a new day

radojicic92 RSS / 07.11.2008. u 23:09


Last night, a short time after 11pm in New York, while watching news coverage of the 2nd most historic day of my life, my friend Chad and I had the same realization at virtually the same moment. The shot lingered on several people triumphantly waving the flag of the United States in Chicago's Grant Park, awaiting Obama's victory speech. Chad looked at me and said out loud what I was thinking. For the first time in eight years, maybe longer, the sight of our flag made us truly proud.

I'm writing this mainly to my friends and family spread out across this planet, for it's you who didn't have the privilege of standing in line to vote for a leader you have such deep concern about, yet stayed glued to the results just like we all did here, and from what I could gather based on your excited calls, texts, and emails, shared in our elation at the election of Barack Obama as our next President. I want you to know that having had the priviledge of traveling to many countries over the past few years and listening to your concern about the state of the U.S., has enlightened me and made me truly understand that no matter what flag we cling most closely to, we are all humans sharing the same home, and often the same hopes and fears. I have been embarrassed by the decisions of my country in recent years, for which we all are now paying the consequences. We can blame our leaders, but ultimately, we live in a country where we elect our leaders, and whatever consipiracy theory you want to raise about how our last President came to power, the fact remains that a solid half of the people living in this country elected him, and many others didn't even exercise their right to vote. So while traveling and talking to you, and hearing the anger and confusion in your voices directed not towards me, per se, but towards my country, I always felt in some way responsible - even though I personally DID vote and not for the dude in office. I would empathsize with you, but never would I accept that the United States was evil. At times, I admit, I felt like it was the end of the Roman Empire, but inside, I felt that America was better than that. The country founded on freedom of speech, separation of church and state, checks and balances, where all "man" is created equal is better than that! It is for these, and many other ideals, that the world has always looked up to America. We may have lost sight of them in recent years. But just look at what happened.

We were given the choice between a war hero political veteran who earned his esteemed reputation mainly for standing up to members of his own party to fight for changes he believes in AND the son of a Kenyan immigrant who never saw the color of his skin as a boundary to achieving his visionary ideals, who was able to come seemingly out of nowhere to defeat an "unbeatable" political machine (the Clintons)  and truly earn his shot at the Presidency by inspiring a renewed faith in the very ideals I listed above. He is the embodiment of the American Dream. Honestly, even before last night, I was proud. John McCain was not Bush, and if he had been elected, the negativity that may have resulted would not have been a reflection on him, but rather on the mess the party he was affiliated with has created. The tidal wave was already growing, led by Obama, but powered by us, the people who no longer feel content to watch hopelessly as the world burns around them. Obama's election last night proved to us that yes, we can. I don't feel cheesy saying it. In fact, I was watching Obama's speech last night with some of the most cynical New York hipsters, and by the end, we were all yelling it. Yes we motherfucking CAN! We did. And we will.

After the victory speech last night, I was walking on Bedford Ave in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It's a place where you would expect to see people celebrating in the streets. But hearing the helicopter overhead, and then seeing the mass of police lining up in riot gear, I came quickly to realize this wasn't just a celebration. The entire street with crowded with people, young and old, chanting "O-BA-MA" in unison. Peacefully. Exuberant. And when the police moved in to clear the street for traffic, the crowd began cheering "NYPD (New York Police Department)!" Seriously, these police officers had to struggle not to smile. Nobody was hurt. It was not a time for violence and everybody realized it.

It's a glorious new day. People are smiling. We are all inspired, once again. As Obama made clear last night, the world is in horrible shape and we have an enormous amount of work to do to fix it. I just hope that America can truly take a step back from the greed and power grabbing that has gotten us into this mess and embrace the idea that the only way we're going to make it, is together. It's not about black or white, rich or poor, American or non-American anymore. At least it feels this way, and for once, I'm gonna decide not to let my cynicism or fear knock this down. I hope you'll do the same.

