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Da li je rešen slučaj Ćuruvija?

Filip Mladenović RSS / 15.01.2014. u 01:11

Neko bi rekao: pravda je spora (15 godina), ali dostižna. Ja bih rekao: pravda je selektivna i instrumentalizovana.

Hapšenje osumnjičenih za brutalnu likvidaciju novinara Slavka Ćuruvije svakako je vest koju smo očekivali još tokom 2001. godine, a evo dočekali tek 2014. O izvršiocima ubistva, kao i o nalogodavcima, pisalo se i javno govorilo još 1999. godine. U tome su svakako bili najglasniji i najuporniji rođeni brat Slavka Ćuruvije, Jovo Ćuruvija, nevenčana supruga Slavka Ćuruvije, istoričarka Branka Prpa, kao i Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije.

Zašto srpsko pravosuđe i ovdašnja politička nomenklatura nisu mogli toliko dugo da reše slučaj ovog ubistva, uprkos činjenicama koje su prosto bole oči? Odgovor se nameće: strah od rizika otkrivanja formule režiranja ratova krajem devedesetih i održanja na vlasti jednog de facto nacional-socijalističkog režima.

Da su ubice i nalogodavci ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije uhapšeni početkom 2001, dakle par meseci nakon 5. oktobra 2000, i potom sudski procesuirani, danas bi Zoran Đinđić bio živ, a Slobodanu Miloševiću , Miri Marković, Vojislavu Šešelju i pripadajućoj političko-vojno-policijsko-debeovskoj-ratno-profiterskoj kamarili bi najpre bilo suđeno u Beogradu, pre izručenja Tribunalu u Hagu. Sve u svemu, između 100 i 200 osoba bi danas još uvek bilo utamničeno u požarevačkoj Zabeli, dok bi za preostalih 1000 do 2000 funkcionera važila zabrana bavljenja politikom ili zaposlenja u državnoj službi na osnovu Zakona o lustraciji, koji, na žalost, nikada nije primenjen, od 2003, kada je usvojen, pa sve do 2013, kada mu je istekao „rok trajanja".

Dakle, čak i da tokom 2014. bude okončano suđenje za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije, taj slučaj neće biti rešen.
A kada će?

1. Kada Mirjana Marković bude izručena Srbiji i kada joj bude suđeno za sve počinjene zločine tokom strahovlade režima Slobodana Miloševića. Na optuženičkoj klupi pored nje trebalo bi da se nađu vrhuške SPS-a i JUL-a iz devedesetih godina, kao i njen sin Marko Milošević.

2. Kada bude suđeno (u odsustvu) Vojislavu Šešelju, kao i vrhuški SRS-a za sve zločine počinjene tokom devedesetih godina.

3. Kada na optuženičku klupu sednu svi urednici i novinari ratnohuškačkih medija iz Beograda i Novog Sada, predvođeni Miloradom Vučelićem.

4. Kada se otvore tajni dosijei i kada se do kraja otkrije monstruozna uloga Službe državne bezbednosti Srbije u režiranju rata u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i na Kosovu. To podrazumeva suđenje svim pripadnicima tajnih službi, koji su ubijali srpske civile u Hrvatskoj, u Bosni i Hercegovini i na Kosovu i Metohiji u cilju raspirivanja međuetničke netrpeljivosti.

5. Kada se usvoji novi, još bolji Zakon o lustraciji, bez roka trajanja, kao i Zakon o ratnom profiterstvu, takođe bez oročavanja.

Ako ovoga ne bude, ne samo da nema moralnog iskupljenja i duhovnog ozdravljenja države i zemlje Srbije, nego će Slavko Ćuruvija, Dada Vujasinović, Milan Pantić i mnoge druge žrtve zločinačkog režima crveno-crne koalicije, sa aminom čelnika SANU, Udruženja književnika i Udruženja novinara Srbije tokom devedesetih, biti ponovo likvidirane, a uspomena na njih oskrnavljena.


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loader loader 01:23 15.01.2014


Nije rešen. Niti će biti.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 01:26 15.01.2014

Re: C

Paradoksalno ili ne: ako bi se nekim čudom do kraja rešio slučaj Ćuruvija, otkrila bi se do kraja i politička pozadina atentata na Zorana Đinđića.
loader loader 01:34 15.01.2014

Re: C

Dakle, neće.
Prilično je jasno zašto ne.

freehand freehand 01:44 15.01.2014

Filip Sen Žist

1. Kada Mirjana Marković bude izručena Srbiji i kada joj bude suđeno za sve počinjene zločine tokom strahovlade režima Slobodana Miloševića. Na optuženičkoj klupi pored nje trebalo bi da se nađu vrhuške SPS-a i JUL-a iz devedesetih godina, kao i njen sin Marko Milošević.

2. Kada bude suđeno (u odsustvu) Vojislavu Šešelju, kao i vrhuški SRS-a za sve zločine počinjene tokom devedesetih godina.

3. Kada na optuženičku klupu sednu svi urednici i novinari ratnohuškačkih medija iz Beograda i Novog Sada, predvođeni Miloradom Vučelićem.

4. Kada se otvore tajni dosijei i kada se do kraja otkrije monstruozna uloga Službe državne bezbednosti Srbije u režiranju rata u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i na Kosovu. To podrazumeva suđenje svim pripadnicima tajnih službi, koji su ubijali srpske civile u Hrvatskoj, u Bosni i Hercegovini i na Kosovu i Metohiji u cilju raspirivanja međuetničke netrpeljivosti.

5. Kada se usvoji novi, još bolji Zakon o lustraciji, bez roka trajanja, kao i Zakon o ratnom profiterstvu, takođe bez oročavanja.

Ovo deluje kao Zakon o sumnjivim licima, dragi Filipe. Samo si nešto zaboravio:

Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 01:50 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Oni su se protiv nas od 1991. do 2000. borili eskadronima smrti, otkazima i skandaloznim zakonima, poput onog Šešeljevog o informisanju.

Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?
freehand freehand 01:54 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ko mi?
Ali ako misliš na tužilaštva i sudove - verovatno što najveći deo onoga što si nabrojao nisu krivična dela, a za mnogo onoga što jesu - nisu imali dokaze?
Kao, na primer, za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 02:02 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ko mi?
Ali ako misliš na tužilaštva i sudove - verovatno što najveći deo onoga što si nabrojao nisu krivična dela, a za mnogo onoga što jesu - nisu imali dokaze?
Kao, na primer, za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije.

Hoću da kažem da je država Srbija najpre morala da sudi ratnim zločincima poput Miloševića i Šešelja, pa da ih potom izruči Hagu.
I da dosledno sprovede Zakon o lustraciji.
freehand freehand 02:08 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Filip Mladenović
Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ko mi?
Ali ako misliš na tužilaštva i sudove - verovatno što najveći deo onoga što si nabrojao nisu krivična dela, a za mnogo onoga što jesu - nisu imali dokaze?
Kao, na primer, za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije.

Hoću da kažem da je država Srbija najpre morala da sudi ratnim zločincima poput Miloševića i Šešelja, pa da ih potom izruči Hagu.
I da dosledno sprovede Zakon o lustraciji.

Tribunal u Hagu nije dokazao da je Milošević ratni zločinac a mnogi su sa punim pravom skloni da veruju kako je nad njim izvršena brutalna egzekucija.
Šešelj je žrtva najbesramnijeg protivpravnog divljaštva.
I prosto mi je neverovatno da bi u regularnom pravnom postupku i u Srbiji i jednome od njih dvojice bilo moguće dokazati ikakav ratni zločin.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 02:15 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Filip Mladenović
Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ko mi?
Ali ako misliš na tužilaštva i sudove - verovatno što najveći deo onoga što si nabrojao nisu krivična dela, a za mnogo onoga što jesu - nisu imali dokaze?
Kao, na primer, za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije.

Hoću da kažem da je država Srbija najpre morala da sudi ratnim zločincima poput Miloševića i Šešelja, pa da ih potom izruči Hagu.
I da dosledno sprovede Zakon o lustraciji.

Tribunal u Hagu nije dokazao da je Milošević ratni zločinac a mnogi su sa punim pravom skloni da veruju kako je nad njim izvršena brutalna egzekucija.
Šešelj je žrtva najbesramnijeg protivpravnog divljaštva.
I prosto mi je neverovatno da bi u regularnom pravnom postupku i u Srbiji i jednome od njih dvojice bilo moguće dokazati ikakav ratni zločin.

Od 1991. do 2000. godine Slobodan Milošević i Vojislav Šešelj su bili politički lideri nacional-socijalističkog režima, odgovornog za mnogobrojne ratne zločine. Među tolikim žrtvama tog režima, oličenog u eksadronima smrti, sa pijetetom ovde izdvajam Dadu Vujasinović i Slavka Ćuruviju.
freehand freehand 02:26 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Od 1991. do 2000. godine Slobodan Milošević i Vojislav Šešelj su bili politički lideri nacional-socijalističkog režima, odgovornog za mnogobrojne ratne zločine.

Milošević je bio faktički lider Srbije od '87. Šešelj je bio debeovska figura a nikakav lider. No ne bih da te sad mučim sad nekakvim suđenjima, dokazima i sličnim stvrima pošto vidim da ti to ne ide baš. Ti si više za revolucionarnu pravdu.
Među tolikim žrtvama tog režima, oličenog u eksadronima smrti, sa pijetetom ovde izdvajam Dadu Vujasinović i Slavka Ćuruviju.

Ne razumem zašto izdvajaš žrtve, a naročito zašto ih pominješ u kontekstu ratnih zločina.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 02:34 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Od 1991. do 2000. godine Slobodan Milošević i Vojislav Šešelj su bili politički lideri nacional-socijalističkog režima, odgovornog za mnogobrojne ratne zločine.

Milošević je bio faktički lider Srbije od '87. Šešelj je bio debeovska figura a nikakav lider. No ne bih da te sad mučim sad nekakvim suđenjima, dokazima i sličnim stvrima pošto vidim da ti to ne ide baš. Ti si više za revolucionarnu pravdu.
Među tolikim žrtvama tog režima, oličenog u eksadronima smrti, sa pijetetom ovde izdvajam Dadu Vujasinović i Slavka Ćuruviju.

Ne razumem zašto izdvajaš žrtve, a naročito zašto ih pominješ u kontekstu ratnih zločina.

Ponavljam: na njihove eskadrone smrti, koji su harali po Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, na Kosovu i Metohiji i po Beogradu, odgovor nije revolucionarna pravda, već JAVNA i fer suđenja, na osnovu dokaza.
Da je tako učinjeno tokom 2001. godine, danas bi Srbija sasvim drugačije izgledala.
freehand freehand 11:06 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Da je tako učinjeno tokom 2001. godine, danas bi Srbija sasvim drugačije izgledala.

