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Filip Mladenović RSS / 23.12.2011. u 13:16




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Komentari (26)

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predatortz predatortz 13:20 23.12.2011


Hvala blogokolega. Tebi želim da pobediš Tijanića.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 13:29 23.12.2011

Re: :-)

Hvala blogokolega. Tebi želim da pobediš Tijanića.

Hvala, hvala! Ali,što se pobede tiče, to prepuštam g. Šojiću!
westvleteren westvleteren 13:25 23.12.2011



Je li ovo procenat građana koji su članovi stranaka?
U bre, al se to nakotilo.

Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 13:31 23.12.2011

Re: Izlaznost

Članovi stranaka plus šurnjaje, svastike, pašenozi, jetrve i kumići!
westvleteren westvleteren 13:35 23.12.2011

Re: Izlaznost

Šteta što ih je toliko. Inače, u teoriji je moguće sve stranke gurnuti ispod cenzusa. Pa da vidimo kako će onda da formiraju vladu.
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 13:51 23.12.2011

Re: Izlaznost

Šteta što ih je toliko. Inače, u teoriji je moguće sve stranke gurnuti ispod cenzusa. Pa da vidimo kako će onda da formiraju vladu.

Ma kakva vlada, kada imamo vladike u senci, pa tajkune u polusenci i senke od našminkanog vodje!
jedan.kub jedan.kub 01:37 27.12.2011

Re: Izlaznost

Šteta što ih je toliko. Inače, u teoriji je moguće sve stranke gurnuti ispod cenzusa. Pa da vidimo kako će onda da formiraju vladu.
To im želim uz izlaznost od bar 80%

Želim svima bolju Novu od ove i lično i poslovno.
alselone alselone 13:51 23.12.2011

Srecno Filipe

Tebi zelim da odrastes

A nama da pobedi 99%.

Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 14:03 23.12.2011

Re: Srecno Filipe

Tebi zelim da odrastesA nama da pobedi 99%.


"Ako sazrim, počeću da trulim!" (Vudi Alen)
libkonz libkonz 14:23 23.12.2011

Re: Srecno Filipe

"Ako sazrim, počeću da trulim!" (Vudi Alen)

Ja ti želim da ne odrasteš, a da paziš šta želiš jer može i da se ostvari.

Svako dobro u 2012 ti želim!!!
tyson tyson 17:53 23.12.2011

Re: Srecno Filipe

Tebi zelim da odrastes

Ne d'o bog.

Ovaj blog bi bio jedno sumorno, depresivno mesto kada bi Filip odrastao.

alselone alselone 18:07 23.12.2011

Re: Srecno Filipe

Dobro ubedili ste me.

angie01 angie01 14:26 23.12.2011

nikada nije previse rano

sa lepim zeljama!

pa da ne pogresim- sta ko zeli, nek' dobije, novi slogan vlade b92 bloga!
Milan Novković Milan Novković 14:39 23.12.2011

Hvala Filipe!

Ja tebi želim zdravlje i uspeh, a ako je uspeh skoro nemoguć tamo onda bar egzistenciju bez previše briga, tj uz dovoljno hrane, odeće, stanovanja, brzog Interneta, repriza Zvezdanih Staza i druženja.

Ok, želim i da ti etno-pshihološki razdeljak ostane takav kakav jeste, ali tu pomalo rastežem svoju dobru volju pošto ti zavidim
Filip Mladenović Filip Mladenović 14:44 23.12.2011

Re: Hvala Filipe!

Ili kako to lepo opisa kolega satiričar Miladin Berić: NA EVROPSKOM P(R)UTU!
angie01 angie01 14:51 23.12.2011

Re: Hvala Filipe!

repriza Zvezdanih Staza

daj bolje Gradic Pejton-Rodni Harington u najboljem izdanju i crvenkapica, Alison Mekenzi!
expolicajac expolicajac 15:20 23.12.2011


Da tvoja iskrenost postane moralni princip. Želje se ponekad i ostvare
jinks jinks 15:24 23.12.2011


Hvala Filipe.

Zelim vam sve najbolje u svakom pogledu, kao i 100% slobodne izbore sa najmanje 75% izlaznosti.
srdjazlopogledja srdjazlopogledja 16:15 23.12.2011


за једног, слобода за све!

У Паризу, Петар један написа...
antioksidant antioksidant 18:09 23.12.2011

Re: Слобода

за једног, слобода за све!

