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Nemam strah od letenja

Srđan Fuchs RSS / 03.06.2017. u 01:47

Zakuntao sam danas u busu jerbo sam gledao sinoć Kavse protiv Voriorsa, a i šljemao neku viljamovku, Koviljku - odlična radža, koga put navede u naše krajeve, burazi u manastiru prave, imaju celu destileriju, i jedan buraz iz Мунзеконза-a je našao svoj mir, od Bog te pita kakve prošlosti i ima čovek angel's touch, sa radžom, stvarno je vrhunski urađeno ćeps.

Elem, vozim se ja tako i u nekom polusnenom stanju kapiram kako se uvek, kada izađem iz Srbije, osećam kao da sam izašao iz nekakvog Solženijicinovog Gulaga misli i duha, svakih loših vibracija i hejta. Uglavnom, opustio se i zavalio u sedište u busu sa slavonskim tablicama sa nekim drajverom-hejterom koji ne ume da se nasmeši i u nekom trenu sam izgleda zakuntao, od hengovera prethodne noći. Tek, prenem se, kao da me je ejndžel kakav cimnuo i, pogledam kroz prozor - ono tabla za Novsku. Novska, ček, gde to beše? Ček, aha, evo je... I tabla za Jasenovac. Da... Znam da mi nešto zloslutno poznato deluje krajolik, što kaže drugar jedan, "fin, miran krajolik, samo što u njemu živi i Dr. Hanibal Lektor."


Kontam dalje tako, dobro bre, šta je ušlo u te ljude takav hejt da su osećali,  i razmišljam da li bih ja mogao da osetim takav hejt da im se revanširam na sličan način - da uzmem da ih izgasiram il' napravim punsa od njih, ili pikam fucu sa nečijom otfikarenom glavom... uglavnom, malo me pecnula 'ladnoća od tog smera toka misli pa sam prestao da se budalasam na tu stranu.

Uglavnom, siđem u Zegeu. Prijatna atmosferica u gradu, mnoštvo lepog sveta, proleće onako. Hodam kroz Preradovićevu i Teslinu, pa do Josipa pa seo na Cvetnom na fuku, pored naše, srpske crkve - i kontam, brate, ovde pola ekipe Novosađani, a zimo se mr, najstrašnije? Go figure.



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Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 01:49 03.06.2017

Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

U teks'?

marco_de.manccini marco_de.manccini 04:45 03.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Пробај да убациш само идентификацијски код


у прозор за youtube.

(Ово понекад ради, али искључиво из едитора за постављање текстова, за коментаре све по старом, само се избаци s).
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:20 03.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Thanks, Док, идем и во Македониата, на охридските извори. Није мени годинама залуд стајало у израелској л.к. "Југословен", по вероисповести.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:50 04.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Jeee, radi, hvala Ti, Profesore, što kaže moja ćera, "što si tako pametan" (ona doda i lep - al' pošto se nismo videli ne mogu tek tako, moraš da se d/pokažeš da si lep prvo, pa onda, ne može tako tek - na lepu dušu).

Šalim se, hvala ti, eh, da sam imao tako dobrog profana iz mate umesto Ljub'ce Marinković koja nam je držala umesto matiša predavanja o tome kako su Slobodan i Mirjana dobri ljudi i kako treba da ih volimo i poštujemo umesto što idemo na proteste protiv njih, više bih ga voleo. Ovako, matiš, geos, odbrana i marksizam su stradali na pravdi Boga, pošto su komunjare to predavale.
marco_de.manccini marco_de.manccini 18:46 05.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Jeee, radi, hvala Ti, Profesore, što kaže moja ćera, "što si tako pametan" (ona doda i lep - al' pošto se nismo videli ne mogu tek tako,

Само да знаш, моја мајка је мог брата звала мајкино паметно, а мене мајкино лепо. Тако су те ствари подељене у нас.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 00:04 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Хвала ти што си леп и паметан. :)

Еј, једно питање, шта се догодило с америчком генерацијом Деце Цвећа, какав је њихов историјат био, где је нестао дај мулти-покрет?
marco_de.manccini marco_de.manccini 00:14 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Немам појма, то све го капиталиста сада, не сећају се ичега. То су, ваљда, неке нус-појаве.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 00:19 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Младос' лудос' - ови са мном су скроз океј, а све живну на приче о р'н'р, има пар баш изразито лепих људи, лепих и cool. Пуни су пара, али мирни онако. Северњаци сви.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 07:58 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Kapiram da su shvatili da se ne može svet menjati naivnim idealima već kintom.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 20:54 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Prijatno sam se iznenadio Sarajevom, barem centrom grada, na periferijama ne znam šta se dešava. A opet, kako je to relativno - moja partnerka, istovremeno, čija porodica je bila jedna od najimućnijih u gradu, ne oseća više taj grad kao svoj. Da ne počinjem žučnu raspravu, al' je tužno kako su naši utukli grad... Znam sada zašto sam se u Jerusalimu toliko osećao kod kuće, svih ovih godina - on je mešavina Beograda i Sarajeva, malo drevnija, al' to je taj rad. Prelepe su žene u South Slavia-i.

Fotke SA

aureus aureus 23:27 06.06.2017

Re: Na koju foru se ubacuje ovaj madrfakr klip

Srđan Fuchs
Prijatno sam se iznenadio Sarajevom

Srđan Fuchs
mešavina Beograda i Sarajeva

Beograd i Sarajevo veže to što oba imaju fantastičnu geografiju (i naročito topografiju): prvi izlazi na dvije odlične rijeke, a drugi je okružen impresivnim planinama, toliko impresivnim da ti se ponekad čini da ih je neko poredao i izmodelovao da ti fotografije bolje ispadnu.


Lionsgate Lionsgate 02:07 03.06.2017


Srle, mora da je bila zesca cirka

Uzgred, i ja sedim na nekom trgicu na obali i gledam preko zaliva u proslost, jbt proslo je 18 godina kako sam gledao preko istog zaliva ali samo u suprotnom pravcu. I kako ti prija u Zagrebu? Ja tamo nisam bio, hmm, 29godina, a ne verujem da cu ikad vise.

Chika Braja i ja imamo jednog zajednickog poznanika sa Vracara koji godinama zivi i radi u ZG, sine od svih inostranstava odakle izabra bas to, pa jbg, najblize je Begishu.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 02:22 03.06.2017

Re: Brate

I kako ti prija u Zagrebu? Ja tamo nisam bio, hmm, 29godina, a ne verujem da cu ikad vise.

Sve 5, ne znam, ne treba valjda to "nikad više". Ne znam, ja sam freak of ze belief da svaki čovek može da se popravi nabolje. Pis'o onaj neki profan, Martin Buber, a i onaj neki Gershom Sholem o toj korekciji pravca misli od haosa ka stvaralaštvu, neki profani stari, dole na Zajonu. Mislim da je ZG, suštinski, left wing city, ne u ovim našim, pilećapametiblogerska, pojmovima već u tom nekom meta-world citizen, mislim da su left wing. Mada, možda promenim mišljenje do s jutra, ako naletim na neke bojseke, al' ne bi trebalo, I am Firm. :)
Lionsgate Lionsgate 04:53 03.06.2017

Re: Brate

Ne vidim razlog da vise zalutam u taj grad, prolazio sam autoputem 5-6 puta iz Italije ili Slovenije u zadnjih 10_tak godina pored ZG i nikad mi nije palo na pamet da skrenem jer me tamo bas nista ne vuče.

U tih skoro 30 god se mnogo izdesavalo i u medjunacionalnim odnosima i u mom zivotu, neke druge kulture, drugi gradovi, druge drzave i narodi su mi postali blizi, uostalom dobar deo tog vremena sam proziveo i na drugom kontinentu. Doduse, sa hrvatskom drzavom imam jos nerasciscenih racuna, pradedovina mi je i dalje tamo, oni se kao neckaju da mi srede papire, no ni ja nisam previse u tome ali zbog deteta cu da ih sredim, da bar zna odakle je poreklom.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 10:22 03.06.2017

Re: Brate

Da, da, tu je država razvila kafkijansku preciznost drndanja građanskog subjekta, npr. ako je tvoj file zaveden Lionsgate SRB 333, promene u Lionsdate SRT 323 - dovoljno da se zabaguje upit. To rade obe administracije, i leva i desna. Tu sam sada sa SRB community, ako treba odvjetnik/ca, reci samo. Inače, potpuno su simpatični ovi ZG Srbi, miran i gostoljubiv narod.
anonymous anonymous 05:54 03.06.2017


...hoćeš dim... ?

....pa da se provozamo ....na pravi način ...

Mani se ...prošlosti ....

anonymous anonymous 06:04 03.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 12:00 03.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Реци ђе си и ето ме ту сам!

Ма, ја сам стрејтер по том питању, пушти, уан вуман уан лув.

aureus aureus 00:20 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

...hoćeš dim... ?

....pa da se provozamo ....na pravi način ...

U kakvom društvu Anonimus vozi motor!

Ja bih tačno zaboravio kacigu.
anonymous anonymous 09:35 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

...hoćeš dim... ?

....pa da se provozamo ....na pravi način ...

U kakvom društvu Anonimus vozi motor!

Ja bih tačno zaboravio kacigu.

Misliš ..... ?

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 11:59 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Slatke su Zagrepčanke, lijepe su i vrelo je vani. Profesore, zavidim ti, mada, ja sam radostan sa svojom malom škvadrom, i znam da ima ljudi koji su meni zavidni na škvadri, tako da - nekom ovakom, nekom onako, kako se kome u životu zalomilo.
aureus aureus 13:34 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

...hoćeš dim... ?
....pa da se provozamo ....na pravi način ...

U kakvom društvu Anonimus vozi motor!

Ja bih tačno zaboravio kacigu.

Misliš..... ?

Bilo šta što glavu čuva kad je vožnja uzbudljiva, a gume vrele.

aureus aureus 13:39 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Srđan Fuchs
Slatke su Zagrepčanke, lijepe su i vrelo je vani.

Na svašta čovjek naleti na ovom internetu...

Kraljevski komentar (Hrvatice o Beogradu):
"1. Tete u banci izgledaju kao porno dive...Duge noge, ogromno je to sve (pokazuje na grudi), napucano...ja se osjećam kao neka curica...
2. Mislim da te Srpkinje te naše jadne Hrvatiće pojedu za doručak."
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:01 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Ah, Ida, ona je ledolomilica...

Super, super trip, o tome ja pričam a ne ne znam šta što mi dijamantista pripisuje. I drugo, ja uopšte nisam rekao da su u Srbiji zombiji, već da je medijski diskurs ispunjen otrovom, umesto da se mladići borovi i sojke tice djevojke ljube i tako razmenjuju dnk-jugoslavenstvo.
anonymous anonymous 19:07 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Nije loša ni tvoja ponuda.
aureus aureus 19:35 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...


Nije loša ni tvoja ponuda.

Каква понуда???
Те прве двије су ми сестре од стрица, а она трећа им је другарица из Мађарске.

Немој да би их ко така'!
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 20:52 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Тако млада а већ Мађарица.
aureus aureus 21:06 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Srđan Fuchs
Тако млада а већ Мађарица.

Илона Шталер je такође Мађарица, али је доста рано постала Италијанка.
И сад људи мисле да је Италијанка.
hoochie coochie man hoochie coochie man 21:39 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Илона Шталер je такође Мађарица, али је она доста рано постала Италијанка.
И сад људи мисле да је Италијанка.

Ko ti je ta?
Daj neku sliku.
aureus aureus 21:46 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

hoochie coochie man
Илона Шталер je такође Мађарица, али је она доста рано постала Италијанка.
И сад људи мисле да је Италијанка.

Ko ti je ta?
Daj neku sliku.

Може видео?

Ево видео.
Обратити пажњу на секвенцу од 28:39.

hoochie coochie man hoochie coochie man 22:09 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Може видео?

Ne može, ne moju veliku žalost:)

ne vidim klipove u komntarima, a lenj sam da čačkam.
nsarski nsarski 22:59 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

hoochie coochie man
Може видео?

Ne može, ne moju veliku žalost:)

ne vidim klipove u komntarima, a lenj sam da čačkam.

Ova slika ne govori svih 1000 reči, ali uhvatićeš fabulu radnje njenog gostovanja u SRB.

hoochie coochie man hoochie coochie man 23:02 04.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

A najbolje je ovo dole levo, dobro jutro Srbijo :)
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 00:03 05.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Je l', Aurelijus, u koje si ti mjesto? ПГ, pricam malo tamo za par veceri, Izra, vamo-tamo.
aureus aureus 00:37 05.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Srđan Fuchs
Je l', Aurelijus, u koje si ti mjesto? ПГ

A ja sam ti, mrčo, na primorju. Volim da gledam more i zalazak sunca.

Stanujem u blizini ovog parka kako bih mogao da se rekreiram dok svjež vazduh dolazi s mora.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 06:34 05.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Ех, лијепо је ка' у Тел Авив.

Јбг, неће стићи Друг Тито, лијепог лица, из Ужица. Палим у континенталну ЦГ.

Морамо отворит' блогерску културну мисију у Црну Гору, да могу пријатељи и штоваоци Дјука од Чева и Тебе те да дођу попит и појест шта, на космичку одисеју поћ... Ка' разбијена војска смо, шта ћеш.
aureus aureus 17:11 05.06.2017

Re: Tebra,...

Srđan Fuchs
Ех, лијепо је ка' у Тел Авив.

And before I leave let me show you Tel Aviv...

tasadebeli tasadebeli 07:36 03.06.2017

Није исто

Kontam dalje tako,

Конташ или кунташ?

Није исто, јбг...

П.С. - Ма никако није исто... Пробао сам и видео и сам да то никако није исто...

sevarlica sevarlica 07:47 03.06.2017


šljemao neku viljamovku, Koviljku - odlična radža

Za vikend otvorio šljivu iz Kovilja, koju sam pazario prošle godine, kao mleko
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:35 03.06.2017

Re: Koviljka

уу, шљива им је феноменално испала. и коњаци исто, мало је непролетерска цена, ал' то ти је наш бачки елитизам. има и занатско пиво исто. ма, бурази су прва лига. не контају их сви баш, мало има неких прича да су црвени, да су ватикан, наравно, будалаштине све.
tetris tetris 16:25 04.06.2017

Re: Koviljka

шљива им је феноменално испала

Meni omiljena iz njihovog asortimana je kajsija.

Veliki minus u mojim očima je starešinstvo manastira dobilo kad se "obračunalo" sa čardom "Na kraj sveta".
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 20:51 04.06.2017

Re: Koviljka

Da, dobro, a i stari gazda je preminuo, vratio se posed u privatno vlasništvo, pokušali su da se nagode, nije uspelo nešto oko menija i riknula je priča. Znam za ovu ljutnju, tovarili su me Novosadisti dosta za to. Jebi ga, privatna svojina, promenUla se vremena.
vladimir petrovic vladimir petrovic 08:33 03.06.2017

Fear of Flying

Kažeš da nemaš strah od letenja?

Ja bih voleo da ga imaš. I da si ti Erica Jong.

P. S.
Voleo bih i da sam ja u Njujorku.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 15:33 03.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

Redefine attitude.
eloy eloy 15:36 03.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

ček da probam

eloy eloy 15:41 03.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

Mojne si na kraj srčeko, mojne nuješba mojne šešbri tebra pa jbg svi smo mi naši. Ja ti samo zavidim.Teraš me na zid plača.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 16:26 03.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

Neću, nisi mi nemio i nedrag. Samo malo redefinicije odnosa i sve 5, sve može.

Inače, i za Tasketa isto, više je ovaj neki vid odnosa s braćom:

eloy eloy 16:58 03.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

Eto obećavam, popraviću.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:02 04.06.2017

Re: superkalafradžilisti šišmi džiju

Eto, vidiš da ne treba puno da ljudi budi ljubazniji jedni prema drugima, a, šta si zgrešio toliko kada te banuju toliko, a vidim i meni ovde isto tasterišu da te obrišem?

Malo imaš neki duh tabloida, na momente podsećaš na Dr. Krstića a na momente si fin i duhovit, no ne vidim da je to za nego kažnjavanje. Ima mnogo opasnijih i otrovnijih izliva mržnje pa se to ne sankcioniše.
vladimir petrovic vladimir petrovic 18:00 05.06.2017


Sećaš li se, Srdjane, da sam pre neki dan, kod tebe, prilikom Trampove posete Izraelu, govorio o “prvoj kćerci” Ivančici, kao važnoj personi. Sad vidim u Washington Postu ovo:

CNN article names Ivanka Trump ‘America’s most powerful Jewish woman’

First daughter Ivanka Trump was named “America’s most powerful Jewish woman” in an article published by CNN on Friday, but the subsequent reaction suggests the opinion is hardly widely held.
CNN drew fire for publishing a headline Friday declaring Ms. Trump to be “America’s most powerful Jewish woman,” provoking an avalanche of negative reactions and a running list of possible candidates debatably more deserving, including the Federal Reserve’s chairwoman and a couple of Supreme Court justices, among others.

Čudni su ovi američki Jevreji. Ne mogu da se slože ko je NAJ žena među tamošnjim Jevrejkama. A ja sve vreme mislio da je to - Erica Jong.

Erica Jong je odlična američka spisateljica jevrejskog porekla (pored "Straha od letenja" napisala je još vrlo dobrih knjiga) a i prijatna razumna žena. Zaista prava dama.

P. S.

Usput, Erica Jong je posećivala Beograd, ali nikad nije govorila da je Srbija podseća na Solženjicinov gulag. :
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 19:03 05.06.2017

Re: Svašta

Pa-a, nema ta osećanja. Ona naiđe, mi domaćini joj plasiramo najveću lepotu. Nisam rekao da je BG gulag, rekao sam da je duhovna situacija, psihološka, verbalnа, potreba da se individua ponizi, ugazi, da se oseti ništavno, u tom smislu bro - spiritual Babylon.

Ps. Javiću se kasnije iz SA, ćaskam sa braćom Muslimanima. Danas bila vrlo lepa reakcija Amera na Jasenovac.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 00:12 06.06.2017

Re: Svašta

вратиће се роде - фотке Јасеновац

Врло су дирнути били утицајни Амери данас посетом Јасеновцу. Прво су сви одстајали мирни евхаристијски канон код нас у цркви, у селу, а потом су тражили да оду до цвета.

nsarski nsarski 23:05 03.06.2017


Novska, ček, gde to beše? Ček, aha, evo je...

Tvoj put mi liči na putešetvije Venedikta Jerofejeva "Moskva-Petuški", baš liči. Živeli!


Svi govore: Kremlj, Kremlj. Od svih sam slušao o njemu, ali ga niti jednom nisam vidio. Koliko sam već puta (tisuću puta), napivši se ili mamuran, pregazio Moskvu sa sjevera na jug, sa zapada na istok, uzduž i poprijeko – a nit jednom nisam vidio Kremlj.
Eto, ni jučer ga nisam ugledao – a čitavo večer sam se motao oko tih mjesta, a nisam ni bio tako jako pijan; čim sam izašao na Savelovskoj, popio sam, za početak, čašu zubrovke, i to zato jer iz iskustva znam da za jutarnje zagrijavanje ljudi još ništa bolje nisu izmislili.
Dakle – čaša zubrovke. A zatim – na Kulj Cajevskoj – drugu čašu, samo sada ne zubrovke, nego koriandrove. Jedan moj poznanik govorio je da koriandrova na čovjeka djeluje antihumano, to jest jačajući udove, slabi dušu. Iz nekog razloga sa mnom se desilo suprotno, to jest, duša je ojačala a udovi oslabili, ali ja se slažem da je i to antihumano. Zato sam, također na Kuljajevskoj, dodao još dvije krigle ziguljevskog piva i iz boce slatki liker.
Vi, razumljivo, pitate: a dalje, Venjička, a dalje – šta si pio? Pa ni sam ne znam šta sam pio. Sjećam se – u Cehovljevoj ulici sam popio dvije čase pelinkovca. Ali, zar sam mogao presječi Sadovoje koljco ne popivši ništa? Nisam mogao. Znači, još sam nešto popio.