Wayne Price

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Budimac Budimac 23:23 07.11.2008


A što se tiče ovog
The country founded on freedom of speech, separation of church and state, checks and balances, where all "man" is created equal is better than that!

preporučujem Vejnu da se malo upozna sa likom i delom Hauarda Zina, čisto malo da mu malo skine tu ružičastu opnu.
bindu bindu 23:51 07.11.2008

Re: Lepo

preporučujem Vejnu da se malo upozna sa likom i delom Hauarda Zina, čisto malo da mu malo skine tu ružičastu opnu.

Ralph Nader on Barack Obama: “It is Quite Clear He is a Corporate Candidate from A to Z”

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader discusses his independent run for the White House, the media blackout of third party candidates, and his stance on the Iraq war, the military-industrial complex, the global food crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and more. ima ovde josh
radojicic92 radojicic92 01:08 08.11.2008

Re: Lepo

A što se tiče ovog
The country founded on freedom of speech, separation of church and state, checks and balances, where all "man" is created equal is better than that!

preporučujem Vejnu da se malo upozna sa likom i delom Hauarda Zina, čisto malo da mu malo skine tu ružičastu opnu.

lik i delo Zinnovo Vejn zna, i Vejn nema nikakvu ruzicastu opnu, sto ce reci nije covek budala
sto se tice Zinna, on Obami zamera sto ne ide dovoljno u levo, odmah povuci trupe, odmah zdravstveno za sve
Zinn koga inace jako postujem, zaboravlja samo jednu sitnicu, da je Obama otisao toliko ulevo ne bi nikad bio izabran
nsarski nsarski 23:41 07.11.2008


летс нот гет керид авеј, мај френд. Ај хоуп ви кен свич то Србијан нау...
Jeste novi dan, ali prilicno je kontraproduktivno ocekivati da se stvari srede preko noci. Ja se nadam promeni (za to sam i glasao uostalom), ali mi smo u zescoj frci koja se ne moze resiti tako lako. Obama je covek koji ima sansu, i to je sve. Sta ce dalje biti, to vec ne znamo.
radojicic92 radojicic92 01:25 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

летс нот гет керид авеј, мај френд. Ај хоуп ви кен свич то Србијан нау...
Jeste novi dan, ali prilicno je kontraproduktivno ocekivati da se stvari srede preko noci. Ja se nadam promeni (za to sam i glasao uostalom), ali mi smo u zescoj frci koja se ne moze resiti tako lako. Obama je covek koji ima sansu, i to je sve. Sta ce dalje biti, to vec ne znamo.

nabodi iz geting kerid avej, pogotovo kada znamo istorijske poduhvate brace nam amera

Obama je covek koji ima sansu, i to je sve.

malo li je

meni licno,a ko mene shisha, je zanimljivo u nas Srba ta osobina da kada postoji i trunka verovatnoce da bude bolje, dakle odmah krecemo zasipanjem govana i samodavljenje u istim

bindu bindu 02:42 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni licno,a ko mene shisha, je zanimljivo u nas Srba ta osobina da kada postoji i trunka verovatnoce da bude bolje, dakle odmah krecemo zasipanjem govana i samodavljenje u istim

radojicic92 radojicic92 03:00 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

bindu bindu 03:06 08.11.2008

Re: Well,


maksa83 maksa83 09:32 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

Heh... Endi Vorhol.

Sećam se k'o da je juče bilo, vraćam se iz škole sa amerom koji je bio ovde na razmeni đaka, i održavam konverzaciju:

Ja: "Znaš ko je umro?"
A: "Ko?"
Ja: "Endi Vorhol"
A: "Who the hell is that?".