I ja PONAVLJAM: da su tada imali dokaze - možda bi bila održana i suđenja?
Znaš, Filipe, u pravnoj državi krivica se ne dokazuje novinskim napisima i argumentacijom kalibra "kao što svi znaju". Niti se ljudi proglašavaju ratnim zločincima na osnovu sopstvenih uverenja, koliko god ona bila snažna.
alselone alselone 11:07 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

I ja PONAVLJAM: da su tada imali dokaze - možda bi bila održana i suđenja?

Ja verujem da je 2001. bilo lakse doci do dokaza nego danas. Iz dva razloga - momentum padanja Slobe i kratak period od samog ubistva.
ivana23 ivana23 11:20 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

I ja PONAVLJAM: da su tada imali dokaze - možda bi bila održana i suđenja?
Znaš, Filipe, u pravnoj državi krivica se ne dokazuje novinskim napisima i argumentacijom kalibra "kao što svi znaju". Niti se ljudi proglašavaju ratnim zločincima na osnovu sopstvenih uverenja, koliko god ona bila snažna.

Koje dokaze sada poseduju? Izjavu Legije? Nigde nije receno odakle njemu to saznanje.

Zar nije 2002.g. na konferenciji za stampu Seselj (znaci javno) decidirano tvrdio da je Kurak ubica... Cak je trazio i iznos raspisane nagrade za informaciju o egzekutoru.
Zar tada nije Vucic bio gensek SRS? I nije znao sa koji sazanjima raspolaze Seselj. Trebalo je da to cuje od Legije?

Malo mi je sve to... da ne kazem cudno, isforsirano, predstava za lakoverne pred (verovatno) predizbornu kampanju.

I onaj jucerasnji pres, zasto se preplicu sudska i izvrsna vlast?
freehand freehand 11:24 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

I ja PONAVLJAM: da su tada imali dokaze - možda bi bila održana i suđenja?
Znaš, Filipe, u pravnoj državi krivica se ne dokazuje novinskim napisima i argumentacijom kalibra "kao što svi znaju". Niti se ljudi proglašavaju ratnim zločincima na osnovu sopstvenih uverenja, koliko god ona bila snažna.

Koje dokaze sada poseduju? Izjavu Legije? Nigde nije receno odakle njemu to saznanje.

Zar nije 2002.g. na konferenciji za stampu Seselj (znaci javno) decidirano tvrdio da je Kurak ubica... Cak je trazio i iznos raspisane nagrade za informaciju o egzekutoru.
Zar tada nije Vucic bio gensek SRS? I nije znao sa koji sazanjima raspolaze Seselj. Trebalo je da to cuje od Legije?

Malo mi je sve to... da ne kazem cudno, isforsirano, predstava za lakoverne pred (verovatno) predizbornu kampanju.

I onaj jucerasnji pres, zasto se preplicu sudska i izvrsna vlast?

Napisao sam blog o tome, da ne ponavljam.
Hansel Hansel 11:25 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Уз то, власт није била заинтересована за ове случајеве. Зашто је, на пример, морао да се чека моменат попут Ђинђићевог убиства да би се сазнала судбина Стамболића?
ivana23 ivana23 11:35 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Napisao sam blog o tome, da ne ponavljam.

Jesi, ali nisi spomenuo sve ono sto ja pitam.

Nebojsa Krstic Nebojsa Krstic 18:14 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ima u jučerašnjim Novostima par odličnih slika, među njima i jedna s domaćim i stranim novinarima, sa suđenja Draži Mihajloviču. Da li su ti novinari doprineli pravičnosti suđenja? Jok, bato!
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 23:06 15.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Nebojsa Krstic
Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ima u jučerašnjim Novostima par odličnih slika, među njima i jedna s domaćim i stranim novinarima, sa suđenja Draži Mihajloviču. Da li su ti novinari doprineli pravičnosti suđenja? Jok, bato!

Da je tih 100-200 zločinaca iz vrha SPS-a, JUL-a i SRS-a izvedeno pred sud tokom 2001. godine, u prisustvu novinara, pa čak i bez njih, sigurno bi prošli bolje od Slavka Ćuruvije. Uz dobre advokate, bili bi osuđeni na po 15 ili 20 godina robije, dok je Slavko Ćuruvija likvidiran sa 17 metaka.

A što se Draže Mihailovića tiče, on je tokom većeg dela II svetskog rata bio kolaboracionista, dok su pripadnici njegovog ravnogorskog pokreta počinili monstruozne ratne zločine nad civilnim stanovništvom Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Dalmacije. I istorija i sud, uz sve kritike i osporavanja, stavili su Dražu Mihailovića i njegov pokret na pravo mesto - gubitnička i zločinačka strana.
Nebojsa Krstic Nebojsa Krstic 03:04 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

A što se Draže Mihailovića tiče, on je tokom većeg dela II svetskog rata bio kolaboracionista, dok su pripadnici njegovog ravnogorskog pokreta počinili monstruozne ratne zločine nad civilnim stanovništvom Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Dalmacije. I istorija i sud, uz sve kritike i osporavanja, stavili su Dražu Mihailovića i njegov pokret na pravo mesto - gubitnička i zločinačka strana.

O njegovoj ulozi u ratu ima suprotstavljenih mišljenja i sad bi mi, takođe mogli da raspredamo priču...nego nije to poenta...već da je osuđen u montiranom staljinističkom procesu kome je prisustvovao popriličan broj domaćih i stranih novinara. Njihovo prisustvo ništa nije popravilo, suđenje je bilo i ostalo - montirano.
tyson tyson 10:19 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

...nego nije to poenta...već da je osuđen u montiranom staljinističkom procesu

Filip podržava montirane, staljinističke procese i miki maus sudove dok god oni, po njegovim kriterijumima, doprinose široj slici.

freehand freehand 10:47 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

...nego nije to poenta...već da je osuđen u montiranom staljinističkom procesu

Filip podržava montirane, staljinističke procese i miki maus sudove dok god oni, po njegovim kriterijumima, doprinose široj slici.

Ali pristaje na koliko god hoćeš novinara u sudnici pa i egzekucijama.
Rekoh ja "Zakon o sumnjivim licima" je mera. Ako je radio u Francuskoj 1793. što ne bi u Srbiji 2014.?
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 11:34 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

...nego nije to poenta...već da je osuđen u montiranom staljinističkom procesu

Filip podržava montirane, staljinističke procese i miki maus sudove dok god oni, po njegovim kriterijumima, doprinose široj slici.

Ali pristaje na koliko god hoćeš novinara u sudnici pa i egzekucijama.
Rekoh ja "Zakon o sumnjivim licima" je mera. Ako je radio u Francuskoj 1793. što ne bi u Srbiji 2014.?

Draža Mihailović je imao suđenje, montirano, pred domaćim i stranim novinarima.
Civilne žrtve njegovog zločinačkog pokreta, bebe, deca, žene... nisu imali čak ni to. Samo nož pod grlo i ono čuveno Z!
Ali, pustimo sad Dražu Mihailovića, jer je istorija nedvosmisleno i neosporno ovog kolaboracionistu stavila na pravo mesto - poraženih u II svetskom ratu.

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?
predatortz predatortz 12:09 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

U kontinuitetu...
freehand freehand 12:50 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

U kontinuitetu...

Nije meni teško da ponovim 118. put: pravna država za koju se Filip zalaže podrazumeva da niko ne može biti osuđen bez validnih dokaza.
Da nije zbog toga što takvih dokaza nije bilo?
predatortz predatortz 12:54 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

U kontinuitetu...

Nije meni teško da ponovim 118. put: pravna država za koju se Filip zalaže podrazumeva da niko ne može biti osuđen bez validnih dokaza.
Da nije zbog toga što takvih dokaza nije bilo?

Free, nismo deca... Ako ima volje, u ovom slučaju političke, ako se profesionalcima u policiji daju odrešene ruke, dokazi se lako nađu.

I ovo što se sad radi, meni vuče na to da će se dva,tri nebitna lika pustiti niz vodu...
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 12:58 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

U kontinuitetu...

Nije meni teško da ponovim 118. put: pravna država za koju se Filip zalaže podrazumeva da niko ne može biti osuđen bez validnih dokaza.
Da nije zbog toga što takvih dokaza nije bilo?

Dokazi o kojima govorite su više puta prekopavani i premeštani u tzv. sekundarne grobnice, ili izbrisani, ili spaljeni, ili sakriveni u nekim sefovima radi svakojakih "dilova"...

Međutim, problem društva i države Srbije je mnogo dublji i složeniji od primera navedenog u blogu. O tome je nedavno detaljno govorio poznati izdavač Branko Kukić (link intervju: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785).

Evo jednog malog odlomka iz razgovora sa Brankom Kukićem: "...Uzroke vidim u jednom nezrelom, bandoglavom i sebičnom društvu, društvu koje dva veka nije uspelo da se uspostavi i da napreduje u bilo kom pravcu. Ovde su državna rukovodstva za ova dva veka više ličila na skup ludaka, a narod je postao sitničav, neiskren, nezbrinut, pun mržnje i odsustva smisla za drugog i za drugačije, narod pod raznim varijantama bensedina. Države kao što je ova nemaju nikakvog smisla, svrhe, značaja i perspektive u svetu. To je razlog što nas ne uvažavaju i ne priznaju. Da nesreća bude veća, ovde su se bili naklatili i komunisti koji su upropastili sve čega su se dotakli. Prosto je neverovatno šta se sve ovde sručilo i survalo. Zbog toga sam ubeđen da izlaza nema, jer ovaj narod se ne obuva u istoj pameti. Ovde pamet uglavnom služi za muvanje, mračne poslove, sulude ideje, i za zajebanciju..."
freehand freehand 13:00 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

U kontinuitetu...

Nije meni teško da ponovim 118. put: pravna država za koju se Filip zalaže podrazumeva da niko ne može biti osuđen bez validnih dokaza.
Da nije zbog toga što takvih dokaza nije bilo?

Free, nismo deca... Ako ima volje, u ovom slučaju političke, ako se profesionalcima u policiji daju odrešene ruke, dokazi se lako nađu.

I ovo što se sad radi, meni vuče na to da će se dva,tri nebitna lika pustiti niz vodu...

Prvo, to o Volji kao osnovi govorio je Niče, a bogami i teoretičlari revolucije. Pa i razni drugi diktatori i tirani.
Tako da bih ja volju zaobišao kao osnovni faktor.
Kao i policiju sa "odrešenim rukama". Toga nikad nije bilo bez gadnog belaja.
I ovo što se sad radi, meni vuče na to da će se dva,tri nebitna lika pustiti niz vodu...

E to je već nešto drugo. Već sam o tome rekao sve što sam imao, i da dodam - koliko god je autoriteta založeno uopšte nisam siguran da se ovo ne može završiti gadnim brukanjem.
freehand freehand 13:01 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Dokazi o kojima govorite su više puta prekopavani i premeštani u tzv. sekundarne grobnice, ili izbrisani, ili spaljeni, ili sakriveni u nekim sefovima radi svakojakih "dilova"...

