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Srbija 2020

Jerusalem's history, Belgrade's pollution, BBC's Gaelic Radio and Hope: all in The Kingdom Of Blog

Why dive into an already overpopulated ocean of words I sit here asking myself? Do I have anything to add? Wouldn't silence be a more generous contribution? And who actually lives in this Kingdom of Blog: Anonymity masked often with cute pseudonyms camouflaging human beings I will probably never meet? Is Bloggism a symptom of our atomised lives where we know ever more people and ever less all at the same time?

One reason i try navigating this keyboard (typing is not my first love) is that i was asked to. Well i always felt deep empathy and envy for Alice when Wonderland offered her things to eat and things to drink and Mad Hatter Tea Parties to participate in and wells to fall down into.

I try to visualise your expression as your eyes scan these words whilst making trillions of conscious and less conscious nano-judgements about the nature of the mind, soul, heart and protoplasm that guides my fingertips towards qwerty. Emanating from the porridge bowl of anonymity the first face I see is that of Baka Bisa in Zajecar, then Telga in Hadzici, Tetka Ljubica in Bratoselce, Ekrem in Sarajevo and Dijana in Banja Luka followed by an endless train of the amazing people who have greeted me and shared so much of themselves since I first stepped into this parallel universe half my lifetime ago. Perhaps I write to them even though the Kingdom of Blog is a little far from some of their worlds.

While I work I always listen to something, usually from the treasure-trove of BBC online music programmes. This morning when I awoke and saw another colourless day of polluted Belgrade cloud where even grey would feel like an exotic guest I found escape in the shape of Radio nan Gaidheal on the BBC Radio player and have been listening all day to various programmes such as Aithris an Fheasgair and now Failte air an Duthaich which just played Danny Boy and Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy.You can launch the BBC Radio Player via

Listening to Gaelic is a wonderful way to deal with information overload (for those of us whose Gaelic is not quite there yet) and I find it extremely therapeutic as it makes me feel less anxious about my still far from perfect "Nasa Jezik"-Serbian which we really need to find a new term for. At least with the language-with-no-satisfactory-name I can understand something sometimes. With Gaellic nothing at any time! You might like it! It's really quite refreshing.

My first offering to you is something i sent out to a few friends and family members around the globe a month ago before trips to Banka Luka and Jerusalem. One ripple that emanated from this pebble thrown into the ocean is my receiving an invitation to party in B92's so-called Very Important Place. The kind invitation also included a translation of 'the pebble'. I am optimistic that any ripples will bring light, colour and hope which we homo sapiens have always been so skilled in creating and destroying in equal measure. the Church of the Holy the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

dearest friends

my daughter's 1st birthday on the 4th November in 1995 was darkened by the phone-call which brought the news of Yitzhak Rabin's cruel murder. the 4th of november will thus always mark the happiest day of my life and yet also the saddest. the date of a dream fulfilled and also of a dream crushed.

david grossman's warning we have heard before and ignore at out peril. you may wish to print it out and read it thoughtfully with a comforting mug of hot cocoa or a dram of warming single malt.

i feel a personal obligation to help rebroadcast david grossman's message to where it may not yet have reached. it could be the rallying cry for a generation or another derided and drowned-out plea from a prophet that people only chose to heed once it was too late.

for those of you for whom the name David Grossman is new please discover one of Israel's most innovative, humane and courageous writers (Sleeping on the Wire, Someone to Run With) who loves and feels the pulse of life and Israel with equal passion and sensitivity.

for those of you who believe his message to be somewhat alarmist, i believe such hope is a luxury we (earthling planetarians, lovers of Israel included) can ill afford. i'd love to hear your thoughts or ideas for action in response.

with love and a profound belief that peace is within our grasp if we are prepared to not only pray for it



belgrade, nov 6th 2006

Way to GoWay to Go

















here is David Grossman's speech in English

and my thanks to Vlada Brasanac for a Serbian version of my email and arranging the translation of Grossman's speech both of which are below:

Najdraži prijatelji,

Prvi rođendan moje kćerke 4. novembra 1995. je zasenio telefonski

poziv koji mi je doneo vest o brutalnoj smrti Jicaka Rabina. Stoga će

4. novembar za mene uvek biti najsrećniji dan u mom životu, ali i

najtužniji. Dan kad su mi se svi snovi ispunili, ali i dan kad su mi se svi sni urušili.

