2023-12-03 11:39:58

DUB PUB. Until We Find It

docsumann RSS / 03.12.2023. u 12:39

aFOMdbS.pngWe keep on searchin'

Until we find it

Until we find it and prove them wrong 

We will find it here

Or we will find it there 

We keep on searchin'

Until we find it...and prove them - wrong

2023-12-15 05:42:08

DUB PUB: Wherever I Go

docsumann RSS / 15.12.2023. u 06:42


Wherever I go, I am going to mine, cause I just follow my step-path through life


















2024-03-17 07:52:21

DUB PUB: Brown Track

docsumann RSS / 17.03.2024. u 08:52










2024-03-24 19:01:38

DUB PUB: I Will Know

docsumann RSS / 24.03.2024. u 20:01


2024-01-19 17:13:09

DUB PUB: No Complain, No Explain

docsumann RSS / 19.01.2024. u 18:13


   No complain, no explain. Maybe this's just not your game, maybe another'll be the same. No complain, no explain. That's just nature of the game, no one promised you fair-play. So, get out, or stay and play. They will come anyway






2024-01-24 13:04:34

DUB PUB: Bass Cure

docsumann RSS / 24.01.2024. u 14:04


 Like Ingemar Stenmark, I make slalom through night.

Night is my kryptonite. With all that drama, sex&fights.

But DJ bring me remedy.

Hey Mister, with Sound System -

Fill this space with THE BASS!



2024-01-27 17:16:43

DUB PUB: Moonpower

docsumann RSS / 27.01.2024. u 18:16



I'm sitting alone, singing to Moon.

He just smilin' on my sad night tune.

Night is so quiet, my song even more.

But I am not alone as I was before.

Moonpower in midnite hour, keeps me alive through hard night 


2024-03-03 13:42:53

DUB PUB: Machine Elves's Dub Machine

docsumann RSS / 03.03.2024. u 14:42



Redovni vikend prgram u Dub Pub-u:neće izostati ni ovog tjedna u nedelji.


Inače, Machine Elves je naziv koji je Terence McKenna upotrebio za entitete koji se pojavljuju u DMT tripovima.





2024-04-01 09:18:23

Diznijev svet

jinks RSS / 01.04.2024. u 10:18


Predrasude u dobroj meri utiču na naše odluke. Sad, sreća je u svemu što su one neretko ograničene na neko naše bliže okruženje. Problem izgleda nastaje, posebno u vremenima masovnih medija, kada i predubeđenja postaju masovna.




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