Ok. Kako bi ti dokazao na sudu teze kojima barataš?
predatortz predatortz 13:17 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

E to je već nešto drugo. Već sam o tome rekao sve što sam imao, i da dodam - koliko god je autoriteta založeno uopšte nisam siguran da se ovo ne može završiti gadnim brukanjem.

Što neko reče, čist politički marketing. Rešenje 'slučaja Ćuruvija' može da donese samo političku korist. Pritom, SPS će od toga da ima štetu. Pustiš dva,tri beznačajna pavijana niz vodu i skrušeno kažeš :

Svi će da osete moć države, ni jedno ubistvo neće proći nekažnjeno.

Domaćice odmah vlaže među nogama, a ljubitelji diktatorskih manira svršavaju ne stigavši da ga izvade iz gaća.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 13:26 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Dokazi o kojima govorite su više puta prekopavani i premeštani u tzv. sekundarne grobnice, ili izbrisani, ili spaljeni, ili sakriveni u nekim sefovima radi svakojakih "dilova"...

Ok. Kako bi ti dokazao na sudu teze kojima barataš?

Pročitajte ili pogledajte dokumentaciju o suđenju nacističkim ratnim zločincima u Nirnbergu.

Ili pročitajte iskaze svedoka tokom suđenja Slobodanu Miloševiću u Hagu.

Ako Vam to nije dovoljno, prošetajte se do Specijalnog suda za ratne zločine u Beogradu, pa pročitajte dokumentaciju o suđenju pripadnicima paravojne formacije "Škorpioni".

I na kraju, porazgovarajte sa nekim od članova porodica Slavka Ćuruvije, Ivana Stambolića, 16 žrtvovanih koleginica i kolega RTS-a....
freehand freehand 13:28 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

I na kraju, porazgovarajte sa nekim od članova porodica Slavka Ćuruvije, Ivana Stambolića, 16 žrtvovanih koleginica i kolega RTS-a....

Kakvu to težinu ima u smislu krivičnog postupka?

Edit: da ti olakšam: tuži tebe neko kao organizatora prevare i promotera lažnih pronalazača.
Sudija pita - "Ok, a dokazi?"
A tužitelj kaže: "Pitajte gnevne blogere!"

Koliko bi ti se to dopalo?
predatortz predatortz 13:31 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Filip Mladenović
Dokazi o kojima govorite su više puta prekopavani i premeštani u tzv. sekundarne grobnice, ili izbrisani, ili spaljeni, ili sakriveni u nekim sefovima radi svakojakih "dilova"...

Ok. Kako bi ti dokazao na sudu teze kojima barataš?

Pročitajte ili pogledajte dokumentaciju o suđenju nacističkim ratnim zločincima u Nirnbergu.

Ili pročitajte iskaze svedoka tokom suđenja Slobodanu Miloševiću u Hagu.

Ako Vam to nije dovoljno, prošetajte se do Specijalnog suda za ratne zločine u Beogradu, pa pročitajte dokumentaciju o suđenju pripadnicima paravojne formacije "Škorpioni".

I na kraju, porazgovarajte sa nekim od članova porodica Slavka Ćuruvije, Ivana Stambolića, 16 žrtvovanih koleginica i kolega RTS-a....

Sve ovo jesu potresne priče. Ali, sudovi osuđuju na osnovu izjava svedoka koje su potkrepljene materijalnim dokazima. Ako su sudovi, tako rade...

Imao sam situaciju da je čovek koga poznajem,u sudu BiH, osuđen na 31 godinu zbog zločina u Srebrenici. Uzalud izjave svedoka da je čovek tih dana bio na Treskavici, uzalud pisani tragovi o upućivanju te i te jedinice na borbeni zadatak u reon Đokinog tornja, Treskavica.
Šta se dalje zbivalo? Nuđeno mu je da odruka ljude sa spiska, da da lažna svedočenja, pa da ga oslobode. Nije hteo. Onda se digla velika prašina, pa je oslobođen svih krivica u ponovljenom postupku. U pritvoru je proveo pet godina.
Hansel Hansel 14:26 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Nije meni teško da ponovim 118. put: pravna država za koju se Filip zalaže podrazumeva da niko ne može biti osuđen bez validnih dokaza.
Da nije zbog toga što takvih dokaza nije bilo?
Free, nismo deca... Ako ima volje, u ovom slučaju političke, ako se profesionalcima u policiji daju odrešene ruke, dokazi se lako nađu.

Ја и овде да дам пример разрешења нестанка/убиства Ивана Стамболића. Како је наједном било могуће доћи до података и доказа у том случају?
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 17:56 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

I na kraju, porazgovarajte sa nekim od članova porodica Slavka Ćuruvije, Ivana Stambolića, 16 žrtvovanih koleginica i kolega RTS-a....

Kakvu to težinu ima u smislu krivičnog postupka?

Edit: da ti olakšam: tuži tebe neko kao organizatora prevare i promotera lažnih pronalazača.
Sudija pita - "Ok, a dokazi?"
A tužitelj kaže: "Pitajte gnevne blogere!"

Koliko bi ti se to dopalo?

Upoređivati organizatora prevare sa ratnim zločincima formata Miloševića i Šešelja je ruganje i zdravom razumu, i ljudskom moralu i lepom vaspitanju.

Terapija za Vas: pročitajte intervju Branka Kukića, LINK: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785
freehand freehand 18:12 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Upoređivati organizatora prevare sa ratnim zločincima formata Miloševića i Šešelja je ruganje i zdravom razumu, i ljudskom moralu i lepom vaspitanju.

Proglašavati neosuđene ljude ratnim zločincima - makar oni bili zlikovci po drugim osnovama - možda je popularno u krugovima napredne omladine i onih koji se tako osećaju. Inače se, međ' ozbiljnim svetom smatra znakom teških nedostataka u znanju i vaspitanju.
Terapija za Vas: pročitajte intervju Branka Kukića, LINK: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785

Dragi Filipe: ti nisi doktor. Ja nisam pacijent. Propisivati terapiju bez diplome medicinskog fakulteta spada u nadrilekarstvo.
Tako da pored nadrinovinarstva ti obavljaš još jednu ilegalnu delatnost.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 19:08 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Branko Kukić, dodatna terapija: "...Mene su interesovali pre svega autori koji se bave suštinom. Dok se ne pojmi suština, neće moći da se shvati čovekova psiha, neće moći da se odgonetnu umetnost, mitovi i religije, neće se osetiti njihova snaga i poruka, ne mogu se otkriti njihove tajne, čovek neće moći da se približi, dremaće negde pored Velikog Puta.
Pogotovo neće biti razumljive društvene pojave, promene i kretanja. Neće se uhvatiti pravac, a zaobilazno kretanje će se (što je za pametnog čoveka, inače, uzbudljivo!) pretvoriti u lutanje pustinjom. U tom slučaju živećemo u društvu bez cilja. A takvo je naše društvo – skup skitača, opsenara, gatara, ajduka – sve sami probisvet.
Da bi jedno društvo funkcionisalo, potrebno je da određeni procenat ljudi shvati suštinu. Ti ljudi će s vremenom formirati društvene slojeve sposobne da usmere one koji se zovu masa, rulja i gomila. Mi smo očigledno društvo rulje, jer vidimo, primera radi, da ta rulja ne ume ni da glasa, dakle da se bavi svojom sudbinom, nego glasa upravo za one protiv kojih i izlazi da glasa. To je posledica neodgovornosti. To je lepo definisao Krleža: "U gomili smrdi, ali je toplo."
freehand freehand 19:18 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Branko Kukić, dodatna terapija:

tyson tyson 19:33 16.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Pravo pitanje je zašto svi režimi nakon 5. oktobra nisu priveli pravdi ubice i nalogodavce ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije? U čemu je kvaka?

Klik na link (terapija i odgovori): link

Milan Karagaća Milan Karagaća 10:43 17.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Nebojsa Krstic
Valjda je bilo fer da im uzvratimo nakon 5. oktobra fer suđenjima, na osnovu dokaza,
u prisustvu novinarskih ekipa, i domaćih i stranih.
Zašto to nismo uradili tokom 2001. godine?

Ima u jučerašnjim Novostima par odličnih slika, među njima i jedna s domaćim i stranim novinarima, sa suđenja Draži Mihajloviču. Da li su ti novinari doprineli pravičnosti suđenja? Jok, bato!

Novosti kao da su postale list ravnogorskog pokreta. Nema bato da su Draža i njegova bulumenta bilo šta krivi jerbo Novosti su patriotske novine a patriotske novine ne mogu ni jednog Srbina smatrati krivim za bilo šta.Čak i kad im neko pomene zločine u Vraniću to su četnici uradili u samoodbrani.
Pa kako Nebojša možeš da pozdraviš hapšenje i suđenje ljudima svima koji su u komandnom lancu za ubistvo jednog čoveka, a amnestiraš one koji su u jednoj noći poklali preko 50 lica od dvogodišnje bebe do 90-godišnjeg starca.Pa zar nije samo to dovoljno da budu osuđeni, a ti govoriš o montiranom procesu, šta su trebali da čekaju osnivanje Haškog tribunala.
Ja razumem da neki ljudi imaju lični emotivni odnos prema svojim dedovima koji su bili u četnicima ali nije moralno zbog ličnog porodičnog razloga amnestirati zločince.
Nebojsa Krstic Nebojsa Krstic 21:22 17.01.2014

Re: Filip Sen Žist

Draža Mihailović je imao suđenje, montirano, pred domaćim i stranim novinarima.
Civilne žrtve njegovog zločinačkog pokreta, bebe, deca, žene... nisu imali čak ni to. Samo nož pod grlo i ono čuveno Z!
Ali, pustimo sad Dražu Mihailovića, jer je istorija nedvosmisleno i neosporno ovog kolaboracionistu stavila na pravo mesto - poraženih u II svetskom ratu.

Komunisti su vršili masovne zločine nad civilnim stanovništvom pod krinkom borbe protiv klasnog neprijatelja, a posle WW2 zločine protiv svojih parijskij drugova.

Ne vidim ni jedan razlog da se "pusti to", baš kao ni bilo koji zloćin drugih strana u građanskom ratu.
Vojislav Stojković Vojislav Stojković 01:47 15.01.2014

Porodica Zec

Filip Mladenović
Dakle, čak i da tokom 2014. bude okončano suđenje za ubistvo Slavka Ćuruvije, taj slučaj neće biti rešen. A kada će?
4. Kada se otvore tajni dosijei i kada se do kraja otkrije monstruozna uloga Službe državne bezbednosti Srbije u režiranju rata u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i na Kosovu. To podrazumeva suđenje svim pripadnicima tajnih službi, koji su ubijali srpske civile u Hrvatskoj, u Bosni i Hercegovini i na Kosovu i Metohiji u cilju raspirivanja međuetničke netrpeljivosti.