Upozorenje Dejvida Grosmana smo čuli i ranije, ali smo ga ignorisali na

sopstveni rizik. Možda biste želeli da ga odštampate i pročitate

pažljivo uz smirujuću šolju toplog kakaa ili zagrevajuću čašicu čiste žestine.

Osećam ličnu obavezu da pomognem u prenošenju poruke Dejvida Grosmana

do onih mesta gde ona još nije doprla. To bi mogao biti poziv na akciju

za čitavu generaciju ili još jedno s prezirom dočekano i u vihoru

vremena izgubljeno preklinjanje jednog proroka čiji glas ljudi biraju

da čuju tek kad je već isuviše kasno.

Za one među vama kojima je ime Dejvida Grosmana novo, molim vas

otkrijte jednog od najinovativnijih, humanih i hrabrih pisaca (Spavanje

na žici, Neko s kim bi potrčao...) koji se predaje bilu života i oseća

puls Izraela unoseći u to u jednakoj meri i strast i senzibilnost.

Za sve one koji veruju da je njegova poruka unekoliko alarmantna - ja

verujem da je takva nada luksuz koju mi (zemaljska stvorenja koja

naseljavaju ovu planetu, uključujući ljubitelje Izraela) teško sebi

možemo da priuštimo. Voleo bih da čujem vaše misli ili ideje za akciju

kao odgovor na ovu poruku.

Uz puno ljubavi i duboku veru da nam je mir na dohvat ruke ako smo

spremni za nešto više od puke molitve za mir.


Beograd, 6. novembar 2006

Govor Dejvida Grosmana na komemoraciji Jicaka Rabina u Tel Avivu u subotu uveče. (Dan Kejnan)

15.35, 06.11.2006.

Govor Dejvida Grosmana na komemoraciji Jicaka Rabina

Godišnja komemoracija za Jicaka Rabina predstavlja trenutak kada moramo zastati i prisetiti se Rabina, kao čoveka i kao lidera. U istom trenutku, moramo sagledati i sami sebe, izraelsko društvo, njegovo vođstvo, raspoloženje nacije, stanje u kome se nalazi mirovni proces i nas same kao pojedince suočene sa istorijskim događajima.

Ove godine, nije lako suočiti se sa nama samima. Došlo je do rata i Izrael je iskoristio svoju moćnu armiju, otkrivši istovremeno svoje slabosti. Došli smo do saznanja da naša vojna moć ne može biti jedini garant našeg opstanka. Pre svega, otkrili smo da je kriza u kojoj se Izrael nalazi daleko veća nego što smo mislili, i to na više načina.

Večeras vam se na ovom mestu obraćam kao čovek čija je ljubav prema ovoj zemlji golema i kompleksna, ali i nesumnjiva, i kao čovek čije je obećanje dato zemlji pretvorilo njegovu ličnu nesreću u krvno zaveštanje.

Iako sam u potpunosti sekularan, u mojim očima stvaranje i samo postojanje države Izrael predstavlja čudo koje nam se, kao naciji, dogodilo – političko, nacionalno, ljudsko čudo.

Ni u jednom trenutku to ne zaboravljam. Čak i kada me razbesne i rastuže mnoge stvari koje čine stvarnost našeg života, čak i kada se čudo svede na rutinu i nesreću, korupciju i cinizam, čak i kada stvarnost podseća na lošu parodiju ovog čuda, ja nikada to ne zaboravljam. I sa ovim osećanjima vam se sada obraćam.

„Pogledajte zemlju, prokockali smo je”, napisao je pesnik Saul Černikovski u Tel Avivu 1938. On je oplakivao sahranjivanje naše mladosti u zemlji Izraela. Smrt mladih ljudi predstavlja užasan, nesnosan gubitak.

Ali ništa manje užasno nije osećanje da je, tokom mnogih godina, država Izrael prokockala, ne samo živote svojih sinova, već i to samo čudo; tu izuzetnu i retku priliku koju joj je istorija pružila, priliku za stvaranje, na ovom mestu, države koja je efikasna, demokratska, koja poštuje jevrejske i univerzalne vrednosti; države koja će biti nacionalni dom i utočište, ali ne samo utočište, već i mesto koje će ponuditi novo značenje jevrejskom postojanju; države koja, kao integralni i suštinski deo svog jevrejskog identiteta i jevrejskog etosa, podrazumeva potpunu jednakost i poštovanje svojih nejevrejskih građana.