У Паризу, Петар један написа...

to je pera pisao pre nego što su pobili kralja i kraljicu legalne dinastije
kasnije smo sa petrovim sinom stigli do ukidanja posrednika između naroda i kralja
svima sve najlepše u sledećoj godini želim
predatortz predatortz 11:19 26.12.2011

Re: Слобода

to je pera pisao pre nego što su pobili kralja i kraljicu legalne dinastije

Nisu baš bili kralj i kraljica, al' ajde sad. A došli su da zveckaju oružjem.
Znaš onu : ko se mača lati...
antioksidant antioksidant 12:07 26.12.2011

Re: Слобода

Nisu baš bili kralj i kraljica,

predatortz predatortz 12:46 26.12.2011

Re: Слобода

Nisu baš bili kralj i kraljica,


Izvini, prebacih se na drugi događaj. Obrenovići mi nisu bili na kraj pameti.
antioksidant antioksidant 13:20 26.12.2011

Re: Слобода

sve ok
ivana23 ivana23 18:37 23.12.2011


Greetings, Citizens of the World,

The internet is in danger of an oppressive new law that will allow the Federal Government of the United States to shut down, arrest, fine and prosecute any website and it’s operator(s) at the behest of corporations who can and do stand to profit from weaponized censorship. The goal of the so-called ‘Stop Online Piracy Act’ SOPA is to empower litigious U.S. corporations to police the internet, with the ability to act as judge, jury and executioner. SOPA tramples civil rights laws, fair use, freedom of press and freedom of speech. Under SOPA an average person could be arrested, fined, sued and spend time in a federal prison for so little as uploading a video to YouTube or even linking to one. This law further proves the reality of corporate rule and totalitarianism.

Recently the vote on SOPA was delayed until early 2012 due to dissenting influence and the backlash of the immense number of core internet services that this bill targets. In a democracy this should be enough to defeat the bill, however, in the U.S. it only means that the vote will get delayed until the media loses interest and the backing corporate lobbyists have enough time to “influence” [read: bribe] the vote to their favour. However, it has been clandestinely moved forward in an attempt to fast track the law under the radar of a culture drunk on materialistic obsession — as such The House Judiciary Committee is reconvening on the 21st of December. In short, we were lied to.

While it was the intent to give people little time to react, our reaction will not be little. This oligarchy rules without democracy, consent or support; it fears us, it fears protesters, it fears the solidarity of the Occupy Movement, it fears the 99%, it fears YOU. The Federal Government currently perches on the narrow brink of collapse, lets give it a nice hard push. We simply do not need or want the future they’re trying to sell us. No government can exist that we, the people, refuse to support. It’s time to revoke that consent. It’s time to spread the message of dissent everywhere. Show those who have, and continue to, grant themselves nearly unlimited power how great the force is that rises up en masse to oppose their tyranny.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We are everyone.
We are everywhere.
We are you.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

This is our world, and we’re taking it back.

Expect us.

Anons, Dissidents, Hacktivists, Activists, Subversives, Occupiers, Culture Jammers and the 99%: We all have a reason and the power to fight this. Starting Dec. 19th, lets replace the face of the internet with a clear message about how we feel about censorship.
OpBlackOut front page kit: https://bit.ly/ubJLO7

Replace the front page of every website we can with a simple, clear protest page. Encourage friends, businesses, organizations, social media to take a stand along side us in the same way. Use/distribute the OpBlackOut material we’ve provided for this purpose, or make your own (but please try to be concise and indict SOPA specifically so the message is clear, unanimous and omnipresent). Get this image and message everywhere online. Plant the seeds of dissent where ever they can grow.

Bring OpBlackOut in to physical space; let us reach out to the malcontent, disenfranchised wage slaves of America. Inform them. Unite them. Show them that they are not alone in their contempt and absolute distrust of the U.S. Government. Show them how many people just like them feel the same way. Take over signs and billboards, tag, stencil, chalk, sticker, flier, protest, etc. — fill public space with our message, image and presence. Coordinate information with Occupiers. Publicly post. Get people talking. Put the truth not only where it can be seen, but where it cannot be avoided. This is something everyone can do. We are legion, this is our voice, people are listening, we will be heard.

Join us on IRC
irc.anonops.li:6667 (or 6697 for SSL)

Goran Vučković Goran Vučković 01:24 24.12.2011

Srećna Nova

Sve najlepše u Novoj godini, Filipe!



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