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Zanimljivo, od ortaka iz IDF-a

Srđan Fuchs RSS / 08.04.2019. u 16:29


 April 7, 2019 By Ibrahim Abu Ahmad

America’s Golan Proclamation: Risk or Opportunity?

Američko proglašenje Golana: rizik ili šansa? 

 Most of the world considers President Donald Trump’s recent decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights problematic – or worse. All 28 members of the European Union have criticized the move and are refusing to recognize Israel’s authority in the disputed region. But Israelis are applauding the decision. They believe America now understands how critical the Golan Heights is to Israel’s current and future security during Syria’s ongoing civil war.

Većina sveta smatra nedavnu odluku Predsednika Donalda Trampa da prizna Izraelu suverenitet nad Golanskom Visoravni problematičnom - da ne kažemo nešto gore. Svih 28 članica Evropske Unije kritikovale su potez i odbijaju da priznaju Izraelov autoritet u osporenoj oblasti. No Izraelci aplaudiraju odluci. Oni veruju da Amerika sada razume koliko kritična je Golanska Visoravan za trenutnu i buduću bezbednost Izraela tokom trajućeg Sirijinog građanskog rata. 

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 during the Six-Day War. The war began with Israel making a preemptive airstrike against Egyptian forces; later, Syrian airfields were targeted after Syrian airstrikes on Israeli soil. On the fifth day of war Israeli Defense Forces took to the ground, pushing Syrian forces back from the Golan Heights and gaining control of the western part of the region.

Izrael je osvojio Golansku Visoravan od Sirije 1967. tokom Šestodnevnog Rata. Rat je počeo Izraelovim preventivnim vazdušnim udarom protiv egipćanskih snaga, da bi docnije, sirijski aerodromi bili ciljani posle sirijskih vazdušnih udara na izraelsko tle. Petog dana rata, Izraelske odbrambene snage krenule su tlom, suzbijajući sirijske snage sa Golanske Visoravni i zadobijajući kontrolu nad zapadnim delom oblasti.

Capturing the Golan Heights was essential in neutralizing Syria’s advantage there and ensuring the future safety of the Israeli communities established below the heights in the Hula Valley. So long as the Syrians controlled the region, those communities were in mortal danger. Artillery shelling was a frequent reality. In addition, the Syrians had previously attempted to prevent the Israelis from accessing water. This had to stop.

Osvajanje Golanske Visoravni bilo je od suštinskog značaja u neutralisanju sirijske prednosti tamo i obezbeđivanju buduće bezbednosti izraelskih zajednica zasnovanih ispod visoravni u Hula dolini. Dokle god su Sirijci kontrolisali region, ove zajednice su bile u smrtnoj opasnosti. Artiljerijska paljba je bila učestala realnost. Uz to, Sirijci su pokušavali ranije da spreče Izraelce da dopru do vode. Ovo je moralo da stane.


After Israel officially annexed the territory in 1981, four Syrian Druze villages in the Golan Heights fell under Israeli authority. But the Druze – many of whom have relatives in Syria – refused to acknowledge that authority and persisted in maintaining their Syrian identity by declining Israeli citizenship. Their status, as a result, became “Israeli residents.” Under this status, members of the Druze communities of the Golan still enjoy the benefits of Israeli law as well as a wide range of public services.

Nakon što je Izrael  pripojio zvanično teritoriju 1981., četiri sela sirijskih Druza pala su pod izraelsku vlast. No Druzi - mnogi među njima imajući rodbinu u Siriji - odbili su da prihvate tu vlast i odupirali su se u očuvanju njihovog sirijskog identiteta odbijajući izraelsko državljanstvo. Njihov status, kao rezultanta, postao je - "stanovnici Izraela". Pod ovim statusom, pripadnici druskih zajednica Golana i dalje uživaju povlastice izraelskog zakona kao i široki spektar javnih službi.

Since 1981, only 15 percent of the Druze population living in the Golan Heights have opted to become Israeli citizens. There are four main reasons why the majority refuses to assimilate into Israeli life.

Od 1981., svega petnaest odsto druske populacije što živi na Golanskoj Visoravni odabralo je da postanu izraelski državljani. Četiri su glavna razloga usled čega većina odbija da se asimiluje u izraelski život.

The first is uncertainty. Until recently, Israel had never officially stated that it would remain in the Golan Heights. Moreover, a peace treaty between Israel and Syria was in the works — one that included Israel withdrawing from the Golan. These plans ultimately dissolved because of disagreements over the border, water resources and Syria’s support of Hezbollah. In addition, the Druze population fears that anyone who becomes an Israeli citizen will be labeled a traitor if Syria were to regain control of the Golan — and suffer the consequences.