Pogledajte šta se s nama dogodilo. Pogledajte šta je zadesilo mladu, smelu, strastvenu zemlju koju smo imali, i kako je iz svog detinjstva i mladosti, kao da je postao žrtva ubrzanog procesa starenja, Izrael ušao u permanentno stanje nelagode, slabosti i ogorčenja.

Kako se to dogodilo? U kom trenutku smo izgubili čak i samu nadu da ćemo naposletku moći da živimo drugačiji, bolji život? Štaviše, kako možemo nastaviti da posmatramo stvari sa distance, kao da smo hipnotisani ludilom, grubošću, nasiljem i rasizmom koji su ispunili naš dom?

Pitam vas: kako je moguće da se narod poput našeg, koji poseduje izvanrednu kreativnost, moć regeneracije i energiju, narod koji je toliko puta ustao iz pepela, danas našao, uprkos svojoj ogromnoj vojnoj moći, u ovakvom stanju slabosti i besmisla, stanju u kojem je ponovo žrtva, ali ovoga puta sopstvena, žrtva svojih zebnji, svoje kratkovidosti.

Jedan od najtežih ishoda ovog rata predstavlja sve izvesnije saznanje da u ovom trenutku nema kralja u Izraelu, da su naši lideri izgubljeni. Naše vojno i političko vođstvo je prazno. Čak ne govorim o očiglednim greškama u vođenju rata, o kolapsu domaće podrške, niti o velikoj i maloj korupciji.

Govorim o činjenici da ljudi koji danas vode Izrael nisu sposobni da povežu Izraelce sa njihovim identitetom, a ponajmanje sa zdravim, vitalnim i produktivnim delovima ovog identiteta, sa onim oblastima identiteta, pamćenja i fundamentalnih vrednosti koje bi nam dale nadu i snagu, koje bi onemogućile opadanje međusobnog poverenja i veza sa zemljom, koje bi dale značenje iscrpljujućoj i očajavajućoj borbi za opstanak.

Osnovne karakteristike sadašnjeg izraelskog rukovodstva prevashodno su nemir i zastrašivanje, parada moći, prljave pogodbe, prodaja naše najvrednije imovine. Zbog svega ovoga oni nisu pravi lideri, a sasvim sigurno nisu pravi lideri naroda koji se našao u tako teškoj poziciji da je izgubio usmerenje koje mu je tako očajnički potrebno. Ponekad se čini da mehur njihove nadmenosti, njihovog tumačenja istorije, njihove vizije, onoga do čega im je zaista stalo, postoji samo u malom prostoru između dva naslova u novinama ili između dve istrage javnog tužioca.

Pogledajte one koji nas vode. Ne sve njih, naravno, ali mnoge od njih. Osmotrite njihove zastrašene, sumnjičave, nervozne postupke. Ponašanje demagoga i propalica. Nerazumno je od njih očekivati reči mudrosti, viziju, pa niti samo jednu jedinu originalnu, istinski kreativnu i ingenioznu ideju.

Kada je poslednji put premijer formulisao ili preduzeo korak koji je mogao otvoriti novi horizont za Izraelce, za njihovu bolju budućnost? Da li je ikada inicirao društveni, kulturni ili ideološki potez, umesto jednostavnog i grozničavog reagovanja na poteze koje su mu drugi nametali?

Gospodine premijeru, ne govorim ove reči zbog osećanja besa ili želje za osvetom. Dovoljno dugo sam čekao kako bih izbegao impulsivnu reakciju. Nećete moći da odbacite moje večerašnje reči tvrdeći da čovek koji tuguje ne može da rasuđuje. Ja sasvim sigurno tugujem, ali više osećam bol nego bes. Osećam bol zbog onoga što vi i vaši prijatelji činite ovoj zemlji.

Verujte mi, vaš uspeh je važan za mene, jer budućnost svih nas zavisi od vaše sposobnosti da delujete. Jicak Rabin je krenuo putem pomirenja sa Palestincima, ali ne zato što je bio u velikoj meri naklonjen njima ili njihovim liderima. Čak i tada, ako se sećate, preovlađivalo je uverenje da nemamo pravog partnera za razgovor i da nemamo šta sa njima da razgovaramo.