Evo je cela knjiga:
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:14 04.06.2017

Re: Novska-Petuški

sort of... Slovenska duša. Nego, slušam danas momka-vodiča u Zagrebu - vrlo lepo priča, prijatno, duhovito, međutim kada je došlo do Alojzija, hop'la, emocija... A vrlo fino, učtivo i urbano deluje lik, rođeni Zagrepčanin. Mislim, naravno, mi smo licencirani i plaćeni da predstavljamo svoje zemlje u najlepšem svetlu, svako od nas daje svoj lični pečat interpretacijama koje nudi no ipak mene ljudi poštuju jer ne negiram tamo gde ima antihumanosti da je o njoj reč i ne negiram da je moja zemlja činila zlodela - ako znam činjenice o tim zlodelima.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 13:29 04.06.2017

Re: Novska-Petuški

Još je zanimljivo šta su hrvatski komunisti napravili, učinili su uslugu Srbiji zapravo, time što su uzimali kredite od Putina pa pukli finansijski, jer su navikli da im se stalno nešto daje, umesto da sami stvaraju, jer sada ultraagresivni HDZ mora plaćati za tu štetu a plaćaju tako što su morali pustiti Putina u medijski prostor Hrvatske. Takođe mislim da i Zapad i Istok žele 4. Jugoslaviju, razume se, lojalnu svojoj sferi interesa. Kada umine val ahresivnosti hrvatskog režima, odnosno kada osiromašeni narod sa periferije uvidi da nema kruha od otrovne nacionalističke retorike, možda se stvore uvjeti za Balkansku Uniju - 4. Jugoslaviju? Ipak će se moja vera obistiniti.
sasaminijature sasaminijature 00:21 04.06.2017

Mанастир је за тебе!

Тежак рад у њему!

Повраћа ми се задњих месеци на ово повампирење Југоносталгичара

Сада на велику сцену ступа, пошто су сви своје "државе" очистили од поганих Срба, мир мир мир нико није крив. Поручује се са свих страна како треба да будемо паметни да се све заборави и да живимо у некаквом суживоту, ради прогреса, докле ћемо пребирати по мртвима.

Ево већ годину дана на Радио Београду једном недељно прпоруке за читање нових књига из региона стижу искључиво из Хрватске и Босне, као да је то једини регион који имамо.

Већ је постала традиција да нам Радомир Лепосавић са оном његовом некултурном што стално упада у реч, одашиље вибрације са хрватског приморја. Нема културне емисије док се не сними тамо са њиховим уметницима.

Еееее Србијо моја...

А тек она твоја причица код Кркара на блогу, мој Срђане. Шта кажеш у комбију неки страшни Руси. Признајем натерао си ме да повраћам на онај ниво јадности. Свака част, поставио си нов стандард у тој дисциплини. Нема зиме за тебе, увек ћеш моћи да продајеш сценарије у Холивуду.

Видим испоштовао си и наратив којег се држиш ко пијан плота; овде си стално окружен хејтерима (испада по теби да у Србији живе зомбији)

tasadebeli tasadebeli 07:53 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Тежак рад у њему!

Повраћа ми се задњих месеци на ово повампирење Југоносталгичара

Сада на велику сцену ступа, пошто су сви своје "државе" очистили од поганих Срба, мир мир мир нико није крив. Поручује се са свих страна како треба да будемо паметни да се све заборави и да живимо у некаквом суживоту, ради прогреса, докле ћемо пребирати по мртвима.

Ево већ годину дана на Радио Београду једном недељно прпоруке за читање нових књига из региона стижу искључиво из Хрватске и Босне, као да је то једини регион који имамо.

Већ је постала традиција да нам Радомир Лепосавић са оном његовом некултурном што стално упада у реч, одашиље вибрације са хрватског приморја. Нема културне емисије док се не сними тамо са њиховим уметницима.

Еееее Србијо моја...

А тек она твоја причица код Кркара на блогу, мој Срђане. Шта кажеш у комбију неки страшни Руси. Признајем натерао си ме да повраћам на онај ниво јадности. Свака част, поставио си нов стандард у тој дисциплини. Нема зиме за тебе, увек ћеш моћи да продајеш сценарије у Холивуду.

Видим испоштовао си и наратив којег се држиш ко пијан плота; овде си стално окружен хејтерима (испада по теби да у Србији живе зомбији)

И ти такође да редефинишеш свој атитјуд, знаш!

Да те не бисмо пушком скидали са тих алтитјудс.

Него, ГЛЕДЕ те поменуте носталжи...

Шта би оно синоћ у Новом Саду на Позорју?

Плачу неки, кажу чисти тероризам...

Ма ја, браћо и сестре, мислим да су за све то криви Сандоканова баба Вида, деда Фића и баба тетка Ћирилка...

sasaminijature sasaminijature 08:39 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Тасо да се припремиш и да почнеш да предајеш заједнички језик деци у школи да нам се другови и другарице не селе по белом свету због тебе.

Не иде да будемо опет камен спотицања на путу просперитета овог нашег региона.

ЕДИТ: Заборавих. Не дирај у Сандокана, то је стари мафијаш из Шапца, немој да те мрак поједе
eloy eloy 09:05 04.06.2017

Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

Повраћа ми се задњих месеци на ово повампирење Југоносталгичара

натерао си ме да повраћам на онај ниво јадности

Potpuno si u pravu ali potpuno !

Međutim u Srbiji žive ne zombiji nego ljudi što povraćaju. Vidim i ti si jedan od njih. Povraćanje je potpuno legitiman vid pasivnog otpora pitanje je samo efikasnosti.Dok većina povraća po medijima,twiterima,blogovima a boga mi i diareja im nije strana - ovi drugi što ne povraćaju rade posao. U dva izborna ciklusa dobiše preko 50% glasova. Pobunila se većinska Srbija pa izašla na ulice - šeta njih od 100 do 1000 ljudi, malo zamrznu za uskršnje praznike da odmore none pa opet po potrebi. Ova bivša braća ex yu oni ljudi rade svoj posao što ne bi kad mogu. A mi povraćamo. Pazi dokle god povraćamo znači da su nam stomaci puni jer imamo šta i da povratimo tako da nije još dogorelo do nokata.
Plašim se za tebe da ne dehidriraš od silnog povraćanja pogotovo posle današnje vesti ako je istina:

ŠOKANTAN PREOKRET: SNS vaskrsao Dinkića, Mlađan novo tajno oružje naprednjaka! ČITAJTE U KURIRUMlađan Dinkić preko Boška Ničića ubedio Veroljuba Stevanovića da napravi koaliciju sa Srpskom naprednom strankom

Verujem da bi se i dr Krstić složio da uzmeš tbl Klometola i Ranisana da se odmoriš od povraćanja i malo staneš na noge.A priznaćeš dr Krstić zna šta radi.
tasadebeli tasadebeli 09:06 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!


Тасо да се припремиш и да почнеш да предајеш заједнички језик деци у школи да нам се другови и другарице не селе по белом свету због тебе.

Мислиш заједнички језик свих Срба света који још зовемо и српски језик?

То већ радим, брате, већ радим...

EDIT: То је мој скромни допринос ево већ 25 година уместо повраћања како нас то саветује eloy.

Заборавих. Не дирај у Сандокана, то је стари мафијаш из Шапца, немој да те мрак поједе


Ма поштовање свако имам за те уличне сандокане из доба клик-клака које сам и сам познавао, него ја мислим на овог нашег позоришног Сандокана...

sasaminijature sasaminijature 09:10 04.06.2017

Re: Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

Повраћа ми се задњих месеци на ово повампирење Југоносталгичара

натерао си ме да повраћам на онај ниво јадности

Potpuno si u pravu ali potpuno !

Međutim u Srbiji žive ne zombiji nego ljudi što povraćaju. Vidim i ti si jedan od njih. Povraćanje je potpuno legitiman vid pasivnog otpora pitanje je samo efikasnosti.Dok većina povraća po medijima,twiterima,blogovima ovi drugi što ne povraćaju rade posao. U dva izborna ciklusa dobiše preko 50% glasova. Pobunila se većinska Srbija pa izašla na ulice - šeta njih od 100 do 1000 ljudi, malo zamrznu za uskršnje praznike da odmore none pa opet po potrebi. Ova bivša braća ex yu oni ljudi rade svoj posao što ne bi kad mogu. A mi povraćamo. Pazi dokle god povraćamo znači da su nam stomaci puni jer imamo šta i da povratimo tako da nije još dogorelo do nokata.
Plašim se za tebe da ne dehidriraš od silnog povraćanja pogotovo posle današnje vesti ako je istina:

ŠOKANTAN PREOKRET: SNS vaskrsao Dinkića, Mlađan novo tajno oružje naprednjaka! ČITAJTE U KURIRUMlađan Dinkić preko Boška Ničića ubedio Veroljuba Stevanovića da napravi koaliciju sa Srpskom naprednom strankom

Verujem da bi se i dr Krstić složio da uzmeš tbl Klometola i Ranisana da se odmoriš od povraćanja i malo staneš na noge.A priznaćeš dr Krstić zna šta radi.

Можда сам недоречен па ти делује да сам пасиван посматрач, веран згражавању. Нисам ни најмање а и врло сам упућен у систем функционисања ових што раде. Ово што сам написао је само мали коментар и мали помак за Блог Б92 јер се до скора овако нешто ретко читало.
Тако да не мешај и не стављај у исти кош ...
sasaminijature sasaminijature 09:17 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Ма поштовање свако имам за те уличне сандокане из доба клик-клака које сам и сам познавао, него ја мислим на овог нашег позоришног Сандокана...

Знам ја на којег си мислио те сам баш зато и напоменуо да не дираш у мафију, осињак. Видиш да и терористички акт спомињу кукала им мајка.

И опет смо се расписали ми "националисти" како нас Анђа назва пре неки дан, ја је питао да ми формулише шта по њој значи националиста пошто ми је боја њеног коментара остављала утисак да је то нешто јако погано али ми није још одговорила, ја чекам, ваљда ће се сетити.

eloy eloy 09:17 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

То је мој скромни допринос ево већ 25 година

Грешка !! Ћирилицу треба љубоморно чувати само за нас да непријатељ не може да чита наше домунђаванје или бар да се тешко помучи. Што да им олакшавамо посао. Тако олако им сервираш наше тајно оружје.

Ај да будем и ја у тренду - повраћа ми се од тога!
sasaminijature sasaminijature 09:19 04.06.2017

Re: Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

ŠOKANTAN PREOKRET: SNS vaskrsao Dinkića, Mlađan novo tajno oružje naprednjaka! ČITAJTE U KURIRUMlađan Dinkić preko Boška Ničića ubedio Veroljuba Stevanovića da napravi koaliciju sa Srpskom naprednom strankom

Ово немој да те буни уопште.

Опште је познато да је цела екипа, поготово на локалу, обукла нови дрес и да јахачи апокалипсе јашу јачи него икада
eloy eloy 09:23 04.06.2017

Re: Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

Тако да не мешај и не стављај у исти кош ..

Оћу кад те будем видео на Кркаровом и осталим блоговима како гинеш бранећи изнето. Мене су и он и принци бановали,брисали,и свашта нешто уз свесрдну помоћ модерације која исто ради. Марим ја. И овде на блогу су боље организовани и то ме мало жуља.А пошто смо такви какви смо не морају много ни да се труде. Идемо даље, свако како уме и зна.
sasaminijature sasaminijature 09:23 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Ај да будем и ја у тренду - повраћа ми се од тога!

Тако је брате мој напаћени. Што оно каже Зоки Радмиловић; Како ћемо се у боју распознавати!?! Распознаваћемо се по повраћању!

Тасо црни нахебали смо, спреми се за борбу видиш да нам покрет на блогу расте из дана у дан, ево га још један придружени члан.

Има другосбијанци да нас на ломачу метну!
sasaminijature sasaminijature 09:26 04.06.2017

Re: Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

Тако да не мешај и не стављај у исти кош ..

Оћу кад те будем видео на Кркаровом и осталим блоговима како гинеш бранећи изнето. Мене су и он и принци бановали,брисали,и свашта нешто уз свесрдну помоћ модерације која исто ради. Марим ја. И овде на блогу су боље организовани и то ме мало жуља. Идемо даље, свако како уме и зна.

Хех, ти си нов па не знаш хисторију.

Мене је непомен (Кркар, фашиста ) бановао доживотно. То се тако ради, ставиш му до знања да нема зезања и да не може тако лако да сере а он као и сваки слабић покаже право лице па банује доживотно.
eloy eloy 09:30 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Има другосбијанци да нас на ломачу метну!

Ето видиш. јеси ли икад чуо за другохрвате, другословенце,другоамериканце ?

Па све си реко и све си у праву - довољни смо ми себи сами други се укључују само зарад досаде-мада и они већ посустају јер смо стварно досадни.

Што оно каже Зоки Радмиловић; Како ћемо се у боју распознавати!?!

Само Зоки ,,био паметан,, па пређе на страну Вилотића.

И не секирај се никад на овим просторима правог боја било није нити ће осим у десетерцу.Опуштено.
anonymous anonymous 09:42 04.06.2017

Re: Re:sasaminijature esej o povraćanju

Тако да не мешај и не стављај у исти кош ..

Оћу кад те будем видео на Кркаровом и осталим блоговима како гинеш бранећи изнето. Мене су и он и принци бановали,брисали,и свашта нешто уз свесрдну помоћ модерације која исто ради. Марим ја. И овде на блогу су боље организовани и то ме мало жуља. Идемо даље, свако како уме и зна.

Хех, ти си нов па не знаш хисторију.

Мене је непомен (Кркар, фашиста ) бановао доживотно. То се тако ради, ставиш му до знања да нема зезања и да не може тако лако да сере а он као и сваки слабић покаже право лице па банује доживотно.

Ja taj topos zaobilazim, iako nisam banovan.

Ima i lepših strana sveta.
tasadebeli tasadebeli 10:04 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!


видиш да нам покрет на блогу расте из дана у дан,

Ма пусти...

То се у партијским списима на фејсу итд. вероватно званично назива "духовни суноврат Блога Б92", "Блог Б92 је дотакао своје дно" и слично.

Тасо црни нахебали смо,

Има другосбијанци да нас на ломачу метну!

Ма јок, небитни смо ми ту њима исто онолико колико и они нама, право да ти кажем...

Много важније ствари се дешавају и решавају ван Блога Б92.

Блог ти је, у ствари, као нека заборављена железничка станица са заборављеним возовима на слепим колосецима и са заборављеним путницима у чекаоници.

А ја овде, право да ти кажем, завијам највише због себе самог и због тог Месеца у који гледам ноћима.

Барем тако ја то видим...

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 11:50 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Meni se povraća od ljudi koji komuniciraju povraćotkom, i posebno ovima koji ispiraju Srbima izvan Srbije usta, a nisu nikada i ništa učinili za njih, ili ih svojim političkim radom dovode u poziciju ugroženosti i pretnje a onda ponovo ne čine ništa za njih.

Inače, pričam sa našom zajednicom u Hrv oni nestaju, Srbija ne čini ništa za njih - iako diplomate zvanično ispiraju usta njima. Srbi stare, nestaju i umiru, a poslednji će izaći iz kuće, zaključati je i ugasiti svetlo.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 12:27 04.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Krkar nije fašista - ima elemente tiraničnog uma, no postoji obrazloženje za to. Da li neće skrenuti u tiraniju, ne znam, deluje kao na dobrom putu da tamo završi, mada, sa visokim inteligencijama se nikada ne zna, mogu i da se otrgnu ludila i ostanu na pravoj strani, a mogu i da padnu u ambis.
michiganac michiganac 11:11 05.06.2017

Re: Ко се вере на бандере? Сандокаааан!!!

Блог ти је, у ствари, као нека заборављена железничка станица са заборављеним возовима на слепим колосецима и са заборављеним путницима у чекаоници.

Jes' vala, još jedna paradigma ubogog Srbistana.
Kad već neko pomenu Mrche, jedan od mojih omiljenih, ŽN

anonymous anonymous 09:40 04.06.2017

Baš mi je drago ....

....što se blog ne pretvori u rat Srbi - nessrbi .

Niđe ovija drugih.
eloy eloy 09:55 04.06.2017

Re: Baš mi je drago ....

Niđe ovija drugih.


štaZnači.com » S... » SE.. » SEIRITI

Šta znači SEIRITI?

» seiriti • glagol Zabavljati se, posmatrati nešto sa uživanjem (tur.)
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 11:23 04.06.2017

Re: Baš mi je drago ....

Mожда су у бунару
(а можда су у шуми)

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 11:52 04.06.2017

Fotke ZG

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 12:07 04.06.2017

Re: Fotke ZG

Inače, Hrvati koji su nama friendly vide uzrok narasle agresije prema Srbima u dolasku http://www.odan.org/tw_how_opus_dei_is_cult_like.htm u Hrvatsku, iako su, kako kažu, svesni da to možda zvuči kao "teorija urote".

Edit: pošto je server error - ovde


The following is the work of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc.

How Opus Dei is Cult-Like
by Sharon Clasen, Former numerary

Opus Dei is often described in the media as “cult-like.” Opus Dei numerary Meg Kates' statement, “Members are free to come, free to go, free to participate, free not to, free to walk right out the door, free to stay” [1] is deceptive. The true personal freedom of numerary members, who make up 25-30% of all members, is hindered by the following controls that are put into place by Opus Dei. The following table illustrates how Opus Dei’s methods resemble those used by cults. It uses Steve Hassan’s BITE model (Behavior, Information, Thought and Emotional) of mind control described in Releasing the Bonds, Empowering People to Think for Themselves [2] as the basis for comparison. (For more details about Hassan's model, see the excerpt from his book.)

The examples cited in the right-hand column are based on the personal experiences of Sharon Clasen, who was a supernumerary for three years and a numerary for two years. She experienced the following while living at Brimfield, the Center of Studies for numerary women in the United States. (All numeraries typically live in the Center of Studies for two years for intense study of the "spirit of Opus Dei." There are separate Centers of Studies for numerary men.) Also included are some writings of the Founder of Opus Dei (taken from The Way by Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer) as well as the testimonies from other former members.

I. Behavior Control

BITE Model Components
How Opus Dei Fits the Model

1. Regulation of individual’s physical reality

Opus Dei typically controls nearly all aspects of the numeraries’ physical reality

· Where, how, and with whom the member lives and associates

Numeraries usually live in a center with other numerary members of Opus Dei. They are not allowed to associate with former members or critics of Opus Dei unless they are trying to recruit them back into the group. They are told to have a list of 15 friends, the top ones on the list should be people with the potential to join Opus Dei. To associate with anyone who does not have the potential to become an Opus Dei member is considered a waste of time.

· What clothes, colors, hairstyles the person wears

In the past, female numeraries were required to wear skirts or dresses except on rare occasions when involved in recreational activities with other members. Numeraries generally shop for clothes with the Director of their center. They are not allowed to keep gifts of clothes, jewelry, etc. from their parents. These gifts are given to other numeraries in the center by the Director or kept in a closet, called “number 2”, which is opened on rare occasions, to the delight of the residents. Hairstyles must be very simple because numeraries have only 30 minutes to get ready in the morning and if they show up to mass with wet hair, they receive a fraternal correction.

· What food the person eats, drinks, adopts and rejects

If possible, all meals are eaten with others in the center. Members have no input into the menus or food shopping. Like children, they must eat what they are served. Members are sometimes encouraged to offer up in penance their sweets or other denials. Since numeraries must account for every penny spent, purchasing food or drinks is frowned upon. Tammy DiNicola, former numerary, recalls that even though she really could have used it, she never purchased coffee at the office for $0.25 because she would have had to report it to her Director every month.

· How much sleep the person is able to have

Female Opus Dei numeraries sleep on a board placed on top of their mattress. This definitely can interfere with sleep as the board does not absorb body heat and she easily wakes up cold. One night a week the numerary is supposed to sleep without a pillow. Sleeping on a board without a pillow is not easy, especially if one is cold. Once a month, there are all-night vigils when the members sign up to pray in the middle of the night for one-hour stretches. This, too, cuts into sleep.

· Financial dependence

Numeraries surrender all control over their finances and generally do not hold their own bank accounts. When Sharon was a numerary, she had to cancel her credit card, and if she had stayed in for more than 5 years, she would have had to sign over her inheritance. One former male numerary who has recently left reports that numeraries are now allowed to have credit cards; however, they are supposed to take them from the safe each time they need them and make an accounting after using them. The Assistant Director of the house pays all of the bills for the numerary, i.e., car payments, student loans, credit cards, etc. One night a week, the numeraries line up to receive their “p.e.” (personal expenses), which is paltry. They are made to feel guilty about asking for too much and are encouraged to have their friends or family pay their way for dinners, etc.

· Little or no time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations

Numeraries have very little time for leisure, entertainment or vacations. Movie and concert-going are discouraged as a “waste of time” because there is little time for apostolic conversations at these events. Numeraries do go on one excursion per month with the other numeraries in their house. Even if they have too much homework to do, they may still be directed to go and “have fun.” If the excursion happens to be a trip to the beach, female numeraries are not allowed to lie down on a towel and sunbathe. They always have to be in the upright position and must cover up their bathing suits, unless they are swimming in the water. Otherwise, strangers might see the red prick marks or scabs made from wearing the cilice (a spiked chain typically worn around the thigh for two hours daily.) Instead of vacations, numeraries attend an annual “summer course,” when they attend more indoctrination classes, but may have a little more time for afternoon “excursions,” which could also be some sort of a pilgrimage to a holy shrine. Discussion in the car on trips is directed around subjects such as anecdotes about the Founder of Opus Dei or alleged miracles attributed to his intervention.