Znaš li ti, Filipe, o čemu pričaš?
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 01:58 15.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

U TV emisiji „Teška reč“ na televiziji „Pink“, Aleksandar Vučić je nedavno rekao sledeće:

„Povodom ubistva mladića u kafiću ’Panda’ u Peći…(1998.)
Jesmo li mi stvarno ustanovili ko je ubio tu našu decu? Ili ćemo da budemo iznenađeni u budućnosti?“

Voditelj: „Hoćete da kažete da to nisu bili albanski teroristi?!“

„Ja hoću da kažem da mi za to nemamo dokaze… NAPROTIV! Ja hoću da kažem da ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo… I hoću da kažem da ćemo mi te probleme da rešavamo… Zato što, od laži se ne živi, od prevara se ne živi.“
eli.lacrosse eli.lacrosse 08:24 15.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo…

Hansel Hansel 09:10 15.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

„Ja hoću da kažem da mi za to nemamo dokaze… NAPROTIV! Ja hoću da kažem da ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo… I hoću da kažem da ćemo mi te probleme da rešavamo… Zato što, od laži se ne živi, od prevara se ne živi.“

Е, баш да видимо да ли ће Вучић после 15 година и од бомбардовања РТС-а коначно да каже оно што зна, а о чему је јавно ћутао, а претио новинару (Радету Радовановићу, ако нисам нешто помешао) да објави оно што је од њега у вези с тим тада чуо.
milisav68 milisav68 09:29 15.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo…


nsarski nsarski 20:18 15.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

Svi pominju ovde neke dokaze, a ja mislim da je ovo gore sto si napisao neoboriv dokaz da ti gledaš "TV Pink"! A pljujes po njima, onoliko. Na-na-na-nana!

Takodje, ne znam da li ce naći dokaze i rešiti slučaj Ćuruvija, ali odgovorno tvrdim da je "slučaj nsarski" rešen: samoubio se kada je pročitao ovaj tvoj blog.
Milan Karagaća Milan Karagaća 10:48 17.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

Pa recimo da je EU ono što priča o svoijim vrednostima, da je Nemačka kao njena vodeća članica privržena evropskim vrednostima onda bi sa istom revnosnošću kao što traži izručenje Perkovića tražila i da se pravedeno osude zločinci koji su ubili porodicu Zec i to svi koji su se nalazili u komandnom lancu od neposrednih izvršilaca do Tuđmana.
Milan Karagaća Milan Karagaća 10:53 17.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

Filip Mladenović
U TV emisiji „Teška reč“ na televiziji „Pink“, Aleksandar Vučić je nedavno rekao sledeće:

„Povodom ubistva mladića u kafiću ’Panda’ u Peći…(1998.)
Jesmo li mi stvarno ustanovili ko je ubio tu našu decu? Ili ćemo da budemo iznenađeni u budućnosti?“

Voditelj: „Hoćete da kažete da to nisu bili albanski teroristi?!“

„Ja hoću da kažem da mi za to nemamo dokaze… NAPROTIV! Ja hoću da kažem da ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo… I hoću da kažem da ćemo mi te probleme da rešavamo… Zato što, od laži se ne živi, od prevara se ne živi.“

Evo i najnoviji primer ubistva onog odbornika u Mitrovici.Odmah se požurilo sa ocenom da je to još jedan akt pritiska na Srbe,što implicira da je ubica Albanac. A šta će biti ako bude da ubica nije Šiptar.Onda to medijski neće biti interesantno jer ne doprinosi raspirivanju nekog maglovitog patriotizma koji se kod nas već 30 godina izgrađuje na nezdravim osnovama.
Milan Karagaća Milan Karagaća 15:19 17.01.2014

Re: Porodica Zec

Filip Mladenović
U TV emisiji „Teška reč“ na televiziji „Pink“, Aleksandar Vučić je nedavno rekao sledeće:

„Povodom ubistva mladića u kafiću ’Panda’ u Peći…(1998.)
Jesmo li mi stvarno ustanovili ko je ubio tu našu decu? Ili ćemo da budemo iznenađeni u budućnosti?“

Voditelj: „Hoćete da kažete da to nisu bili albanski teroristi?!“

„Ja hoću da kažem da mi za to nemamo dokaze… NAPROTIV! Ja hoću da kažem da ima mnogo strašnih stvari sa kojima ćemo morati da se suočimo… I hoću da kažem da ćemo mi te probleme da rešavamo… Zato što, od laži se ne živi, od prevara se ne živi.“

Au sunce ti žarko
blogovatelj blogovatelj 07:20 15.01.2014


Zašto srpsko pravosuđe i ovdašnja politička nomenklatura nisu mogli toliko dugo da reše slučaj ovog ubistva, uprkos činjenicama koje su prosto bole oči?

Dobar brak bio bi između slepe žene i gluvog muškarca.

Onore de Balzak
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 10:05 15.01.2014

Re: Zašto?

Dopisnik B92 iz Podgorice Srđan Janković je 1999. zajedno sa Ćuruvijom i Zoranom Lukovićem, kao novinar "Dnevnog telegrafa", osuđen na pet meseci zatvora zbog navodnog širenja lažnih vesti po tužbi Milovana Bojića, a presudu je potvrdila tadašnja sudija Vrhovnog suda Srbije Nata Mesarović.

U izjavi za B92 Janković poseća da su tadašnji politički događaji i ambijent neodvojivi od ubistva Ćuruvije. "Da li će doći do sudske presude zavisiće naravno od dokaza na kojima će se nedvosmisleno odgovoriti na pitanje ko su direktni izvršioci, ko inspiratori, kao i ko je izdao naredbu za ubistvo Ćuruvije, a to naravno nisu samo ova četiri imena", smatra on.

Uz to, dodaje Janković, sudski postupak bi trebalo da otkrije i ko su državni funkcioneri i tadašnji novinari i urednici državnih i privatnih medija koji su vodili hajku i pozivali na likvidaciju Ćuruvije.

"Odnosno da se otkrije ko je nama novinarima 'Evropljanina' i 'Dnevnog telegrafa' zalepio etiketu izdajnika tadašnje države i to zato što smo upozoravali da su državne institucije zločinačke i da će građani stradati zbog njihovog delovanja i da će politika njihovog delovanja naneti veliku štetu Srbiji, sramotu i teret koji godinama neće skinuti sa sebe", kaže Srđan Janković.

"Ja sam i lično zainteresovan da jedna od najsramotnijih presuda srpskog pravosuđa, u kojoj smo nas trojica osuđeni na pet meseci, bude ukinuta jer su i to suđenje, presuda i ta kampanja bili u funkciji pripreme za likvidaciju Ćuruvije. Odnosno trebalo ga je pre toga i sudski i medijski kompromitovati, a onda i ubiti", zaključio je Srđan Janković.
Hansel Hansel 10:25 15.01.2014

Re: Zašto?

da se otkrije ko je nama novinarima 'Evropljanina' i 'Dnevnog telegrafa' zalepio etiketu izdajnika tadašnje države

Не капирам, шта овде има да се открива, када се зна и документовано је ко је јавно говорио о новинарима опозиционих/независних медија, а конкретно и о Ћурувији, као о издајницима? Ево, ја (ако је потребно) познајем једног много поузданијег сведока од Улемека коме је данашњи ППВ у микрофон то рекао о Ћурувији, небираним речима. Шта бисмо ми с тим, данас?
gedza.73 gedza.73 10:18 15.01.2014


neprimeren ti je naslov ispod slike.
Možda priliči nekom tabloidu ili satiričnom časopisu, ali mislim da mu nije mesto ispod slike ubijenog čoveka.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 10:42 15.01.2014

Re: Filipe,

neprimeren ti je naslov ispod slike.
Možda priliči nekom tabloidu ili satiričnom časopisu, ali mislim da mu nije mesto ispod slike ubijenog čoveka.

Slika je simbol, metafora svih civilnih žrtava bezumnog i zločinačkog režima Slobodana Miloševića i Mirjane Marković i njihovog koalicionog partnera Vojislava Šešelja.

Potpisom sam hteo naglasiti da odgovornost za mnogobrojne ratne zločine od 1991. do 2000. godine snose i akademici SANU, književnici UKS, novinari članovi UNS-a..., koji su JAVNO podržavali taj zločinački režim i odapinjali reči mržnje i rečenice redenike.
alselone alselone 10:50 15.01.2014

Re: Filipe,

Filipe da li si ti ikad za 6 godina pisanja na ovom blogu prihvatio makar jednu kritiku ili komenar upucen od strane blogera?
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 10:59 15.01.2014

Re: Filipe,

Filipe da li si ti ikad za 6 godina pisanja na ovom blogu prihvatio makar jednu kritiku ili komenar upucen od strane blogera?

I ne samo to. Na svaku osnovanu kritiku odgovorim, kao u slučaju potpisa ispod slike ubijenog Slavka Ćuruvije.

I kao šlag na torti: ne brišem nijednu kritiku, ne cenzurišem blogere, ne pravim "crne liste" blogera koji stalno umesto teme bloga komentarišu autora.
tetris tetris 11:26 15.01.2014


Ako je Branka Prpa istoričarka, šta je Jovo Ćuruvija?
tyson tyson 18:55 15.01.2014


Zašto srpsko pravosuđe i ovdašnja politička nomenklatura nisu mogli toliko dugo da reše slučaj ovog ubistva, uprkos činjenicama koje su prosto bole oči?

Zato što nije bilo hrabrosti i političke volje da se slučaj reši.
Zato što nije imao ko da sudi.
Zato što nije bilo validnih dokaza.

tyson tyson 18:57 15.01.2014

Usual suspects

sa aminom čelnika SANU, Udruženja književnika i Udruženja novinara Srbije tokom devedesetih

A SPC, njih si zaboravio...

G.Cross G.Cross 21:58 15.01.2014

Cekanje ludom radovanje

Ja sve cekao ovaj subjekt da cujem Ex-ovo misljenje, kad ono mrkli muk.

nimbus nimbus 14:57 16.01.2014

Истину на сунце!