Prvi je neizvesnost. Doskora, Izrael nikada nije zvanično izjavio da će ostati na Golanu. Povrh svega, mirovni dogovor između Izraela i Sirije ostao je delatan - onaj koji je uključivao povlačenje Izraela sa Golana. Ovi planovi su se konačno raspali zbog nesuglasica oko granice, vodnih izvora, i podrške Sirije za Hezbolah. Uz to, Druzi su plašili da ko god prihvati izraelsko državljanstvo će biti označen kao izdajica ukoliko Sirija povrati kontrolu nad Golanom - te će snositi posledice.

The second reason is an extension of the first: the Druze population in the Golan Heights fears for the safety of their relatives living in Syria. The 50-year status quo in the Golan has been maintained through fear of the Syrian government. The Druze across the border in Syria are at risk of retribution by the Syrian authority. The Druze community knows that obtaining Israeli citizenship and publicly expressing loyalty to Israel isn’t dangerous just for them; it also puts their relatives living across the border in Syria at risk.

Drugi razlog se nadovezuje na prvi: druska zajednica na Golanu se plaši za bezbednost svojih rođaka koji žive u Siriji. 50-ogodišnji satus kvo Golana održavan je strahom od sirijske vlade. Druzi širom granice u Siriji su pod rizikom odmazade sirijske vlasti. Druska zajednica zna da uzimanje izraelskog državljanstva i javno izražavanje lojalnosti Izraelu nije opasno samo po njih, ono takođe izlaže i njihovu rodbinu koja živi preko granice u Siriji riziku. 

The third reason is national identity. The elders in the Druze community harbor a deep connection to their utopian homeland, where allegedly all religious sects are united – a homeland that, in their view, will eventually overcome the terrorist powers occupying Syria and begin to rebuild itself. However, the younger generation has fewer ties to the Druze in Syria, and their deep immersion in Israeli society is pulling them further and further away from their Syrian identity.


Treći razlog je nacionalni identitet. Starci u druskoj zajednici gaje duboku sponu sa njihovom utopijskom otadžbinom, gde navodno sve religijske sekte postaju ujedinjene - otadžbina koja će, po njihovom stanovištu, nadjačati sve terorističke grupe koje okupiraju Siriju i početi da gradi sebe iznova. Kako god, mlađa generacija ima sve manje veze sa Druzima u Siriji, i njihova  pogruženost u izraelsko društvo ih sve više udaljava od njihovog sirijskog identiteta.


%D7%A11.jpg Photos from the “Golan in the Heart” exhibition in Quneitra ( Syrian town about a mile from the border).

Credit to FB page: Al.baath.party.in.kounaytra


 The final reason: social exclusion. Deeply tribal, the Druze community still relies on its elders and religious leaders for guidance. These individuals wield enough influence to shun any member of the community whose behavior deviates from social norms. Once this happens, the rest of the community will follow suit and avoid associating with that person socially and professionally. Anyone who cooperates with Israel becomes a pariah overnight.


It’s important to emphasize that the Druze of the Golan are not living under Israel’s thumb. They can move freely within Israel and the Golan. They have forged deep social and economic connections with Israelis, and their villages have prospered.

For nearly 40 years the Israel-Syria border was quiet, making a truce between the two governments seem realistic. But the Syrian war changed that. Israel coped with the ravages of a civil war along its border for several years, with violence regularly spilling into its territory. Its border were marked in the past years, by the presence of Syrian opposition, Al-Qaida proxies and ISIS. The government’s victory last summer poses the most viable threat to Israel’s security, with Iran and its proxies, including Hezbollah forces positioned solely along the border, calling for the imminent destruction of Israel.

The Iranian regime entered the war in 2015 to provide the Shiite-oriented Assad regime with an influx of ground troops, funneling money and fighters from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Hezbollah into Syria. This enabled Iran to further establish a strong presence in the country while fulfilling its desire to pose even a greater threat to Israel on its northern border with Syria.

The status of the Golan Heights was debated for years within Israel. However, Iran’s commitment to posing a growing threat to Israel helped changed public opinion about the matter. Today, most Israelis oppose returning the Golan because that would put Israeli citizens living near the Sea of Galilee in grave danger. To the Israelis, an Israeli withdraw from the Golan means “Hezbollah and IRGC swimming in the sea of Galilee”.

While Israel hailed America’s proclamation as important and brave, it is equally important to identify the opportunities it presents and examine whether they outweigh the risks. The most prominent risk the proclamation poses is the possibility of escalation on the Syria-Israel border. Iran, Syria and Hezbollah would benefit from raising tension along the border, while Iran wants to preserve its military presence in Syria and strengthen its regional position.

The Syrian government will attempt to unite its people against Israel- the common foreign enemy – and divert their attention away from the real issues plaguing their society. In addition, Syria will use the proclamation to regain legitimacy from Arab Sunni nations that have already condemned President Trump’s proclamation in the Arab League.

