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Banka hrane

Srbija 2020

Caveat Lector

 I will begin this, my first attempt at blogging, with an apology to the More Experienced and the High Sophisticates of this e-Art. I have to apologize because my first blog is entirely preoccupied with the medium and not the message.

It has taken me an unusually long time to get used to this idea – the idea of jotting down random thoughts and ideas and immediately sharing them with EVERYONE without the obstreperous filters of publishers, editors, advisors, and critics. Normally, a writer should jump with glee at the opportunity to publish unfettered by Voices of Reason or censors.

But one of the role of all of these filtering agents is to make sure that what you are saying A) makes sense and B) is worth other peoples’ time in the reading. As it is, a blogger is his own judge and jury, his own editor and counsel. The implication of this is clear. What you are about to read (or rather what you have already embarked upon reading) is NOT guaranteed against being an utter waste of your time, insult to your intelligence, or criminally offensive.

Another aspect of blogging is the ability of the writer to hide his true identity and to write whatever he wants without the threat of being found out. I could rail against my fellow man, the government, the makers of inferior mayonnaise, and all of my assorted demons (about which we will be hearing in future blogs) without fear of exposure.

For this purpose I have cunningly assumed a false identity under MY REAL NAME. In fact, you Readers cannot know FOR CERTAIN if it really me writing or if it is someone using the same name as mine in order to either defame and vilify “Chris Farmer” or to vehicle their thoughts through him/me/whoever.

Wheels within wheels…

Therefore I apologize to all of you who come to this site to read clever insights and biting witticisms on issues of the day. As you come to read these blog entries which will inevitably follow, you will soon learn that my insights are somewhat myopic and my witticisms are designed to amuse my children (and not always successfully). But this is exactly what you signed up for in becoming a Reader of Blogs. You have committed yourself to read the unfiltered nonsense that issues out of someone’s head.

So don’t shoot the messenger even if he wrote the message.