1. Ко је убуо Славка Ћурувију мора на робију.
2. Ко је убио Драгишу Кашиковића ударцем мацолом у главу и 64 убода ножем а његову деветогодишњу пасторку са 54 убода ножем, и налогодавци из политичке позадине, такође морају да одговарају.
3. С тим у вези, али не директно повезано са претходним, не може нпр Аркан да буде "злочинац" кад је у служби Милошевића а "патриота" кад служи Доланца.
4. Ко тврди да је Д. Михајловић био колаборациониста лаже.
5. Ко тврди да Тито није био колаборациониста лаже.
6. Ко негира да је Тито један од највећих масовних злочинаца ХХ века је такође учесник у злочину.
7. У испитивању политичке и криминалне позадине убиства Ђинђића не сме се ни случајно заобићи панично рушење виле у Шилеровој што не може бити ништа друго до уништавања доказа о криминалних дела свих уплетених у овај обрачун.
8. Лустрација у пуном смислу, дакле као потпуно очишћење друштва од комунистичког накота I, II и III генерације, поставља се као услов свих услова да би кренули напред.
9. Што би у том случају и Бранка Прпа експресно завршила на друштвеној депонији, био би тек добар знак да смо кренули у добром правцу.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 18:12 16.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

I za vas terapija: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785
nimbus nimbus 19:22 16.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Filip Mladenović
I za vas terapija: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785

Ја мислим да овај никога није убио.
Ал његово кењање звучи познато.
tyson tyson 19:46 16.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

I za vas terapija: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785

Comrades of Pinar del Rio: In speaking of Pinar del Rio I am referring to the city and the province of Pinar del Rio.

I was invited to inaugurate some projects on the occasion of 1 May. In this case, 1 May is being celebrated on 30 April. I see that you have organized a 26 July here. [applause] That is the impression I get when I see this enormous multitude of people. (Tocayo) had told me that 100,000 people would be here. Here 100,000 is mentioned as if one were talking about a dozen people and 100,000 people are 100,000 people. [applause]

I am also aware of the sacrifices required by a gathering such as this; the long hours spent on the highways, streets, and roads. By the time we arrived at noon, we could see mobilizations. We were concerned with the hot sun on this last day of April. Fortunately, the clouds then rolled in like an omen of early spring which we need so much.

I was not just thinking of the heat. I was also recalling that today is the day of the boxing match between the United States and Cuba. I was thinking that millions of compatriots would be watching the broadcast because that type of sports event is followed with much interest. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of people in Pinar del Rio will not be able to listen to the match over the radio or watch the result of the fight over television. Some of us had the privilege of listening to part of it because, when we visited certain areas, we had the radio on to see what was happening. They say the match will be rebroadcast on Monday. [laughter] This way you won't miss it. [applause] In case you don't know, I can tell you that out of 12 fights, we won 10. [applause] Some say that two of those fights were lost unfairly. In general, however, I can tell you that the judging was very efficient.

I was saying that we are marking 1 May, the glorious day of the workers, a true day of festivity in our fatherland since the victory of 1 January 1959. How are the people of Pinar del Rio marking this 1 May?

We are marking it with a real work festival. We are marking it by paying tribute to work. We commemorate it by being able to express our efforts in deeds and results. We commemorate it by inaugurating a large number of projects which the workers accelerated in honor of this date. First of all, it is historic that the national highway has reached the city of Pinar del Rio. [applause] Adults, older people, remember when there was only one highway on which to travel to Pinar del Rio and that it was one of the longest and most dangerous routes in the country. Who knows how many lives were lost on that narrow road, how many resources, and how much time was invested. Now, we have completed a large part of the project, a wide highway. The rest of the way is covered by a [corrects himself] by two very wide roads. The half of the highway that is already built already looks like a highway by itself. Its beauty is truly impressive as you enter the city on this highway. Progress was being made on the two roads but it was then decided to work on one in order to facilitate transportation.

I remember when I visited the province on the occasion of an exercise, a military exercise, a defense exercise. We arrived early in the city. It took a long time to travel between Herradura and the city of Pinar del Rio. There was an interminable caravan of vehicles, buses. One could hardly move.

When we came in June, we met with the leaders of the province and analyzed the need to speed up the termination of this highway. They were in the middle of the rectification process.

This highway actually began more than 10 years ago. I remember when it was begun, when we organized the brigades. I say it was 10 years ago but it could have begun in the capital 15 years ago. It took 6 days to get as far as Artemisa. Experience was not available when the road was begun.

This highway should have been finished earlier. A lot of time was lost on this project, as was done in the construction of dams and many other projects. A lot of money was invested. Money was thrown into these projects and none of them were finished. This was a reality for many years. It decreased the rhythm of construction, including the quality of construction. The projects began to be interminable.

Vices, problems, and negative tendencies were also manifested in many other activities. Fortunately, we have a revolution, a true revolution, a legitimate revolution that is able to rectify its errors. It is able to rectify in time its own negative tendencies.

The rectification process began when we became aware of these other problems. We saw that many things that had been very successful at one time had lost their strength. I am not going to discuss this here. We've talked about it on other occasions, the causes of these problems.

We knew that the roads had become extraordinarily bad. I know of highways that would take 65 years to construct at the rate they were going. The road from Santo Domingo to Corralio in Las Villas is an example of this. Some road construction was paralyzed, while other construction maintained the same pace.

Dams, which at one time were built in 2 or 3 years, were taking 15, 20, or more years. There were erroneous concepts in planning and there was an insufficient allocation of resources. Money was spent on projects every year even though there were many millions of pesos that were supposedly generated. Nevertheless, you could not rely on any of those statistics because no project was finished.

Water conservation fell drastically, among other things. That is why one of the tasks stated was the matter of water conservation. There was conservation for many years during the revolution and thinks to this dozens and dozens of dams were constructed throughout the country, large and medium-sized dams. Minidams were constructed throughout the country. An irrigation system was developed, canals, and so forth. However, water conservation had fallen tremendously. The decline of water conservation united--coincided--with one of the most prolonged--or perhaps the most prolonged--drought the revolution has experienced during these past 30 years.

The revolution became aware very early of the need to build water projects. There were no more than 2 or 3 dams in Cuba supplying water to some cities. They were small dams with tens of thousands of cubic meters of water. The revolution has been able to make dams capable of holding billions of cubic meters of water.

However, during the past few years, not a single dam was finished and we suffered the consequences more each time. That is why the need for water conservation was stressed.

The necessity for conservation could also be applied to roads. We could also call it the conservation of routes, highways, roads, and streets.

As I mentioned earlier, we were here less than a year ago and we analyzed these matters. The province was already working hard. It was working hard on the construction of roads and it was working hard on the construction of dams. They were renewing those that were abandoned. They were beginning to work on these. This provided the incentive to support the province in this effort and it can be said that water conservation began in Pinar del Rio Province and the province now heads the vanguard of the country in the conservation of water. [applause]

The province also marches excellently in the construction of highways, roads, and streets. The desire and objective of laying the last few kilometers to Pinar del Rio in a short time was stated on that occasion. The date was moved up from 26 July 1988. Some say that the date was moved up 3 months but much more was moved up due to the rectification process. The 26 July deadline was a very difficult goal that the province undertook. It as a new pace, a difficult goal. A goal that was already very difficult was moved up 3 months from 26 July. That gives you an idea of how hard the construction workers labored in this final stage of the construction of the northern segment of the national highway.

That is why we are able to inaugurate this project built by the construction workers. They deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations for the exemplary effort they have made. [applause]

We will not, however, limit ourselves to building the northern segment of the road. I think that by the next work day, 3 May, the workers building this road--the No 3 engineering projects enterprise--will be laying the southern segment. This time they will advance in the opposite direction, from Pinar del Rio to the east. We have 53 km left. Part of the excavations have been made. Part of the bridges have been finished. We have a serious task ahead of us and we will not be content with those two wide roads. We want the highway to be complete, finished, with all its connecting roads.

We have begun to see some support for that brigade, some resources. Some of their buses have been repaired. Other equipment can be added to reconstruct their force, to renovate their force. We will continue using the major part of the equipment we have, but some of them will be replaced during the second half of this year.

They have set a good pace because we have to finish quickly. We have to finish this road quickly. How long will it take us? We have 53 km left. We think that by 1 May--we want to set a reasonable date--by 1 May [repeats himself] 1990, the 53 km of the southern part of the road will be finished. I am confident that the workers will not only fulfill their goals; they will overfulfill them. I am absolutely sure. [applause]

I think the same thing will happen with that date as with the 26 July goal. I am sure that with renewed energy and some new equipment, this brigade will meet that goal.

[Words indistinct] We are not going to junk the equipment we replace. We are going to use it in the expansion of the Pinar del Rio-Guanes highway, to make it wider. [applause]

However, there is another reason why we are interested in seeing the brigade continue to work with this same big drive. It should not only complete this two-lane highway, but also, as soon as it finishes the two-lane highway, it will have to start working on a two-track railroad line between Pinar del Rio and Havana. [applause]

We are not only going to have a highway between Havana and Pinar del Rio, but also a two-track railroad line. Work is underway on the project and there is already some progress on the Havana-Artemisa stretch. Our plan is that as soon as they finish this second road, these brigades will start building from Los Palacios toward the east. First they will connect completed stretches.

This railroad transportation is very necessary. The province has no big port. Practically everything brought to the province has to come over roads or by rail. Many of the province's exports also have to be transported over roads, tobacco, citrus fruit, lobster, fish. All these are important sources of foreign exchange revenue for the country. And it's not only goods but also people who travel this way.

People are going to travel more safely on this highway. It has an island, two wide lanes. In fact, we got here in approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes without speeding. One hour and 20 minutes! [crowd stirs] I was reading all the way. [Castro chuckles] It's not a new thing, not a new thing. Several people told me that it took 1 hour and 20 minutes--I don't mean from the capital; I mean from the point where the Mediodia highway starts. I don't think I broke any laws. [crowd laughs] At any rate, if anyone broke the law it was the comrade who was driving. [crowd laughs] They say that the man who kills the goat is as much to blame as the one who ties it up. [crowd laughs]

So I was reading all the way. All of a sudden I asked: Where are we? We're in Pinar del Rio, I was told. I was used to 3-hour drives. Curves and more curves. I was very surprised. Before I realized it, we were already in Pinar del Rio. I'm not implying that the buses will make it this fast, but I would say that they can make the trip in practically half the time as before.

We will have a good two-track railroad in the future. A portion of the lines will be new. There will be a new line from Havana to Artemisa. From Artemisa to Pinar, the new track will mostly follow the old one. However, it will also be a high-speed train, which will make it possible to travel comfortably between the country's capital and the provincial capital.

And, of course, it will make possible large-scale transportation of goods. There are raw materials here that must be transported to other areas of the country. Sand, rock, other products have to be transported elsewhere for the production of bottles, glass plates, etc. There are many industries that require raw materials from Pinar del Rio. At the same time, many raw materials and products have to come [words indistinct]: all of the cement consumed in Pinar del Rio has to come from the factories in Artemisa and Mariel; all of the iron rods used in Pinar del Rio; all the tiles used in Pinar del Rio; all the bathroom fixtures used in Pinar del Rio; a large number of the ironworks used in Pinar del Rio in housing and social works construction.

