Društvo| Ekonomija

The Christmas Offensive

Chris Farmer RSS / 10.12.2014. u 10:52

Last July I forgot something.

Nearly exactly a year ago, at the tipping point between early- and mid-December, I forgot to go Christmas shopping. There must have been something good on TV.

Every year, faced with the prospect of engaging in pitched battle with my fellow shoppers throughout the month of December, I seem to make the resolution to do all the shopping in July, thus freeing myself from active duty and sparing myself more bloodshed.

But now, conditioned as I am by the plangent strains of seasonal piped-in musak which insinuates its ineluctable Christmas music through radio and digital channels, I suddenly realize that I am five months late for Springing into Action. My plan has failed, and I must to war.

Godspeed and good luck to us all.

It is a strange sort of war that awaits us. We will sit all day in offices and at desks, waiting for the moment to Rise to the Occasion. From different vantage points all over Belgrade, we converge on the bridges. From the center, we drive urgently to reach New Belgrade. From New Belgrade, we light out for the center. No matter where we are, when it comes to the moment of shopping, we are in the WRONG place. We must reach the bridges.

Most of the war is about sitting in traffic. Sun Tsu never mentioned anything about this.

Once we come ashore in the shopping zone - the Ušće Shopping Center for example - it is then that all of our planning and research are thrown out the window. At 18:00, the shopping battlefield is fully populated with what seems to be 78% of Belgrade. People are pushing in every direction with a great deal of force. Elbows and shoulders are employed to cut paths through the throng. No matter where you want to go, 180 people are stridently streaming the other way. You duck into Terranova to regroup.

In July this would have been SO easy...


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jedi-knight jedi-knight 10:56 10.12.2014


adriana adriana 14:53 10.12.2014

My plan has failed, and I must to war

My plan has failed, and I must to war.

Capture the pay-desk.
a_jovicic a_jovicic 02:01 11.12.2014

Sun Tzu ... and rivers

From different vantage points all over Belgrade, we converge on the bridges. From the center, we drive urgently to reach New Belgrade. From New Belgrade, we light out for the center. No matter where we are, when it comes to the moment of shopping, we are in the WRONG place. We must reach the bridges.

Most of the war is about sitting in traffic. Tsu Zu never mentioned anything about this.

... but he mentioned rivers

Sun Tzu on the Art of War

IX The Army on the March
3. After crossing a river, you should get far away from it.

[“In order to tempt the enemy to cross after you,” according to Ts‘ao Kung, and also, says Chang Yu, “in order not to be impeded in your evolutions.” The T‘UNG TIEN reads, “If THE ENEMY crosses a river,” etc. But in view of the next sentence, this is almost certainly an interpolation.]

4. When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream. It will be best to let half the army get across, and then deliver your attack.

[Li Ch‘uan alludes to the great victory won by Han Hsin over Lung Chu at the Wei River. Turning to the CH‘IEN HAN SHU, ch. 34, fol. 6 verso, we find the battle described as follows: “The two armies were drawn up on opposite sides of the river. In the night, Han Hsin ordered his men to take some ten thousand sacks filled with sand and construct a dam higher up. Then, leading half his army across, he attacked Lung Chu; but after a time, pretending to have failed in his attempt, he hastily withdrew to the other bank. Lung Chu was much elated by this unlooked-for success, and exclaiming: “I felt sure that Han Hsin was really a coward!” he pursued him and began crossing the river in his turn. Han Hsin now sent a party to cut open the sandbags, thus releasing a great volume of water, which swept down and prevented the greater portion of Lung Chu’s army from getting across. He then turned upon the force which had been cut off, and annihilated it, Lung Chu himself being amongst the slain. The rest of the army, on the further bank, also scattered and fled in all directions.]



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