2. Major time commitment required for indoctrination sessions and group rituals

Members are expected to fulfill daily, weekly, monthly and yearly requirements called “the plan of life.” Daily requirements include Mass, one hour of meditation, rosary, spiritual reading, examination of conscience, get-togethers with other numeraries and other group prayers. Weekly requirements include confession, the chat with a director, and an indoctrination class called “the circle.” Numeraries are expected to attend a “day of recollection” monthly, a five-day silent retreat yearly and a three-week “course” every year consisting of indoctrination classes and recreation. In addition, numeraries living at the “Center of Studies” take special classes every evening and on weekends. All numeraries are required to live in the Center of Studies for two years. There is no discussion at the classes, the circle, the retreats or the days of recollection; note-taking is discouraged. Everyone is expected to accept the teachings without question.

3. Need to ask permission for major decisions

Numeraries are told where to live, what jobs to take, what schools to attend, etc. and are expected to obey their superiors without question. Those who disobey are severely chastised and sometimes punished with menial activities. For example, upon graduation from the two-year course at Brimfield, one numerary was directed to transfer from Wellesley College to a state university in Texas in order to further “the needs of the Work.”

4. Need to report thoughts, feelings and activities to superiors

In the weekly chat with a spiritual director, who is also one of the three members of the house administration, numeraries are influenced to report any doubts about their vocation. They submit their schedules in writing to the director and report on a weekly basis about their activities, especially recruiting activities.

5. Rewards and punishments (behavior modification techniques – positive and negative)

If numeraries are successful in their recruiting, they are allowed to invite their friends to ski trips, “weekend get-aways,” even pilgrimages to Rome. But every reward is geared toward recruiting. If a numerary wants to go out to dinner with a friend, that friend has to be a potential recruit. Those who recruit most successfully are the most-admired in Opus Dei and are sometimes given special privileges.
If numeraries are having doubts, they may be assigned labor-intensive duties, like cleaning toilets.

6. Individualism discouraged; “group think” prevails

Passed down from the Founder of Opus Dei, directors tell new members in their classes “You are Opus Dei.” Numeraries surrender themselves completely to the organization, or “the will of God,” and are discouraged for their individualism, which Opus Dei calls “selfishness.”

7. Rigid rules and regulations

Numeraries typically report to their directors every time they leave or arrive at the Opus Dei house. They are allowed only brief visits to their families, often with a chaperone. They are not allowed to talk with members of the opposite sex behind closed doors. Female numeraries are not allowed to hold babies. Even personal friendships within Opus Dei are monitored and controlled. Numeraries either live in single or triple rooms; this discourages them from becoming too close and from the temptation to discuss any of their doubts. The one time when numeraries would have time to talk intimately with one another is at night after the examination of conscience; however, there is a “time of night” or silence, which is strictly enforced. The only “friendships” they are allowed to cultivate are the ones with potential recruits. All other friends are a waste of time.

II. Information Control

BITE Model Components
How Opus Dei Fits the Model

1. Use of deception

On p. 48 of Releasing the Bonds, Steve Hassan says, “Information control begins during recruitment, when cults withhold or distort information to draw people in. People don’t join cults – cults recruit people.”

· Deliberately holding back information

Before moving into Brimfield, the Center of Studies, in Newton, Massachusetts, Sharon was not previously informed that all numeraries surrender all financial control, sleep on boards or without pillows once a week, or that they must get rid of all family photos. The only photos on display in centers of Opus Dei are photos of the Founder, Prelate or images of the Virgin Mary. She also did not realize that most numeraries take cold showers, until she felt the chill in shower stall when she woke up the next morning. The Directors justify this tactic of deliberately holding back information by saying that when you marry someone, you don’t know everything about that person. Tammy also discovered that she would be sleeping on a board when she sat down on her bed the day she moved in and realized it was hard.

· Distorting information to make it more “acceptable”

Opus Dei has thought-stopping answers for all of their criticisms. For example, when questioned about the use of the cilice (a spiked chain worn around the thigh), numerary Meg Kates explained “Just like an aerobic program at the gym will get your body into shape and it’s worth all of the pain and agony that goes along with that, so denying yourself little things will get your soul in shape.” [1] But that is not the whole picture. The cilice is only one tiny aspect of control used by Opus Dei.

· Outright lying

Rather than outright lying, Opus Dei is masterful in the art of deception, which is evident in what they do not reveal to outsiders. In The Way #643, the Founder writes, “Be slow to reveal the intimate details of your apostolate. Don’t you see that the world in its selfishness will fail to understand?”

2. Access to non-cult sources of information minimized or discouraged

Opus Dei discourages or minimizes access to non-Opus Dei sources of information.

Books, articles, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio
All required reading lists from university classes are submitted to the Director for approval. She checks them against the Index of forbidden books, which is kept under lock and key in the Director’s office. One male numerary who has recently left Opus Dei confirms that this list is still in use. All approved articles must have “the right spirit.” Newspapers, magazines and books must be approved before they can be read. Permission is required to watch television or listen to the radio; both are strictly limited. The Directors pick out all movies watched for pleasure. Numeraries are generally not allowed to go to the movies, attend sporting events or go to theaters or concert halls.

Critical information
In-going and out-going mail is read by the Directors, most of the time without the knowledge of the writers/recipients. Since Directors read all of the numeraries’ mail, they may discard pieces of mail that they deem inappropriate, yet rightfully belong to the recipient. Critical information that members hear about is typically ridiculed and over-simplified; often the credibility of the source or author of the information is attacked rather than the information itself (which is often truthful.)

Former members
When numeraries leave, the others are given vague, short reasons why they left. Sharon experienced this at Brimfield, when another numerary, with whom she had initially joined as a supernumerary at Boston College, suddenly disappeared. Once she had left, there was absolutely no discussion about her.

Keep members so busy they don’t have time to think and check things out
This is absolutely true in the case of Opus Dei. Besides the plan of life, members are expected to be leading 15 friends at a time closer to making a commitment to Opus Dei. Members are encouraged to recite prayer cards to the Founder while walking or commuting so that they never have time to really think critically about anything.

3. Compartmentalization of information; Outsider vs. Insider doctrines

Members of Opus Dei think of themselves as “the elite” in the Church and better than all other Catholics. They believe that they alone are truly faithful to the Church and the Pope, with the exception of maybe one or two other orders in the Church. Members are told it would be in “bad spirit” to go to confession to a non-Opus Dei priest; the Founder is often quoted saying that it would be like “letting outsiders wash our dirty clothes.”

Information is not freely accessible
Members are told it would be dangerous to one’s vocation to read anything critical to their Catholic faith or their vocation to Opus Dei. In fact, it would be considered an occasion of sin.

Information varies at different levels and missions within pyramid.
There is definitely a hierarchy of organizational structure within Opus Dei. For example, only the Directors in Rome, or perhaps the Directors at the new North American Headquarters in New York have the complete picture of the financial aspect of Opus Dei. Opus Dei does not own anything outright. All Opus Dei universities, schools, residences, etc. are run and funded by foundations, whose Boards of Directors are made up of members or sympathizers of Opus Dei. Even supernumeraries (members who can marry and live in their own homes) often do not know the required practices of the numeraries. There are books and documents including the Opus Dei Constitutions and the Index of forbidden books that are kept under lock and key in the Director’s office. As the levels get higher, there are even secret codes and targets for recruiting, which only the higher levels of leadership would be privileged to.

4. Spying on other members is encouraged

Opus Dei calls it Fraternal Correction. Before giving a fraternal correction, the incident must first be reported to the Director. Then he or she decides if it merits discussion with the person who may have said or done “something in bad spirit” or “with a bad attitude.” Members have the feeling that they are always being watched.

Pairing up with “buddy” system to monitor and control
In Opus Dei, “buddies” are used in the recruitment process. Once the subject of “vocation” is brought up with a potential recruit, the friend of the recruit is introduced to another “buddy” who helps to convince the recruit that he/she has a vocation to Opus Dei. The whole process is pre-calculated. For example, if the potential recruit likes to ski, the directors may arrange a ski-trip for the benefit of the recruit. Sharon remembers this scenario when she was a numerary. She was instructed to invite her friend, whom the Directors thought could join Opus Dei, on a ski trip. Her friend was absolutely clueless about the ulterior motive. She just loved to ski and wanted to have fun. On the trip, Sharon remembers being heavily pressured to talk to her friend about a possible vocation to Opus Dei, and one of the Directors, who just happened to be a skier, was on standby in the event that she was receptive to the idea. She remembers being very nervous about bringing up the subject while riding the ski lift with her friend. Fortunately, her friend was more interested in skiing.

Reporting deviant thoughts, feelings and actions to leadership
Members meet with their spiritual director every week in a “chat.” The Founder advises in The Way #64 “Don’t hide those suggestions of the devil from your Director. When you confide them to him, your victory brings you more grace from God. Moreover, you now have the gift of counsel and the prayers of your spiritual father to help you keep right on conquering.”

Individual behavior monitored by whole group
Numeraries are encouraged to make frequent fraternal corrections and are chastised if time has passed without making one. Therefore, there is the feeling that one is always being watched. One feels obligated to sing or dance in the get-togethers if that is what everyone else is doing; otherwise, it shows “bad spirit.”

Leadership decided who “needs to know” what and when
The Directors of each center have control over all fraternal corrections made, and sometimes do not allow a fraternal correction for one reason or other. When numeraries leave Opus Dei, they simply vanish. No one is given the opportunity to say “Good-bye;” no forwarding address is left in order for others to keep in touch with them. One numerary may be assigned to recruit her back as a supernumerary once sufficient time has passed.

5. Extensive use of cult generated information and propaganda

See examples below.

Newsletters, magazines, journals, audio tapes, videotapes and other media
Opus Dei has their own Noticias (News) for women and Cronica (Chronicle) for men. These come out monthly and members are urged strongly to read them. They are in Spanish, so members are encouraged to learn Spanish. Members also watch old movies of the Founder and Prelate together. These are considered very special occasions. Opus Dei owns many publishing houses, i.e. in Spain, Ireland, the United States, Philippines, etc. Directors pick out which spiritual reading the members may read; the collection includes mostly writings of the Founder or other Opus Dei members, writings of the Pope, along with a few other books by such authors as Fulton Sheen and G.K. Chesterton. (See "Noticias and Cronica -- Opus Dei's Secret Magazines."
Misquotations, statements taken out of context from non-cult sources
Opus Dei has their own Communications Office in their new headquarters in New York City. On their website, they water down the criticism of Opus Dei by explaining that because it is new, “Opus Dei has sometimes been misunderstood.” Specific allegations are given vague answers, or the person or organization making the criticism is attacked without addressing the issue at hand.

6. Unethical use of confession

See examples below.

Information about “sins” used to abolish identity boundaries
A person’s identity is normally defined by how they spend their time, what they wear, who their friends are, where they work, etc. If numeraries of Opus Dei spend too much time at their job, fuss over what they want to wear, insist on getting together with family or old friends or perhaps have a time-consuming hobby, they are told that they are “selfish.” These selfish acts are considered “sins” because they take away from the mission of Opus Dei. Little by little, the identities of numeraries become blurred with the identity of Opus Dei. There are stories about how “cute” it was that the former Prelate Fr. Portillo did not know what his favorite flavor of ice cream was. That was because he could not make decisions for himself anymore.

Past “sins” used to manipulate and control; no forgiveness or absolution
Members go to confession on a set day with a set priest once a week. They need constant forgiveness, even though their “sins” may not even require absolution. They confess their defects because the aim in Opus Dei is perfection. Since no one is perfect, they always feel “sinful.” In The Way #780, the Founder says, “'Deo omnia Gloria” – “All Glory to God.” It is an emphatic confession of our nothingness. He, Jesus, is everything. We, without him are worth nothing: Nothing. Our vainglory would be just that: vain glory; it would be sacrilegious theft; the “I” should not appear anywhere.” (except in his case, of course, because he is the Founder, and is to be adored.)

7. Need for obedience and dependency

The Founder states in The Way #617 “Obey, as an instrument obeys in the hands of the artist – not stopping to consider the why and the wherefore of what it is doing. Be sure that you’ll never be directed to do anything that isn’t good for the greater glory of God.”

III. Thought Control

BITE Model Components
How Opus Dei Fits the Model

1. Need to internalize the group’s doctrine as “Truth”

In Spain, critics call Opus Dei “mas papista que el Papa.” (More papal than the Pope)

Adopting the group’s map of reality as “Reality” (Map = Reality)
Opus Dei’s “plan of life” and its beliefs picked up through “osmosis” serve to break down individuals and make them humble and compliant. Through the many indoctrination sessions, the fraternal corrections, the control of the environment, etc., numeraries begin to think and act the same. Objections are dealt with swiftly and compliance is expected. The “truth” as expounded by Opus Dei is believed, and they become like puppets in the hands of their directors.

Black-and White thinking
Opus Dei teaches that if you simply obey your directors, you will be doing the will of God. If you live according to the “spirit of Opus Dei” you will be doing God’s will. Anything outside of that is from the devil and must be avoided; otherwise you may be damned and fall outside of God’s grace.

Good vs. Evil
Everything in Opus Dei is broken down into “good” and “evil.” Obeying your directors is “good”; disobeying and keeping secrets is “evil”. Directors try to instill fear in numeraries by pointing out that those who leave Opus Dei are probably damned and will never have God’s grace; they say that those who leave become atheists and hedonists. In The Way #924, the Founder says, “Pray always for perseverance for yourself and for your companions in the apostolate. Our adversary, the devil, knows only too well that you are his great enemies. . . and when he sees a fall in your ranks, how pleased he is!”

Us vs. Them (inside vs. outside)
The enemies of Opus Dei are people who criticize them. The Way #643, “Be slow to reveal the intimate details of your apostolate. Don’t you see that the world in its selfishness will fail to understand? The Way #644 “Be silent! Don’t forget that your ideal is like a newly-lit flame. A single breath might be enough to put it out in your heart.”

2. Use of “loaded” language (for example, “thought-terminating clichés”). Words are the tools we use to think with. These “special” words constrict rather than expand understanding and can even stop thoughts altogether. They function to reduce complexities of experience into trite, platitudinous “buzz words.”

One example of a “thought-terminating cliché” used frequently by Opus Dei is “they will not understand.” Numeraries who have recently joined are told not to tell their parents because “they will not understand.” Also, on the official Opus Dei website “Common Questions about Opus Dei” section, Opus Dei says, “Like other new institutions, Opus Dei has sometimes been misunderstood.” Members are also encouraged to recite spontaneous prayers passed down from the Founder. For example, every morning when numeraries get out of bed they kiss the floor and say, “Serviam,” (I will serve.) They are encouraged to say other prayers, such as “Omnia in bonum” (all for the best) at difficult moments or to offer up any sufferings “for the intentions of the Father” (the “Prelate” or head of Opus Dei) and thus stop any thoughts about the reason for the suffering.

3. Only “good” and “proper” thoughts are encouraged.

The Way #13 “Get rid of those useless thoughts which are at best a waste of time.” The founder of Opus Dei also says in The Way #945, “You are badly disposed if you listen to the word of God with a critical spirit.”

4. Use of hypnotic techniques to induce altered mental states

Using Roy Hunter's definition of hypnosis as "guided meditation" from www.hypnosis.com, one could say that the atmosphere of the Opus Dei meditations guides a person to "receive the message." The meditations take place in a small, dark chapel, lit by two candles flanking the tabernacle on the altar in order to focus attention on the tabernacle. There is also a small reading lamp on the priest's desk who leads the prayer on a selected topic. Many times, Sharon witnessed members falling asleep -- she could see their heads nodding -- and indeed remembers herself drifting off into a sleep-like state. Another former member, Javier Ropero, touches on this subject in his Hijos en el Opus Dei, chapter 15.[3]

5. Manipulation of memories and implantation of false memories

When numeraries of Opus Dei leave, they are forgotten. It is as if they are erased from the history of Opus Dei. Also, in Maria Carmen del Tapia’s book, Beyond the Threshold [4], she describes how the Opus Dei biographers of Josemaria Escriva were only allowed to record positive stories about him. Anything negative about his temper was forgotten. She also revealed that Opus Dei would change its own history books by carefully lifting text and inserting new text. In Opus Dei’s secret magazines, members are never identified by name in pictures because many of these people leave Opus Dei or are tossed aside when they are no longer useful.

6. Use of thought-stopping techniques, which shut down “reality testing” by stopping “negative” thoughts and allowing only “good” thoughts.

Members are trained how to live “Always in the presence of God.” In The Way #25, the Founder says “Arguments usually bring no light because the light is smothered by emotion.” Members are often given examples of those who “lost their vocations” because they did not reveal their doubts and temptations to their directors in the weekly chat.

Denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking
The Way #261 “I forbid you to think any more about it. Instead, bless God, who has given life back to your soul.”

Members are encouraged to recite the prayer card to the Founder of Opus Dei many times throughout the day. When Tammy DiNicola was in OD, she remembers having to report the number of times she recited the prayer to her director.

Members meditate 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon, and once a week and on special occasions with a priest of Opus Dei.

A numerary’s whole life is supposed to be a prayer. In addition to the above meditations, members pray the rosary every day (20 minutes); thanksgiving after mass (10 minutes); and during silent intervals of the day, like on the bus, etc., they pray the rosary or prayer cards to the Founder.

Speaking in “tongues”
In Opus Dei, numeraries don’t speak in tongues, but they do speak in Latin. They attend mass every day in Latin in their centers and all of the responses are recited in Latin. They read along with a missal with the words in Latin. They also greet each other in Latin: one member says “Pax,” (Peace) and the other member says, “In aeternum.” (For all eternity) Many of the spontaneous prayers passed down from the Founder or the Prelate are in Latin, like “Omnia bonum.” (all for the best)

Singing or humming
The singing together of "Opus Dei songs" or pre-approved songs, like "This Land is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie or the practicing of Latin hymns for special occasions, like Christmas appears to be a diversion; however, in an atmosphere with no true dialogue, these occasions serve to reinforce feelings of loyalty and unity among Opus Dei members to their vocation, and to promote proselytism to recruit even more members. To be honest, my feelings on these occasions were embarrasment to be singing like young children in a classroom. Tammy DiNicola writes extensively on the "Opus Dei song book" used in the get-togethers. Many of the songs are about recruiting. See “Fishing for Vocations in Opus Dei." [5]). When members of Opus Dei are invited to an audience with the Pope, they usually sing him songs about their faith, loyalty and love for him, the Church or to God.

7. Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism. No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate

For example, in the case of the canonization of the Founder of Opus Dei, no critical testimonies were allowed by the canonization board. Maria Carmen del Tapia, who wrote Beyond the Threshold, describes her life with the Founder in Rome. When he had a fit of temper and called Princess Elizabeth, now Queen Elizabeth, “the devil," [6] Maria was instructed not to record the event in the house diary. Opus Dei is believed to be perfect just as it is. Anyone who suggests change is considered a traitor to the Founder.

8. No alternative belief systems viewed as legitimate, good or useful

In order to be a saint, and go to heaven, one needs to live Opus Dei’s Plan of Life. It is the only “Way.” All other orders within the Church are looked at questioningly, especially Jesuits.

IV. Emotional Control

BITE Model Components
How Opus Dei Fits the Model

1. Manipulate and narrow the range of a person’s feelings

After being trained in Opus Dei living, numeraries become like robots and wear a veneer of peace and false happiness that is not real (this false face is often shown to outsiders during recruiting efforts or when trying to “win over” a dubious parent; sadly, they typically do not realize that what they are doing is false. They “think” they are being happy and spontaneous but they really are not.) Oftentimes, there are torrents of real emotion riding under the surface that explode when reality starts coming into focus. These outbursts are quickly suppressed in Opus Dei; sometimes when mental health is in question, Opus Dei sends numeraries to Opus Dei doctors who medicate them heavily.

2. Make the person feel that if there are ever any problems, it is always his fault, never the leader’s or the group’s

The Founder, teaches his flock that Opus Dei was inspired by God Himself; therefore, it is perfect, only the members have defects. And the aim of the process of canonization was to prove that he was perfect, a “saint” as well.

3. Excessive use of guilt

See examples below.

Identity guilt
Members of Opus Dei are told that “they are Opus Dei.” They must strive for perfection in everything they do, which of course is impossible, so members never feel adequate.