Therefore, those two large projects are very valuable ones. This one is almost at hand. With the effort of these workers we will shortly have the two lanes. I can assure you that it will not take us long to get to the two railroad tracks. We are going to push this project as much as possible from our end. It could happen, in fact, that some of these brigades will start working on the railroad as soon as we have the plans. For example, the bridges brigades are far advanced. The bridges brigades might be building the bridges we need for those two tracks by the end of the year. It's possible that reinforced land-clearing brigades might also start construction work this very year from here on. In other words, if not from Pinar del Rio, at least from Los Palacious, halfway, to connect the roads. It is always good to make the connections. Even if we finish this or that stretch, unless we connect them, they are of no use. However, if we connect Los Palacious with the capital, then we can start using that stretch. That's why the workers in the capital will start in this direction and workers here will start toward the capital.

Therefore, we are not going to take too long. We are not going to set deadlines right now, but I can assure you that we are not going to take long to finish those two tracks if we keep up the spirit and the productivity we have achieved so far.

This is good news. I feel that a noble, happy, honorable way to commemorate 1 May is this 26 July of sorts that you have organized here.

But there is more good news in other fields. I have already said that the province is at the vanguard in the resumption of hydraulic works. There are three reservoir brigades. They took on a heavy load. They are ahead of schedule in their construction plan by many months. When we came here in June last year, the brigade building the Guama dam was barely organized. The equipment had just arrived. The work had hardly begun. It as estimated that it could take 2 and 1/2 years. In fact, they are going to do it in 1 year and 7 months, according to the reports I have. It appears that they are going to finish the Guama dam in March 1989.

The Guama dam not only means around 40 million cubic meters of water for public, industrial, agricultural use; it will also prevent tremendous floods such as the ones that took place here during the last hurricane. These hurricanes cause so much danger, cost so many lives, destroy so much wealth.

I remember the hotel--I can't recall the name--I visited in the days of the hurricane. I was told that a cow in the water ended up on the hotel's second floor. [crowd laughs] She took a room there, just like any tourist. Here where we are all standing was a veritable sea. It affected many families; a lot of furniture, mattresses, air conditioners were damaged. I recall that the revolution had to come up with a plan to sell, supply, grant credits and low prices to thousands of families affected by these losses.

After the hurricane, I remember thinking: We won't take long: someday we'll have the dam. The brigade was organized last year and this is the last spring the river will get the chance to overflow as it did before. The waters will be confined in the Guama reservoir.

But it's not only that. Not only will the city have the water it needs but it will have it without wasting it. No one has the right to waste water. The country will never be able to say it has the water resources Pinar del Rio has, but the nice thing about all this is that it is not lost afterward. Instead, we treat it. Through a diversion dam and through a channel which is presently under construction, the water will end up at El Punto Dam and its level will be raised to take in approximately 100 million. Then all that water that the opera singers waste in a shower here, in this happy city of Pinar del Rio, we will at least be able to use afterward in agriculture. Using these procedures, it will not be wasted.

The treatment plant will also produce fertilizers and water for agriculture. Look at what a logical thing this is. That water will then go to the ocean, just as all the water from the Guama River goes to the ocean. All that water that floods us now goes to the ocean. We will save that water, we will store it, there will not be any floods, and we will use it for the population, industry, and agriculture. Those are rationing measures.

I tell you that soon, within a few days, the brigade which completed the Paso Viejo and El Punto diversion dams and the Paso Viejo-El Punto Channel will build that diversion dam. That is why I think that as of next year not a drop of water will be wasted in the river. We will be able to take all of it to the El Punto Dam which will soon increase its capacity. Notice what that single project of Guama means. It is also important for the workers not to spend 10 years building that dam. Let's not get that ridiculous, absurd, and stupid idea of giving 100,000 this year, 100,000 the next, and 100,000 the next if it is not finished within an estimated amount of time. So how much time should they be given? Only as much time as they need to build. Only as much time as is needed by the teams of a brigade, and only as much time as the workers need to do the job. That is the most logical way of working. As soon as they finish, they can prepare another project. If they take 10 years, we spend 10 years investing in cement, sand, rock, fuel, engines, and work force, and we do not receive anything in return. We are still dry when it doesn't rain, and we still get flooded when it rains excessively. I think that our people, and those of Pinar del Rio, understand perfectly the logic of this rationing. Therefore, we will have a dam sooner. Immediately after, another one, to be called the Paso Viejo Dam, will be built on the same river. It will also be to store water. On the occasion of this 1 January [corrects himself] 1 May, the San Julian Dam has already been completed. The dam was completed way ahead of schedule. Now that that dam is completed, our comrades will go on to work to the west of Pinar del Rio. For the first time, we will begin building dams to the west of Pinar del Rio. There still remain a few to be built in the east; almost all of them are built there. I think that around 1990 or 1991 we will no longer need to build dams in that area, unless other possibilities are discovered. We will soon build dams between Pinar del Rio and Guane. We are already studying the Cuyaguateje project, where the dam with the greatest flow in the province will be. It will have more than 250 million cubic meters. You know that the Cuyaguateje floods. All that water can be turned not only into centers to produce food, fish, etc, but can also be used for all the citrus, tobacco, grain, and vegetable plans. This will not be a matter of another decade, no. As these brigades finish here, they go on to the west of the capital. Now they will build El Rancho Dam; afterward, they will build the one in San Juan. Those also flood when it rains a lot, and they take lives. They cause a lot of damage, as they did in that hurricane.

Therefore, the workers of the water projects have completed the channel of Punto Jiconal, from Paso Viejo to El Punto. They have rebuilt an important channel from Santa Clara to Herradura. They have completed San Julian. they are moving fast in El Patate and here in Guama. These are three dam construction brigades which we have to maintain and strengthen in whatever way possible, so that they can continue working at an increasing pace.

What does this mean? It means that when we are through, not a single drop will escape to the sea. We are working on minidams in the north. Comrade Gregorio [outstanding worker who preceded Castro at the podium] mentioned here the time when he inaugurated a minidam in Vinales. We plan to build all the dams possible there. The land is very fertile, but it doesn't always rain. Or if it does, the rain is late. Or it can start raining in January. You can see what great advantage it is to have water from November on to plant tobacco, vegetables, grains. Everything has to be planted at the same time now. But if we have water, the planting can be staggered. The crops are more certain to be plentiful.

We sent a minidam brigade to Vinales. The thing is, however, that it is building a dam for 9 million, which makes it no longer a minidam. I was telling my namesake that if you build a lot of minidams, you have water fast. In a few months, water here, water there. We should build the bigger ones later. The bigger ones include irrigation systems. However, after building a few medium-sized ones, the brigade moved on to bigger ones and is now committed until the year 1990. When we are able to, we will organize another minidam brigade in the municipality of Matahambre, to keep working on the idea of not letting a single drop escape to the sea that could be dammed up otherwise. Let the water escape to the sea only at the end, there where we can't build a dam, there where we can't retrieve it, get it back to the watertable.

I was noticing a model you have here in the province. They were showing it to me at noon. The model consisted of all the projects and channels built in the province. It is really a nice model. You can see all that's been done over these years of revolution in the area of dams and channels. I don't know if you can get a picture out in the newspapers so that everyone can see it. You can not only see the dams that are built already but also the few that remain to be built, the channels left to build.

But I tell you, in my opinion, in 2 or 3 years at the most, all the (?eastern) projects will be completed in the Pinar capital. We will do the rest in a short period of time, North and south. The best prospects in the south, where there are more rivers. Thus, in this sense, I feel the news is good and encouraging.

The effort in building local mountain roads was also mentioned here. Aside from the several highways criss-crossing the province from south to north, there is a central mountain highway which will make it possible to go from Soroa, or before Soroa, to Vinales and beyond--to Matahambre by road. This without using either the northern road, the central highway, or the national highway.

So, the province will have four highways crossing it from one end to the other. This will help the Turquino program, the reforestation program, the program to plant coffee and other crops. It will help to keep the peasant population on the mountains. It is a must to keep the population there. I am certain that with the excellent living conditions they will have--electricity, communications, good housing, good living standards--they will stay on the mountains. That's a big plan. I know that the highway builders have also made a huge effort on the mountains.

Moreover, our province is not only making progress in highway and railroad construction. It is not only making progress in building mountain roads and hydraulic works. Our province is making considerable progress in agriculture in general. Gregorio was explaining here about the very good harvest in both quantity and quality this year. Important steps were taken in the organization to enable the province to do without bringing in labor as much as possible. The enormous mass of dozens of thousands of students that has to be mobilized from the capital is very costly and causes many problems. They have their own work to do there. Vegetable and tuber cultivation is going to expand by more than 500 cabalerias.

The plan is to build some 30 schools. There are almost 20,000 pre-university students in the capital. They are not attending rural schools. There are provinces that have almost all their pre-university students in the rural schools. They help supply the capital with tubers and vegetables. Therefore, with the introduction of technology, machinery, organization, and with the incorporation of people into the work--which has been made more feasible with the agricultural wages reform and which in turn has made it possible for more than 10,000 people to join agricultural tasks in Pinar del Rio Province--it will truly be a good thing for the country to get the province to push ahead with these agricultural and development plans without having to import labor at any time.

Agricultural progress is made, citrus cultivation improves, etc.

As explained here earlier, there is a program for 3 million quintals of tubers and vegetables. This means more than 4 quintals of tubers and vegetables per capita. There is a plan to plant more than 1,000 caballerias with short-cycle crops in formerly idle tobacco fields.

There are plans to produce up to 3 million quintals of rice in this province. There are plans to plant around 3,000 caballerias. Depending on the yield, production could be more than 3 million. We thus make good use of all these areas close to the coast. Above all, we'll do this by the proper utilization of the impounded water. A lot of water is still being wasted in agriculture. Sometimes a hectare of rice takes 20,000 or 15,000 cubic meters. The provincial first party secretary, Comrade Fidel Ramos, was explaining to me that they have done some experiments and found that with only 10,000 cubic meters a number of caballerias have been planted with a yield of 1,400 quintals. He as telling me that there were times when the water was repumped three and four times. The water used to go from one level to another and then to the sea. They repumped it.

They are also planning to plant several hundreds of caballerias in grains and vegetables in rotation with rice in the dry months in those areas. So, there are big development plans for agriculture.

There can be no doubt that the province is making considerable progress in industrial development. The province today has the biggest, or at least the most advanced, electronics industry in the country. Believe me, the comrades who work in these electronic component factories deserve to be honored, because they have added to the province's prestige. When you see an industry as complicated and complex as this one, one that requires so much technology, so excellently managed by the people of Pinar, you fully realize how much our country has advanced.

This requires a level of education, technical training, and culture undreamt of in the past. This shows that any industry, no matter how complex or difficult it may be, can be built and efficiently operated by the people of Pinar. [applause] Large investments will continue to be made in the electronics industry. It is said that the investments will amount to some 50 million pesos. The electronics industry is going to keep growing. It is the province's pride.

The mechanical industry will continue to grow in the province. This is also another good example of how the people of Pinar are able to work. Continued investments will be made. The industry will play an important role in the development of our country's automobile industry.