Rabin je odlučio da deluje zato što je, veoma mudro, shvatio da izraelsko društvo neće biti u stanju da se večito održava u stanju nerešenog sukoba. On je, pre mnogih drugih, shvatio da život u atmosferi nasilja, okupacije, terorizma, zabrinutosti i beznađa, zahteva cenu koju Izrael nije u stanju priušti. Sve ovo je aktuelno i danas, čak i više. Ubrzo ćemo govoriti o partneru koga imamo ili nemamo, ali pre toga, hajde da bacimo pogled na sebe same.

Bili smo deo ove borbe više od stotinu godina. Mi, građani umešani u ovaj sukob, rođeni smo i rasli u doba rata i na određeni način smo njime indoktrinirani. Možda zato ponekad pomišljamo da ovo ludilo u kome živimo već više od jednog veka predstavlja jedini mogući put, jedini način života, i da nemamo mogućnosti, pa čak ni prava da težimo drugačijem životu.

Od mača živimo i od mača umiremo i mač će zauvek vladati. Možda to može objasniti ravnodušnost sa kojom prihvatamo potpuni neuspeh mirovnog procesa, neuspeh koji traje godinama i uzima sve više žrtava.

Možda to može objasniti i odsustvo naše reakcije na težak udarac demokratiji koji predstavlja imenovanje Avigdora Libermana za zamenika premijera uz podršku Laburističke stranke – imenovanje serijskog piromana za direktora vatrogasne službe.

Ovo su, delom, razlozi za sve brži ulazak Izraela u stanje u kojem su siromašni i nemoćni podvrgnuti bezdušnom, praktično brutalnom tretmanu. Ravnodušnost prema sudbini gladnih, starih, bolesnih i nemoćnih, svih koji su slabi, ova potpuna smirenost države Izrael u pogledu trgovine ljudima ili sramotnih radnih uslova u kojima rade naši inostrani radnici, uslova koji nalikuju robovlasništvu, ravnodušnost prema duboko usađenom institucionalizovanom rasizmu usmerenom protiv arapske zajednice.

Kada ovakva zbivanja postanu prirodna, ne izazivajući šok niti proteste, kao da su sama po sebi razumljiva, kao da nikada nećemo imati priliku da se vratimo na pravi put, kad se ovakve stvari dogode, počinjem da se plašim da, čak i kada bi mir nastupio sutra, i čak i kada bi nastupilo stanje koje se na određeni način može nazvati normalnim, da smo već izgubili mogućnost za potpuni oporavak.

Nevolje koje su zadesile moju porodicu i mene, sa pogibijom našeg sina, Urija, ne daju mi nikakva dodatna prava u javnoj reči, ali verujem da iskustvo suočavanja sa smrću i gubitkom donosi sa sobom trezvenost i lucidnost, bar kada se radi o distinkciji između važnog i nevažnog, između ostvarljivog i neostvarljivog.

Svaka razumna osoba u Izraelu, a reći ću i u Palestini, dobro zna kako izgleda okvirno rešenje za sukob između dva naroda. Svaka razumna osoba ovde i tamo zna, duboko u svom srcu, kakva je razlika između snova i želja, između mogućeg i nemogućeg nakon pregovora. Svi koji to ne znaju, koji to odbijaju da priznaju, već sada nam ne mogu biti partneri, bilo da su Jevreji ili Arapi, oni se nalaze u zamci svog hermetičnog fanatizma i zato nam ne mogu biti partneri.

Hajde da bacimo pogled na one koji mogu biti naši partneri. Palestinci su izabrali Hamas da ih predvodi, Hamas koji odbija da pregovara sa nama, odbija čak i da nas prizna. Šta se može učiniti u takvoj situaciji? I dalje vršiti sve veći pritisak, ubijati stotine Palestinaca u Gazi, od kojih su većina nevini civili poput nas? Ubijati ih i biti ubijan zauvek?

Okrenite se Palestincima, g. Olmert, zaobiđite Hamas i obratite im se, apelujte na njihove umerene političare, one koji se kao vi i ja suprotstavljaju Hamasu i njegovim metodama, okrenite se Palestincima, obratite se njihovoj dubokoj tuzi i ranama, priznajte njihovu neprestanu patnju.

Time nikako ne biste ugrozili svoj položaj niti položaj Izraela u budućim pregovorima. Naša srca bi se malo otvorila prema drugima, i to bi imalo ogroman uticaj, moć više sile. Moć prostog ljudskog saosećanja, naročito u ovom ćorsokaku i ovoj strepnji. Bar jednom ih pogledajte, ali ne preko nišana, ne sa druge strane blokade na putu. Videćete ljude čija patnja nije ništa manja od naše. Videćete ugnjetavani, okupirani narod lišen nade.