Who you are (not living up to your potential)
The Way #207 “Give thanks, as for a very special favor, for that holy abhorrence that you feel toward yourself.” Sharon remembers one priest describing in a meditation that if someone passed by a piece of lint on the rug and did not pick it up, then that was a sin, because she did not take the opportunity to offer the act up to God.

Your family
Numeraries of Opus Dei are typically not allowed to go home for Christmas, attend family weddings or even tend to sick family members. They are told “Opus Dei is your family,” and are made to feel guilty about spending time with their blood families because it takes away from your “Work of God.” Every effort is made to transfer the feelings they have for their own families to Opus Dei; thus, pictures of family members are not allowed in their rooms, but there are plenty of pictures of the Founder, the Prelate, even the Founder’s sister and parents. Donkeys and ducks are placed everywhere in Opus Dei houses as a reminder of the Founder, because he said that numeraries should work hard like a donkey at the working wheel and should also be noisy to recruit people like the duck. The end result is that the numeraries' emotion for their families is replaced with controlled emotion for Opus Dei.

Your past
Numeraries must disassociate themselves from their past. To cement this disassociation, they get rid of all old photographs, letters, and mementos, etc., to reduce any nostalgic memories of home. Now that Sharon has a family and realizes how valuable memories are, she regrets having thrown out childhood scrapbooks, report cards dating back to the first grade, her high school yearbook and many other sentimental items.

Your affiliations
All affiliations of members are controlled by Opus Dei, and must contribute in some way, apostolically, financially or influentially, to Opus Dei. For example, Sharon was allowed to continue taking courses at Boston University toward her Master’s in Public Relations because that would have been useful to Opus Dei’s aim of influencing public opinion. Sometimes members join groups, such as pro-life or young adult Catholic groups in order to befriend potential recruits. Members are trained to target individuals who are bright, busy and influential in their positions.

Your thoughts, feelings, action
As mentioned above, members have a weekly “chat” with their spiritual director to discuss all thoughts, feelings and actions.

Social guilt
Members are urged to feel responsible to rid the world of evils such as hedonism, communism, and abortion. They are also told to make reparations for all the sins of the world. Regarding poverty, however, Sharon remembers being told that Jesus said, “The poor you will have with you always.” Opus Dei does not concern itself with trying to alleviate poverty in the world. Rather, Opus Dei concentrates on proselytizing the rich and influential, so that hopefully poverty would be addressed in an indirect way. However, Opus Dei manipulates the charitable intentions (or social guilt) of potential recruits by exposing them to poor people in “visits to the poor or the elderly,” which are used as opportunities for recruitment. For example, the numerary member would be directed to tell the recruit something like, “See how generous God has been to you. You should think about returning the generosity by considering a vocation to Opus Dei.” (See True Stories “I Was Shocked by Hidden Agendas Behind Opus Dei’s Service Projects” by Tammy DiNicola.)

Historical guilt
Members of Opus Dei are taught to feel the burden of Jesus dying for our sins, for the deaths of the First Christian martyrs, for the heresies against the Catholic Church, etc.

4. Excessive use of fear

Steve Hassan says, “Phobias are methodically implanted to keep members from feeling they can leave the group and be happy.” [7]

Fear of thinking independently
When Sharon left Opus Dei, Sharon was afraid she would not know what to think about.

Fear of the “outside” world
Members are taught to feel “safe” on the inside, but afraid of the “outside.” For example, the devil is always trying to tempt you through strangers.

Fear of enemies
Enemies are anyone who is critical of Opus Dei.

Fear of losing one’s “salvation”
The Way #749 “There is a hell. A trite enough statement, you think. I will repeat it then: there is a hell! Echo it, at the right moment, in the ears of one friend, and another and another.” Numeraries are often told that they will be damned if they leave Opus Dei.

Fear of leaving the group or being shunned by group
Most of Sharon's close friends at Boston College were either supernumeraries or numeraries. When she left, it was as if she lost her college experience. Those who leave are forgotten and shunned.

Fear of disapproval
While Sharon was at Brimfield, she was asked to give circle (a talk on the spirit of Opus Dei) to a group of students at Bentley College. She felt uncomfortable doing it because they were not her friends, but was afraid of disapproval and went ahead anyway. As the weeks went by, she was also pressured to talk to each participant individually about attending a retreat. She hated this pressure to recruit, but felt coerced. Otherwise, the directors made her feel as if she was not doing the will of God.

5. Extremes of emotional highs and lows

The emotional highs for numeraries are being able to attend get-togethers with the Pope, the Prelate of Opus Dei, or to watch films of the Founder or Prelate. They become hysterical when the “Father” or “Prelate” comes to their center, and they will travel great distances to go to the meetings with him. All the excitement in Opus Dei is directed toward recruiting. In their get-togethers, numeraries discuss new recruits all the time, sing songs about “fishing for vocations,” and attend workshops from time to time in order to be more successful in their “apostolate.” In these workshops, numeraries are taught specific conversations to have with their “friends.” The Founder passed down this apostolic zeal, as revealed in his quote "This holy coercion is necessary, compelle intrare the Lord tells us,” from the secret internal magazine Cronica.[8] (Editor's note: "compelle intrare" is Latin for "compel them to enter" from the gospel story in Luke 14:23.)

6. Ritual and often public confession of “sins”

Before the circle, a talk by the director of the center once a week on the spirit of Opus Dei, a different member each week kneels down to confess in front of everyone some personal defect or “sin.” For example, “I did not get out of bed at the instant the knock came on the door.” They are given a penance by the Director. They are expected to confess publicly periodically and are confronted if they do not do it from time to time.

7. Phobia indoctrination: inculcating irrational fears about ever leaving the group or even questioning the leader’s authority. The person under mind control cannot visualize a positive, fulfilled future without being in the group.

When Sharon was thinking about leaving Opus Dei, she felt trapped. She kept imagining herself walking down the staircase with her suitcase in her hand, but the front door was alarmed, and she was afraid someone would wake up. She was also afraid that something terrible would happen to her if she did leave. It took a family crisis to “snap” her into realizing her intentions of leaving, regardless of the consequences.

No happiness or fulfillment outside the group
When Sharon started telling the Director that she would like to leave Opus Dei, the Director told her stories about people who had gotten out and became atheists, etc. When Sharon told her spiritual director that she thought she would like to be married some day, her director replied that “men are jerks in pants,” and that the life of female supernumeraries with families is much more difficult. Numeraries are told they will be miserable if they leave Opus Dei.

Terrible consequences will take place if you leave: hell, demon possession, incurable diseases, accidents, suicide, insanity, 10,000 reincarnations, etc.
The Director of Brimfield told Sharon that she would be excommunicated from the Catholic Church and go to hell if she left because leaving was like getting a divorce. So when the Opus Dei officials say that members have freedom to leave; what they really mean is that members have the freedom to go to hell.

Shunning of leave takers; fear of being rejected by friends, peers and family
Members are not allowed to associate with those who have left, unless they are trying to get them to rejoin.

Never a legitimate reason to leave. From the group’s perspective, people who leave are “weak,” “undisciplined,” “unspiritual,” “worldly,” “brainwashed by family or counselor,” or “seduced by money, sex, rock and roll.
The directors assigned to Sharon insisted that it was God’s will for her to stay; that she had a vocation to Opus Dei. Even after she did leave, she was harassed for four months to return. (See True Stories, “My Nightmarish Experience in Opus Dei” by Sharon Clasen [9])


1) Transcript of Interview on CNN Live This Morning, “An In-Depth Look at Opus Dei: A Conservative Catholic Group”, aired May 18, 2001. Quote by Meg Kates, numerary member of Opus Dei.

2) Releasing the Bonds, Empowering People to Think for Themselves by Steven Hassan, Freedom of Mind Press, Somerville, MA 2000, p. 42-45.

3) Hijos en el Opus Dei, by Javier Ropero, Ediciones B, 1993.

4) Beyond the Theshold, A Life in Opus Dei by Maria del Carmen Tapia, Continuum Publishing Company, New York, 1997, p.120, 168.

5) “Fishing for Vocations in Opus Dei,” an article by Tammy DiNicola, included in the Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc. (ODAN) information packet.

6) Tapia, p. 125.

7) Hassan, p. 53.

8) Quote from the Founder of Opus Dei in Cronica, iv, 1971 from "The Inner World of Opus Dei: Evidence from internal documents of Opus Dei and testimony" Dr. John J. Roche, Linacre College, Oxford, June 15, 1982. This article is included in the Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc. (ODAN) information packet. Note: Dr. Roche, a former numerary member of Opus Dei who resigned in November 1973 after becoming increasingly alarmed by Opus Dei's practices, secretly copied about 140 editorials from Cronica before leaving.

9) “My Nightmarish Experience in Opus Dei” by Sharon Clasen, ODAN website True Stories.


Quotes from The Way by Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, Founder of Opus Dei

Revised June 4, 2003

tyson tyson 18:59 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

DATE: 1960/09/26



Mr. President,
Fellow Delegates

Although it has been said of us that we speak at great length, you may rest assured that we shall endeavor to be brief and to put before you what we consider it our duty to say. We shall also speak slowly in order to co-operate with the interpreters.

Some people may think that we are very annoyed and upset by the treatment the Cuban delegation has received. This is not the case. We understand full well the reasons behind it. That is why we are not irritated. Nor should anybody worry that Cuba will not continue to the effort of achieving a worldwide understanding. That being so, we shall speak openly.

It is extremely expensive to send a delegation to the United Nations. We, the underdeveloped countries, do not have many resources to spend, unless it is to speak openly at this meeting of representatives of almost every country in the world.

The speakers who have preceded me on this rostrum have expressed their concern about problems the whole world is concerned about. We too are concerned about those problems and yet, in the case of Cuba, there is a very special circumstance, and it is that, at this moment, Cuba itself must be a concern for the world, because, as several delegates have rightly said here, among the many current problems of the world, there is the problem of Cuba. In addition to the problems facing the world today, Cuba has problems of her own, problems which worry her people.

Much has been said of the universal desire for peace, which is the desire of all peoples and, therefore, the desire of our people too, but the peace which the world wishes to preserve is the peace that we Cuban have been missing for quite some time. The dangers that other peoples of the world can regard as more or less remote are dangers and preoccupations that for us are very close. It has not been easy to come to this Assembly to state the problems of Cuba. It has not been easy for us to come here.

I do not know whether we are privileged in this respect. Are we, the Cuban delegates, the representatives of the worst type of Government in the world? Do we, the representatives of the Cuban delegation, deserve the maltreatment we have received? And why our delegation? Cuba has sent many delegations to the United Nations, and yet it was we who were singled out for such exceptional measures: confinement to the Island of Manhattan; notice to all hotels not to rent rooms to us, hostility and, under the pretense of security, isolation.

Perhaps not one among you, fellow delegates, you, who are not the individual representatives of anybody, but the representatives of your respective countries and, for that reason, whatever happens to each of you must concern you because of what you represent, perhaps not one among you, upon your arrival in this city of New York, has had to under go such personally and physically humiliating treatment as that which the President of Cuban delegation has received.

I am not trying to agitate in this Assembly. I am merely telling the truth. It is about time we had an opportunity to speak. Much has been said about us for many days now, the newspapers have referred to us, but we have remained silent. We cannot defend ourselves from such attacks in this country. Our day to state the truth has come, and we will not fail to state it.

As I have said, we had to undergo degrading and humiliating treatment, including eviction from the hotel in which we were living and efforts at extortion. When we went to another hotel, we did all in our power to avoid difficulties. We refrained from leaving our hotel rooms and went nowhere except to this assembly hall of the United Nations, on the few occasions when we have come to General Assembly. We also accepted an invitation to a reception at the Soviet Embassy, yet this was not enough for them to leave us in peace.

There has been considerable Cuban emigration to this country. There are more than one hundred thousand Cubans who have come to this country during the last twenty years. They have come to this country from their own land, where they would have liked to remain for ever, and where they wish to return, as is always the case with those who, for social or economic reasons, are forced to abandon their homeland. These Cubans were wholly devoted to their work; they respected and respect the laws of this country, but they naturally harbored a feeling of love for their native country and its Revolution. They never had any problems, but one day another type of visitor began to arrive in this country, individuals who in some cases had murdered hundreds of our compatriots. Soon they were encouraged by publicity here. The authorities received them warmly and soon encouraged them, and, naturally, that encouragement is reflected in their conduct. They provoke frequent incidents with the Cuban population which has worked honestly in this country for many years.

One of such incidents, provoked by those who feel supported by the systematic campaigns against Cuba and by the authorities, caused the death of a child. That was a lamentable event, and we should all regret such an event. The guilty ones were not the Cubans who lived here. The guilty ones were, even less, we, the members of the Cuban delegation, and yet undoubtedly, you have all seen the headlines of the newspapers, which stated that "pro-Castro groups" had killed a ten-year old girl. With the characteristic hypocrisy of those who have a say in the relations between Cuba and this country, a spokesman for the White House immediately made declarations to the world pointing out the deed, in fact, almost fixing the guilt on the Cuban delegation. And of course, His Excellency, the United States Delegate to the Assembly, did not fail to join the farce, sending a telegram of condolence to the Venezuelan Government, addressed to the victim's relatives, as though he felt called upon to give some explanation for something Cuban delegation was, in effect, responsible for.

But that was not all. When we were forced to leave one of the hotels in this city, and came to the United National Headquarters while efforts were being made to find accommodation for us, a hotel, a humble hotel of this city, a Negro hotel in Harlem, offered to rent us rooms. The reply came when we were speaking to the Secretary General. Nevertheless, an official of the State Department did all in his power to prevent our staying at that hotel. At that moment, as though by magic, hotels began appearing all over New York. Hotels which had previously refused lodgings to the Cuban delegation offered us rooms, even free of charge. Out of simple reciprocity we accepted the Harlem hotel. We felt then that we had earned the right to be left in peace. But peace was not accorded us.

Once in Harlem, since it was impossible to prevent us from living there, the slander and defamation campaigns began. They began spreading the news all over the world that the Cuban delegation had lodged in a brothel. For some humble hotel in Harlem, a hotel inhabited by Negroes of the United States, must obviously be a brothel. Furthermore, they have tried to heap infamy upon the Cuban delegation, without even respecting the female members who work with us and are a part of the Cuban delegation.

If we were the kind of men they try to depict at all costs, imperialism would not have lost all hope, as it did long ago, of somehow buying or seducing us. But, since they lost that hope a long time ago -- though they never had reasons to sustain it--after having stated that the Cuban delegation lodged in a brothel, they should at least realize that imperialist financial capital is a prostitute that cannot seduce us – and not precisely the "respectful" type of prostitute described by Jean Paul Sartre.

Now, to the problem of Cuba. Perhaps some of you are well aware of the facts, perhaps others are not. It all depends on the sources of information, but, undoubtedly, the problem of Cuba, born within the last two years, is a new problem for the world. The world had not had many reasons to know that Cuba existed. For many, Cuba was something of an appendix of the United States. Even for many citizens of this country, Cuba was a colony of the United States. As far as the map was concerned, this we not the case: our country had a different color from that of the United States. But in reality Cuba was a colony of the United States.

How did our country became a colony of the United States? It was not because of its origins; the same men did not colonize the United States and Cuba. Cuba has a very different ethnical and cultural origin, and the difference was widened over the centuries. Cuba was the last country in America to free itself from Spanish colonial rule, to cast off, with due respect to the representative of Spain, the Spanish colonial yoke; and because it was the last, it also had to fight more fiercely.

Spain had only one small possession left in America and it defended it with tooth and nail. Our people, small in numbers, scarcely a million inhabitants at that time, had to face alone, for almost thirty years, an army considered one of the strongest in Europe. Against our small national population the Spanish Government mobilized an army as big as the total forces that had fought against South American independence. Half a million Spanish soldiers fought against the historic and unbreakable will of our people to be free.

For thirty years the Cubans fought alone for their independence; thirty years of struggle that strengthened our love for freedom and independence. But Cuba was a fruit -- according to the opinion of a President of the United States at the beginning of the past century, John Adams --, it was an apple hanging from the Spanish tree, destined to fall, as soon as it was ripe enough, into the hands of the United States. Spanish power had worn itself out in our country. Spain had neither the men nor the economic resources to continue the war in Cuba; Spain had been defeated. Apparently the apple was ripe, and the United States Government held out its open hands.

Not one but several apples fell in to the hands of the United States. Puerto Rico fell -- heroic Puerto Rico, which had begun its struggle for independence at the same time as Cuba. The Philippine Islands fell, and several other possessions. However, the method of dominating our country could not be the same. Our country had struggled fiercely, and thus had gained the favor of world public opinion. Therefore the method of taking our country had to be different.

The Cubans who fought for our independence and at that very moment were giving their blood and their lives believed in good faith in the joint resolution of the Congress of the United States of April 20, 1898, which declared that "Cuba is, and by right ought to be, free and independent."

The people of the United States were sympathetic to the Cuban struggle for liberty. That joint declaration was a law adopted by the Congress of the United States through which war was declared on Spain. But that illusion was followed by a rude awakening. After two years of military occupation of our country, the unexpected happened: at the very moment that the people of Cuba, through their Constituent Assembly, were drafting the Constitution of the Republic, a new law was passed by the United States Congress, a law proposed by Senator Platt, bearing such unhappy memories for the Cubans. That law stated that the constitution of the Cuba must have an appendix under which the United States would be granted the right to intervene in Cuba's political affairs and, furthermore, to lease certain parts of Cuba for naval bases or coal supply station.

In other words, under a law passed by the legislative body of a foreign country, Cuban's Constitution had to contain an appendix with those provisions. Our legislators were clearly told that if they did not accept the amendment, the occupation forces would not be withdrawn. In other words, an agreement to grant another country the right to intervene and to lease naval bases was imposed by force upon my country by the legislative body of a foreign country.

It is well, I think, for countries just entering this Organization, countries just beginning their independent life, to bear in mind our history and to note any similar conditions which they may find waiting for them along their own road. And if it is not they, then those who came after them, or their children, or grandchildren, although it seems to us that we will not have to wait that long.

Then began the new colonization of our country, the acquisition of the best agricultural lands by United States firms, concessions of Cuban natural resources and mines, concessions of public utilities for exploitation purposes, commercial concessions of all types. These concessions, when linked with the constitutional right -- constitutional by force -- of intervention in our country, turned it from a Spanish colony into an American colony.

Colonies do not speak. Colonies are not known until they have the opportunity to express themselves. That is why our colony and its problems were unknown to the rest of the world. In geography books reference was made to a flag and a coat of arms. There was an island with another color on the maps, but it was not an independent republic. Let us not deceive ourselves, since by doing so we only make ourselves ridiculous. Let no one be mistaken. There was no independent republic; there was only a colony where orders were given by the Ambassador of the United States.

We are not ashamed to have to declare this. On the contrary: we are proud to say that today no embassy rules our country; our country is ruled by its people!

Once against the Cuban people had to resort to fighting in order to achieve independence, and that independence was finally attained after seven bloody years of tyranny, who forced this tyranny upon us? Those who in our country were nothing more than tools of the interests which dominated our country economically.

How can an unpopular regime, inimical to the interests of the people, stay in power unless it is by force? Will we have to explain to the representatives of our sister republics of Latin America what military tyrannies are? Will we have to outline to them how these tyrannies have kept themselves in power? Will we have to explain the history of several of those tyrannies which are already classical? Will we have to say what forces, what national and international interests support them?

The military group which tyrannized our country was supported by the most reactionary elements of the nation, and, above all, by the foreign interests that dominated the economy of our country. Everybody knows, and we understand that even the Government of the United States admits it, that that was the type of government favored by the monopolies. Why? Because by the use of force it was possible to check the demands of the people; by the use of force it was possible to suppress strikes for improvement of living standards; by the use of force it was possible to crush all movements on the part of the peasants to own the land they worked; by the use of force it was possible to curb the greatest and most deeply felt aspirations of the nation.

That is why governments of force were favored by the ruling circles of the United States. That is why governments of force stayed in power for so long, and why there are governments of force still in power in America. Naturally, it all depends on whether it is possible to secure the support of the United States.

For instance, now they say they oppose one of these governments of force; the Government of Trujillo. But they do not say they are against other governments of force -- that of Nicaragua, or Paraguay, for example. The Nicaraguan one is no longer government of force; it is a monarchy that is almost as constitutional as that of the United Kingdom, where the reins of power are handed down from father to son. The same would have occurred in my own country. It was the type of government of force -- that of Fulgencio Batista -- which suited the American monopolies in Cuba, but it was not, of course, the type of government which suited the Cuban people, and the Cuban people, at a great cost in lives and sacrifices, over threw the government.

