Ženska baklja muškog roda - MDG3 B92 VIP

"Ništa ne može sprečiti ideju čije je vreme došlo"
The Danish Embassy it together with Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence involved in a Danish Global Initiative to put focus on Gender Empowerment and involvement women in society as a resource.

The Initiative “MDG3 Global Call to Action” puts focus on women in society. The aim is to create a Global Coalition of governments, civil society and the private sector that will push for the economic empowerment of women.

In 2000, world leaders agreed on eight ambitious – and necessary – development goals to be reached by 2015 (The Millennium Development Goals – MDG). Goal number 3 is about promoting gender equality and to empower women.

The torch bearer must commit to seek the implementation of a concrete new initiative to help gender empowerment. The torch bearer may also identify others, who can carry the torch on and add to the momentum for the fulfillment of this goal.

We have identified persons from media, government/administration, civil society and companies that we would like to invite to take part in this initiative. I would highly appreciate if you would be interested in receiving the torch for Serbia from us and help us bring the campaign to Serbia.

Kraljevina Danska je odlučila da pokrene ovu incijativu dodeljivanja baklje za napore učinjene na ispunjavanju trećeg milenijumskog razvojnog cilja (promovisanje rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje zena) u većem broju zemalja Afrike, Azije i Evrope. Inicijativa je započela u martu ove godine i sada je stigla do nas.

Ženska baklja muškog roda - MDG3

Ženska baklja muškog roda - MDG3
Datum rоđenja:  - Pol:  - Član od:  14.06.2008 VIP izbora:  3 RSS RSS Feed VAŽNO OBAVEŠTENJE