Sasvim sigurno, Palestinci snose deo odgovornosti za dolazak na mrtvu tačku, sigurno je da su i oni imali ulogu u neuspehu mirovnog procesa. Ali pogledajmo ih iz druge perspektive, ne gledajmo samo ekstremiste u njihovim redovima, ne samo one koji imaju zajedničke interese sa našim ekstremistima. Okrenimo se ogromnoj većini ovog nesrećnog naroda, čija je sudbina isprepletena sa našom sopstvenom, bez obzira da li nam se to sviđa ili ne.

Okrenite se Palestincima, g. Olmert, nemojte neprestano tražiti razloge da ne razgovarate sa njima. Odstupili ste u pogledu jednostranog povlačenja, i to je dobro, ali nemojte ostaviti vakuum. Njega će smesta popuniti nasilje i razaranje. Razgovarajte sa njima, načinite ponudu koju njihovi umereni političari mogu prihvatiti. Oni se između sebe prepiru mnogo više nego što mi to vidimo u medijima. Ponudite im ono što će im omogućiti da biraju između vaše ponude i ostajanja u zagrljaju fanatičnog Islama.

Pristupite im sa najhrabrijim i najozbiljnijim planom koji Izrael može da ponudi. Priđite im noseći ponudu za koju svaki razumni Palestinac i Izraelac znaju da predstavlja granicu njihovog odbijanja i našeg kompromisa. Nema više vremena. Ako budete oklevali, ubrzo ćemo sa nostalgijom gledati na doba amaterskog palestinskog terorizma. Udarićemo u zid i zažaliti zbog naše nesposobnosti da upotrebimo sve svoje mentalne moći, svu ingenioznost Izraela, da izbavimo naše neprijatelje iz zamke u koju su sami upali. Mi nemamo izbora, a nemaju ga ni oni. Moramo se suočiti sa mirom bez izbora sa istom odlučnošću i kreativnošću kao što bismo se suočili sa ratom bez izbora. Oni koji veruju da imamo izbora, ili da je vreme na našoj strani, ne shvataju istinsku opasnost procesa koji je već započeo.

Možda vas treba podsetiti, g. premijeru, da ako arapski lider šalje mirovni signal, makar on bio najneznatniji i najkolebljiviji, vi ga morate prihvatiti, morate smesta proveriti njegovu iskrenost i ozbiljnost. Vi nemate moralno pravo da se na to oglušite.

Vi ste dužni onima od kojih ćete zahtevati da žrtvuju svoje živote ako izbije novi rat. Stoga, ako predsednik Asad izjavi da Sirija želi mir, čak i ako mu ne verujete, čak i ako svi mi sumnjamo u njega, vi istoga dana morate ponuditi da se sastanete s njim.

Nemojte čekati ni dana. Kada ste pokrenuli poslednji rat, niste čekali čak ni jedan sat. Krenuli ste punom snagom, s kompletnim arsenalom, s najvećom silom razaranja. Zašto ga, kada se pojavi nagoveštaj mira, morate smesta odbiti? Šta možete izgubiti? Da li ste sumnjičavi? Ponudite mu uslove koji će razotkriti njegove namere. Ponudite mu mirovni proces koji će trajati nekoliko godina, i na čijem će kraju, ali ne ranije, i samo u slučaju da ispuni sve uslove i ograničenja, dobiti nazad Golansku visoravan. Uključite ga u dugotrajan proces, postupajte tako da njegov narod postane svestan ove mogućnosti. Pomozite umerenima, kojih sigurno ima i tamo. Pokušajte da oblikujete realnost. Nemojte biti samo njen saradnik. To je vaša dužnost.

Sasvim sigurno, ne zavisi sve od naših postupaka. U našem regionu i u svetu deluju moćne sile. Neke od njih, poput Irana, poput radikalnog Islama, teže našem uništenju i zato toliko toga zavisi od onoga što ćemo uraditi, od onoga što ćemo postati.

Današnja neslaganja između desnice i levice nisu značajna. Velika većina građana Izraela danas je svesna toga, i zna kako izgleda okvir za rešenje sukoba. Većina nas je stoga svesna da će zemlja biti podeljena i da će biti stvorena palestinska država.