What did the Revolution find when it came to power in Cuba? What marvels did the Revolution find when it came to power in Cuba? First of all the Revolution found that 600,000 able Cubans were unemployed – as many, proportionately, as were unemployed in the United States at the time of the great depression which shook this country and which almost created a catastrophe in the United States. That was our permanent unemployment. Three million out of a population of somewhat over 6,000,000 did not have electric lights and did not enjoy the advantages and comforts of electricity. Three and a half million out of a total of slightly more than 6,000,000 lived in huts, shacks and slums, without the slightest sanitary facilities. In the cities, rents took almost one third of family incomes. Electricity rates and rents were among the highest in the world. Thirty-seven and one half percent of our population were illiterate; 70 per cent of the rural children had no teachers; 2 per cent of population, that is, 100,000 persons out of a total of more than 6,000,000 suffered from tuberculosis. Ninety-five per cent of the children in rural areas were affected by parasites, and the infant mortality rate was therefore very high, just the opposite of the average life span.

On the other hand, 85 per cent of the small farmers were paying rents for the use of land to the tune of almost 30 per cent of their income, while 1 1/2 percent of the landowners controlled 46 per cent of the total area of the nation. Of course, the proportion of hospital beds to the number of inhabitants of the country was ridiculous, when compared with countries that only have halfway decent medical services.

Public utilities, electricity and telephone services all belonged to the United States monopolies. A major portion of the banking business, of the importing business and the oil refineries, the greater part of the sugar production, the best land in Cuba, and the most important industries in all fields belonged to American companies. The balance of payments in the last ten years, from 1950 to 1960, had been favorable to the United States with regard to Cuba to the extent of one thousand million dollars.

This is without taking in to account the hundreds of millions of dollars that were extraeted from the treasury of the country by the corrupt officials of the tyranny and were later deposited in United States or European Banks.

One thousand million dollars in ten years. This poor and underdeveloped Caribbean country, with 600,000 unemployed, was contributing greatly to the economic development of the most highly industrialized country in the world.

That was the situation we found, and it is probably not foreign to many of the countries represented in this Assembly, because, when all is said and done, what we have said about Cuba is like a diagnostic x-ray applicable to many of the countries represented here.

What alternative was there for the Revolutionary Government? To betray the people? Of course, as far as the President of the United States is concerned, we have betrayed our people, but it would certainly not have been considered so, if, instead of the Revolutionary Government being true to its people, it had been loyal to the big American monopolies that exploited the economy of our country. At least, let note be taken here of the wonders the Revolution found when it came to power. They were no more and no less than the usual wonder of imperialism, which are in themselves the wonders of the free world as far as we, the colonies, are concerned!

We surely cannot be blamed if there were 600,000 unemployed in Cuba and 37.5 per cent of the population were illiterate. We surely cannot be held responsible if 2 per cent of the population suffered from tuberculosis and 95 per cent were affected by parasites. Until that moment none of us had anything to do with the destiny of our country; until that moment, those who had something to do with the destiny of our country were the rulers who served the interests of the monopolies; until that moment, monopolies had been in control of our country. Did anyone hinder them? No one. Did anyone trouble them? No one. They were able to do their work, and there we found the result of their work.

What was the state of our reserved when the tyrant Batista came to power. There was $500,000,000 in our national reserve, a goodly sum to have invested in the industrial development of the country. When the Revolution came to power there was only $70,000,000 in our reserves.

Was there any concern for the industrial development of our country? No. That is why we are astonished and amazed when we hear of the extraordinary concern shown by the United States Government for the Fate of the countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia. We cannot overcome our amazement, because after fifty years we have the result of their concern before our eyes.

What has the Revolutionary Government done? What crime has the Revolutionary Government committed to deserve the treatment we have received here, and the powerful enemies that events have shown us we have?

Did problems with the United States Government arise from the first moments? No. It is perhaps that when we reached power we were imbued with the purpose of getting into international trouble? No. No Revolutionary government wants international trouble when it comes to power. What a revolutionary government wants to do is concentrate its efforts on solving its own problems; what it wants to do is carry out a program for the people, as is the desire of all governments that are interested in the progress of their country.

The first unfriendly act perpetrated by the Government of the United States was to throw open its doors to a gang of murders who had left our country covered with blood. Men who had murdered hundreds of defenseless peasants, who for many years never tired of torturing prisoners, who killed right and left -- were received in this country with open arms. To us, this was amazing. Why this unfriendly act on the part of the Government of the United States towards Cuba? Why this act of hostility? At that time we could not quite understand; now we see the reason clearly. Was that the proper policy as regards relations between the United States and Cuba? Certainly not, because we were the injured party, inasmuch as the Batista regime remained in power with the help of tanks, planes and arms furnished by the Government of the United States; the Batista regime remained in power thanks to the use of an army whose officers were trained by a military mission sent by the United States Government; and we trust that no official of the United States will dare to deny that truth.

Even when the Rebel Army arrived in Havana, the American military mission was in the most important military camp of the city. That was a broken army, an army that had been defeated and had surrendered. We could very well have considered those foreign officers as prisoners of war, since they had been there helping and training the enemies of the people. However, we did not do so. We merely asked the members of that military mission to return to their country, because after all, we did not need their lessons; their pupils had been defeated.

I have with me a document. Do not be surprised as its appearance, for it is a torn document. It is an old military pact, by virtue of which the Batista tyranny received generous assistance from the Government of the United States. And it is quite important to know the contents of Article 2 of this Agreement:

"The Government of the Republic of Cuba commits itself to make efficient use of the assistance it receives from the United States, pursuant to the present agreement, in order to carry out the plans of defense accepted by both Governments, pursuant to which the two Governments will take part in missions which are important for the defense of the Western Hemisphere, and, unless permission is previously obtained from the Government of the United States of America ..."

-- I repeat:

"and unless permission is previously obtained from the Government of the United States, such assistance will not be dedicated to other ends than those for which such assistance has been granted."

That assistance was used to combat the Cuban revolutionaries; it was therefore approved by the Government of the United States. And even when, some months before the war was over, an embargo on arms for Batista was put into effect, after more than six years of military help, once the arms embargo had been solemnly declared, the Rebel Army had proof, documentary proof, that the forces of the tyranny had been supplied with 300 rockets to be fired from planes.

When our comrades living in this country laid these documents before the public opinion of the United States, the Government of the United States found no other explanation than to say that we were wrong, that they had not sent new supplies to the army of the tyranny, but had just changed some rockets that could not be used in their planes for another type of rocket that could -- and, by the way, they were fired at us while we were in the mountains. I must say that this is a unique way of explaining a contradiction when it can be neither justified nor explained. According to the United States, then, this was not military assistance; it was probably some sort of '"technical assistance."

Why, then, if all this existed and was a cause of resentment for our people ... because everybody knows, even the most innocent and guileless, that with the revolution that has taken place in military equipment, those weapons from the last war have became thoroughly obsolete for a modern war.

Fifty tanks of armored cars and a few outmoded aircraft cannot defend a continent, much less a hemisphere. But on the other hand they are good enough to oppress unarmed peoples. They are good for what they are used for: to intimidate people and to defend monopolies. That is why these hemisphere defense pacts might better be described as "defense pacts for the protection of United States monopolies."

And so the Revolutionary Government began to take the first steps. The first thing it did was to lower the rents paid by families by fifty per cent, a just measure, since, as I said earlier, there were families paying up to one third of their income. The people had been the victim of housing speculation, and city lots had also been the subject of speculation at the expense of the entire Cuban people. But when the Revolutionary Government reduced the rents by fifty per cent, there were, of course, a few individuals who became upset, the few who owned those apartment buildings, but the people rushed into the streets rejoicing, as they would in any country, even here in New York, if rents were reduced by fifty per cent. But this was no problem to the monopolies. Some American monopolies owned large buildings, but they were relatively few in number.

Then another law was passed, a law cancelling the concessions which had been granted by the tyranny of Batista to the Telephone Company, an American monopoly. Taking advantage of the fact our people were defenseless, they had obtained valuable concessions. The Revolutionary Government then cancelled these concessions and re-established normal prices for telephone services. Thus began the first conflict with the American monopolies.

The third measure was the reduction of electricity rates, which were the highest in the world. Then followed the second conflict with the American monopolies. We were beginning to appear communist; they were beginning to daub us in red because we had clashed head on with the interests of the United States monopolies.

Then followed the next law, an essential and inevitable law for our country, and a law which sooner or later will have to be adopted by all countries of the world, at least by those which have not yet adopted it: the Agrarian Reform Law. Of course, in theory everybody agrees with the Agrarian Reform Law. Nobody will deny the need for it unless he is a fool. No one can deny that agrarian reform is one of the essential conditions for the economic development of the country. In Cuba, even the big landowners agreed about the agrarian reform -- only they wanted their own kind of reform, such as the one defended by many theoreticians; a reform which would not harm their interests, and above all, one which would not be put into effect as long as it could be avoided. This is something that is well known to the economic bodies of the United Nations, something nobody even cares to discuss any more. In my country it was absolutely necessary: more than 200,000 peasant families lived in the countryside without land on which to grow essential food crops.

Without an agrarian reform, our country would have been unable to take that step; we made an agrarian reform. Was it a radical agrarian reform? We think not. It was a reform adjusted to the needs of our development, and in keeping with our own possibilities of agricultural development. In other words, was an agrarian reform which was to solve the problems of the landless peasants, the problem of supplying basic foodstuffs, the problem of rural unemployment, and which was to end, once and for all, the ghastly poverty which existed in the countryside of our native land.

And that is where the first major difficulty arose. In the neighboring Republic of Guatemala a similar case had occurred. And I honestly warn my colleagues of Latin America, Africa and Asia; whenever you set out to make a just agrarian reform, you must be ready to face s similar situation, especially if the best and largest tracts of land are owned by American monopolies, as was the case in Cuba. (OVATION)

It is quite possible that we may later be accused of giving bad advice in this Assembly. It is not our intention to disturb anybody's sleep. We are simply stating the facts, although the facts are sufficient to disturb everybody's sleep.

Then the problem of payment arose. Notes from the State Department rained on our Government. They never asked about our problems, not even out of sheer pity, or because of the great responsibility they had in creating such problems. They never asked us how many died of starvation in our country, or how many were suffering from tuberculosis, or how many were unemployed. No, they never asked about that. A sympathetic attitude towards our needs? Certainly not. All talks by the representatives of the Government of the United States centered upon the Telephone Co., the Electric Co., and the land owned by American Companies.

How could we solve the problem of payment? Of course, the first question that should have been asked was what we were going to pay with, rather than how. Can you gentlemen conceive of a poor underdeveloped country, with 600,000 unemployed and such a large number of illiterates and sick people, a country whose reserves have been exhausted, and which has contributed to the economy of a powerful country with one thousand million dollars in ten years -- can you conceive of this country having the means to pay for the land affected by the Agrarian Reform Law, or the means to pay for it in the terms demanded?

What were the State Department aspirations regarding their affected interests? They wanted prompt, efficient and just payment. Do you understand that language? "Prompt, efficient, and just payment." That means, "pay now, in dollars, and whatever we ask for our land." (APPLAUSE)

We were not 100 per cent communist yet (LAUGHS) We were just becoming slightly pink. We did not confiscate land; we simply proposed to pay for it in twenty years, and in the only way in which we could pay for it: in bonds, which would mature in twenty years at 4 1/2 per cent, or amortized yearly.

How could we pay for the land in dollars, and the amount they asked for it? It was absurd. Anyone can readily understand that, under those circumstances, we had to choose between making the agrarian reform, and not making it. If we choose not to make it, the dreadful economic situation of our country would last indefinitely. If we decided to make it, we exposed ourselves to the hatred of the Government of the powerful neighbor of the north.

We decided to go on with the agrarian reform. Of course, the limits set to latifundia in Cuba would amaze a representative of the Netherlands, for example, or of any country of Europe, because of their extent. The maximum amount of land set forth in the Agrarian Reform Law is 400 hectares (988 acres). In Europe, 40 hectares is practically a lati-fundium; in Cuba, where there were American monopolies that had up to 200,000 hectares -- I repeat, in case someone thinks he has heard wrong, 200,000 hectares -- an agrarian reform law reducing the maximum limit to 400 hectares was inadmissible.

But the truth is that in our country it was not only the land that was the property of the agrarian monopolies. The largest and most important mines were also owned by those monopolies. Cuba produces, for example, a great deal of nickel. All of the nickel was exploited by American interests, and under the tyranny of Batista, an American company, the Moa Bay, had obtained such a juicy concession that in a mere five years – mark my words, in a mere five years -- it intended amortizing an investment of $120,000,000. A $120,000,000 investment amortized in five years!

And who had given the Moa Bay company this concession through the intervention of the Government of the United States? Quite simply, the tyrannical government of Fulgencio Batista, which was there to defend the interests of the monopolies. And this is an absolutely true fact. Exempt from all taxes what were those companies going to leave for the Cubans? The empty, worked out mines, the impoverished land, and not the slightest contribution to the economic development of our country.

And so the Revolutionary Government passed a mining law which forced those monopolies to pay a 25 per cent tax on the exportation of minerals. The attitude of the Revolutionary Government already had been too bold. It had clashed with the interests of the international electric trusts; it had clashed with the interests of the international telephone trusts; it had clashed with the interests of the mining trusts; it had clashed with the interests of the United Fruit Co; and it had in effect, clashed with the most powerful interests of the United States, which, as you know, are very closely linked with each other. And that was more than the Government of the United States -- or rather, the representatives of the United States monopolies -- could possibly tolerate.

Then began a new period of harassment of the Revolution. Can anyone who objectively analyzes the facts? Who is willing to think honestly, not as the UP or the AP tell him, to think with his head and to draw conclusions from his own reasoning and the facts without prejudice, sincerely and honestly -- would anyone who does this consider that things which the Revolutionary Government did were such as to demand the destruction of the Cuban Revolution? No. But the interests affected by the Cuban Revolution were not concerned about the Cuban case; they were not being ruined by the measures of the Cuban Revolutionary Government. That was not the problem. The problem lay in the fact that those very interests owned the wealth and the natural resources of the greater part of the peoples of the world.

The attitude of the Cuban Revolution therefore had to be punished. Punitive actions of all sorts -- even the destruction of those insolent
people -- had to follow the audacity of the Revolutionary Government.

On our honor, we swear that up to that moment we had not had the
opportunity even to exchange letters with the distinguished Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev. That is to say that when, for the North American press and the international news agencies that supply information to the world, Cuba was already a Communist Government, a red peril ninety miles from the United States with a Government dominated by Communists, the Revolutionary Government had not even had the opportunity of establishing diplomatic and commercial relations with the Soviet Union.

But hysteria can go to any length; hysteria is capable of making the most unlikely and absurd claims. Of course, let no one think for a moment that we are going to intone a mea culpa here. There will be no mea culpa. We do not have to ask anyone's pardon. What we have done, we have done consciously, and above all, fully convinced of our right to do it.

Then came the threats against our sugar quota, imperialism's cheap philosophy of showing generosity, egoistical and exploiting generosity; and they began showing kindness towards Cuba, declaring that they were paying us a preferential price for sugar, which amounted to a subsidy to Cuban sugar -- a sugar which was not so sweet for Cubans, since we were not the owners of the best sugar-producing land, nor the owners of the largest sugar mills. Furthermore, in that affirmation lay hidden the true history of Cuban sugar, of the sacrifices which had been imposed upon my country during the periods when it was economically attacked.

However when quotas were established, our participation was reduced to 28 per cent, and the advantages which that law had granted us, the very few advantages which that law had granted us, were gradually taken away in successive laws, and, of course the colony depended on the colonial power. The economy of the colony had been organized by the colonial power.

The colony had to be subjected to the colonial power, and if the colony took measures to free itself from the colonial powers that country would take measures to crush the colony. Conscious of the subordination of our economy to their market, the Government of the United States began to issue a series of warnings that our quota would be reduced further, and at the same time, other activities were taking place in the United States of America: the activities of counterrevolutionaries.

One afternoon an airplane coming from the north flew over one of the sugar refineries and dropped a bomb. This was a strange and unheard-of event, but we knew full well where that plane came from. On another afternoon another plane flew over our sugar cane fields and dropped a few incendiary bombs. These events which began sporadically continued systematically.

One afternoon, when a number of American tourist agents were visiting Cuba in response to an effort made by the Revolutionary Government to promote tourism as one of the sources of national income, a plane manufactured in the United States, of the type used in the Second World War, flew over our capital dropping pamphlets and grenades. Of course, some anti-aircraft guns went into action. The result was more than forty victims, between the grenades dropped by the plane and the anti-aircraft fire, because, as you know, some of the projectiles explode upon contacting any object. As I said, the result was more than forty victims. There were little girls on the street with their entrails torn out, old men and women wantonly killed. Was this the first time it had happened in our country? No. Children, old men and old women, young men and women, had often been killed in the villages of Cuba by American bombs supplied to the tyrant Batista. On one occasion, eighty workers died when a mysterious explosion -- too mysterious -- took place in the harbor of Havana, the explosion of a ship carrying Belgian weapons which had arrived in our country, after many efforts by the United States Government to prevent the Belgian Government from selling arms to us.

Dozens of victims of war; eighty families orphaned by the explosions. Forty victims as a result of an airplane that brazenly flew over our territory. The authorities of the United States Government denied the fact that these planes came from American territory, but the plane was now safely in a hangar in this country. When one of our magazines published a photograph of it, the United States authorities seized the plane. A version of the affair was issued to the effect that this was not very important, and that these victims had not died because of the bombs, but because of the anti-aircraft fire. Those responsible for this crime, those who had caused these deaths were wandering about peacefully in the United States, where they were not even prevented from committing further acts of aggression.

May I take this opportunity of telling His Excellency the Representative of the United States that there are many mothers in Cuba still awaiting his telegrams of condolence for their children murdered by the bombs of the United States (APPLAUSE).

Planes kept coming and going. But as far as they were concerned, there was no evidence. Frankly, we don't know how they define the word evidence. The plane was there, photographed and captured, and yet we were told the plane did not drop any bombs. It is not known how the United States authorities were so well informed.

Planes continued to fly over our territory dropping incendiary bombs. Millions and millions of pesos were lost in the burning fields of sugar cane. Many humble people of Cuba, who saw property destroyed, property that was now truly their own, suffered burns in the struggle against those persistent and tenacious bombings by pirate planes.

And then one day, while dropping a bomb on one of our sugar mills, a plane exploded in mid air and the Revolutionary Government was able to collect what was left of the pilot, who by the way, was an American. In his documents were found, proof as to the place where the plane had taken off from. On its way to Cuba, the plane had flown between two United States military bases. This was a matter that could not be denied any longer: the planes took off from the United States. Confronted with irrefutable evidence the United States Government gave an explanation to the Cuban Government. Its conduct in this case was not the same as in connection with the U-2. When it was proved that the planes were taking off from the United States, the Government of the United States did not proclaim its right to burn over sugar cane fields. The United States Government apologized and said it was sorry. We were lucky, after all, because after the U-2 incident the United States Government did not even apologize, it proclaimed its right to carry out flights over Soviet territory. Bad luck for the Soviets! (APPLAUSE).

But we do not have too many anti-aircraft batteries, and the planes went on flying and bombing us until the harvest was over. When there was no more sugar cane, the bombing stopped. We were the only country in the world which had gone through a thing like this, although I do recall that at the time of his visit to Cuba, President Sukarno told us that this was not the case, for they, too, had had certain problems with American planes flying over their territory.

But the truth is that in this peaceful hemisphere at least, we were a country that, without being at war with anyone, had to stand the constant attack of pirate planes. And could those planes come in and out of United States territory unmolested? It has been stated that the defenses of the world they call "free" are impregnable. If this is the case, how is it that planes, not supersonic planes, but light planes with a velocity of barely 150 miles per hour, how is it that these planes are able to fly in and out of United States territory undetected.

The air raids ended, and then came economic aggression. What was one of the arguments wielded by the enemies of the agrarian reform? They said that the agrarian reform would bring chaos to agricultural production, that production would diminish considerably, and that the Government of the United States was concerned because Cuba might not be able to fulfill her commitments to the American market. The first argument -- and it is appropriate that at least the new delegations in the General Assembly should become familiar with some of the arguments, because some day they may have to answer similar arguments -- the first argument was that the agrarian reform meant the ruin of the country. This was not the case. If this had been so, and agricultural production had deceased, the American Government would not have felt the need to carry on its economic aggression.

