Astronomija| Eksperimenti u blogovanju| Literatura


horheakimov RSS / 31.07.2017. u 14:43

Ja sam Halejeva kometa osim što ne letim, sve ostalo je istina

Pojavljujem se periodično kao književni časopis ili izuzetna pesma, pesnikinja ili pesnik i onda nestajem na maltene 77 godina, zato i jesam za sve od 7 do 107

Ja sam Halejeva kometa osim što ne živim u svemiru nego u Starom Košutnjaku

Star sam i mogao bih iskusno da zborim ali danas ništa nema besplatno a i nikoga ne zanima šta imam da kažem, što je potpuno ispravno, ako mi je za utehu ni mene ne zanima šta drugi imaju da kažu i svakako im ne bih platio za to

Ja sam Halejeva kometa koja se ugojila po širini i sada imam dimenzije kao onaj bend 16x8x23

U svetu u kom vlada pravilo NEMA RUKU NEMA DŽEMA najbolje je kad bi se moglo biti van tog sveta, u svemiru, biti neka kometa, meteor, Feliks Baumgartner ili makar svemirski otpad

Ja sam Halejeva kometa i neki ljudi bi nekada da me vide pa me čekaju, neki zaborave na mene, a većina ne zna ni da postojim

Naočit sam kao pojava čak i ovako udebljan, moje jezgro je od stena (ništa me ne pogađa), leda (večno sam kul) i nepoznatog materijala (ne možeš me odgonetnuti); na mojoj površini se nalazi debela tamna kora nepoznatog hemijskog sastava koja mi daje dozu misterije i magnet je za žene i pse

Ja sam Halejeva kometa i kome smeta može slobodno da mi kaže da nisam

Komentari (17)

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angie01 angie01 18:28 31.07.2017


horheakimov horheakimov 18:46 31.07.2017

Re: ,

nisam se toliko udebljavio...
angie01 angie01 22:05 31.07.2017

Re: ,

nisam se toliko udebljavio...

al si sujetan, je samo smesni klip, na kome nisam mogla da menjam Hajlija...( vazno je da i pored viska, ipak leti).
horheakimov horheakimov 22:23 31.07.2017

Re: ,

al si sujetan

that's me ( :

angie01 angie01 22:39 31.07.2017

Re: ,

ako mi verujes- htela sam da ti postavim taj klip:).
horheakimov horheakimov 22:59 31.07.2017

Re: ,

mirelarado mirelarado 20:53 31.07.2017

Hej, Haleju, lutalice...

angie01 angie01 23:10 31.07.2017

umro veliki baja, Sem Separd

horheakimov horheakimov 23:34 31.07.2017

Re: umro veliki baja, Sem Separd

plausibel plausibel 07:46 01.08.2017


"She said writing could help me to quite my demons."
Paranoid Park, Gus Van Sant

horheakimov horheakimov 13:39 01.08.2017

Re: ..

plausibel plausibel 14:29 01.08.2017

Re: ..

E, sad je gotovo.. nema dalje.


horheakimov horheakimov 22:34 01.08.2017

Re: ..

plausibel plausibel 04:15 02.08.2017

Re: ..


alselone alselone 10:13 02.08.2017

Re: ..

kick68 kick68 12:20 03.08.2017

Mala sala

A school superintendent told the assistant superintendent to tell all the school principals the following announcement:
“Next Thursday at 10:30 a.m., Halley’s Comet will appear over this area. This is an event
which occurs only once every 75 years. Call the school principals and have them assemble the teachers and classes on their athletic fields and explain this phenomenon to them. If it rains, cancel the day’s activities and have the classes meet in the auditorium to see a film about the comet.”
The assistant superintendent naturally said yes. He was to pass that exact same message,
word-for-word, on to the school principals, but this is what the school principals heard:
“By order of the Superintendent of Schools, next Thursday at 10:30 a.m., Halley’s Comet will appear on your athletic field. If it rains, cancel the day’s classes and report to the auditorium with your teachers and students where you will be shown films--a phenomenal event which occurs only once every 75 years.”
[i]The principals were asked to pass this on to the teachers. This is what the teachers heard:
“By order of the phenomenal Superintendent of Schools, at 10:30 a.m., next Thursday, Halley’s Comet will appear in the auditorium. In case of rain on the athletic field, the Superintendent will give another order--something which occurs only once every 75 years.”
The teachers were asked to pass this message on to the students. This is what the students heard:
“Next Thursday at 10:30 a.m., the Superintendent of Schools will appear in our school auditorium with Halley’s Comet, something which occurs only once every 75 years. If it rains, the Superintendent of Schools will cancel the comet and have us all meet on our phenomenal athletic field.”
And then the students were asked to take this home to their parents. (Many of us have been on the receiving end of a message like this.) This is what the parents heard from
the students:
When it rains next Thursday at 10:30 a.m., over the school athletic field, the phenomenal
75-year-old Superintendent of Schools will cancel all classes and will appear before the whole school in the auditorium accompanied by Bill Hailey and the Comets
Jedna od onih koji se pojavljuju periodicno, nazalost, ugasila se:

horheakimov horheakimov 18:18 03.08.2017

Re: Mala sala

logičan odgovor



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