Zašto, u tom slučaju, iscrpljujemo sebe internim kavgama koje traju već 40 godina? Zašto naše političko rukovodstvo i dalje zastupa stavove ekstremista, a ne one koje zastupa većina javnog mnenja? Potrebno je ostvariti nacionalni konsenzus pre nego što nas okolnosti ili, ne daj Bože, novi rat prinude na to. Ako to učinimo, izbavićemo se od godina propadanja i grešaka, godina tokom kojih ćemo iznova uzvikivati: „Pogledajte zemlju, prokockali smo je”.

Sa mesta na kome sada stojim, tražim, pozivam sve koji me slušaju, mlade koji su se vratili iz rata, koji znaju da će oni sami biti pozvani da plate cenu sledećeg rata, pozivam sve građane, Jevreje i Arape, ljude sa levice i sa desnice, sekularne, religiozne, da zastanu za trenutak i bace pogled u ambis. Razmislimo o tome koliko smo blizu da izgubimo sve ono što smo ovde stvorili. Zapitajmo se da li je ovo pravi trenutak da preuzmemo kontrolu, da se oslobodimo ove paralize i da najzad stvorimo život kakvim zaslužujemo da živimo.

(Preveo na engleski jezik Or Šarf)


Davide Solomone,
Davidovichu Solomonovichu!


am being most delighted to be hearing from you

davidovic solomonovic

hell is round a corner where i shelter...

first of all,
ћао Давиде Соломоновичу, and not just any 'ћао', but 'ћао' from jerusalem...

thanks for your thoughts - they are especially valuable for me, given the understanding that i m not just any jerusalemite, but i m A belgradian one...

Grossman, hyeh... you must admit that sometimes it is astonishingly difficult to understand the ways of our beautiful&wonderful adonai eloichenu: to take a young son from the one of most profoundly peace-loving israeli households (i.e. that of Grossmans), and to let him die one day, just one single day prior to the U.N. interference and the Israeli withdrawal. strange...

we, the israeli citizens, continue to live as we know: without a kingdom, without a king,
we live without him, we live within...

... while awaiting for the next thing Mr Olmert&His Tycoons' kitchen has prepared for us on a menu: will it be Syria? will it be, will it be, will it be...

... while we live without, we live within.

ћао, тебра, чувај се у београду... да те не изнабадају неки шабани.


i love learning curves..

and the decoding of cyrillic is one i am currently enjoying with particular relish..but my daughter just taught me three new decoded words for which i thank you and her.

regarding the menu chez olmert i doubt he has a clue as to what to serve and is as adept at envisioning the future in the land of milk and honey as rumsfield was by the waters of babylon

the sadness is that the smallness of the politicians blinds them to the vastness of the opportunities available in the game called creating new possibilities and new realities. their smallness is so small that they see only self-interest and the survival of their political office

that's where david grossman and many like him differ
shabbat shalom


Why dive into an already overpopulated ocean of words I sit here asking myself?

Because we all need your opinion/thoughts, also! Welcome friend!

Glad you are on board! You

Glad you are on board!

You raise a number of interesting points both in your introduction (sign of the times) and main body. I await the next installment.

Gde si Dejvide, kuco stara

dobro nam dosao.


many thank yous for your welcomes; groucho marx would now exit!

i like this quality of warmth generated by the connections with new friends and reconnections with the old. and i imagine we are not adding a lot to global warming either. or are we?

now listening to
Живописцы Булат Окуджава Чаепитие На Арбате

friends round for a shabbat meal...
about to venture out for the first time since returning from Jerusalem to an israeli film at the autorski film festival...
belgrade at night is much friendlier at the moment as the sky has disappeared

a weekend of laughter and kuvano vino with karafilcic to you all..


shabbat meal?

Kosher? Did you get a Christian to cook or you cheated?

Kiss your girls for me and my flock.

actually a la carte a la lapsed communist

the rules we make up as we go along

film superb;

belgrade buzzing

many kisses to our portuguese family

layla tov - laku noc


De Jan,
if you see us cooking tasty meals on Saturdays,
or using a computer,
or quoting Groucho
- it almost certainly means that we're the communists

Thank you very much for passing on that speech...

...It is superb.

I can also tell you that I am very pleased to see this new blog of yours.

Please forgive my ignornace (it seems many commentos know you) but who are you? Your bio is not up on the site at time of writing.