Did they sincerely believe in what they said when they stated that the agrarian reform would cause a drop in production? Perhaps they did. Surely it is logical for each one to believe what his mind has been conditioned to believe. It is quite possible they may have felt that without the all-powerful monopolist companies, we Cubans would be unable to produce sugar. perhaps they were even sure we would ruin the country. And of course, if the Revolution had ruined the country, then the United States would not have had to attack us; it would have left us alone, and the United States Government would have appeared as a good and honorable government, and we as people who ruined our own Nation, and as a great example that Revolutions should not be made because they ruin countries. Fortunately, that was not the case. There is proof that revolutions do not ruin countries, and that proof has just been furnished by the Government of the United States. Among other things, it has been proved that revolutions do not ruin countries, and that imperialist governments do try to ruin countries.

Cuba had not been ruined; she therefore had to be ruined. Cuba needed new markets for its products, and we would honestly ask any delegation present if it does not want its country to sell what it produces and its export to increase. We wanted our exports to increase, and this is what all countries wish; this must be a universal law. Only egotistical interests can oppose the universal interest in trade and commercial exchange, which surely is one of the most ancient aspirations and needs of mankind.

We wanted to sell our products and went in search of new markets. We signed a trade treaty with the Soviet Union, according to which we would sell one million tons of sugar and would purchase a certain amount of Soviet products or articles. Surely no one can say that this is an incorrect procedure. There may be some who would not do such a thing because it might displease certain interests. We really did not have to ask permission from the State Department in order to sign a trade treaty with the Soviet Union, because we considered ourselves, and we continue to consider ourselves and we will always consider ourselves, a truly independent and free country.

When the amount of sugar in stock began to diminish stimulating our economy, we received the hard blow: at the request of the executive power of the United States, Congress passed a law empowering the President or Executive power to reduce the import quotas for Cuban sugar to whatever limits might deem appropriate. The economic weapon was wielded against our Revolution. The justification for that attitude had already been prepared by publicity experts; the campaign had been on for a long time. You know perfectly well that in this country monopolies and publicity are one and the same thing. The economic weapon was wielded, our sugar quota was suddenly cut by about one million tons -- sugar that had already been produced and prepared for the American market -- in order to deprive our country of resources for its development, and thus reduce it to a state of impotence, with the natural political consequences. Such measures were expressly banned by Regional International Law. Economic aggression, as all Latin American delegates here know, is expressly condemned by Regional International Law. However, the Government of the United States violated that law, wielded its economic weapon, and cut our sugar quota by about one million tons. They could do it.

What was Cuba's defense when confronted by that reality? It could appeal to the United Nations. It could turn to the United Nations, in order to denounce political and economic aggressions, the air attacks of the pirate planes, besides the constant interference of the Government of the United States in the political affairs of our country and the subversive campaigns it carries out against the Revolutionary Government of Cuba.

So we turned to the United Nations. The United Nations had power to
deal with these matters. The United Nations is, within the hierarchy of
international organizations, the highest authority. The United Nations' authority is even above that of the OAS. And besides, we were interested in bringing the problem to the United Nations, because we know quite well the situation the economy of Latin America finds itself in; because we understand the state of dependence of the economy of Latin America in relation to the United States. The United Nations knew of the affair, it requested the OAS to make an investigation, and the OAS met. Very well. And what was to be expected? That the OAS would protect the country; that the OAS would condemn the political aggression against Cuba, and above all that would condemn the economic aggression against our country. That should have been expected. But after all, we were a small people of the Latin American community of nations. We were just another victim. And we were neither the first or the last, because Mexico had already been attacked more than once militarily. In one way they tore away from Mexico a great part of its territory, and on that occasion the heroic sons of Mexico leaped to their death from the Castle of Chapultepec enwrapped in the Mexican flag rather than surrender. These were the heroic sons of Mexico (APPLAUSE).

And that was not the only aggression. That was not the only time that American infantry forces trod upon Mexican soil. Nicaragua was invaded and for seven long years was heroically defended by Caesar Augusto Sandino. Cuba suffered intervention more than once, and so did Haiti and Santo Domingo. Guatemala also suffered intervention. Who among you could honestly deny the intervention of the United Fruit Co. and the State Department of the United States when the legitimate government of Guatemala was overthrown? I understand fully well that there may be some who consider it their official duty to be discreet on this matter, and who may even be willing to come here and deny this, but in their consciences they know we are simply stating the truth.

Cuba was not the first victim of aggression; Cuba was not the first country to be in danger of aggression. In this hemisphere everyone knows that the Government of the United States has always imposed its own law -- the law of the strongest, in virtue of which they have destroyed Puerto Rican nationhood and have imposed their domination on that friendly country -- law in accordance with which they seized and held the Panama Canal.

This was nothing new, our country should have been defended, but it was never defended. Why? Let us get to the bottom of this matter, without merely studying the from. If we stick to the dead letter of the law, then we are protected; if we abide by reality, we have no protection whatsoever, because reality imposes itself on the law set forth in international codes, and that reality is, that a small nation attacked by a powerful country did not have any defense and was not defended.

With all due respect to this organization, I must state here that, that is why the people, our people, the people of Cuba, who have learned much and are quite up to the role they are laying, to the heroic struggle they are conducting ... our people who have learned in the school of international events, know that in the last instance, when their rights have been denied and aggressive forces are marshalled against them, they still have the supreme and heroic resource of resisting when their rights are not protected by either the OAS or the UN (OVATION).

That is why we, the small countries, do not yet feel too sure that our rights will be preserved; that is why we, the small countries, whenever we decide to become free, know that we become free at our own risk. In truth, when people are united and are defending a just right, they can trust their own energies. We are not, as we have been pictured, a mere group of men governing the country. We are a whole people governing a country – a whole people firmly united, with a great revolutionary consciousness, defending its rights. And this should be known by the enemies of the revolution and of Cuba, because if they ignore this fact, they will be making a regrettable error.

These are the circumstances in which the revolutionary process has taken place in our country; that is how we found the country, and why difficulties have arisen. And yet the Cuban Revolution is changing what was yesterday a land without hope, a land of poverty and illiteracy, into one of the most advanced and developed countries in this Continent.

The Revolutionary Government, in but twenty months, has created 10,000 new schools. In this brief period it has doubled the number of rural schools that had been created in fifty years. Cuba is today, the first country of America that has met all its school needs, that has a teacher in the farthest corners of the mountains.

In this brief period of time, the Revolutionary Government has built 5,000 houses in the rural and urban areas. Fifty new towns are being built at this moment. The most important military fortresses today house tens of thousands of students, and, in the coming year, our people intend to fight the great battle against illiteracy, with the ambitious goal of teaching every single inhabitant of the country to read and write in one year, and, with that end in mind, organizations of teachers, students and workers, that is, the entire people, are preparing themselves for an intensive campaign, and Cuba will be the first country of America which, after a few months, will be able to say it does not have one single illiterate.

Our people are receiving today the assistance of hundreds of doctors who have been sent to the fields to fight against illnesses and parasitic ailments, and improve the sanitary conditions of the nation.

In another aspect, in the preservation of our natural resources, we can also point with pride to the fact that in only one year, in the most ambitious plan for the conservation of natural resources being carried out on this continent, including the United States of America and Canada, we have planted nearly fifty million timber-yielding trees.

Youths who were unemployed, who did not attend school, have been organized by the Revolutionary Government and are today being gainfully and usefully employed by the country, and at the same time being prepared for productive work.

Agricultural production in our country has been able to perform an almost unique feat, an increase in production from the very beginning. From the very start we were able to increase agricultural production. Why? In the first place, because the Revolutionary Government turned more than 10,000 agricultural workers, who formerly paid rent, to owners of their land, at the same time maintaining large-scale production through co-operatives. In other words production was maintained through co-operatives, thanks to which we have been able to apply the most modern technical methods to our agricultural production, causing a marked increase in that production.

And all this social welfare work -- teachers, housing, and hospitals -- has been carried out without sacrificing the resources that we have earmarked for development. At this very moment the Revolutionary Government is carrying out a program of industrialization of the country, and the first plants are already being built.

We have utilized the resources of our country in a rational manner. Formerly, for instance, thirty-five million dollars worth of cars were imported into Cuba, and only five million dollars worth of tractors. A country which is mainly agricultural imported seven times more cars than tractors. We have changed this around, and we are now importing seven times more tractors than cars.

Close to five hundred million dollars was recovered from the politicians who had enriched themselves during the tyranny of Batista -- close to five hundred million dollars in cash and other assets was the total we were able to recover from the corrupt politicians who had been sucking the blood of our country for seven years. It is the correct investment of these assets which enables the Revolutionary Government, while at the same time developing plans for industrialization and for the development of agriculture, to build houses, schools, to send teachers to the farthest corners of the country, and to give medical assistance to everyone -- in other words, to carry out a true program of social development.

At the Bogota meeting, as you know, the Government of the United States proposed a plan. Was it a plan for economic development? No. It was a plan for social development. What is understood by this? Well, it was a plan for building houses, building schools, and building roads. But does this settle the problem at all? How can there be a solution to the social problems without a plan for economic development? Do they want to make fools of the Latin American countries? What are families going to live on when they inhabit those houses, if those houses are really built? What shoes, what clothes are they going to wear, and what food are children going toe at when they attend those school? Is it not known that, when a family does not have clothes or shoes for the children, the children are not sent to schools? With what means are they going to pay the teachers and the doctors? How are they going to pay for the medicine? Do you want a good way of saving medicine? Improve the nutrition of the people, and when they eat well you will not have to spend money on hospitals. Therefore, in view of the tremendous reality of undevelopment, the Government of the United States now comes out with a plan for social development. Of course, it is stimulating to observe the United States concerning itself with some of the problems of Latin America. Thus far they had not concerned themselves at all. What a coincidence that, they are not worried about those problems! And the fact that this concern emerged after the Cuban Revolution will probably be labelled by them as purely coincidental.

Thus far, the monopolies have certainly not cared very much, except about exploiting the underdeveloped countries. But comes the Cuban Revolution and suddenly the monopolists are worrying, and while they attack us economically trying to crush us, they offer aims to the countries of Latin America. The countries of Latin America are offered, not the resources for development that Latin America needs, but resources for social development--houses for men who have no work, schools where children will not go, and hospitals that would not be necessary if there were enough food to eat (APPLAUSE).

After all, although some of my Latin American colleagues may feel it their duty to be discreet at the United Nations, they should all welcome a revolution such as the Cuban Revolution which at any rate has forced the monopolists to return at least a small part of what they have been extracting from the natural resources and the sweat of the Latin American peoples (APPLAUSE).

Although we are not included in that aid we are not worried about that; we do not get angry about things like that, because we have been settling those same problems of schools and housing and so on for quite some time. But perhaps there may be some of you who feel we are using this rostrum to make propaganda, because the President of the United Nations has said that some come here for propaganda purposes. And, of course, all of my colleagues in the United Nations have a standing invitation to visit Cuba. We do not close, our doors to any one, now do we confine anyone. Any of my colleagues in this assembly can visit Cuba whenever he wishes, in order to see with his own eyes what is going on. You know the chapter in the Bible that speaks of St. Thomas, who had to see in order to believe I think it was St. Thomas.

And, after all, we can invite any newspapermen, and any member of any delegation, to visit Cuba and see what a nation is capable of doing with its own resources, when they are used with honesty and reason. But we are not only solving our housing and school problems, we are solving our development problems as well, because without the solution of the problems of development there can be no settlement of the social problems

Why is the United States Government unwilling to talk of development? It is very simple: because the Government of the United States does not want to oppose the monopolies, and the monopolies require natural resources and markets for the investment of their capital. That is where the great contradiction lies. That is why the real solution to this problem is not sought. That is why planning for the development of underdeveloped countries with public funds is not done.

It is good that this be stated frankly, because, after all, we the underdeveloped countries, are a majority in this Assembly -- in case anyone is unaware of this fact -- and we are witnesses to what is going on in the underdeveloped countries.

Yet, the true solution of the problem is not sought, and much is said about the participation of private capital. Of course, this means markets for the investment of surplus capital, like the investment that was amortized in five years.

The government of the United States cannot propose a plan for public investment, because this would divorce it from the very reason for being the Government of the United States, namely the American monopolies.

Let us not beat about the bush, the reason no real economic plan is being promoted is simply this: to preserve our lands in Latin America, Africa, and Asia for the investment of surplus capital.

Thus far we have referred to the problems of my own country and the reason why those problems have not been solved. Is it perhaps because we did not want to solve them? No. The Government of Cuba has always been ready to discuss its problems with the Government of the United States, but the Government of the United States has not been ready to discuss its problems with Cuba, and it must have its reasons for not doing so.

The Government of the United States does not deign to discuss its differences with the small country of Cuba.
tyson tyson 19:02 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem


What hope can the people of Cuba maintain for the solution of these problems? the facts that we have been able to note here so far conspire against the solution of these problems, and the United Nations should seriously take this into account, because the people and the Government of Cuba are justifiably concerned at the aggressive turn in the policy of the United States with regard to Cuba, and it is proper that we should be well informed.

In the first place, the Government of the United States considers it has the right to promote and encourage subversion in our country. The Government of the United States is promoting the organization of subversive movements against the Revolutionary Government of Cuba, and we wish to denounce this fact in this General Assembly; we also wish to denounce specifically the fact that, for instance, a territory which belongs to Honduras, known as Islas Cisnes, the Swan Islands, has been seized "manu military" by the Government of the United States and that American marines are there, despite the fact that this territory belongs to Honduras. Thus, violating international law and despoiling a friendly people of a part of its territory, the United States has established a powerful radio station on one of those Islands, in violation of international radio agreements, and has placed it at the disposal of the war criminals and subversive groups supported in this country; furthermore, military training is being conducted on that island, in order to promote subversion and the landing of armed forces in our country.

Does the Government of the United States feel it has the right to promote subversion on our country, violating all international treaties, including those relating to radio frequency? Does this mean, by chance, that the Cuban Government has the right to promote subversion in the United States? Does the Government of the United States believe it has the right to violate radio frequency agreements? Does this mean, by chance, that the Cuban Government has the right to violate radio frequency agreements also? What right can the Government of the United States have over us over our island that permits it to act towards other nations in such a manner? Let the United States return the Swan Islands to Honduras, since it never had any jurisdiction over those Islands (APPLAUSE).

But there are even more alarming circumstances for our people. It is well known that, in virtue of the Platt Amendment, imposed by force upon our people, the Government of the United States assumed the right to establish naval bases on our territory, a right forcefully imposed and maintained. A naval base in the territory of any country is surely a cause for concern. First of all, there is concern over the fact that a country which follows an aggressive and warlike international policy has a base in the heart of our country, which brings us the risk of being involved in any international conflict, in any atomic conflict, without our having anything to do with the problem, because we have absolutely nothing to do with the problems of the United States and the crises provoked by the Government of the United States. Yet, there is a base in the heart of our Island which entails danger for us in case of war.

But is that only danger? No. There is another danger that concerns us even more, since it is closer to home. The Revolutionary Government of Cuba has repeatedly expressed its concern over the fact that the imperialist government of the United States may use that base, located in the heart of our national territory, as an excuse to promote a self - aggression, in order to justify an attack on our country. I repeat: the Revolutionary Government of Cuba is seriously concerned -- and makes known this concern -- over the fact that the imperialist government of the United States of America may use a self-aggression in order to justify an attack on our country. And this concern on our part is becoming increasingly greater because of the intensified aggressiveness that the United States is displaying. For instance, I have here a United Press cable which came to my country, and which reads as follows:,

"Admiral Arleigh Burke, United States Chief of Naval Operations says that if Cuba attempts to take the Gunatanamo Naval base by force we will fight back" In an interview for the magazine U.S. News and World Report (please excuse my bad pronunciation), Admiral Burke was asked if the Navy was concerned about the situation in Cuba under Premier Fidel Castro.

"Yes, our Navy is concerned -- not about our base at Guantanamo, but about the whole Cuban situation," Admiral Burke said. The Admiral added that all the military services are concerned.

"Is that because of Cuba's strategic position in the Caribbean?" he was asked.

"No, not particularly,' Admiral Burke said. 'Here are a people normally very friendly to the United States, who like our people and were also liked by us. In spite of this, an individual as appeared with a small group of fanatical communists, determined to change all that. Castro has taught his people to hate the United States, and has done much to ruin his country.'

"Admiral Burke said 'we will react very fast if Castro makes any move against the Guantanamo base.'

"If they try to take the base by force, we will fight back", he added.

Asked whether Soviet Premier Krushchev's threat about retaliatory rockets gave Admiral Burke 'second thoughts about fighting in Cuba' the Admiral said:

"No, because he is not going to send his rockets. He knows quite well he will be destroyed if he does."

He means that Russia will be destroyed.

In the first place, I must emphasize that for this gently man, to have increased industrial production in our country by 35 per cent, to have given employment to more than 200,000 more Cubans, to have solved many of the social problems of our country, constitutes the ruination of our country. And in accordance with this line of reasoning they assume the right to prepare the conditions for aggression.

So you see how conjectures are made -- very dangerous conjectures, because this gentleman, in effect, thinks that in case of an attack on us we are to stand alone. This is just a conjecture by Mr. Burke, but let us imagine that Mr. Burke is wrong, let us suppose for just a moment that Mr. Burke, although an admiral, is mistaken.

Than Admiral Burke is playing with the fate of the world in a most irresponsible manner. Admiral Burke and his aggressive militarist clique are playing with the fate of the world, and it would really not be worth our while to worry over the fate of each of us, but we feel that we, as representatives of the various peoples of the world, have the duty to concern ourselves with the fate of the world, and we also have the duty to condemn all those who play irresponsibly with the fate of the world. They are not only playing with the fate of our people; they are playing with the fate of their people and with the fate of all the people's of the world or does thus Admiral Burke think we are still living in the times of the blunderbusses? Does he not realize, this Admiral Burke, that we are living in the atomic age, in an age whose disastrous and cataclysmic destructive forces could not even he imagined by Dante or Leonardo Da Vinci, with all their imagination, because this goes beyond the imagination of man. Yet, he made his conjectures, United Press International spread the news all over the world, the magazine is about to come out, hysteria is being created, the campaign is being prepared, the imaginary danger of an attack on the base is beginning to be publicized.

And this is not all. Yesterday a United States news bulletin appeared containing some declarations by the United States Senator Styles Bridges who, I believe is a member of the Armed forces Committee of the Senate of the United States. He said:

"The United States should maintain its naval base of Guantanamo in Cuba at all costs"; and 'we must go as far as necessary to defend those gigantic installations of the United States. We have naval forces there, and we have the Marines, and if we were attacked I would defend it, of course, because I believe it is the most important base in the Caribbean area."

This member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee did not entirely reject the use of the atomic weapons in the case of an attack against the base.

What does this mean? This means that not only is hysteria being created, not only is the atmosphere being systematically prepared, but we are even threatened with the use of atomic weapons, and, of course, among the many things that we can think of, one is to ask this Mr. Bridges whether he is not ashamed of himself to threaten a small country like Cuba with the use of atomic weapons (PROLONGS APPLAUSE).

As far as we are concerned, and with all due respect, we must tell him that the problems of the world cannot be solved by the use of threats or by sowing fear, and that our humble people, our little country, is there. What can we do about? We are there, however much they dislike the idea, and our Revolution will go ahead, however much they dislike that. And our humble people must resign themselves to their fate. They are not afraid, nor are they shaken by this threat of the use of atomic weapons.

What does all this mean? There are many countries that have American bases in their territory, but they are not directed against the governments that made these concessions -- at least not as far as we know. Yet ours is the most tragic case. There is a base on our island territory directed against Cuba and the Revolutionary Government of Cuba, in the hands of those who declare themselves enemies of our country, enemies of our revolution, and enemies of our people. In the entire history of the world's present-day bases, the most tragic case is that of Cuba; a base imposed upon us by force, well within our territory, which is a good many miles away from the coast of the United States, an instrument used against Cuba and the Cuban people imposed by the use of force, and a constant threat and a cause for concern for our people.

That is why we must state here that all these rumors of attacks are intended to create hysteria and prepare the conditions for an aggression against our country, that we have never spoken a single word implying the thought of any type of attack on the Guantanamo base, because we are the first in not wanting to give imperialism an excuse to attack us, and we state this categorically. But we also declare that from the very moment that base was turned into a threat to the security and peace of our country, a danger to our country, the Revolutionary Government of Cuba has been considering very seriously the requesting, within the framework of international law, of the withdrawal of the naval and military forces of the United States (THE SPEAKER IS INTERRUPTED BY PROLONGED APPLAUSE) from that portion of our National territory.

