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Američka kritika "Srpskog filma"

Srđan Mitrović RSS / 09.04.2010. u 13:03

Da li treba reći ko je Harry Knowles? Ukratko, on je jedan od osnivača sajta Ain't It Cool News i jedan od najčitanijih i najuticajnijih filmskih kritičara danas. Harry je gledao Srpski film na festivalu SXSW 2010. Ja ne pamtim kada je jedan srpski film dobio ovakve kritike od uticajnih filmskih kritičara kao što se to dogodilo danas.

Prenosim vam originalnu kritiku: "SERBIAN FILM is a brilliant movie."










Srpski Film aka SERBIAN FILM is already on its way to becoming a notorious film. This is something that a little bit of excess here or there graphically can provide with little to no skill. I can’t even begin to tell you how many schlocky graphically intense films I’ve been shown in my life that all “Had To Be Seen To Be Believed”.

There are very few that I can then recommend to you, my audience here at AICN.

SERBIAN FILM is a brilliant movie. The very best film that I saw at SXSW 2010. I say that not with a tongue in my cheek, some wicked friendly relationship with the filmmakers… none of that. SERBIAN FILM is so much more than the very little “over the top” imagery that it contains.

Imagine a film written by Paul Schrader at the height of his seventies super powers directed with the handsome presentation of a David Fincher. Now imagine that their subject matter is the very scary world of avant garde illegal former Soviet block Porn production. If you remember a film I recommended way back in 2002, DEMONLOVER, a film featuring Chloe Sevigny, Gina Gershon and some other cool folks – in a way, SERBIAN FILM is the dream film dealing with rough subject matters.

This is an incredibly handsome film, very very Western in its story-telling. Like all films dealing with the “Rabbit Hole” plotline, the movie begins by showing us just what a wonderful family man, Milos the famous porn god is. Milos is retired from porn. Has a stunning wife, a cute kid. But an old co-worker of his, someone he helped make famous with his famous cock. She wants him to get back into the game with the latest holy shit offer of untold fabulous amounts of money TO DO PORN.

Now the main thing about this Milos guy is this. He’s very charismatic. This actor is fantastic…. As perfect for this character as DeNiro was in TAXI DRIVER. He’s just the right guy. You absolutely believe him, his family, his brother who fantasizes about his wife… the whole thing, it just seems right. He doesn’t live in a palace, it is a very middle class looking life style. Apparently the money he’s being offered for this return to the game… could bump him up to the next lifestyle bubble.

The other MAIN character is the mad genius porn director that nobody has any record of… who apparently was a leading Child Psychologist. This actor, who again, I just do not know… He’s perfect. He’s that right layer of slime for the role. He has about as much “Eww” as you’d expect from an Eastern European Porn Director with a Vision. But the actor is perfect. Perfect because… Yeah, run. Seriously, run. If a man that used to be a great Child Psychologist offers you unbelievably fabulous money to star in a porn fucking “to be revealed later” in “situation to be disclosed later” – RUN. Seriously, just fucking run. The actor just sells it. Just don’t accept the offer.

But it is a lot of money. Life changingly ludicrous gobs of money.

For what? 4 days of fucking tops? Sure, why not?

Now for the difficult part. How to describe the rabbit hole that our “hero” plummets through?

I’ve been struggling with this for weeks. I dearly love this movie specifically because I didn’t know the twists and the turns. I love the film because I was expecting something that would probably come across cheap, instead it looks as handsome as the most prestigious film from a major studio.

The first day of shooting is just a little fucked up. Nothing so much as to make you run screaming for your life… but if you know anything about foreshadow, than anyone with the critical mind could imagine where this “artisitic genius of a porn auteur” might be headed. You’d be wrong, but still. It is weird enough that you could lose an erection, or become rock harder, depending on your own degree of wrongitude.

Now at this film’s most intense, it is not… to me… more traumatic than NEKROMANTIK 2, but it is as dark a film as they come. Lovecraft would be proud of this descent into madness ending. However, the ending is exactly the ending it needs to be.

I would fully expect this film to be shortened by a minute or two for domestic distribution. I completely get this situation because in its current state, there are a handful of theaters in the United States that would have the chutzpah to show the film that was shown at Midnight at the Alamo Drafthouse South in Austin. That’s not a false praise, it is a reality.

This is a film that when the prints were made… twice, the film developer burned those prints because they didn’t understand what they were looking at. This is a film that without breaking any major rules… seems to, but again if you take a very reasoned look at what you are seeing at any given moment, you realize what you are not seeing onscreen at the same time.

That said – there is some very realistic simulation of things that in various states, could be deemed illegal – thus, the film will require a few snips. This sucks, but this is the way it is… until there are more theater owners with backbone and integrity to show the best of cinema, no matter its subject matter… until there are distributors that wish to return us to challenging and difficult subject matters told brilliantly… well, until they pick up a film like this. A film that frankly is very very accomplished. A distributor that understands the value of getting it shut down in a few intolerant communities – in order to sell the film in the liberal godless markets in this widely diverse country of ours. This is a film to wake the ire of the right, and bring down the awesome of those that support the arts.

SERBIAN FILM demands to be seen by folks like you that read this site, this is a film that deserves that same kind of demand it support that got PARANORMAL ACTIVITY going… but even that miracle release needed a studio to have the balls to release it and get behind it when the word called for it.

I really do hope you good folks get to see this movie. It is tremendous. One of the best “EXTREME” films to come along in the history of this site. Think of films like OLDBOY, SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGEANCE, IRREVERSIBLE, etc. You know the titles. They’re the films that if you have it, you’ve shown to others – introducing the titles because no studio really did.