Endi Vorhol očigledno nije bio mnogo popularan u Willmington, Delaware

A ja kažem A gde je am-ee-rika.
nsarski nsarski 11:42 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

u nas Srba ta osobina da kada postoji i trunka verovatnoce da bude bolje

Da se razumemo, ja mislim da sa Obamom je to vise nego trunka. U pitanju je realna sansa i ja u tom smislu zelim sve najbolje. Takodje, mislim da je on upravo covek koji bi mogao tu sansu da iskoristi na najbolji nacin. Medjutim, u zanosu euforije, ljudi lako zaborave da Obama nije diktator i da ima jakih sila koje ce mu nametnuti ozbiljna ogranicenja. Ukratko, he da man!, ali ipak nije Supermen.
Kazezoze Kazezoze 13:05 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

Da se razumemo, ja mislim da sa Obamom je to vise nego trunka. U pitanju je realna sansa i ja u tom smislu zelim sve najbolje. Takodje, mislim da je on upravo covek koji bi mogao tu sansu da iskoristi na najbolji nacin. Medjutim, u zanosu euforije, ljudi lako zaborave da Obama nije diktator i da ima jakih sila koje ce mu nametnuti ozbiljna ogranicenja. Ukratko, he da man!, ali ipak nije Supermen.

nemora da bude diktator da bi odmah povukao trupe iz iraka i avganistana.
da li ce biti diktator ako pohapsi ove bankare koji su izvrshili najvecu pljachku u istoriji chovechanstva ?
da li je to "misija supermena" ako pokrene pitanje odgovornosti prethodne vlade po pitanju genocida u iraku i avganistanu ?
obama je u svojoj kampanji najavljivao promene...
ja mislim da bi ova pitanja trebala da budu osnova za promene.

bindu bindu 16:27 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

Ja: "Znaš ko je umro?"
A: "Ko?"
Ja: "Endi Vorhol"
A: "Who the hell is that?".

eh da je samo to....neznaju 'ni who killed bambi

Unfuckable Unfuckable 16:30 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

sad me podseti na
Bambi Molesters
bindu bindu 18:44 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

sad me podseti na
Bambi Molesters

ah da-da... the molesters....

new york small talk
ivana23 ivana23 21:18 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

Da se razumemo, ja mislim da sa Obamom je to vise nego trunka. U pitanju je realna sansa i ja u tom smislu zelim sve najbolje. Takodje, mislim da je on upravo covek koji bi mogao tu sansu da iskoristi na najbolji nacin. Medjutim, u zanosu euforije, ljudi lako zaborave da Obama nije diktator i da ima jakih sila koje ce mu nametnuti ozbiljna ogranicenja. Ukratko, he da man!, ali ipak nije Supermen.

Dve kladionice u Australiji ne isplaćuju za pobedu Obame
Autor: Beta | 08.11.2008. - 19:39

Dve najveće australijske kladionice odbijaju da isplate opklade da će Barak Obama pobediti na predsedničkim izborima u SAD, navodeći bojazan da bi mogao da bude ubijen pre inauguracije, prenosi dnevnik iz Sidneja.
Sidnej morning herald objavio je danas da je iz kladionica Sportsbet i Sentrbet rečeno da neće isplatiti opklade sve dok Obama, prvi Afroamerkinac izabran za predsednika SAD, ne preuznme dužnost u januaru.
jack_bauer jack_bauer 21:28 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

kad smo vec kod blica...

Ogroman uticaj Obaminog najbližeg saradnika

Ram Emanuel će nastaviti da podržava Srbiju

Ram Emanuel, šef kabineta Baraka Obame, novoizabranog predsednika SAD, i ubuduće će nastaviti da pomaže rad srpskog kokusa, iako posle odlaska iz Kongresa u Belu kuću formalno više neće biti njegov član, saznaje „Blic” u diplomatskim izvorima. Ram ili Rambo, kako zovu čoveka od najvišeg Obaminog poverenja, do sada je bio najaktivniji član srpskog kokusa, a posao srpskog lobiste nije napuštao čak ni dok je kao šef predvodio demokratsku kampanju, koja je ove godine obuhvatala Senat, Kongres i izbore za predsednika.

kotraverzan lik?
ivana23 ivana23 21:39 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

kotraverzan lik?