Moreover, construction will soon begin in the northern part of this province, in the Santa Lucia area, of a big lead, zinc, and copper production plant. It is a modern industry which we will build in close cooperation with the Soviet Union. The construction equipment will soon start arriving in the province to begin clearing the land for the Castellanos mining industry. You know that the province has large deposits of these metals in the northern part.

In addition, intensive work continues in the exploration for oil, since the province's geological structure is a promising one. There's a whole drilling program. Sooner or later, we will find the oil and the gas. if we don't find it under the ground, we will find it in the sea off the northern coast of Pinar del Rio Province. That is very important.

There is also a plan to build a big factory to manufacture plate glass, which is so important in the construction of houses, hospitals, and social works in general. We were thinking of a plant with a capacity to produce from 3 to 5 million square meters of plate glass. The country's single plant right now is in the capital and produces only a few hundred thousands square meters of plate glass. We have to import a lot of the glass that we need. You know what it means to have to import glass from thousands of kilometers away. Then, also, you can't really import in really large quantities. We are going to build this new plant in Pinar del Rio.

There are also plans to build a big bottle manufacturing plant soon. This way we can take advantage of the excellent raw material the province has. And, in this vein, there are other industrial development projects. Therefore, we can guarantee sustained industrial growth for the province.

We have talked on other occasions about social progress. All of you know how much progress this province has made in education. I would say that it's among the most advanced in the country today. It has a large number of schools and they are quality schools. There is increasing quality in this area. Some negative tendencies are being rectified, overcome.

The province now has some university faculties. It has the School of Economics. For the past few months, it has had a Mechanical Engineering School and an Electronics School. These are faculties or new branches of higher education set up in recent months and which now have a few dozen students. Pinar del Rio will graduate engineers to work in its electronics industry, those who will work in the industry. The province also has agricultural and forestry schools, producing forestry engineers. In short, higher education has grown considerably.

In my opinion, the jewel in the crown is Pinar del Rio's School of Medicine. The school is close to completion. We toured the place and we saw an Olympic-sized pool that looks like an ocean. There's an excellent gym whose (?roof) is practically finished. We saw track and field and soccer areas. I think that there's even going to be a small baseball field that they are going to build on a small piece of land ceded by [words indistinct]. I protested a bit at first. I said, this is too much baseball, too much baseball influence, and this can be detrimental to other sports. But, they were so happy about it, I didn't want to disappoint them. I was told that the medical students were also good baseball players. I thought they were going to tell me they were good doctors, but the medical students told me they were good baseball players. Well, they don't have to tell me they are good doctors because we'll take care of that ourselves.

The truth is that this school has graduated around 1,200 doctors. This in a province that in the past only had 200. Its school alone has graduated 1,200. There are more than 1,500 medical students. The province has so many that in the future restrictions will have to be applied to enrollment somehow.

But the most important thing is that, of the students who enroll in the medical schools, those from Pinar del Rio have the highest averages. [applause] Their average is 95 or 96. The students with the best averages, I repeat, are the ones from Pinar del Rio. this has ensured a high graduation rate, a very high one. Of course, this is due to the selection, the qualifications of the students who enroll. Now, imagine those students in that school. They have all the resources, all the laboratories, an enormous hospital next door, a modern hospital. Imagine what excellent doctors we will have graduating in the future. They will certainly be increasingly better prepared.

We are also developing the bachelor's degree in nursing. We can also develop bachelor's degrees in other health areas. In the not too distant future, they will enter medical schools with high school degrees and then study for 5 years to obtain their bachelors' degree in nursing. That's how we are moving in education. In the early years of the revolution, students enrolled with a 6th grade education: later, they went in after 9th grade in order to become teachers. We are now giving a higher education to many of these teachers. In the future, they will be enrolling in schools and universities with high school diplomas in order to get a bachelor's in elementary education. I think we will be the first country to achieve such a high level in the education of its teaching personnel. [applause]

Notice what a gigantic leap forward! It is a historic leap in 30 years.

As I said, the nurses will have a bachelor's degree. In other words, all the personnel that used to attend a nursing school, a mid-level technical school, will have to go to university. In addition to our program to provide more advanced development courses to our present teachers who have no university degree, we will have a program to give advanced development courses to people who are nurses now and have no university degree. See how we can garner the results of these great advances? I ask myself: Are there many more countries that have this kind of thing? Are there many other countries that can say their students' first-grade teachers are university graduates? Or that nurses will graduate from university? That they will have to study almost as long as doctors to become nurses? Are there other ways to guarantee better health services to future generations?

We might even be envious, despite our own present progress, of what the country will have in a few years. In addition to all these efforts to train doctors, we will have new institutions like the family doctors. This year, 107 family doctors will join the workforce in the province. Some of them will go to the mountains. That will be approximately in 1993. If not 1993, then 1994. The whole province will have family doctors. See what gigantic.. [changes thought] Hospital installations will continue to develop. A big surgical-clinical hospital was built in San Cristobal, and another has been built here. It is possible that a third will have to be built in the western part of the province, similar to the one in San Cristobal, so that the people of Guanes and all those other areas won't have to come here. A gynecology-obstetrics section is being built right here in the hospital just finished. It is always convenient to have the maternity hospital next door to the surgical-clinical hospital, because the most experienced surgeons are there and they always have resources and equipment that can help the mothers. Therefore, we have the ability to combine maternity and surgical-clinical hospitals.

Now, what are we going to do with the old hospital? We are going to rebuild it, restore it. We are going to build another maternity hospital there. The capital then will have two very modern maternity hospitals. [applause] One of the current maternity hospitals will be turned into a rehabilitation hospital, another very important service. Although this new hospital has an excellent rehabilitation section, we want to develop rehabilitation services in all surgical-clinical hospitals. It suits us. It is one of the most important and most appreciated services. We are going to turn the old maternity hospital into a rehabilitation service for the province. We will continue to build as many family doctors' offices-homes as necessary, as many polyclinics as necessary, as many medical facilities as necessary. Stomatological clinics will continue to be built. I believe that the clinics now are linked with the stomatological clinics. Therefore, services for the province will continue to be developed in a country that will surely have one of the best medical services in the world.

We will continue to build child care centers, which had not been built in years. After this rectification process, the province will build 23 child care centers in 1988-90. The minibrigades are being organized. All social projects the province needs, in addition to housing, will be examined. The reason that a bigger push has not been given to the construction of housing is because we are pushing the accelerated building of construction materials plants. The insufficiency of construction materials hampers us, but we will give it a bigger push each year. We will develop new technologies. In fact, I was shown how certain types of ironworks are being produced in prisons, how the prisons are developing a construction material based on ferro-cement. There are very nice plans and models of low-cost housing using these materials. Mosaics production is being developed to tile floors. It can be said that everyone today is working everywhere to find a solution to all these problems.

The prospects are good. Who does this depend on? It depends on us, on our work.

What will we have in the future? We will have everything we are capable of creating. The facts--life itself--shows us that if we work well, if we work with tenacity, organization, discipline, and efficiency, we will be capable of achieving everything we set for ourselves to do. Those who knew this province and today visit the electronic component factory, the hospital, the mechanical industry, a school such as the (?Engels) School, or many other institutions, hospitals, and schools [applause] will certainly be able to say that they could not even have dreamt about these things in the past.

I am going to say that my promises have been fulfilled. Once in a while politicians promised roads, highways, a first-aid post, or something like that and never kept their promises. They were not even capable of ending hunger, much less to create those projects. They were not able to end hunger. This province was a landholders' fief. They owned everything, they charged rent for everything. It is known by part of the population and the young ones may have heard about it, how much they suffered, how much poverty there was, how many illnesses, the high mortality rate, the illiteracy there was in this province. I am not going to say how it was called because that is something from the past. But a medical student was telling me today: It is no longer Cinderella, it is already the princess. He was referring to the Pinar del Rio Province. [applause]

Its infant mortality rate was 12.2, 12.3 in 1987, and this year it is under 11. I believe it is around 10.7. It is less than in Washington, the capital of the empire [words indistinct] Who would have said this? Who would have been able to imagine such a thing, that here in this western province the infant mortality rate has been 10.7 in this first quarter? We have to continue to struggle because even with such low figures a small number of illnesses has an influence on them. We are talking about a sophisticated type of medicine. This shows that it will drop below 10 pretty soon. So as all these medical institutions, the maternity center, and family doctors continue working, the mortality rate can be reduced even more. Pinar del Rio may be among the first provinces to reduce infant mortality to less than 10. It should be one of its objectives, its aims. Pinar del Rio's infant mortality rate is way below that of many developed countries. This is a reflection of social progress; it shows that we can achieve what we set out to do. How? I repeat, by working in the same way we are working now, working each time more and better.

It is not a matter of working many hours, although many hours of work are needed in some areas now because we have to make up for lost time. We couldn't lose time in finishing this (?highway) which brings so many benefits to the entire country, for all those who travel from the rest of the country to Pinar del Rio, and for all those who travel from Pinar del Rio to the rest of the country. We cannot keep our arms crossed and say: I don't care it takes 15 years or 1 year to build it.

We need to build those trains very fast. The country needs them. We need to build dams and canals very fast. The country needs them. health installations need to be built. The country needs them. The country needs factories. We cannot afford to wait; this is why we have to work on them. Above all, we have to make good use of the work day. it is very important to make good use of the work day.

In many cases there is not enough work content in (?projects) because of the problem of narrow job profiles and all those factors. That does not happen in other cases. [Passage indistinct] with a microscope, so it is a very difficult job. To do that for 8 hours requires a lot of patience.

We have said [passage indistinct] fortunately we will have, relatively soon, automatic machines for that job. The good use of the work day is very important. The quality of work is very important--quality of work as a construction worker, or as factory laborer, or as a teacher, doctor, nurse, health worker, [word indistinct] worker. The quality of what we do is very important. It is very important. Quality is a matter of culture, the culture of quality in construction, the culture of quality. There are people who do not like to see a stain somewhere, there are people who do not like to mix the colors of bathroom tiles, or a dark floor tile with a light one. This is the culture of quality.

We also have to acquire it just like the culture of service, which the population complains about so much. This happens precisely because a citizen is not capable of waiting on another one as he should. When that citizen's child goes to school, he wants the child to receive the best classes in the world, the best education in the world. When he goes to the hospital, he wants the diagnosis to be the best one in the world and he wants to receive the best treatment in the world. Everything. If he goes to a baseball game, he wants it to be perfect and wants to enjoy a perfect game. However, when he has to provide a service to another citizen, if he works in one of those service establishments, he does not bother to give the best attention. This is a matter of culture, of culture [repeats himself]. It is a battle I am sure we will win. Some are more difficult than others. We cannot wage all battles at the same time. We are winning the battles in many fields. We will win all the battles in one field after another.