Hezbollah meanwhile, could use the announcement as an opportunity to boost its support base in Lebanon by refreshing its image as the leading force against Israel and the ethos of the Resistance. Moreover, Hezbollah is recruiting ex-opposition members along the border in southwestern Syria, which may diminish Israel’s recent efforts to introduce Syrians to Israel’s humanitarian spirit via the Good Neighbor Project.

Despite these risks, the truth is that president Trump’s proclamation has only accelerated developments in the Golan Heights that were already long underway: namely, Hezbollah has been trying to establish terror cells near the border for years; Iran is already fighting openly with Israel and has responded to Israeli attacks against Iranian military assets in Syria; and it’s no secret that Syria has been using the Golan issue to draw the attention away from internal issues.

However, we believe that the proclamation – with the right follow-up actions – provides more opportunity than risk.

First, it confirms that the U.S. is still involved in the region and will not permit Russia and Iran to do as they please in Syria. The U.S. might even build a military presence in the Golan Heights to offset Russia’s presence in Syria. Furthermore, the proclamation sends the message that, while it has been absent from the Middle East in recent years and plans to withdraw its troops from Syria, America will continue to support Israeli interests in the region.

Second, strengthening Israel’s sovereignty and finalizing the status of the Golan might inspire the Druze community to become citizens. Druze culture values land and freedom of religion more than national identity. Such is the case for the Druze living in Syria, Lebanon, and in the Galilee; the same can be true for the Druze living in the Golan.

Third, the proclamation may open the door for American companies to invest in the Golan. In the past few years several organizations have been promoting boycotts on brands from the Golan, including olive oil, wine, fruit, flowers and other industries. This proclamation may encourage companies to invest in the Golan as it is acknowledged by the US government as Israeli sovereignty. Moreover, it encourages the Israeli government to develop infrastructure in the Golan. Now, with authority in the Golan officially recognized, the Israeli government and American companies are more likely to invest in the area’s development. This, in turn, might also improve Europe’s perception of the region.

Since many claim that this proclamation is meaningless, and it did not receive international recognition, it must be accompanied with consistent actions. Similar legislation by the American congress that would support the administration’s policy needs to be promoted. In addition, Sunni nations should show they understand America’s position, especially due to the Iranian increasing involvement in the Middle East and the mutual interest with Israel to stop this Iranian intervention. Third, the United States and Israel must hold discussions with European nations, in which Israel must emphasize, that the unprecedented consensus to finalize the status of the Golan Heights as Israeli, derives from the fact that today’s Syria is not the same as Syria before the war. Handing over the region to the Syrian government would mean handing it over to Iran and Hezbollah. Perhaps more nations should reassess their position over the Golan, considering the developments of the past few years and the new existential threat imposed on Israel by Iran.


Alma, Research and education center 


превешћу доцније за неангличанце, поз 


Komentari (132)

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Atomski mrav Atomski mrav 11:54 09.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Možda bude ganc-novi premijer.
nepopustljiv nepopustljiv 13:26 09.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Srđan Fuchs
inače, iznenadio sam se da su leftwingeri iz WJC (ozbiljna, stara socijalistička garda, ozbiljna levica, ne kao ovi naši manekeni po blogu, i šire) lejblovali Noama, Naomi i Georga za pomaganje BDS-a. i to su izvanzemaljski, dijasporični, igrači, nema šanse da ih Bibilesku kontroliše. onako baš, iznenađenje...

Šta je to BDS?
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:02 09.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Палестинска спика, са јеврејским постидеолошким мозговима.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:05 09.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Atomski mrav
Možda bude ganc-novi premijer.

Не верујем. Беника је другар и лаф, официрчина, ал' не верујем. Разбија овај Бостонска Чајанка гари с везама с милијардерима. Не знам, биће чудо ако добијемо, видећемо с јутра.
Atomski mrav Atomski mrav 17:25 09.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Не верујем. Беника је другар и лаф, официрчина, ал' не верујем. Разбија овај Бостонска Чајанка гари с везама с милијардерима.

The golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 03:09 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Pa i razbucao nas je zahvaljujući svojim milijarderskim vezama. Ovaj glavonja Amer je morao da se meša baš sada s tim priznavanjem Golana. Kao da nije mogao danas ujutro da ga prizna?! Pritom kao, Rusija ako se umeša, frka, panika; Ameri se najnonšalantnije umešaju i - nikom ništa?! Interesantno, žitelji okolina Gaze i Golana glasali su protiv Bibija. Znači, ljudi sa međa neće rat. Najradikalniji su Jerusalim i okolina i oni su nažalost i doneli Bibiju prevagu. Ono što je dobro je da dve otvoreno klerofašističke i rasističke stranke nisu prešle cenzus, a ono što je loše da Sefardska i Ruska lista podržavaju Bibihudina. To je ono što se Ganc zamerio Rusima. Rabin je pobedio Likud svojevremeno zahvaljujući kulturnim odnosima prema Rusima. Ganc je napravio grešku, šlihtajući se na Aipacu Amerima, zaboravivši na svojih par stotina hiljada birača kod kuće koji svakoga jutra počinju dan sa ruskom himnom i iščekivanjem da im Batjuška Volođa blagoslovi miran dan.