U kom smislu?
jack_bauer jack_bauer 21:50 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

U kom smislu?

pa zato sam stavio znak pitanja. ne znam. nesvakidasnja biografija, videcemo sta ce biti... mozda je pravilnije reci - intrigantan lik.
man ray loves me man ray loves me 21:51 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

check out his roast.
jack_bauer jack_bauer 22:03 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

man ray loves me
check out his roast.

man, kakve face, a?

man ray loves me man ray loves me 22:28 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni je axelrod faca, iskreno. rahm emanuel mi dodje nesto kao vladimir popovic beba, samo na visem nivou.
jack_bauer jack_bauer 22:40 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni je axelrod faca, iskreno.

ne kazem da nije, ali mi se cini da je rahm ozbiljniji igrac. a, sad bas, vpb?
man ray loves me man ray loves me 23:21 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

ne znam, za rahma sam cula juce, to mi je prvi utisak.
Unfuckable Unfuckable 23:52 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni liči na Robert Downey Jr. - a
AlexDunja AlexDunja 23:54 08.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni liči na Robert Downey Jr. - a

jack_bauer jack_bauer 04:48 09.11.2008

Re: Well,

meni liči na Robert Downey Jr. - a

mozda ce rdj da glumi njegov lik za jedno dvaes godina, ako pozivi. rdj tj.
Unfuckable Unfuckable 04:58 09.11.2008

Re: Well,

moraće da se mnogo i crveno potrudi

Re: Well,

meni liči na Robert Downey Jr. - amozda ce rdj da glumi njegov lik za jedno dvaes godina, ako pozivi. rdj tj.

meni liči na Robert Downey Jr. - amozda ce rdj da glumi njegov lik za jedno dvaes godina, ako pozivi. rdj tj.

Oci mi ispadaju od 24. Zavrsila sam 4ti serijal. Palmer se povukao
jack_bauer jack_bauer 03:32 10.11.2008

Re: Well,

Oci mi ispadaju od 24. Zavrsila sam 4ti serijal. Palmer se povukao

ana+, moracu jednog dana da ti odam moju tajnu... :)
bindu bindu 23:45 07.11.2008


Budimac Budimac 00:13 08.11.2008

Re: okidoki

o, and I'll be there

man ray loves me man ray loves me 00:04 08.11.2008

reply to the photo

nsarski nsarski 00:06 08.11.2008

Re: reply to the photo

man ray loves me

Oh bumma, another day!:)))
man ray loves me man ray loves me 00:18 08.11.2008

Re: reply to the photo

yes we're canned.
radojicic92 radojicic92 01:35 08.11.2008

Re: reply to the photo

man ray loves me

mrlm, hvala
na slici sam ja
Ninoslav Randjelovic Ninoslav Randjelovic 00:21 08.11.2008


je bas ispao super na onoj fotki gore !
Pozdravi ga puno !
radojicic92 radojicic92 01:46 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

Ninoslav Randjelovic
je bas ispao super na onoj fotki gore !
Pozdravi ga puno !

jok rodjo
ko sto rekoh,,, autoportret
Milos je onaj do, sa sipkom preko glave
Ninoslav Randjelovic Ninoslav Randjelovic 11:54 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

ko sto rekoh,,, autoportret

Ma, nisam o njemu govorio - o tom sto se smeje i siri ruke !
Naravno da znam da si ti taj, mili moj !
Vec o ovom sa sipkom preko glave - taj lepi Milos nas, zaista je lepo ispanuo na fotki.

vishnja92 vishnja92 11:59 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

Naravno da znam da si ti taj, mili moj !