Kind regards

Jonathan Davis

Dear Gospodin Davis

here's where the novelty of blogology becomes interesting and we must find a point where we feel comfortable between anonymity and forsaking it

you ask who i am am on the very evening i must sit down and do the thing i detest more than....correction...the thing i destest most of all: write a cv.

perhaps trying to answer your question will help me approach the cv writing task with a soft smile rather than a loathsome scowl. but i doubt it. i'm probably just trying to avoid answering your question and writing the most ridiculous form of self- advertising ever devised

i did submit my bio a month ago when the powers at beninetytwo told me that my time had come to be a bloger and a beninetytwoblogger at that. so let me go find it in the recesses of my imac and i'll post it for you.

here goes:

From a Burmese-Russian-Persian-Babylonian Jewish family lived in London, spent huge amounts of time in the middle east and delighted to have escaped London for the joys and challenges of Belgrade.

Previous life: humanitarian diplomacy, failing miserably to save the world from itself especially from the human condition, and especially the Israelis and Palestinians from themselves and each other.

Current incarnation: moved to Belgrade in 2004, obsessed with documentary cinema a la francaise, director of two documentary films in the mad, bad and wonderful lands of Balkania, also producing documentaries for Japanese NHKTV and currently National Geographic and very much looking forward to my own third film's emergence perhaps in Israel & nascent Palestine sometime in 07.

A lot of travel for a variety of reasons and a lot of love for this place and the people who find themselves here. The clean air and hills of Fruska Gora beckon and I see myself spending increasing amounts of quality time escaping across the river.

BIO ends


Last night for no conscious reason reconnected with friends from primary/elementary school for the first time in decades so see myself in a time-tunnel looking far to the future and far to the past while relishing the moment. Very emotional and mind-boggling consequences.

But introspective questions about how we lose contact with loved ones with whom we share years of our lives are preoccupting my mind all day as I bake orange and almond cakes with pavlaka and pomegranates (recipe available on request) and reinvent the baked potato stuffed with the entirety of kalinic piazza.

I just realised why I made the leap into Friends Reunited after having had no real interest for the past decade of it's existence to swim in those waters of the past: This blog! Why am i creating new constellations yet allowing the old to die. So last night saw the resurrection of contacts after a brief pause of 365 MONTHS! And it's been great at a variety of levels!

now i drag myself back to that CV as i ponder that if i were a dancer i'd just go dance rather than format my life in such a linear shallow format. Actually Jonathan, I've just had a great idea: do you fancy writing it for me?!;-)


PS. I'm happy you liked Grossman's speech


Dear Davy,
how, under blue heavens, did we get all the way up to Burma? Do you, by a mere chance, belong to the legendary Lost Tribes? :)

From a Burmese-Russian-Persian-Babylonian Jewish family lived in London, spent huge amounts of time in the middle east and delighted to have escaped London for the joys and challenges of Belgrade.

Previous life: humanitarian diplomacy, failing miserably to save the world from itself especially from the human condition, and especially the Israelis and Palestinians from themselves and each other.

Current incarnation: moved to Belgrade in 2004, obsessed with documentary cinema a la francaise, director of two documentary films in the mad, bad and wonderful lands of Balkania, also producing documentaries for Japanese NHKTV and currently National Geographic and very much looking forward to my own third film's emergence perhaps in Israel & nascent Palestine sometime in 07.

one tip about isra next year:

- everybody's whisperin about the 2nd round, sometime next summer; if you plan to film anything and moveabout freely then try to be prior to the summer, if not, then i wouldn't recommend IsraFal as a brightest place to spend the summer 2007.

The Mandalay Mango

That was what my father grew up with in Mandalay and the udders of kid goats in Rangoon to soothe his teething gums. My grandfather, also David Solomon, (1902-1996) z''l came from Basra at the age of two as the Ottomans were scaping the barrel and recruiting from populations that hitherto their army had chosen to ignore. Grandma Rachael born in Burma, her parents from the Isfahan Namourdie clan.

About 2nd round, just to let you know how naive an optimist I remain, my initial reaction was 2nd round of the 2nd Camp David fiasco. Thanks for the deadline! I need to push this one so I don't have too long to think about it!


maybe you feel at ease in serbia because it is almost like persia! :)

alf milijon shukr


so many thanks for taking me to my ancestral past.

the story of how the namourdie clan (later nimrodi) got their name [which translates as "not dead"] is one that inspires my film-making thirst.

so i'll take the cacak bus that leaves mataruska banja for mandalay via isfahan

keep them coming!