ליכוד 37

כחול לבן 36

ש"ס 8

יהדות התורה 7

ישראל ביתנו 6

עבודה 6

חד"ש-תע"ל 5

כולנו 5

איחוד מפלגות הימין 5

מרצ 5

הימין החדש 0

בל"ד-רע"ם 0

זהות 0

גשר 0
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 05:15 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

evo mapa ovde, drugari plavi su oni, oker - mi. a tačno se vidi kako je podeljena zemlja, bukvalno FK Obala vs. FK Jerusalim Hajlenderi. Bukvalno fifti-fifti. i, 'ladno lopta na - Ruskoj Listi! Trči, Gance, ljubi ruku Libermanu! Čučkov, zovi Valođu da zove telefonom Libermana! Đuro, blokiraj aerodrom!

znači sleva nadesno -

grupa građana "jeftiniji život" - 0;

fašisti, jedni i drugi - 0 (e, za ovo hvala dragom Jahveu, Mojsiju i Iliju, od ovih sam strepeo svih ovih meseci);

arapska (građanska) lista - 4;
sefardska (građanska) lista - 4;
liberaldemokrate - 4;
ujedinjena desnica (religiozna) - 5;
ruska (građanska) lista - 5;
socijaldemokrate -6;
arapska (komunistička) lista - 6;
aškenaska (religiozna) lista - 8;
sefardska (religiozna) lista -8;

i demokrate - 35;
naprednjaci - 35.

97% prebrojanih, prirodne koalicije: mi 55 mandata, oni 65. da napakuje Putin Rusima još jedan mandat, damo im min. odbrane i -

уууу мииир, крен'мо јунаци свиии

крен'мо и не жал'мо живот свој
Голан нек гаси строј, Голан нек не чује бој
а река Јордан,
славу, храброст и јуначку руку израиљског сина.

пој, пој, Јордан водо топла ти
памти, причај кад су с'надали
памти гаснут строј који је пун техацеа, силе, снаге,
дочекао Арапина на реке наше драге.

пој, пој, Јорданче, причај роду ми
како смо се храбро борили
певао је строј, миров'о се бој
крај топле воде
сласт је текла
манго с' лио Јорданчетом због слободе.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 05:20 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

интересантна ствар да су све гласове Ликуду на обали, у великим градским срединама - дале руске општине. мислим да ће Ганц наредне четири године жалити што се огрешио о Русе пред Ајпаком. на финту и неискуство га одрадио Биби. али добро је, све у свему, ово је најбољи резултат који смо остварили у претходних 20 година.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 11:35 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation


U Izraelu nema veze ko je na vlasti.
Nacionalni interesi im ne mogu biti ugroženi ko god da je.

то је истина. но друга ствар по важности је да имамо демократску суштину унутра, тако да сам ја ипак задовољан изборима узев у обзир да клерорасисти нису прешли цензус. ова риба -

ps. aiii, Čaki D Boj, brisnuh ti slučajno post umesto preporuke. ušao dibuk Šakedice u mene načas!
nepopustljiv nepopustljiv 11:50 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Srđan Fuchs

ps. aiii, Čaki D Boj, brisnuh ti slučajno post umesto preporuke. ušao dibuk Šakedice u mene načas!

Ma nema veze.
Taj post je ionako nebitan u odnosu na intergalaktička događanja.
Inače - slučajno se i deca prave.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 12:18 10.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

vala baš. tako i ja Fiću svog - slučajno, slučajno, tek evo ga deran 12 godina rasta pored Dunava i Mediterana.

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 07:39 11.04.2019

Re: America’s Golan Proclamation

Ih, pa nisam htela da kačim ozbiljljniji medij, a ima ih. Ovaj tekst je bio najkraći i ne blati Izrael koliko finansijske "vladare iz senke"

Ma jok bre. Kakvi ozbiljniji mediji. To je duboko ukorenjen brejnvoš u srpskom društvu iz YU dana. To je indoktrinarno i ideološki - Srbi su marksisti, Izrael je kapitalistički, Palestinci su marksisti, Izrael je američki, Amerika je bombardovala Srbiju, Amerika i Srbija su neprijatelji, Srbija nema slobodne medije (pa čak i da ih ima opet je dominantna ideologija YU-marksizam, srpska praxis edicija). Tako da je to to. Problem.
PS. Čitam jutros da su postavili Lazanskog na mesto ambasadora u Vašingtona. To je isto kao da staviš Frihenda u Tel Aviv - osobu koja mrzi zemlju domaćina. I onda se čudite zašto ne ide Srbiji...
Черевићан Черевићан 08:26 09.04.2019

salva venia

understands how critical the Golan Heights is to Israel’s current and future security during Syria’s ongoing civil war