This will depend not only on our conscience; it will also depend on culture. I see that our country is moving forward, it really is, in the formation of that conscience, of that culture. We have to fight mediocrity, sloppy work everywhere. We have to wage war on the useless. We have to be implacable.

I was saying that the progress is clear. It is a more educated people. I am going to say it, because I have it right here, I am looking at it--this ceremony, this rally, its organization and discipline, the attention and manners of this public, is very hard to find anywhere else in the world, I can assure you. [applause]

We have been able to reach these levels of drive, enthusiasm, culture and political awareness, these levels of patriotism that have us joining the Territorial Troops Militia, the military units, the defense zones everywhere, to defend the fatherland, the price of life. We have been able to achieve this power; we have been able to achieve the power of an invincible country. And this is not because we have nuclear arms, powerful fleets. The reason for all this is that this country has tremendous moral weapons, an indestructible patriotism. Its unity and spirit is such that it would be impossible for any invader to seize this country. If we have reached such lofty moral, political, and revolutionary heights, how can we fail to win the battle against those small things that still remain; win the battle against the lack of culture that remains, the bad habits of an exploited, underdeveloped, and poor country that we inherited from the past?

I have no doubt that we will win those battles, too.

This is why today, 30 April, 1 May, and 26 July, I want to congratulate all Pinar workers [applause], young people, children, all men and women of this noble and selfless province. I want to say how happy we are to have been able to participate in this day of joy, this day of enthusiasm and celebration, along with all of you. I want to express our affection, our sympathy, our deep admiration, and our trust in the people of Pinar del Rio.

Fatherland or death, we shall win!

[Speech by President Fidel Castro marking International Workers Day in Pinar del Rio on 30 April 1988]

freehand freehand 20:10 16.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

I kakve veze ima Filip sa Kastrom?
predatortz predatortz 20:14 16.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

I kakve veze ima Filip sa Kastrom?

Voli duge govore.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 01:27 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

“At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas.”

Aldous Huxley
nimbus nimbus 11:25 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

ВВхиппинг ас баллс он тхе саддле.

"Млатиш к`о моодима по самару".

Дреко Зиројевић
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 11:56 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

“Moderni čovek mnogo ima i mnogo čime se služi, ali vrlo malo jeste. Procesi osećanja i mišljenja atrofirali su mu kao nekorišćeni mišići.“

nimbus nimbus 12:22 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

“Модерни човек много има и много чиме се служи, али врло мало јесте. Процеси осећања и мишљења атрофирали су му као некоришћени мишићи.“


"Ласно је туђим цитатима глогиње млатити". - Народна пословица.
freehand freehand 12:23 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

“Модерни човек много има и много чиме се служи, али врло мало јесте. Процеси осећања и мишљења атрофирали су му као некоришћени мишићи.“


"Ласно је туђим цитатима глогиње млатити". - Народна пословица.

To su Filipove misli velikih ljudi.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 12:38 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Narodna poslovica
predatortz predatortz 12:51 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Filip Mladenović
Narodna poslovica

Filipe, ovo moram da ti kažem:

Prvo, neozbiljno si pristupio ozbiljnoj temi. Ovakve teme se ne 'pokrivaju' parolama, tuđim mislima i citatima, nego ozbiljno predočenim činjenicama.

Drugo, ponašaš se kao pubertetlija lepeći ove citate i pozivajući ljude da čitaju tuđe misli, koje sa ovom temom nemaju blage veze.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 13:04 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Uz dužno poštovanje, moram da reagujem na one blogerke i blogere, koji se uporno i tendenciozno, već godinama, umesto temom bloga, bave autorom bloga!?
Takvih je jedno 5-6, pa sam odlučio da njima preporučujem terapije u vidu odabranih intervjua, kakav je na ovom blogu razgovor sa izdavačem Brankom Kukićem, citata, lepih misli, aforizama, stihova, epigrama...

nimbus nimbus 13:57 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Овде се једино цењени аутор и његов спамујући трабант tyson нису бавили темом блога.

А да има згодних мисли за цитирање, има. У том смислу ево скромног прилога, који се савршено уклапа у тематику:


У рату су најстрашнији тренуци на јуришу, кад се пуца у месо и боде у месо... Опаснија је страховита артиљеријска ватра, опасније су авионске бомбе. Али коса се на глави диже, кад борци искоче из ровова и пођу откривено једни према другима, пуцајући у месо, и, кад се приближе, бодући у месо.

Ту треба срца јуначког и храбрости мушке. У рову су масе; кад се пуца у месо, сваки је војник личност. У рову влада храброст масе; изван рова, у јуришу сваки војник мора имати личну храброст, дужност, одушевљење и вољу да победи.

Непрестано, сви и с лева и с десна кукају да је зло, а нико не излази из рова, да злу заврне шију. Сви мисле да је довољно ако се на то указује, а не употребљују оно оружје које га једино може уништити.

И стално се врте око оружја које се показало у савременим друштвеним односима неупотребљивим за уништење зла. Није довољно само рећи. Потребно је напрегнути све снаге да се зло искорени и не дозволи ни себи самом у злу учествовати. „Добар пастир, јер што каже ином, и сам својим потврђује чином.”

Нама није довољно утврдити зло. Ми тежимо да се најенергичнијим средствима разбију клике, униште мафије, растерају тајне и мрачне котерије, које окивају и гуше ову земљу и сисају здраве сокове из тела народног.

Густа је мрежа удруженог зла у овој земљи, густа и јака мрежа. У тој мрежи копрца се народ, а неваљалци је држе у рукама. И мора се почети пуцати у месо клика и котерија, мора се ухватити у коштац са злом, па ма где се налазило, прса у прса. Не тражимо за себе поштеде. Али нећемо ни штедети. Пуцаћемо у месо, док не размрскамо змији отровну главу, док не уништимо отровног паука који исисава овај народ и сиромаши ову земљу.

Пуцамо у месо клика и котерија, свих оних удружених неваљалаца који већ више, од деценије и по искоришћују ову земљу, срозавају високу херојску душу овог народа, деморалишу отетим и покраденим новцима.

Пуцамо у месо онима који, као расипни синови расипају ову народну муку, створену крвљу најбољих из овог народа.

Пуцамо у месо онима који се грабе о власт и положаје не да ступе у тешку и одговорну службу народној заједници, већ да неодговорно поробљавају, убијају душу, задовољавају своје себичне интересе.

Пуцамо у месо онима који за ових дугих и тешких 16 година осиромашише, оголеше и опустошише као варвари ову земљу.

Пуцамо у месо сваком злу и сваком неваљалству, па ма од кога долазило.
Последњи је час, да се искочи из рова и да се пуца у месо.

У народ не сумњамо и у његову храброст. Он је увек излазио из ровова, кад је јуначка невоља то тражила.

Дошло је време, да се мора... Мора се пуцати срчано у месо, у срце, да би се ова светла творевина толиких покољења спасла од немани, која сатире.

Позивамо и наш народ, да храбро иступи против зла, да се окупимо и приберемо у густе борбене редове. Постоје само два фронта у овој земљи. На једној страни је мањина у којој су удружени неваљалци, који су се домогли свега и свачега, на другој страни цео народ. Избора нема, ако се жели спас. Мора се у борбу, отворену, прса у прса.

И ако овај народ то схвати, нема сумње ни о исходу ове борбе. Ако борци срчано и смело отворе паљбу у месо, зло ће се распрштати и ослобођење ће доћи.
freehand freehand 23:04 17.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Uz dužno poštovanje, moram da reagujem na one blogerke i blogere, koji se uporno i tendenciozno, već godinama, umesto temom bloga, bave autorom bloga!?

pa sam odlučio da njima preporučujem terapije

Uz dužno potšovanje, visokocenjeni Filipe, podvukao bih sledeće: na ovom blogu, kao i na svim ranijim trudio sam se da prvo razumem temu i tekst bloga. To, priznajem, najčešćče nije lak poduhvat, čak i kad je moguće
A onda i da komentarišem to što razumem kao temu.
Jedini izuzeci su isključivo vezani za tvoja skretanja sa teme i zakonom kažnjive pokušaje da se baviš nadrilekarstvom, kao što već rekoh.
Veruj mi da me od situacije u kojoj se tebi dele razne dijagnoze i njima adekvatne terapije ne nervira manje situacija u kojoj ti dijagnozu postavljaš meni i prepisuješ mi terapiju.
Zato te molim da to ubuduće izbegavaš.
Dovoljno je što si sebi uzeo ingerencije tužioca, sudije i moralnog kadije.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 02:08 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Jedino što je vredno u životu posedovati je - biti svoj.
tyson tyson 09:24 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

I kakve veze ima Filip sa Kastrom?

I za vas terapija: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1163785

A prigodan citat imaš gore

tyson tyson 09:26 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Овде се једино цењени аутор и његов спамујући трабант tyson нису бавили темом блога.

I za tebe na temu bloga: klik na link.

nimbus nimbus 13:04 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Па, ако вам се не свиђа размишљање Мите Љотића "У месо!", тако прикладно и данас, да се тешко може и разлучити ко је аутор и у ком времену је настао, ево једног написа, рачунам прилично инспиративног у данашње време.

Пошто не техника не ферцера, потражите Ђорђе Ивковић: "Да ли је `друга Србија` зрела за лапот?"
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 14:49 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Па, ако вам се не свиђа размишљање Мите Љотића "У месо!", тако прикладно и данас, да се тешко може и разлучити ко је аутор и у ком времену је настао, ево једног написа, рачунам прилично инспиративног у данашње време.

Пошто не техника не ферцера, потражите Ђорђе Ивковић: "Да ли је `друга Србија` зрела за лапот?"

Ako Vam je fašista uzor, formata Ljotića, jedan od najgorih srpskih zločinaca, pa Vama ni navedeni citati kao terapija ne pomažu.

Mogu samo da Vam izjavim - saučešće!
nimbus nimbus 15:28 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Ако Вам је фашиста узор, формата Љотића, један од најгорих српских злочинаца, па Вама ни наведени цитати као терапија не помажу.

Могу само да Вам изјавим - саучешће!

Што се тиче узора, Љотић ми није узор. У том смислу, ја сам свим својим бићем, до последњег даха, за ђенерла Драгољуба Михаиловића.
Ви сте, на срамоту своју и свих Ваших, за аустроугарског кољача Броза.
Тако, наше позиције су јасне. Ви сте издајник, не ја.

За издајнике нема ни саучешћа ни милости.

У овом случају, међутим, показује се како је један записани говор, без великих мудрости и компликованих реченица, од пре седамдесетосам година, данас толико применљив да не може да се препозна да није из наших дана.

Зар не би ваљало размислити?
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 18:45 18.01.2014

Re: Истину на сунце!

Ama čoveče, ja sam za našu decu i decu naše dece! Da u Srbiji žive pristojno i rade normalno kao u Švedskoj ili u Australiji.



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