Serbs beware! Be careful what you wish for!

Srbi, čuvajte se! Pazite šta želite!

The system you are in the process of integrating with, in the opinion of many, is flawed.
Sistem u koji trenutno pokušavate da se integrišete je pogrešan po mišljenju mnogih.

What will happen if you choose to fully integrate into a system led by principles of profit and scarcity, a system that encourages you, as individuals and as a nation, to live above your means and tie yourself to more debt obligations... (some of this has already happened)?
Šta će se desiti ako izaberete da potpuno uđete u sistem koji se vodi principima profita i oskudice, sistem koji vas, i kao osobu i kao naciju, ohrabruje da živite iznad svojih mogućnosti i tonete u sve veće dugove... (nešto od ovoga se već dogodilo)?


I think it was in the spring of 2002 that I made my decision to prepare to abandon the UK. It was around that time that I entered my regular bank branch in the city centre, which had just reopened after renovation, to find that it lacked a single human being. The entire staff had been replaced by machines.
Mislim da je to bilo u proleće 2002 kada sam doneo odluku da se pripremim da napustim Veliku Britaniju . Negde u to vreme sam ušao u moju regularnu bankarsku filijalu u centru grada , koja je upravo ponovo otvorena posle renoviranja, da bi saznao da unutra nema ni jednog ljudskog bića.


Dosta više sranja ljudi! Sve religije su prevaziđene; svi ratovi su proizvedeni; razlike između ljudi na planeti su potpuno zanemarljive; globalna ekonomija je podešena da obezbedi da isti pojedinci uvek budu na vrhu, a Teslina slobodna energija postoji ali je potisnuta!
Enough of the bullshit people! Religions are all obsolete; wars are all manufactured; differences between the peoples of the planet are entirely negligible; the global economy is rigged to ensure the same individuals come out on top and Tesla's free energy exists, but is being suppressed!

2014-02-28 07:51:26
Budućnost| Društvo| Planeta

Briga je molitva za neuspeh

Mark Pullen RSS / 28.02.2014. u 08:51

Ako naša percepcija oblikuje naš svet ili naša individualna tumačenja osnovne realnosti koja se odvija u ovoj biosferi stvaraju našu subjektivnu sliku o svetu, moramo da shvatimo da smo kulturno i društveno uslovljeni da stereotipno klasifikujemo ostale grupe Zemljana. Ukoliko prihvatimo da je planeta na kojoj živimo jedan živi organizam i da smo mi istinske ćelije u tom organizmu, bićemo u stanju da se prema svim živim bićima na ovoj planeti odnosimo sa empatijom.

Ne želim da sugerišem da razni grupni načini razmišljanja i sistemi verovanja nisu bez osnova i da su u


The 2011 season is fast approaching for the teams of the Serbian RFL, with kick-off scheduled for the weekend of 19th-20th March. Competition is set to be tougher than ever this year, with a number of teams having strengthened their squads in the off-season, in the hope of toppling the mighty Dorćol.

This year will also prove an exciting challenge for the Serbia national team, with a calendar of eight internationals culminating in October when they take on Italy, Lebanon and Russia to vie for the final spot at the 2013 RL World Cup.

At Red Star it’s been a tough pre-season

2007-09-25 06:49:07

Priština and back – part 2: Nike slogans

Mark Pullen RSS / 25.09.2007. u 07:49


 7. The politics

7. Politika



Having only visited Priština once for two days, and having never seen any other part of Kosovo, it is naturally to be understood that my comments are based strictly on a layman’s initial observations.

Pošto sam samo jednom posetio Prištinu na dva dana, i pošto nikad nisam video druge delove Kosova, podrazumeva se da su moji komentari zasnovani isključivo na prvim utiscima jednog običnog čoveka.



I have been accused of being a bit single-minded of late, of ignoring my family, neglecting my sport and obsessing over what I believe to be an outdated system. I'm sorry if that's the perception I've been giving, but I continue to lose sleep over the lack of balance on this planet. I just can't help myself.

I dream of self-sufficient circular housing for everybody that produces its own energy through nano-carbon windows, solar panels and wind turbines; housing that collects and processes its own water, which travels from drinking taps, to hydroponics systems for growing organic fruit


If our perception shapes our world, or our own individual interpretations of the base reality unfolding in this biosphere create our subjective image of the world, we must understand that we are conditioned culturally and socially to pigeonhole other groups of Earthlings and brand things, events, processes and individuals in certain ways. And if we accept that the planet we inhabit is a single living organism and we are veritable cells within that organism, we can extend our empathy to every living being on the planet.

I would not suggest that the various group-think mind sets, organizational


Prompted by popular demand, this is an explanatory post aimed at shedding light, as succinctly as possible, on the differences between the various types of rugby, but principally ‘Union’ and ‘League’.

You may want to read it in instalments! 

By the early 18th century various forms of ‘football’ were being played across the British Isles, with differing local rules blah blah. Around 1870 the Rugby School in the town of Rugby became the first to write down its rules, which allowed it to spread and gain prominence.

With the exception of the ubiquitous 'soccer',

2007-09-24 08:55:17

Priština and back – part 1: Turks in Mercs

Mark Pullen RSS / 24.09.2007. u 09:55

Well, it may have taken me five years to find an excuse (or maybe pluck up the courage), but a few weeks ago I finally made my first visit to the provincial capital of Priština. It was … an experience. In this post you will find some observations and impressions of the trip I took with Jimbo, a mate of mine who works in the fog flogging sector.

Dakle, možda je bilo potrebno pet godina da nađem razlog (ili možda da skupim hrabrost), ali pre par nedelja sam konačno posetio glavni grad Srpske pokrajine Kosovo, Prištinu. Bilo je to… “iskustvo”. U ovom post-u, videćete nekoliko opservacija i utisaka iz posete koju sam doživeo sa Džimbo-om, jednim mojim drugom koji radi u sektoru za prodaju magle.


Mark Pullen

Mark Pullen
Datum rоđenja:  04.03.1976 Pol:  Muški Član od:  01.06.2006 VIP izbora:  18 RSS RSS Feed Saznajte više o autoru



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