:))))) strahota, i kako sad da radim ?! :))))))))
Ninoslav Randjelovic Ninoslav Randjelovic 12:15 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

:))))) strahota, i kako sad da radim ?! :))))))))

Relax, pa joga, pa rad.... Tim redom.
vishnja92 vishnja92 12:18 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

pa jeste, al joga je bila jutros a sad upao ovaj prekobrojni relax - jel moram jogu opet pre rada ili sta?
Ninoslav Randjelovic Ninoslav Randjelovic 13:18 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

jel moram jogu opet pre rada ili sta?

Ne moras onda jogu sad, ali dok radis ne bi bilo lose da i po malo jogiras....
vishnja92 vishnja92 16:08 08.11.2008

Re: Milos

radojicicu obrisi pls
dali76 dali76 00:42 08.11.2008

it's time to...

When in 1787 delegates from 13 American original states discussed the structure of US constitution, among other things, they disagreed about the way which president should be elected, or about the power of federal government vs. States governments. However, they certainly agreed upon some other things like that only a white man with a property has right to participate in political life.
So, we should not forget that democracy is a process not a finished product invented by founding fathers.
These myths about America have been often misused for the selfish purpose of our elite.
Obama victory is a progress and one step forward toward better America, but let us do not forget that democracy is a constant struggle for better society.
Freedom of speech, equality, and other good things about America are product of a long struggle, but it is a short way for all those good things to become a tool of manipulation.
We should leave myths behind and move further toward better USA instead dreaming in our dreams while waiting another “Bush” to wake us up.
Congratulation America and wake up!!!

Unfuckable Unfuckable 01:00 08.11.2008

nego ...

dešava li se nešto
ili će da bude...sectio caesarea ?

mada je daleko bolje rešenje, afterall - Ceasers Sauna

(Friday : Lisa, Jade, Clara)
malo li je ?
radojicic92 radojicic92 01:41 08.11.2008

Re: nego ...

dešava li se nešto
ili će da bude...sectio caesarea ?

mada je daleko bolje rešenje, afterall - Ceasers Sauna

(Friday : Lisa, Jade, Clara)
malo li je ?

sve pogresno izracunato Unf, u razloge ne bih ulazio, sad se ceka nedelja, ponedeljak dok sa damom moze ladno da se igra basket
Lisa, Jade, Clara, znam ih licno, divne uspomene nas vezu

Unfuckable Unfuckable 01:44 08.11.2008

Re: nego ...

Lisa, Jade, Clara, znam ih licno, divne uspomene nas vezu

šta reći nego - posle Spi-a još jedan na mojoj "mrzim te" listi

Pomaže li i kod mačaka merenje temperature - predpostavljam da je komplikovano, naravno (rektalno, pipavo, gravidna, nervozna) - pošto kod kuja pad temperature za oko 1C nepogrešivo najavljuje porođaj u sledećih 24h - ako imaš nekog strpljivog - kamikaza - veta tamo.... ?
radojicic92 radojicic92 12:55 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

dešava li se nešto
ili će da bude...sectio caesarea ?

evo ih Unf na gomili tek stigli pre par sati, komada sest, skorpije:)))

man ray loves me man ray loves me 13:00 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

izgledaju super!
Budimac Budimac 13:23 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

evo ih Unf na gomili tek stigli pre par sati, komada sest, skorpije:)))

AlexDunja AlexDunja 13:44 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

predivni su!
cestitam! sojki narocito:)))
i mishkinu, ofskroz!
Unfuckable Unfuckable 14:05 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

paz' tigrova........drž'te se mišovi - pišovi sada, ugasili ste
ivana23 ivana23 16:04 09.11.2008

Re: nego ...

Bravo za mamu macu i malenica sest
jack_bauer jack_bauer 03:52 08.11.2008

odlicno receno,

sve isto kao i ja sto bi rekao, kada bi umeo sa recima. ovih dana bi i ovaj baja pevao na sav glas, da je u prilici...
vishnja92 vishnja92 10:00 08.11.2008


man ray loves me man ray loves me 12:16 08.11.2008

this week's maher joke

we're all hussein in the membrane.
inace svidela mi se ova, iz new yorkera:



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