(ps. technical point: the wizards at ground control here have advised me that i cannot upload images to this globblog from an innocent mac! they cannot be serious! zar ne?. so far i've had to email them images. da li to verujes?)

(ps. technical-ethical point: deleting beyond-the-pale entries: what's the blobettiquette? i did it without hesitation or regret this morning but interested to know how you blog-veterans view such conduct)



Averroes (Birth: 1126, Cordoba, Al-Andalus; Death: 10 December 1198, Marrakech, Morocco)

should be as meek and wise as an ancient scholar :)

I am so grateful

we were not treated with a gideon levy masterpiece. But the night is young.

pourquoi monsieur dierre?

does gidon levy make you bored? uncomfortable? annoyed? frustrated?

i believe he is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth but his fragment of it is a vital one and i strongly defend his practice, choice of focus, integrity and motivation

without him and amira hess we would be that much more blind to a reality that's going nowhere fast

dear lord

The power of this Freudian slip - if indeed it is one? - just sweeps me off my feet.

Amira HESS, you say?

My thoughts exactly, but still... it's remarkable.

Thank you.

Indeed thank you...

for introducing those of us who know not our hesses from our hasses to a prize winning poet

as to your being swept off your feet by powerful freudian slips i do hope you are now sitting comfortably again. happy reading

Amira Hess
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amira Hess (b. Baghdad, Iraq) (Hebrew:אמירה הס) is an Israeli poet and artist. Arriving in Israel in 1951, she first lived in an immigrant transit camp, then moved to Jerusalem, where she still lives today. her first book, And the Moon is Dripping Madness, was awarded the Luria Prize (named for the poet Yerucham Luria). Her other volumes of poetry in Hebrew include Two Horses by the Light Line, The Information Eater, Yovel, and There is no Real Woman in Israel. Some individual poems have been translated into English, German, Greek, Spanish and Russian. A collection of about 70 poems under the title Between Boulders of Basalt and Foundation, was translated into English by S.K. Azoulay.
Hess is not related to Amira Hass, the West Bank correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

A powerful speech indeed.

It is a pity that these wise words will change nothing, burried in a sea of advertisements, war-mongering and cynical editorials and a turn of attention to something less intellectually and emotionally demanding, such as a football game or the next episode of some reality show...

I'd sign my posts with these two anytime (not this time tho :)

"A peace of no choice should be approached with the same determination and creativity as one approaches a war of no choice."

"Try to shape reality. Not only serve as its collaborator."

on collaboration, bubbles and butterflies

true love, i would suggest the repressed conscience suffocated by a miasma of guilt becomes ever more defensive as it justifies its lack of moral spine by immersing itself in more silent silence, blinder blindness and ear-splitting deafness

silence may be golden but we never forgive ourselves for not speaking out when we know we must.

and when enough of us do conveniently see-hear-say absolutely nothing we find ourselves all inside the bubble which suits those running the show just dandy

as far as "chang[ing]e nothing" true love surely doesn't refute the phenomenon of a butterfly flapping its wings in shanghai causing a tornado in patagonia.

only one person who is touched moved and motivated by Grossman's plea and decides not to assassinate the next Rabin, Djindjic, JFK, Bobby Kennedy or Martin Luther King, or not to sit and watch it happen in a variety of ways has changed something crucial.

who knows that one person may even find it within themselves to become the next Mandela. and just imagine where we in the eastern adriatic or eastern mediterranean would be if we had a few of nelson's ilk to speak and walk his truth

"Truth is beauty; beauty, truth
That is all ye know and all ye need to know"
John Keats : 'Ode To A Grecian Urn'

I agree with you...

...but there have been so many beautiful speeches and people of valor who have invested in peace, and still there is war.

Danilo Kis was banished from Serbia when he spoke out against early indices of blossoming destructive nationalism among Serbs, Croats, Hungarians..., by the stupid and the selfish.

And Grossman's speech is a glitter of truth obfuscated by flashing internet banners and mortar explosions.

And the angry continue to wage war and use the innocent as their bunkers.

And why does the threat of superior force (UN, NATO, whatever) always have better results in stopping violence instead of words of wisdom and an outstretched hand?

no, thank you :)

when one talks about dear old gideon, and mentions dearer still amira, one no doubt means the poet, the hess variety, rather than his fellow activist, the hass kind.

my mistake, all the way.


Thank you so much for David Grossman's speech.
We can use this speech all around the planet, just change names.