шорка је .....по целом Свету
(мало мало крес крес крес),
слоге нема .....па то нам је
свако има ......i saj Kosovës
predatortz predatortz 19:07 09.04.2019


Jeb'o vas vaš turizam!
Odakle dolazite?
Koji je razlog posete?
Šta nosite sa sobom?
Jeste li sami pakovali stvari?
Da li ste tokom boravka preko dobili neki poklon?
Imate li oružje, eksploziv?

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 19:24 09.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 19:26 09.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

А то, аеродром и форе. Мучи, пјешаче и учи! Ћитај, Мухамеде, ћитај!
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 19:34 09.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Најбоља фора тако када ми доће неко у групи, типа, ко се зове - Ратко Караџић. Па оно све црвене лампице се укључе. "Јеботе, па је л' видите да дечко има 20 година?! А и по затворима су?!" Не, проверавај Интерпол, Цију, Спиру, Пајића... Или Марко Шарић, па ми закуцају педес' људи на грани. Да попиздиш!

vcucko vcucko 20:47 10.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Jeb'o vas vaš turizam!
Odakle dolazite?
Koji je razlog posete?
Šta nosite sa sobom?
Jeste li sami pakovali stvari?
Da li ste tokom boravka preko dobili neki poklon?
Imate li oružje, eksploziv?

Da li vam je neko pre puta dao nešto da ponesete nekome? Bilo šta, koverat, paket, kesicu? Jeste li sigurni? Dobro razmislite, pokušajte da se pristite pa opet od prvog pitanja.
Da li ste ikad bili u nekoj arapskoj zemlji? Ako jeste, u kojoj? Kada i kojim povodom? Održavate li kontakt sa nekim u toj zemlji? Da li taj neko zna da dolazite u Izrael? Jeste li se čuli danas?

Nisam siguran da sam razumeo tvoj post. Kako god, ova tvoja pitanja plus ovo moje i još i-haj - to je standardna procedura ulaska u Izrael. Ako hoćeš na hodočašće u Jerušalaim ili na plažu u Eilatu, ovo je neizbežno. I to ako im nisi sumnjiv, ako jesi tu proceduru ne znam, ali verujem da je na nivou.

Turista u Izraelu mora da ima određenu crtu mazohizma, nema druge
predatortz predatortz 21:46 10.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Nisam siguran da sam razumeo tvoj post. Kako god, ova tvoja pitanja plus ovo moje i još i-haj - to je standardna procedura ulaska u Izrael.

To ti kažem.
Jebeš takav turizam!
Zapadne komšije im se polomiše od ljubaznosti. Ovi te isleđuju.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:04 10.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Ma-a, nije baš tako strašno, deder, takve delije a kao curice se umusili.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 22:12 10.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Nego, Vesić fantom je pustio privatni vrtić u prostorijama logora na Starom Sajmištu.
Atomski mrav Atomski mrav 00:11 11.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 05:12 12.04.2019

Re: Uzgred

evo nešto zanimljivo -


US President Donald Trump is unlikely to roll out his Mideast peace plan until after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sets up his new government, Israeli officials said, despite US National Security Council John Bolton’s comment Wednesday that it could be published in the “very near future.”

But if the administration waits until a new government is formed, it is likely – especially if the coalition depends on support from the Union of Right-Wing Parties and Yisrael Beytenu – that it would trigger the new government’s first coalition crisis.

Trump has said himself that the plan will necessitate concessions on both sides, but any Israeli territorial concession is likely to be strongly opposed by at least one of those two parties, if not by both.

If Trump would drop the plan during the coalition negotiations, it could have an impact on them, with the plan possibly chasing the URP and Yisrael Beytenu out of the coalition, and even encouraging talk among certain elements of the Blue and White Party to join the government to save the plan.

At the same time, it will be easier – one official said – for Netanyahu to put together a government without the plan on the table, than with it already having been presented.

Outgoing Kulanu MK Michael Oren, a former ambassador to the US, said Israelis must be “mindful that it is not only Israel’s electoral timetable that is to be considered, but also America’s.”

Oren pointed out that starting in November, right after the High Holy Days, America will go into full presidential election mode, “which narrows the window” of when the plan might be presented.

Trump is widely believed to not want to wait until the presidential election campaign begins to present the plan since, because of the expected concession demands to be made of Israel, this is something that could be opposed by those in his Evangelical base, who are opposed to any territorial concessions.

