2013-12-07 12:48:12

The Great Shift continued

Mark Pullen RSS / 07.12.2013. u 13:48

continued from part 1:

According to physicist Tom Campbell's interesting Big TOE (Theory Of Everything), "We are individuated units of consciousness in a greater consciousness system and we evolve individually over many incarnations in this and other virtual reality sub-systems by lowering our entropy through love (manifested through empathy and collaboration). The opposite of love is fear (manifested through selfishness, a sense of ownership and competition), which increases our entropy and causes us to de-evolve".

As Yoda, the great Jedi Master, said "Fear leads to anger, anger to hate, hate to suffering."

2014-05-18 09:22:37

Iz beležnice 10.02.2014 u ponedeljak

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 18.05.2014. u 10:22

Jutarnje gledanje novina, Politike naravno kako je to bilo oduvek u porodici, i Dobrivoje je to činio a onda ja preuzeo. Čini ta navika nervoznim  zbog onog što unutra piše pa se sećam jutra iz februara i priče o hotelu Jugoslavija.

A piše. Grčki investitor je namerio da kompleks hotela unapredi tako što će obnoviti staru formu hotela a na krajevima zdanja izgraditi dve kule po 33 etaža i doći do 137.000 m2 apartmana i šoping mola sa zadržanim sadržajem hotela. To će koštati oko 277 miliona evra i biće izgrađeno do 2019 godine ako urbanisti beogradski budu saglasni sa predlogom projekta. Investitor hoće da raspiše i međunarodni konkurs  za arhitektonsko rešenje na osnovu datog programa i prostorne šeme. Predhodne analize kapaciteta i parametara GUP-a koje je uradio CEP kažu da je sve to u okviru prediđenih mera.

2021-02-04 10:44:09


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 04.02.2021. u 11:44


2022-04-16 20:55:02

samo fleke da ne ostanu ...

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 16.04.2022. u 21:55


2015-02-05 09:33:35

Strong Arming

Chris Farmer RSS / 05.02.2015. u 10:33

What possible crime could be more heinous and threatening to public safety than a woman who forgot to swipe her bus pass?

It is a scourge on our society. We must root it out and brutalize offenders in a very public way so as to discourage future criminal acts.

I plan to write a letter to the City of Belgrade protesting the arrest of this woman. If the point of her arrest was to demonstrate the power of the police and the weak position of our citizenry, then jail is NOT the answer.

2023-02-07 14:39:25

i ribe konačno sa stavom ....

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 07.02.2023. u 15:39


2010-04-01 21:47:03

SXSW 2010

Jasmina Tesanovic RSS / 01.04.2010. u 22:47

You don't have to Keep Austin Weird. Austin will stay so anyway.

Keep yourself straight if you manage to visit Austin, if you want to say something about weirdness. Or just tie your dirty red bandanna on the first day of SXSW, and move right along.

Thirteen thousand people, only five percent of them over fifty: this is the statistic of SXSW Interactive 2010. The panel

2014-10-02 20:38:10


Dragan Jakovljević. RSS / 02.10.2014. u 21:38

Баш како то бива и током читавог човековог живота, и ова наша недеља била је обојена онако како јој се хтело: догађаји и појаве који су је учинили лепом, бојили су је топлим, а они други, хладним бојама. И познати животни

2020-08-01 18:38:42


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 01.08.2020. u 19:38




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