I pray that SERBIAN FILM has that kind of future at the very least. We should all be so lucky to see it.



Komentari (113)

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Srđan Mitrović Srđan Mitrović 21:19 11.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

pravo da ti kazem umoran sam da ovako dalje diskutujem...potpuno je besmisleno.

takođe. nisam čuo ni jedan valjani argument. meni to kod pojedinih komentara više liči na lični obračun sa autorima filma.
a film od komentatora niko nije gledao. toliko o kritičarima.
vivian_green vivian_green 10:14 12.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

uh srdjane najgluplji moguci odgovor. pa makar smo vec utvrdili da se moze pricati o filmovima koje nismo gledali.

to je poneki put cak i eticki imperativ bavljenja filmskom kritikom. takodjer svako ko je gledao prezir makar jednom zna da je produkcioni momenat deo filma samog. ciji hleb jedes njegovu himnu pevas.

dakle puno srece momcima iz srpskog filma ali ako ih vec interesuju teme onoga sto se moze i onoga sto se ne moze predstaviti i na koji nacin verujuci da smanjujemo jaz izmedju gledaoca i slike taj jaz povecavamo mogli su da dodju na ranciera u beogradu proslog ponedeljka. covek moze voleti i filozofiju i stripove istovremeno.

i da manje aint it cool a vise ovo citaj

Srđan Mitrović Srđan Mitrović 11:42 12.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

uh srdjane najgluplji moguci odgovor. pa makar smo vec utvrdili da se moze pricati o filmovima koje nismo gledali.

pa sve može. možemo onda i o filmovima koji nikad nisu snimljeni, zar ne?
vivian_green vivian_green 13:04 12.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

ili su cenzurisani ili bunkerisani. odnosno neko moze da ti film prikaze i pre nego sto ga pogledas. ali ovde pricamo o srpskom filmu zar ne?

srpski film je ekspolatacioni film snimljen privatnim kapitalom kako bi bio callin card jednom reditelju i jednom scenaristi u jednom zanru filmske umetnosti.

kada bi aca manje pricao o staljinu i slovenskim narodima ne bi ni neki ovde ovako reagovali. ovako, plus poreklo novca, cini od ovog filma jednu neronovsku zabavu.

ninasimone ninasimone 18:30 12.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

Srđan Mitrović
pravo da ti kazem umoran sam da ovako dalje diskutujem...potpuno je besmisleno.

takođe. nisam čuo ni jedan valjani argument. meni to kod pojedinih komentara više liči na lični obračun sa autorima filma.
a film od komentatora niko nije gledao. toliko o kritičarima.

Za sve ovo vreme koliko pricamo o ovom filmu, ne prestajem da vagam u glavi da li je u redu pricati, a kamoli suditi, o necemu na nevidjeno ili ne. U teoriji, naravno, nije ali kopajuci po sopstvenim motivima i "nemotivima", izgleda da uporno trazim dovoljno jak razlog da vidim ovaj film, da mu dam a fair shot jer kao sto je neko u komentarima primetio "you can't unwatch the movie". Ona najuzasnija scena koja se pominje mi ne da mira jer ne mogu da, sto kazu, wrap my mind around it. Jednostavno, tesko mi je da zamislim da postoji bilo kakvo opravdanje za nju a kamoli umetnicko. Mislim i na onu decu sto glume u filmu, na to kako ce jednog dana reagovati kad budu dovoljno odrasli da ga pogledaju. Eto, u tom smislu, moze se reci da me je film dotakao pre nego sto sam ga i videla ali to je ona vrsta doticanja posle kojeg ti je potrebno da se istusiras. Pa sad, mozda stvarno nemam prava ista da pricam.
Igor_Jaramaz Igor_Jaramaz 17:18 13.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

Srđan Mitrović
"Americka lepota" je dobio naziv po imenu jedne vrste ruze i samim time ima veze i sa celom temom filma.

tako i "Srpski film" ima veze sa temom filma. U čemu je problem?

Наравски, и отуд оштећеност моје стране. Име је малициозно изабрано чисто да би изазвало брухаха чија ће колатерална штета бити Срби и Србија.

Да су га назвали Болесни филм не би на њега нико обраћао пажњу, овако зна се...
Srđan Mitrović Srđan Mitrović 17:51 13.04.2010

Re: Ko koga i kako kritikuje???

mislim da ipak preteruješ.
a i maliciozan si.
i meni je više muka od takvih ljudi.
cassiopeia cassiopeia 21:22 11.04.2010

Jedno pitanje

Hoće li večeras raditi bioskop?
Srđan Mitrović Srđan Mitrović 21:28 11.04.2010

Re: Jedno pitanje

Hoće li večeras raditi bioskop?

cassiopeia cassiopeia 21:30 11.04.2010

Re: Jedno pitanje

neće. nije prodato dovoljno ulaznica

Čekalica sam ja stara. Sutra je novi dan
cassiopeia cassiopeia 21:31 11.04.2010

Re: Jedno pitanje


Nemoj da me zbunjuješ

Jupiiiiiii za promenu
Srđan Mitrović Srđan Mitrović 21:32 11.04.2010

Re: Jedno pitanje

Čekalica sam ja stara. Sutra je novi dan

evo za tebe... za koji minut.
cassiopeia cassiopeia 21:33 11.04.2010

Re: Jedno pitanje

evo za tebe... za koji minut.



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