US special envoys Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner’s team, however, has been silent on the matter of the plan’s release. No decision has been made as to the best time to roll out the plan, even though Israel’s election is over.

The common wisdom in Washington is that it won’t happen before mid-June.

Jews will celebrate Passover right after the elections, from April 19-26; and the Muslim month of Ramadan will take place May 5-June 4. Right after that, between June 8-9, Jews will celebrate Shavuot. Revealing the plan before or in between these holidays could make the plan lose momentum on Day One.

Greenblatt on Thursday sent a message to the Palestinian leadership regarding the plan.

“To the PA: Our plan will greatly improve Palestinian lives [and] create something very different than what exists,” he tweeted.

Greenblatt shared a Bloomberg report in which Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s adviser Nabil Shaath said that while Abbas is going to review the plan and not reject it right away, he does not expect it to be acceptable.

“There is nothing left really to dream of except that maybe if we accept to give up everything, then maybe they will give us a little bit of money,” Shaath told Bloomberg, speaking about the Trump administration. “We are not going to sell out our country for his money.”

Greenblatt responded that: “It’s a realistic plan to thrive/prosper even if it means compromises. It’s not a ‘sell out’ – if the plan isn’t realistic, no one can deliver it. The Palestinian future is in your hands – we hope you use your power wisely and in a way that helps Palestinians live happier and better lives. It’s time for them to thrive.”

S jedne strane, u Tvamponjinom biračkom telu Evangelisti se opiru tom planu - to je igra dvoseklog mača koju Izrael igra sa Evangelistima, mogu da objasnim zašto to mislim pošto ih znam u dušu; ako zanima nekog, da ne trošim vreme da kuckam ako ne zanima nikoga; sa druge strane, libertarijanci u Tvamponjinom timu jesu za plan, jer hoće da se otarase više tog pitanja i da ne troše kintu na izraelske probleme. Posebno u svetlu da nam demokrate izmiču iz šaka, i ako republikanci izgube sledeće izbore, Bibilend bi vrlo lako mogao da se nađe u nebranom grožđu, poput Sloboslavije 1990-ih, možda još bolnijem, uzev u obzir koliko Izrael ovisi o američkim investicijama.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 06:00 12.04.2019

Re: Losing democrats


“He’s provided short-term profits at a very high long-term price,” said Ari Shavit, a Jerusalem-born journalist who has followed Mr. Netanyahu throughout his career. “Netanyahu’s Israel is mortgaged. And we are going to pay dearly.”

Mr. Shavit said the same could be said for Mr. Netanyahu’s failure to use Israel’s position of strength and strategic comfort — “this golden moment” — to take on its single most existential issue, the Palestinian conflict; and for his exploitation of Mr. Trump’s largess at the cost of “endangering the relationship with Democratic America, younger America and the next administration in Washington.”

It's Netanyahu's Israel now

zemljanin zemljanin 15:12 12.04.2019

gadjali pa pogodili

e bre pogodili ste Mesec

zezam se, veliko dostignuce bez obzira na neuspesno sletanje
freehand freehand 16:08 12.04.2019

Re: gadjali pa pogodili

e bre pogodili ste Mesec

Ćuti, ko zna koliko je duša u Gazi zbog toga preživelo
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 17:36 12.04.2019

Re: gadjali pa pogodili

Ima ovaj gaf - L, kao learning, za autoškolu.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 07:50 13.04.2019

shlomo ben ami

Shlomo Ben-Ami, a former Israeli foreign minister, chief negotiator in Rabin's camp, is Vice President of the Toledo International Center for Peace. He is the author of Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy.

Israel Doubles Down on Illiberal Democracy

Apr 10, 2019 SHLOMO BEN-AMI

TEL AVIV – It is Bibi again. Having unapologetically allied with a racist, Jewish-supremacist party, Binyamin Netanyahu has secured a fourth consecutive term as Israel’s prime minister. The Union of Right Wing Parties says Netanyahu promised it both the education ministry and the justice ministry, and who are we to doubt it? Along with Netanyahu’s other right-wing allies, the URWP has already backed a new law that would protect the prime minister from being indicted on pending corruption charges.

Israel’s latest parliamentary election has consolidated the country’s position within a growing bloc of illiberal democracies around the world. Once again, Netanyahu has won by mobilizing the people against the very state institutions that he is supposed to uphold and defend. In this election cycle, he shamelessly lambasted the judicial system and the police for doing their jobs. He attacked the media for uncovering improper behavior by his family and cronies. He pilloried public intellectuals for refusing to acknowledge his greatness. And he depicted the old Zionist “left” as traitors.

As for the Arab parties, they lost around 25% of their seats, owing partly to voter abstention. With Netanyahu having pushed through a “nation-state law” declaring the pursuit of “national self-determination” in Israel as “unique to the Jewish people,” Israel’s Arab citizens apparently are through lending credibility to a sham democracy. Throughout the campaign, they were treated as political lepers by practically every segment of the Israeli body politic.

