rocket strike of
At least one thousand megatons
Has been launched by the enemy
Directly at our major cities.
This announcement will take
Two and a quarter minutes to make,
You therefore have a further
Eight and a quarter minutes
To comply with the shelter
Requirements published in the Civil
Defence Code - section Atomic Attack.
A specially shortened Mass
Will be broadcast at the end
Of this announcement -
Protestant and Jewish services
Will begin simultaneously -
Select your wavelength immediately
According to instructions
In the Defence Code. Do not
Tale well-loved pets (including birds)
Into your shelter - they will consume
Fresh air. Leave the old and bed-
Ridden, you can do nothing for them.
Remember to press the sealing
Switch when everyone is in
The shelter. Set the radiation
Aerial, turn on the Geiger barometer.
Turn off your television now.
Turn off your radio immediately
The services end. At the same time
Secure explosion plugs in the ears
Of each member of your family. Take
Down your plasma flasks. Give your children
The pills marked one and two
In the C D green container, then put
Them to bed. Do not break
The inside airlock seals until
The radiation All Clear shows
(Watch for the cuckoo in your
Perspex panel), or your District
Touring Doctor rings your bell.
If before this your air becomes
Exhausted or if any of your family
Is critically injured, administer
The capsules marked 'Valley Forge'
(Red pocket in No 1 Survival Kit)
For painless death. (Catholics
Will have been instructed by their priests
What to do in this eventuality.)
This announcement is ending. Our President
Has already given orders for
Massive retaliation - it will be
Decisive. Some of us may die.
Remember, statistically
It is not likely to be you.
All flags are flying fully dressed
On Government buildings - the sun is shining.
Death is the least we have to fear.
We are all in the hands of God,
Whatever happens happens by His will.
Now go quickly to your shelters.

Peter Porter

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 23:09 29.05.2012

Re: kad sam bio mlad...


The Polar DEW has just warned that
A nuclear rocket strike of
At least one thousand megatons
Has been launched by the enemy
Directly at our major cities.
This announcement will take
Two and a quarter minutes to make,
You therefore have a further
Eight and a quarter minutes
To comply with the shelter
Requirements published in the Civil
Defence Code - section Atomic Attack.
A specially shortened Mass
Will be broadcast at the end
Of this announcement -
Protestant and Jewish services
Will begin simultaneously -
Select your wavelength immediately
According to instructions
In the Defence Code. Do not
Tale well-loved pets (including birds)
Into your shelter - they will consume
Fresh air. Leave the old and bed-
Ridden, you can do nothing for them.
Remember to press the sealing
Switch when everyone is in
The shelter. Set the radiation
Aerial, turn on the Geiger barometer.
Turn off your television now.
Turn off your radio immediately
The services end. At the same time
Secure explosion plugs in the ears
Of each member of your family. Take
Down your plasma flasks. Give your children
The pills marked one and two
In the C D green container, then put
Them to bed. Do not break
The inside airlock seals until
The radiation All Clear shows
(Watch for the cuckoo in your
Perspex panel), or your District
Touring Doctor rings your bell.
If before this your air becomes
Exhausted or if any of your family
Is critically injured, administer
The capsules marked 'Valley Forge'
(Red pocket in No 1 Survival Kit)
For painless death. (Catholics
Will have been instructed by their priests
What to do in this eventuality.)
This announcement is ending. Our President
Has already given orders for
Massive retaliation - it will be
Decisive. Some of us may die.
Remember, statistically
It is not likely to be you.
All flags are flying fully dressed
On Government buildings - the sun is shining.
Death is the least we have to fear.
We are all in the hands of God,
Whatever happens happens by His will.
Now go quickly to your shelters.

Peter Porter

ovo je bilo odavno. :)
myredneckself myredneckself 23:40 29.05.2012

Re: kad sam bio mlad...

Is she weird?

She's in fashion.
b92fmember b92fmember 16:56 30.05.2012

Re: kad sam bio mlad...

Srđan Fuchs

ovo je bilo odavno. :)

ali i danas aktuelno :(
bocvena bocvena 07:41 30.05.2012

Pixies forever!

(kontam da ovaj blog nema veze sa muzikom, ali da iskoristim priliku da zavrtim ploče:)
stefan.hauzer stefan.hauzer 16:14 30.05.2012

Re: Pixies forever!

ali ćemo se mi praviti da jeste i nastaviti sa pixies (i kim deal) :)

bocvena bocvena 20:45 30.05.2012

Re: Pixies forever!

pazi da nas ne dokači neki zalutali metak:)
ceo dan slušam ovo.


Срђане, где ти је нестао Блог о РТВ-у?
kick68 kick68 22:46 30.05.2012




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