But is is imperative that this Assembly be kept well informed regarding the problems of Cuba, because we have to be on the alert against deceit and confusion. We have to explain these problems very clearly because with them go the security and the fate of our country. And that is why we want exact note to be taken of the words I have spoken, particularly when one takes into consideration the fact that the opinions or erroneous ideas of the politicians of this country as regards Cuban problems do not show any signs of improving. I have here some declarations by Mr. Kennedy that would surprise anybody. On Cuba he says. "We must use all the power of the Organization of American States to prevent Castro from interfering in other Latin American countries, and we must use all that power to return freedom to Cuba". They are going to give freedom back to Cuba!

"We must state our intention," he says, "of not allowing the Soviet Union to turn Cuba into its Caribbean base, and of applying the Monroe Doctrine". Half-way or more into the twentieth century, this gentleman speaks of the Monroe doctrine!

"We must make Prime Minister Castro understand that we intend to defend our right to the Naval Base of Guantanamo." He is the third who speaks of the problem. "And we must make the Cuban people know that we sympathize with their legitimate economic aspirations...." Why did they not feel sympathetic before? "....that we know their love of freedom, and that we shall never be happy until democracy is restored in Cuba...." What democracy? The democracy "made" by the imperialist monopolies of the Government of the United States?

"The forces in exile that are struggling for freedom," he says – note this very carefully so that you will understand why there are planes flying from American territory over Cuba: pay close attention to what this gentleman has to say. "The forces that struggle for liberty in exile and in the mountains of Cuba should be supported and assisted, and in other countries of Latin America communism must be confined and not allowed to expand."

If Kennedy were not an illiterate and ignorant millionaire (APPLAUSE)...he would understand that is not possible to carry out a revolution supported by landowners against the peasant in the mountains, and that every time imperialism has tried to encourage counterrevolutionary groups, the peasant militia has captured them in the course of a few days. But he seems to have read a novel, or seen a Hollywood film, about guerrillas, and he thinks it is possible to carry on guerrilla warfare in a country where the relations of the social forces are what they are in Cuba. In any case, this is discouraging. Let no one think, however, that these opinions as regards Kennedy's statements indicate that we feel any sympathy towards the other one, Mr. Nixon...(LAUGHTER) who has made similar statements. As far as we are concerned, both lack political brains.

Up to this point we have been dealing with the problem of our country, a fundamental duty of ours when coming before the United Nations, but we understand that it would be a little egoistical on our part if our concern were to be limited to our specific case alone. It is also true that we have used up the greater part of our time informing this Assembly about the Cuban case, and that there is not much time left for us to deal with the remaining questions, to which we wish to refer briefly.

The case of Cuba is not isolated case. It would be an error to think of it only as the case of Cuba. The case of Cuba is the case of all underdeveloped countries. The case of Cuba is like that of the Congo, Egypt, Algeria, Iran...(APPLAUSE)...like that of Panama, which wishes to have its canal; it is like that of Puerto Rico, whose national spirit they are destroying; like that of Honduras, a portion of whose territory has been alienated. In short, although we have not make specific reference to other countries, the case of Cuba is the case of all underdeveloped, colonialized countries.

The problems which we have been describing in relation to Cuba can be applied just as well to all of Latin America. The control of Latin American economic resources by the monopolies, which, when they do not own the mines directly and are in charge of extraction, as the case with the copper of Chile, Peru, or Mexico, and with the oil of Venezuela – when this control is not exercised directly it is because they are the owners of the public utility companies, as is the case in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, or the owners of telephone services, which is the case in Chile, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Paraguay and Bolivia, or they commercialize our products, as is the case with coffee in Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, or with the cultivation, marketing and transportations of bananas by the United Fruit Co. in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Honduras, or with the Cotton in Mexico and Brazil. In other words, the monopolies control the most important industries. Woe to those countries, the day they try to make an agrarian reform! They will be asked for immediate, efficient, and just payment. And if, in spite of everything they make an agrarian reform, the representative of the friendly country who comes to the United Nations will be confined to Manhattan; they will not rent hotel space to him; insult will he heaped upon him, and it is even possible that he may be physically mistreated by the police.

The problem of Cuba is just an example of the situation in Latin America. And how long will Latin America wait for its development? It will have to wait, according to the point of view of the monopolies, until there are two Fridays in a week.

Who is going to industrialize Latin America? The monopolies? Certainly not. There is a report by the economic Commission of the United Nations which explains how private capital, instead of going to the countries that need it most for the establishment of basic industries to contribute to their development, is being channeled referentially to the more industrialized countries, because there, according to their beliefs, private capital finds greater security. And, of course, even the Economic Secretariat of the United Nations has had to admit there is no possible chance for development through the investment of private capital -- that is, through the monopolies.

The development of Latin America will have to be achieved through public investment, planned and granted unconditionally without any political strings attached, because, naturally, we all like to be representatives of free countries. None of us like to represent a country that does not feel itself in full possession of its freedom.

None of us wants the independence of this country to be subjected to any interest other than that of the country itself. That is why assistance must be given without any political conditions.

That help has been denied to us does not matter. We have not asked for it. However, in the interest of and for the benefit of the Latin American peoples, we do feel duty bound out of solidarity, to stress the fact that the assistance must be given without any political conditions whatsoever. There should be more public investments for economic development, rather than for "social development," which is the latest thing invented to hide the true need for the economic development of countries.

The problems of Latin America are similar to those of the rest of the world: to those of Africa and Asia. The world is divided up among the monopolies; the same monopolies that we find in Latin America are also found in the Middle East. There the oil is in the hands of monopolistic companies that are controlled by France, the United States, the United Kingdom the Netherlands....in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, in short, in all corners of the world. The same thing is true, for instance, in the Philippines, and in Africa. The world has been divided among the monopolistic interests. Who would dare deny this historic truth? The monopolistic interests do not want to see the development of countries and the people themselves. And the sooner they recover or amortize the capital invested, the better.

The problems the Cuban people have had to face with the imperialistic government of the United States are the same which Saudi Arabia would face if it nationalized its oil, and this also applies to Iran or Iraq; the same problems that Egypt had when it quite justifiably nationalized the Suez Canal; the very same problems that Indonesia had when it wanted to become independent; the same surprise attacks as against Egypt and the Congo.

Have colonialists or imperialists ever lacked a pretext when they wanted to invade a country? Never! Somehow they have always found a pretext. And which are the colonialist and imperialists countries? Four or five countries -- no, four or five groups of monopolies are the owners of the wealth of the world.

If a being from another planet were to come to this Assembly, one who had read neither the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx nor the cables of the United Press or the Associated Press or other monopolist publications, if he were to ask how the world had been divided, and he saw on a map that the wealth of the world was divided among the monopolies of four or five countries, he would say, without further consideration; "The wealth of this world has been badly distributed, the world is being exploited."

Here in this Assembly, where the majority of the underdeveloped countries are represented, he would say: "The majority of the peoples that you represent are being exploited; they have been exploited for a long time. The form of exploitation may have changed, but you are still being exploited." That would be the verdict.

In the address made by Premier Khrushchev there is a statement that attracted our attention because of the value of its contents. It was when he said that "the Soviet Union has no colonies or investments in any country."

How great our world would be today, our world which today is threatened with catastrophe, if all the representatives of all nations were able to say: "Our country has no colonies and no investments in any foreign country"! (APPLAUSE)

There is no use in going all over the question again. This is substance of the matter, the substance of peace and war, the substance of the armaments race. Wars, since the beginning of mankind, have occurred for one, fundamental reason; the desire of some to despoil others of their wealth.

Do away with the philosophy of plunder and you will have done away forever with the philosophy of war! (APPLAUSE) Do away with the colonies, wipe out the exploitation of countries by monopolies, and mankind will have reached a true era of progress!

As long s that step is not taken, as long as that stage is not reached, the world will have to live constantly under the nightmare and fear of being involved in any crisis, in an atomic conflagration. Why? Because there are some who are interested in perpetuating this exploitation.

We have spoken here of the Cuban case. Our case has taught us because of the problems we have had with our own imperialism, that is, the particular imperialism that is ranged against us. But, since all imperialism are alike, they are all allies. A country that exploits the people of Latin America, or any other parts of the world, is an ally of the exploiters of the rest of the world.

There are a number of problems which have already been discussed by several delegations. For reasons of time, we should like merely to express our opinion on the Congo problem. Of course, since we hold an anti-colonialist position against the exploitation of underdeveloped countries, we condemn the way in which the intervention by the United Nations forces was carried out in the Congo. First of all, these forces did not go there to act against the intervening forces, for which purpose they were originally sent. All necessary time was given, so that the first dissension could occur. And as that was not enough, further time was given, and the way was opened for the second division. And finally, while broadcasting stations and airfields were seized, the opportunity was provided for the emergence of the third man, as they always call the saviors who emerge in these circumstances. We know them only too well, because in the year of 1943 one of these saviors appeared in our country, and his name was Fulgenico Batista. In the Congo his name is Mobutu. In Cuba, he paid a daily visit to the American Embassy, and it appears the same thing is going on in the Congo. Is it because I say so? No, because no less than a magazine which is one of the most fervent supporters of the monopolies and therefore cannot be against them, is the one that says so. It cannot favor Lumumba, because it favors Mobutu. But it explains who Mobutu, is, how he began to work, and finally Time magazine says in its latest issue: "Mobutu became a frequent visitor to the United States Embassy and held long talks with officials there. One afternoon last week Mobutu conferred with officers of Camp Leopold and got their enthusiastic support. That night he went to Radio Congo -- which Lumumba had not been allowed to use -- and abruptly announced that the army was assuming power."

In other words, all this occurred after frequent visits and lengthy conversations with the officials of the United States Embassy. This Time Magazine speaking, the defender of the monopolies.

In other words, the hand of the colonialist interest has been clear and visible in the Congo, and our opinion is consequently that colonialist interests have been favored and that every fact indicates that reason and the people of the Congo are on the side of the only leader who remained there to defend the interests of his country, and that leader is Lumumba (APPLAUSE).

As regard the problem of Algeria, we are, I need hardly say, 100 percent in support of the right of the people of Algeria to independence (APPLAUSE), and it is, furthermore, ridiculous -- like so many ridiculous things in the world which have been artificially created by vested interests -- to claim that Algeria is part of France. In the past, similar claims have been made by other countries in an attempt to keep their colonies.

However, these African people have been fighting a heroic battle against the colonial power for many years. Perhaps, even while we are calmly talking here, Algerian villages and hamlets are being bombed and machine-gunned by the French Army. Men may well be dying in a struggle in which there is not the slightest doubt where the right lies, a struggle that could be ended even without disregarding the interests of that minority which is being used for denying nine-tenths of the population of Algeria their right to independence. Yet we are doing nothing. So quick to go to the Congo, and such lack of enthusiasm about going to Algeria! (APPLAUSE).

We are, therefore, on the side of the Algerian people, as we are on the remaining colonial peoples in Africa, and on the side of the Negroes who are discriminated against in the Union of South Africa. Similarly, we are on the side of those peoples that wish to be free, not only politically -- for it is very easy to acquire a flag, a coat of arms, an anthem, and a color on the map -- but also economically free, for there is one truth which we should all recognize as being of primary importance, namely, that there can be no political independence unless there is economic independence, that political independence without economic independence is a lie; we therefore support the aspirations of all countries to be free politically and economically. Freedom does not consist in the possession of a flag, a coat of arms, and representation in the United Nations.

We should like to draw attention here to another right: a right which was proclaimed the Cuban people at a mass meeting quite recently, the right of the underdeveloped countries to nationalize their natural resources and the investments of the monopolies in their respective countries without compensation; in other words, we advocate the nationalization of natural resources and foreign investments in the underdeveloped countries.

And if the highly industrialized countries wish to do the same thing, we shall not oppose them (APPLAUSE).

If countries are to be truly free, in political matters, they must be truly free in economic matters, and we must lend them assistance. We shall be asked about the value of the investments, as we in return will ask: what about the value of the profits from those investments, the profits which have been extracted from the colonized and underdeveloped peoples for decades, if not for centuries?

We should like to support a proposal made by the President of the Republic of Ghana, the proposal that Africa should be cleared of military bases and thus of nuclear weapon bases, in other words, the proposal to free from the perils of atomic war. Something has already been done with regard to Antarctica. As we go forward on the path of disarmament, why should we not also go forward towards freeing certain parts of the world from the danger of nuclear war?

Let the other people, let the West make up a little for what it has made Africa suffer, by preserving it from the danger of atomic war and declaring it a free zone as far as this peril is concerned. Let no atomic bases be established there! Even if we can do nothing else, let this continent at least remain a sanctuary where human life may be preserved! (PROLONGED APPLAUSE). We support this proposal warmly.

On the question of disarmament, we wholeheartedly support the Soviet proposal, and we are not ashamed to do so. We regard as a correct, precise, well-defined and clear proposal.

We have carefully studied the speech made here by President Eisenhower -- he made no real reference to disarmament, to the development of the underdeveloped countries, or to the colonial problem. Really, it would be worthwhile for the citizens of this country, who are so influenced by false propaganda, to compare objectively the statements of the President of the United States with those of the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, so that they could see which speech contains genuine concern over the world's problems, so that they could see who spoke clearly and sincerely, and so they could see who really wants disarmament, and who is against it and why. The Soviet proposal could not be clearer. Nothing could be added to the Soviet explanation. Why should there be any reservations when no one has every before spoken so clearly of so tremendous a problem?

The history of the world has taught us the tragic lesson that arms races always lead to war; but never has the responsibility been greater, for never has war signified so was a holocaust for mankind. And the Soviet Union has made a proposal regarding that problem which so greatly concerns mankind -- whose very existence is at stake -- a proposal for total and complete disarmament. What more can be asked? If more can be asked, let us ask it; if we can ask for more safeguards, let us do so; but the proposal could not be clearer or better defined, and, at this stage of history, it cannot be rejected without assuming the responsibility involved in the danger of war and of war itself.

The representative of the Soviet Union has spoken openly -- I say this objectively -- and I urge that these proposals be considered, and that everybody put their cards on the table. Above all, this is not merely a question of representatives, that is a matter of public opinion. The warmongers and militarists must be exposed and condemned by the public opinion of the world. This is not a problem for minorities only: it concerns the world. The warmongers and militarists must be unmasked, and this is the task of public opinion. This problem must be discussed not only in the General Assembly, but before the entire world, before the great assembly of the whole world, because in the event of a war not only the leaders, but hundreds of millions of completely innocent persons will be exterminated, and it is for this reason that we, who meet here as representatives of the world -- or part of the world, since this Assembly is not yet complete, it will not be complete until the Peoples' Republic of China is represented here -- should take appropriate measures (APPLAUSE). One-quarter of the world's population is of course absent, but we who are here have the duty to speak openly and not to evade the issue. We must all discuss it; this problem is too serious to be overlooked. It is more important than economic aid and all other obligations, because this is the obligation to preserve the life of mankind. Let us all discuss and speak about this problem, and let us all fight to establish peace, or at least to unmask the militarists and warmongers.

And, above all, if we, the underdeveloped countries, want to preserve the hope of achieving progress, if we want to have a chance of seeing our peoples enjoying a higher standard of living, let us struggle for peace, let us struggle for disarmament; with a fifth of what the world spends on armaments, we could promote the development of all the underdeveloped countries at a rate of growth of 10 percent per annum. With a fifth of the resources which countries spend on armaments, we could surely raise the people's standard of living.

Now, what are the obstacles to disarmament? Who is interested in being armed? Those who are interested in being armed to the teeth are those who want to keep colonies, those who want to maintain their monopolies, those who want to retain control of the oil of the Middle East; the natural resources of Latin America, of Asia, of Africa, and who require military strength to defend their interests. And it is well known that these territories were occupied and colonized on the strength of the law of force; by virtue of the law of force million of men were enslaved, and it is force which sustains such exploitation in the world. Therefore, those who want no disarmament are those interested in maintaining their military strength in order to retain control of natural resources, the wealth of the people of the world, and cheap labor in underdeveloped countries. We promised to speak openly, and there is no other way of telling the truth.

The colonialists, therefore, are against disarmament. Using the weapon of world public opinion, we must fight to force disarmament on them as we must force them to respect the right of peoples to economic and political liberation.

The monopolies are against disarmament, because, besides being able to defend those interests with arms, the arms race has always been good business for them. For example, it is well known that the great monopolies in this country doubled their capital shortly after the Second World War. Like vultures, the monopolies feed on the corpses which are the harvest of war.

And war is a business. Those who trade in war, those who enrich themselves war, by must be unmasked. We must open the eyes of the world and expose those who trade in the destiny of mankind, in the danger of war, particularly when the war may be so frightful that it leaves no hope of salvation.

We, the small and underdeveloped countries, urge the whole Assembly and especially the other small and underdeveloped nations to devote themselves to this task and to have this problem discussed here, because afterwards we will never forgive ourselves if, through our neglect or lack of firmness and energy on this basic issue, the world becomes involved once again in the perils of war.

We have just one more point to discuss, which, according to what we have read in some newspapers, was one of the points the Cuban delegation was going to raise. And this, of course, is the problem of the Peoples Republic of China.

Other delegations have already spoken about this matter. We wish to say that the fact that this problem has never been discussed is in reality a denial of the "raison d'etre" and of the essential of nature of the United Nations. Why has it never been discussed? Because the United Nations Assembly going to renounce its right to discuss this problem?

Many countries have joined the United Nations in recent years. To oppose discussion of the right to representation here of the People's Republic of China, that is, of 99 percent of the inhabitants of a country of more than 600,000,000 is to deny the reality of history, the facts of life itself.

It is simply an absurdity; it is ridiculous that this problem is never even discussed. How long are we going to continue the sad business of never discussing this problem, when we have here representatives of Franco, for instance?

At this point is its appropriate to ask by what right the navy of an extra-continental country -- and it is worth repeating this here, when so much is being said about extra-continental interference -- intervened in a domestic affair of China. It would be interesting to have an explanation. The sole purpose of this interference was to maintain a group of allies in that place and to prevent the total liberation of the territory. That is an absurd and unlawful state of affairs from any point of view, but it constitutes the reason why the United States Government does not want the question of the People's Republic of China to be discussed. And we want to put it on record here that this is our position and that we support discussion of this question, and that the United Nations General Assembly should seat the legitimate representatives of the Chinese people, namely, the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China.

I understand perfectly that is somewhat difficult for anybody here to free himself of the stereotyped concepts by which the representatives of nations are usually judged. I must say that we have come here free from the prejudices, to analyze problems objectively, without fear of what people will think and without fear of the consequences of our position.

We have been honest, we have been frank without being Francoist (APPLAUSE), because we do not want to be a party to the injustice committed against a great number of Spaniards, still imprisoned in Spain after more than twenty years, men who fought together with the Americans of the Lincoln Brigade, as the comrades of those same Americans who were there to do honor to the name of that great American, Lincoln.

In conclusion, we are going to place our trust in reason and in the decency of all. We wish to sum up our ideas regarding some aspects of these world problems about which there should be no doubt. The problem of Cuba, which we have set forth here, is a part of the problems of the world. Those who attack us today are those who are helping to attack others in other parts of the world.

The United States Government cannot be on the side of the Algerian people, it cannot be on the side of the Algerian people because it is allied to metropolitan France. It cannot be on the side of the Congolese people, because it is allied to Belgium. It cannot be on the side of the Spanish people, because it is allied to Franco. It cannot be on the side of the Puerto Rican people, whose nationhood it has been destroying for fifty years. It cannot be on the side of the Panamanians, who claim the Canal. It cannot support the ascendancy of civil power in Latin America, Germany or Japan. It cannot be on the side of the peasants who want land, because it is allied to the big landowners. It cannot be on the side of the workers who are demanding better living conditions in all parts of the world, because it is allied to the monopolies. It cannot be on the side of the colonies which want their freedom, because it is allied to the colonizers.

That is to say, it is for the Franco, for the colonization of Algeria for the colonization of the Congo; it is for the maintenance of its privileges and interests in the Panama Canal, for colonialism through the world. It is for the German militarism and for the resurgence of German militarism. It is for Japanese militarism and for the resurgence of Japanese militarism.

The Government of the United States forgets the millions of Jews murdered in European concentration camps by the Nazis, who are today regaining their influence in the German army. It forgets the Frenchmen who were killed in their heroic struggle against the occupation; it forgets the American soldiers who died on the Siegfried Line, in the Ruhr, on the Rhine, and on the Asian fronts. The United States Government cannot be for the integrity and sovereignty of nations. Why? Because it must curtail the sovereignty of nations in order to keep its military bases, and each base is a dagger thrust into sovereignty; each base is a limitation on sovereignty.