The Israeli left, in particular, has been exposed as a bankrupt political project. In fact, Netanyahu’s Israel has swung so far right that the term “leftist” itself is now a smear. Both his party’s main challenger, the centrist Blue and White alliance, and the Labor Party have run away from the label. And both not only lacked the courage to stand up to Netanyahu’s maligning of Israeli Arabs as enemies of the state, but also refused even to consider forming a parliamentary alliance with Arab parties. On the Arab question, liberal Zionists have acceded to Netanyahu’s project of making Israel into a one-race, one-party state.

All told, the election amounts to a monumental indictment of Israel’s democracy. In a campaign dominated by personal smears and disinformation, not one substantive issue was debated seriously. It was as if the consequences of Netanyahu’s cruel neoliberal policies – a weakened welfare state and squeezed middle classes – did not matter at all. Nor was there any discussion of the unproductive Orthodox community’s dependence on state subsidies, which have grown substantially under Netanyahu.

And then there is the elephant in the room: the Palestinian question. Fearing the loss of conservative votes, the left and center parties did not make a single convincing statement – let alone offer a policy program – to address the greatest existential and moral challenge facing the country. Yes, candidates on the left paid lip service to the problem, and Benny Gantz, the colorless leader of Blue and White, muttered something about the need for a “diplomatic move” with respect to the occupied territories, but that was it.

Meanwhile, Gantz and those on the left said almost nothing when Netanyahu boasted that he could get US President Donald Trump to greenlight a partial Israeli annexation of the West Bank. And they were equally nonresponsive when Netanyahu took credit for the Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

In fact, US-Israeli relations were another key issue that went almost unmentioned in the election campaign. Never mind that Netanyahu’s alliance with Trump and American evangelicals has cost Israel the support of a growing portion of the US Democratic Party establishment, or that his blank check to the Israeli Orthodox community has alienated America’s predominantly liberal Jewish community. After Beto O’Rourke, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, warned that Netanyahu is a “racist” who is damaging America’s special alliance with Israel, Israelis responded by extending that racist’s grip on power.

Throughout the campaign, Netanyahu touted his foreign-policy record. In addition to cozying up to illiberal Eastern European governments and Brazil’s new right-wing president, Jair Bolsonaro, he claims to have bolstered Israel’s economic clout in Asia, made diplomatic breakthroughs in Africa, and forged covert partnerships with neighboring Arab countries, not least Saudi Arabia.

And here, too, Netanyahu’s opponents dropped the ball. They could have pointed out that his goal in brokering new partnerships is to head off international opposition to his planned annexation of Palestinian territory. Instead of using Israel’s diplomatic relationships to work toward an acceptable solution to its primary existential challenge, he has exploited them for his own chauvinist agenda.

Sadly, the election leaves no doubt about what awaits Israel in the coming years. A cabal of Netanyahu cronies and family members, racist messianic settlers, and Orthodox parties with opportunistic designs on the state budget will drag Israel toward a new single-state reality that will resemble apartheid South Africa.

If there is any consolation, it is that the Israeli left and center – from Meretz and Labor to the Arab parties and Blue and White – still collectively represents almost half of the electorate. A bold leader who is willing to fight for Israel’s soul could prevail, but only by unapologetically allying with Israeli Arabs. That is not just the best electoral strategy. It is also the right thing to do.

freehand freehand 08:01 13.04.2019

Re: shlomo ben ami

Srđan Fuchs
Shlomo Ben-Ami, a former Israeli foreign minister, chief negotiator in Rabin's camp, is Vice President of the Toledo International Center for Peace. He is the author of Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy.

Israel Doubles Down on Illiberal Democracy

Apr 10, 2019 SHLOMO BEN-AMI

TEL AVIV – It is Bibi again. Having unapologetically allied with a racist, Jewish-supremacist party, Binyamin Netanyahu has secured a fourth consecutive term as Israel’s prime minister. The Union of Right Wing Parties says Netanyahu promised it both the education ministry and the justice ministry, and who are we to doubt it? Along with Netanyahu’s other right-wing allies, the URWP has already backed a new law that would protect the prime minister from being indicted on pending corruption charges.

Israel’s latest parliamentary election has consolidated the country’s position within a growing bloc of illiberal democracies around the world. Once again, Netanyahu has won by mobilizing the people against the very state institutions that he is supposed to uphold and defend. In this election cycle, he shamelessly lambasted the judicial system and the police for doing their jobs. He attacked the media for uncovering improper behavior by his family and cronies. He pilloried public intellectuals for refusing to acknowledge his greatness. And he depicted the old Zionist “left” as traitors.

As for the Arab parties, they lost around 25% of their seats, owing partly to voter abstention. With Netanyahu having pushed through a “nation-state law” declaring the pursuit of “national self-determination” in Israel as “unique to the Jewish people,” Israel’s Arab citizens apparently are through lending credibility to a sham democracy. Throughout the campaign, they were treated as political lepers by practically every segment of the Israeli body politic.

The Israeli left, in particular, has been exposed as a bankrupt political project. In fact, Netanyahu’s Israel has swung so far right that the term “leftist” itself is now a smear. Both his party’s main challenger, the centrist Blue and White alliance, and the Labor Party have run away from the label. And both not only lacked the courage to stand up to Netanyahu’s maligning of Israeli Arabs as enemies of the state, but also refused even to consider forming a parliamentary alliance with Arab parties. On the Arab question, liberal Zionists have acceded to Netanyahu’s project of making Israel into a one-race, one-party state.

All told, the election amounts to a monumental indictment of Israel’s democracy. In a campaign dominated by personal smears and disinformation, not one substantive issue was debated seriously. It was as if the consequences of Netanyahu’s cruel neoliberal policies – a weakened welfare state and squeezed middle classes – did not matter at all. Nor was there any discussion of the unproductive Orthodox community’s dependence on state subsidies, which have grown substantially under Netanyahu.

And then there is the elephant in the room: the Palestinian question. Fearing the loss of conservative votes, the left and center parties did not make a single convincing statement – let alone offer a policy program – to address the greatest existential and moral challenge facing the country. Yes, candidates on the left paid lip service to the problem, and Benny Gantz, the colorless leader of Blue and White, muttered something about the need for a “diplomatic move” with respect to the occupied territories, but that was it.

Meanwhile, Gantz and those on the left said almost nothing when Netanyahu boasted that he could get US President Donald Trump to greenlight a partial Israeli annexation of the West Bank. And they were equally nonresponsive when Netanyahu took credit for the Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

In fact, US-Israeli relations were another key issue that went almost unmentioned in the election campaign. Never mind that Netanyahu’s alliance with Trump and American evangelicals has cost Israel the support of a growing portion of the US Democratic Party establishment, or that his blank check to the Israeli Orthodox community has alienated America’s predominantly liberal Jewish community. After Beto O’Rourke, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, warned that Netanyahu is a “racist” who is damaging America’s special alliance with Israel, Israelis responded by extending that racist’s grip on power.

Throughout the campaign, Netanyahu touted his foreign-policy record. In addition to cozying up to illiberal Eastern European governments and Brazil’s new right-wing president, Jair Bolsonaro, he claims to have bolstered Israel’s economic clout in Asia, made diplomatic breakthroughs in Africa, and forged covert partnerships with neighboring Arab countries, not least Saudi Arabia.

And here, too, Netanyahu’s opponents dropped the ball. They could have pointed out that his goal in brokering new partnerships is to head off international opposition to his planned annexation of Palestinian territory. Instead of using Israel’s diplomatic relationships to work toward an acceptable solution to its primary existential challenge, he has exploited them for his own chauvinist agenda.

Sadly, the election leaves no doubt about what awaits Israel in the coming years. A cabal of Netanyahu cronies and family members, racist messianic settlers, and Orthodox parties with opportunistic designs on the state budget will drag Israel toward a new single-state reality that will resemble apartheid South Africa.

If there is any consolation, it is that the Israeli left and center – from Meretz and Labor to the Arab parties and Blue and White – still collectively represents almost half of the electorate. A bold leader who is willing to fight for Israel’s soul could prevail, but only by unapologetically allying with Israeli Arabs. That is not just the best electoral strategy. It is also the right thing to do.


Banuj ga.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 09:18 13.04.2019

Re: shlomo ben ami

šlomo ben ami, za razliku od tebe, uočava razlike između kolektivnog i pojedinačnog i ne natura kolektivnu krivicu. a da, i nije indoktriniran YU-marksizmom u formativnim godinama svesti, tako da mu je obrazovanje sveobuhvatnije. a, ni nema istoriju vređanja mene mi me. neću ga banovati.
freehand freehand 13:58 13.04.2019

Re: shlomo ben ami

uočava razlike između kolektivnog i pojedinačnog

Kad sam i gde ja pominjao kolektivno?
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 14:55 14.04.2019

Re: shlomo ben ami

"Nazi Israel" itd. Ne mogu da se setim sada svake pojedinačne malicioznosti, a i ne pamtim ljudsku zlobu - jednostavno, previše ljudi prođe kroz mene u godini da bih pamtio sada svaku pojedinačnu zlobnost. Idi u Izrael i pričaj s bilo kime s Levice tako kako ovde pričaš, baš me zanima šta će ti reći. Ruku na srce, drugoizraelijanci će se sigurno tući šakom u grudi i kajati se, al' to su samo oni.
Zanima me šta bi ti mejnstrim levica rekla.



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