That is why it has to be against the sovereignty of nations, because it must constantly limit sovereignty in order to maintain its policy of encircling the Soviet Union with bases. We believe that these problems are not properly explained to the American people. But the American people need only imagine how uneasy they would feel if the Soviet Union began to establish a ring of atomic bases in Cuba, Mexico, or Canada. The population would not feel secure or calm. World opinion, including American opinion, must be taught to see the other person's point of view. The underdeveloped peoples should not always be represented as aggressors; revolutionaries should not be presented as aggressors, as enemies of the American people, because we have seen American like Carleton Beals, Waldo Frank, and others, famous and distinguished intellectuals, shed tears at the thought of the mistakes that are being made, at the breach of hospitality towards us; there are many Americans, the most humane, the most progressive, and the most esteemed writers, in whom I see the nobility of this country's early leaders, the Washingtons, the Jeffersons, and the Lincolns. I say this is no spirit of demagogy, but with the sincere admiration that we feel for those who once succeeded in freeing their people from colonial status and who did not fight in order that their country might today be the ally of all the reactionaries, the gangsters, the big landowners, the monopolists, the exploiters, the militarists, the fascists in the world, that is to say, the ally of the most reactionary forces, but rather in order that their country might always be the champion of noble and just ideals.

We know well what will be said about us, today, tomorrow, every day, to deceive the American people. But is does not matter. We are doing our duty by stating our views in, this historic Assembly.

We proclaim the right of people to freedom, the right of people to nationhood; those who know that nationalism means the desire of the people to regain what is rightly theirs, their wealth, their natural resources, conspire against nationalism.

We are, in short, for all the noble aspirations of all the peoples. That is our position. We are, and always shall be for everything that is just: against colonialism, exploitation, monopolies, militarism, the armaments race, and warmongering. We shall always be against such things. That will be our position.

And to conclude, fulfilling what we regard as our duty, I am going to quote to this Assembly the key part of the Declaration of Havana. As you all know, the Declaration of Havana was the Cuban people's answer to the Declaration of San Jose, Costa Rica. Nor 10, nor 100, nor 100,000, but more than one million Cubans gathered together.

At that Assembly, which was convened as an answer to the Declaration of San Jose, the following principles were proclaimed, in consultation with the people and by acclamation of the people, as the principles of the Cuban Revolution.

"The National General Assembly of the Cuban people condemns largescale landowning as a source of poverty for the peasant and a backward and inhuman system of agricultural production; it condemns starvation wages and the iniquitous exploitation of human work by illegitimate and privileged interests; it condemns illiteracy, the lack of teachers, of schools, doctor and hospitals; the lack of old-age security in the countries of America; it condemns discrimination against the Negro and the Indian'; it condemns the inequality and the exploitation of women; it condemns political and military oligarchies, which keep our peoples in poverty, prevent their democratic development and the full exercise of their sovereignty; it condemns concessions of the natural resources of our countries as a policy of surrender which betrays the interests of the peoples; it condemns the governments which ignore the demands of their people in order to obey orders from abroad; it condemns the systematic deception of the people by mass communications media which serve the interests of the oligarchies and the policy of imperialist oppression; it condemns the monopoly held by news agencies, which are instruments of monopolist trusts and agents of such interests; it condemns the repressive laws which prevent the workers, the peasants, the students and the intellectuals, the great majorities in each country, from organizing themselves to fight for their social and national rights; it condemns the imperialist monopolies and enterprises which continually plunder our wealth, exploit our workers and peasants, bleed our economies to keep them in a backward state, and subordinate Latin American politics to their designs and interests.

"In short, The National General Assembly of the Cuban People condemns the exploitation of man by man, and the exploitations of underdeveloped countries by imperialists capital.

"Therefore, the National General Assembly of the Cuban People proclaims before America, and proclaims here before the world, the right of the peasants to the land; the right of the workers to the fruits of their labor; the right of the children to education: the right of the sick to medical care and hospitalization; the right of young people to work; the right of students to free vocational training and scientific education; the right of Negroes, and Indians to full human dignity; the right of women to civil, social and political equality; the right of the elderly to security in their old age; the right of intellectuals, artists and scientists so fight through their works for a better world; the right of States to nationalize imperialist monopolies, thus rescuing their national wealth and resources; the right of nations to their full sovereignty; the right of peoples to convert their military fortresses into schools, and to arm their workers -- because in this we too have to be arms-conscious, to arm our people in defense against imperialist attacks -- their peasants, their students, their intellectuals, Negroes, Indians, women, young people, old people, all the oppressed and exploited, so that they themselves can defend their rights and their destinies."

Some people wanted to know what the policy of the Revolutionary Government of Cuba was. Very well, them, this is our policy (OVATION).

eloy eloy 19:19 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Vrlo šturo,vrlo uprošćeno. Frojd je to lepo objasnio onomad ali je izgleda promaklo.

Aus dem Souterrain der Psyche

,,Keine Wissenschaft der Moderne ist auf derart erbitterten Widerstand der Zeitgenossen gestoßen wie die Psychoanalyse. Sigmund Freud selbst hat seine Lehre als Auslöser einer Kränkung beschrieben, die dem Ich die unerfreuliche Einsicht vermittelt, dass es nicht Herr im eigenen Haus ist. Diesem Bild gemäß setzt die Psychoanalyse die Enttäuschungserfahrungen fort, die neuzeitliche Wissenschaften dem Menschen bereiteten: mit Kopernikus ist die kosmische Zentralposition der Erde, mit Kant die Zuverlässigkeit unserer sinnlichen Wahrnehmung, mit Darwin die Sonderstellung des Individuums in der Schöpfung fraglich geworden. Freuds Lehrsystem beseitigt nun die letzte der modernen Illusionen, den Glauben an die Reinheit des menschlichen Seelenlebens und die Dominanz unseres Bewusstseins.

Was es zutage fördert, sind Ansichten aus dem Souterrain der Psyche. Das Wissen über das Unbewusste offenbart eine unerfreuliche Botschaft: wer Traum und Neurose, die krankheitsbildende Macht der Verdrängung und die Ursprünge des moralischen Kontrollsystems, die Anatomie von Angst und Wahn, die Spannung zwischen Vernunft und Sexualität, zwischen Lebens- und Todestrieb untersucht, der erkennt, dass der rationale Mensch eine Erfindung von eindrucksvoller Wirkungsmacht, aber geringer psychologischer Stimmigkeit ist.

Freud hat die schwierigen Wege, die ihn seit 1890 von seinen frühen hypnotischen Behandlungsmethoden zu neuen Therapieformen führten, rückblickend gern mit romantischen Metaphern beschrieben. Seine Exkursionen ins Seelenleben galten ihm als Abstieg in die dunkle Unterwelt des Unbewussten, als Reise ins Innere eines Berges, in dem nicht nur Gold, sondern ebenso Schmutz und Schlamm zu finden waren. Auch wenn solche Bilder im Zeichen der Verklärung stehen, besitzen sie einen wahren Kern. Sie spiegeln nämlich das Gefühl der Einsamkeit, das den Vater der Psychoanalyse über viele Jahre begleitete, die Angst vor dem Versagen seiner Hypothesen und der schroffen Verurteilung durch die gesamte medizinische Wissenschaft.

Dass Freud zahlreiche seiner Erkenntnisse durch die Selbstanalyse gewann, machte die Last noch drückender. Denn die Netze der neuen Theorie wurden aus dem intimsten persönlichen Erfahrungsmaterial ihres Begründers gewebt, und ihre Lehre stützte sich auf eine befremdliche Doppelkonstellation: Arzt und Patient, Gelehrter und Kranker waren hier eins. Das rückte die Psychoanalyse in die Nähe von Malerei, Musik und Literatur, deren Werke sich aus der subjektiven psychischen Erfahrungswelt ihrer Schöpfer speisen. Freuds Wissenschaft bildete in diesem Sinne ein Kunstwerk, das vom Seelenhaushalt seines Produzenten geprägt wurde.

Es steht außer Frage, dass Freuds Lehre heute in vielen Punkten historisch überholt ist. Ihr Geschlechterbild, ihr Verständnis abweichender sexueller Praktiken, ihre Vernachlässigung körperlicher Symptome und ihre Kulturtheorie waren geprägt von der Epoche des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts. Freuds Neigung zu strenger Dogmatik lässt sich heute nur begreifen, wenn man den gesellschaftlichen Puritanismus des viktorianischen Zeitalters berücksichtigt, gegen den sie aufgeboten wurde. George Steiner hat vom „ungeprüften Glauben“ gesprochen, der sich „im Herzen der psychoanalytischen Methode“ niedergelassen habe. Es ist der Glaube an die Allmacht des Triebes, der aus allen Zeichen der Sprache und des Alltags, aus Kunst und Religion abgeleitet werden kann.

Dem feinen Gespür für die Widersprüche des menschlichen Seelenlebens stand bei Freud ein merkwürdiger Hang zur einseitigen Begründung von Symptomenkomplexen und Heilungsverfahren gegenüber. Noch heute bemängeln Kritiker wie Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson und Michel Onfray in der Linie seines abtrünnigen Schülers C. G. Jung, dass Freuds Hypothesen nicht breit genug fundiert und seine Lehre dogmatisch auf die Allgegenwart des Triebs fixiert sei. Und dennoch kann man die kulturhistorische Leistung nicht leugnen, die die Psychoanalyse als Teil der Moderne, als Instrument ihrer Deutung und ihr Motor zugleich vollbracht hat. In dieser Doppelrolle blieb sie typisch für das 20. Jahrhundert, das sich durch Selbstauslegungen kommentiert und vollzieht.

Als Wissenschaft der Ich-Erforschung formte die Psychoanalyse Denkordnungen aus, in denen sich die Moderne mit ihren intellektuellen Neigungen spiegeln konnte. Ihre Lust an der Erkundung verborgener Spuren und Zeichen, ihre besondere Nähe zum Geheimnisvollen und Versteckten fanden hier Bestätigung, aber auch Deutung. Die Archäologie der Seele, die Freud anbot, war zugleich eine der Epoche. Wer von der Moderne spricht, redet notwendig über die Psychoanalyse; er tut das nicht immer ausdrücklich, aber zwangsläufig. Die Moderne zu reflektieren heißt: von der Psychoanalyse begriffen, von ihr bestimmt zu sein. Auch Freuds Gegner entkommen ihr nicht, weil sie noch im Moment der Kritik vom Bann ihrer Deutungsmuster beherrscht werden. Die Diagnose, die sie dem Trieb und dem Unbewussten stellt, erfasst unsere großen Erzählungen von der Kultur des Menschen. Niemand kann diese Erzählungen mehr beginnen lassen, ohne den Lehren Freuds seinen Tribut zu zollen.

Freuds idealer Analytiker bewegt sich in streng umrissenen Praktiken und Ritualen. Weitgehend stumm, nur sporadisch fragend und nachfassend, vernimmt er die Patienten-Rede, die von der Couch an sein Ohr dringt. Die Psychoanalyse stiftet durch das Institut des therapeutischen Gesprächs eine neue Form der Erkenntnissicherung, die eine Mischung aus Beichte und peinlicher Befragung darstellt. Das Material, das Freud zur folgenreichsten Theorie des modernen Menschen formte, stützt sich nicht auf Laborpräparate, Experimente oder Texte, sondern auf die Leidensgeschichten, die er über Jahre hinweg vernommen hat. In den „Studien über Hysterie“ (1895) hieß es, der Therapeut sei ein „Beichthörer, der durch die Fortdauer seiner Teilnahme und seiner Achtung nach abgelegtem Geständnisse gleichsam Absolution erteilt“. Das Unbewusste des Arztes solle sich, so schrieb Freud 1912, „auf den Analysierten einstellen wie der Receiver des Telephons zum Teller eingestellt ist. Wie der Receiver die von Schallwellen angeregten elektrischen Schwankungen der Leitung wieder in Schallwellen verwandelt, so ist das Unbewusste des Arztes befähigt, aus den ihm mitgeteilten Abkömmlingen des Unbewussten dieses Unbewusste, welches die Einfälle des Kranken determiniert hat, wiederherzustellen.“ Die analytische Arbeit war zunächst ein Hineinfinden in die Schwingungen der fremden Seele, aus der dann die Zusammenhänge des psychisch Verdrängten rekonstruiert werden. Das Prinzip des Zuhörens bildete die Grundlage des therapeutischen Akts, Ausgangspunkt und Ethos des Verstehens zugleich.

Und heute? Freuds Lehre hat ihre schlimmsten Widersacher und ihre dogmatischen Verteidiger gleichermaßen überlebt. Als therapeutisches Werkzeug ist die aus ihr abgeleitete und später weiterentwickelte Therapie nicht unumstritten, aber doch weiterhin anerkannt. Aus dem akademischen Leben der Universitäten allerdings scheint sie hierzulande fast verschwunden. Das hat seine Gründe auch in der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts: jüdische Analytiker wurden nach 1933 aus Deutschland vertrieben und fanden in Großbritannien, Frankreich und den USA Aufnahme. Noch heute ist die Lehre Freuds, der selbst 1938 nach London floh, in der angloamerikanischen Akademia eher zu Hause als in Deutschland.

Hinzu kommen methodische Spannungen, die Psychoanalyse und moderne Neurowissenschaft trennen. Freuds System erscheint den Vertretern der Hirnforschung allzu spekulativ, weil der Weg zur wissenschaftlichen Begründung des seelischen Apparates über eine Mischung aus Empirie und Theorie, nicht aber über das Experiment führt. Dennoch sollte eine Verständigung möglich sein. Dass die Psychoanalyse heute Film, bildende Kunst und Literatur stärker beeinflusst als Medizin und Psychologie, bleibt zwar ein Faktum, muss aber nicht dauerhaft so bleiben.

Freuds Lehre jedenfalls ist nicht erledigt, sondern durchaus entwicklungsfähig – gerade weil die Zeit ihrer undogmatischen Auslegung begonnen hat, mit Anschlussmöglichkeitern in verschiedene Richtungen der Neuroforschung und Kulturtheorie. Dass auch die Universitäten sie nicht nur unter historischen Gesichtspunkten präsentieren, sollte zu ihrem Auftrag gehören, acht Jahrzehnte Jahre nach Freuds Tod.
aureus aureus 19:30 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Шта је, бре, ово?
(Мамутски дугачки текстови на непознатим страним језицима.)
Нит ко шта преводи нит ко да понуди неки сиже.
anonymous anonymous 20:18 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Шта је, бре, ово?
(Мамутски дугачки текстови на непознатим страним језицима.)
Нит ко шта преводи нит ко да понуди неки сиже.

Jebote Patak.

Daj SIŽE !

aureus aureus 20:31 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem


Jebote Patak.

Prizivanje duhova.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 21:47 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

כָּל עוֹד בַּלֵּבָב פְּנִימָה
נֶפֶשׁ יְהוּדִי הוֹמִיָּה,
וּלְפַאֲתֵי מִזְרָח קָדִימָה
עַיִן לְצִיּוֹן צוֹפִיָּה -

עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵנוּ,
הַתִּקְוָה בַּת שְׁנוֹת אַלְפַּיִם,
לִהְיוֹת עַם חָפְשִׁי בְּאַרְצֵנוּ,
אֶרֶץ צִיּוֹן וִירוּשָׁלַיִם.

aureus aureus 22:58 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Srđan Fuchs
כָּל עוֹד בַּלֵּבָב פְּנִימָה
נֶפֶשׁ יְהוּדִי הוֹמִיָּה,
וּלְפַאֲתֵי מִזְרָח קָדִימָה
עַיִן לְצִיּוֹן צוֹפִיָּה -

עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵנוּ,
הַתִּקְוָה בַּת שְׁנוֹת אַלְפַּיִם,
לִהְיוֹת עַם חָפְשִׁי בְּאַרְצֵנוּ,
אֶרֶץ צִיּוֹן וִירוּשָׁלַיִם.

Ја бих се надовезао видеом.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 23:23 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

aureus aureus 23:39 04.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Srđan Fuchs

Ja opet sa svoje strane, ne želim da budem anominan.
A ja želim da budem pilot, razumiješ ti mene? Da budem "Aaaaann..."

Tako da...džaba hebrejski. Prevod na srpski je bio očajan (i ništa mi nije bilo jasno), ali kad sam ukucao engleski u translator i on bi izbacio tekst odmah sam prepoznao "Hatikvu".
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 00:11 05.06.2017

Re: Da se nadovežem

Eto mene u Podgoricu kada izadjem od ovijeh koloniziranih Austrougara i Mljetaka, oli shto popit, pojest, nijesmo bolesne mrche?
eloy eloy 13:41 04.06.2017

lisac obuci se slojevito

U Zageu nemaju ovo da hebe oca očinjeg.
eloy eloy 14:08 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Stalno putuješ i zujiš - nisi ni vido šta nam je Siniša napravio.
Pa reci tebra svetski a naše!


Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:11 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Je l' i pevuši?
eloy eloy 14:27 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Ih još pitaš po narudžbi.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:29 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Чесма, мислим, не Синиша, Сини је виђен да отпева своје у ЦЗ Синг Сингу, када се врну партизани на влас'.

Загреб је пун туриста. Министарство туризма је уложило пуно новаца у брендирање града, пуно је странаца, доминирају Американци и Кинези. Домаћини кажу да су до пре пар година улице биле пусте, а данас све врви од живота и активности.
eloy eloy 14:50 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Загреб је пун туриста. Министарство туризма је уложило пуно новаца у брендирање града, пуно је странаца, доминирају Американци и Кинези

Lijepo lijepo no ima li turista iz egzotičnih zemalja ono Afganistan,Sirija,Libija ?
Jesi svratio do kvatrića da prozboriš koju sa prosvjednicima udruženja hrvatskih branitelja domovinskog rata kao provjerenim čimbenicima stabilnosti u regionu. Daj svježe informacije iz prve ruke ( ne crne ruke nevaljalče znam šta si odma asocirao ) baš bi me dojmilo.Uhvatio si se turizma ( ko Marica ne Ivica -za bože me prosti ) pomislio bi čovek da radiš u turizmu.
Unaprijed beskrajno zahvalan tvoj verni fan ( ako treba i bot )
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 15:19 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

Ima, kako čujem, izbeglica na granici prema Sloveniji, po gradu slabije vidno mada ima i po gradu, onako, siromašno-dostojanstvenih ljudi bliskoistocnih po izgledu. Srpska Zajednica je prihvatila i zbrinula nekolicinu eritrejskih porodica.

Braniteljska histerija je trenutno smirena, no to je javna tajna da su oni kriptopomagalo državi za držanje svojih ne-košer subjekata u stanju zastrašenosti. Manje se oseća strah kod naših ljudi nego lane kada sam bio kod njih u poseti.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 15:42 04.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

HDZ. Sada su na lokalnim osvojili vlast i u onom Baranjskom (bordo), Međumurskom (sivi, desni), i ovom desnom zelenom. Istarske demokrate, liberali i socijalisti su zadržali vlast tek možda na petini teritorije zemlje. HDZ-u se isplatila ta njihova kampanja mržnje, iz nekog razloga.
michiganac michiganac 11:27 05.06.2017

Re: lisac obuci se slojevito

HDZ-u se isplatila ta njihova kampanja mržnje, iz nekog razloga.

Srki, ne znam u kojoj mjeri to može uopšte da te iznenađuje. Mislem, to je ona Kačinskijevski-Orbanizovana "vizija" Mitel-Ojrope i tih delicija za koju je prevashodno agitovao Karamarko, a ovde na blogu vajni 'berman', ako se dobro sjećam.
A i uletio si tamo u zatišje pred buru, prije nego krenu svetkovine "slavnih obljetnica" iz 90-ih.
sasaminijature sasaminijature 21:54 04.06.2017

Срђане, док обилазиш та неше земље

Мало музике није на одмет, да мало подсетиш пресвучену браћу на изгубљену клицу.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:50 04.06.2017

Re: Срђане, док обилазиш та неше земље

Uskoro dolazimo u Orthodox vicinity, bice malo zaguljeno jer ima par Catholic & and Protestant talibanki, al' pre toga Sarajevo Jews, Muslims, and Catholics of Herzegovina. Oj Trebinje, Trebinje...

Jovan Dučić

Dubrovački Madrigal
Večeras, Gospođo, u Kneza na balu,
igraćemo opet burni vals, ko prije;
S radošću na licu minućemo salu,
kao da nikada ništa bilo nije.

A zatim će doći veseli kadrili,
muzika će strasna da huji, ko bura;
Gospođe će biti u mletačkoj svili,
gospoda u ruhu od crnog velura.

Zatim će vlastela u zbore da tonu!
Mlađi o junaštvu, pesništvu, i vinu,
stariji o nebu, o starom Platonu,
i o skolastici, Svetom Avgustinu.

Mi ćemo, međutim, sesti u dnu sale,
u meke fotelje, ne slušajuć tezu,
i napisaću vam, hitro, ko od šale,
jedan tužan sonet na vašu lepezu.



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