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Srbija 2020

Partition of Kosovo?

Belgrade’s Kosovo status endgame is increasingly clear. Plan “A” seems to consist of trying to delay an independence decision as long as possible. There are two reasons for this. One is an outside hope that somehow Belgrade may be able to actually win a reprieve from “losing” Kosovo. The other far more important reason is that Belgrade hopes delay will cause the Albanians to take unilateral action without Security Council approval thereby permitting Belgrade to achieve its real goal: partition.

Since late January, when the Ahtisaari plan was publicly unveiled, Serbia’s government has been preparing the Serbia public for partition. While conducting a word search for the term "partition of Kosovo" (podela kosova) on a Serbian media tracking web site, I found that during the first three months of 2007 there were 54 prominent articles in the Belgrade print media, most of which appeared in February and March after Ahtisaari's plan was unveiled at the end of January. In comparison, during the whole of 2006 there were 106 such articles.

The Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SANU) chose to publish and release two books on Kosovo in early February 2007. Both were compilations of presentations given at scholarly conferences, one in May 2005, the other in March 2006. Both books contain pieces discussing partition and an exodus of enclave Serbs from Kosovo, including maps that show how partition would occur and how enclave Serbs should leave. Even with the slow publishing pace of academia, both books should have been published long ago. Was the timing coincidental?

Among Serbia’s politicians the term partition is replaced by more politically acceptable terms such as “correction” or “change” of Kosovo’s borders. Former Foreign Minister Goran Svilanović stated that the Ahtisaari proposal created a de facto partition and could be used at a later stage for a “correction” of Kosovo’s borders, in return for which Serbia would acknowledge Kosovo independence. Sanda Rašković-Ivić, head of the Serbian government’s Coordination Centre for Kosovo hinted openly at partitioning Kosovo, asking “why wouldn’t it be possible to change the borders of an independent Kosovo”?

It appears that official Belgrade has succeeded in its efforts to mould public opinion. In my conversations with Serbs of all political persuasions, it has become obvious to me that partition has become a popular option across the entire political spectrum, from the far right to the far left.

The question of how to make partition a reality that is acceptable to both the international community and to Serbia’s public is what official Belgrade has been wrestling with for some time. The modus operandi now appears to be as follows: delay, delay, delay.

Following the UN Security Council session on 3 April official Belgrade is now convinced that Russia will delay a Kosovo status decision until at least the autumn. It hopes that the Albanians will lose patience with delays and resort to either a unilateral declaration of independence or violence or both. Serbia may get its wish, as it is difficult to see Priština waiting much beyond June to declare independence. If Priština acts without UN authority Serbia will then counter by using UNSCR 1244 to claim continued sovereignty over the north and maintain its claim over the rest of Kosovo. Belgrade feels that should the Albanians resort to violence against the enclaves it would provoke a mass exodus of Serbs that would give Belgrade even greater diplomatic manoeuvring room.

Troublingly, there now appears to be a certain growing consensus among extremists on both the Serb and Albanian sides that the Serbs should leave the enclaves. The continued presence of Serbs in the enclaves is troublesome for Belgrade’s nationalists, as it gives the lie to the reasoning that coexistence is impossible, and also forces Belgrade to make concessions it might otherwise not make in order to safeguard the Serbs.

Inside Belgrade’s conservative nationalist circles (SRS, DSS, SPS, SANU) many are now speaking positively about the need for the Serbs to be ethnically cleansed, and mention it in the context of the 1690 exodus of Serbs from Kosovo under the leadership of Patriarch Arsenije III Čarnojević. Others are discussing “humanitarian population exchanges”. All want it to happen under the watchful eye of CNN, showing KFOR standing by while Albanians destroy Serbian homes and force Serbs to flee on red tractors in an updated 21st century electronic version of Paja Jovanović's famous painting of the 1690 Seoba Srba. Such an event would tie in directly with the Serbian national myth and reinforce the already prevalent idea of being a people who are persecuted because they are doing the will of God. To quote Patriarch Pavle’s Easter speech, once again Serbia would pass through its Kosovo “Golgotha”.

For many of Serbia’s nationalist politicians (including Koštunica) losing Kosovo for one hundred years is not a problem, provided Serbia gets it back. They are thinking in terms of Serbia having lost Kosovo for 500 years to the Turks and then gotten it back in 1912. There is a strong element of mythology and ideology present in his thinking and behaviour, and they are willing to accept a tactical defeat in order to gain a strategic victory. This mythological thinking is prevalent throughout much of Kostunica’s inner circle. For them a new exodus would have a deep spiritual symbolism and hearken to events that form the core of the Serbian national mythology. Ideally Koštunica would like for Serbia to "keep" Kosovo on paper, but he and others suspect they probably won't be able to maintain that forever, and so they are looking for a way to make an exit that fits into the context of the nationalist paradigm.

It seems that public opinion in Serbia now accepts partition as the only fair outcome should Belgrade lose Kosovo. Serbia’s entire political spectrum, from far left to far right seems to be in almost unanimous agreement on this matter, as are most Serbs. Little thought is given to the fate of the enclave Serbs in such a scenario. The only institution in Belgrade that appears firmly opposed to partition is the Orthodox Church, which is keenly aware that it doesn’t have a single holy site north of the Ibar River.

So, to sum it all up, the goal of Serbia’s right wing nationalist political parties (DSS, SRS, SPS) is to provoke the Albanians into a unilateral declarations of independence without a Security Council Resolution. They would then claim the north of Kosovo is still a part of Serbia under UNSCR 1244, thereby creating an open partition. Extremists hope that the Albanians would then ethnically cleanse the Serbs from the enclaves and drive them all out. Unfortunately far too many people in Belgrade’s political elite support such an option.

At present the Ahtisaari plan calls for supervised, conditional independence. Should the Albanians declare unilateral independence, then the world could face the worst of all possibilities: unconditional, unsupervised independence. Lacking a UN Security Council Resolution the EU will certainly not take over the mandate from UNMIK. And if Kosovo is independent, the question arises as to how long Pristina will tolerate the continued presence of UNMIK.

At this point the world would be faced with another frozen conflict that combines elements of both Cyprus and the West Bank. Serbia will no doubt maintain its claim to all of Kosovo, and the Kosovo Question will continue to paralyse both Serbian and Kosovo politics, preventing forward progress on European integration for perhaps a couple of decades.

Or perhaps Koštunica and Ceku will join hands, sit in a circle and sing songs of peace and love.

please, tell us something we

please, tell us something we don't know.

Well done, James!

Though, if we consider this essay as an incomplete, working paper, there are at least two more questions to be pointed out:

1) Presevo Valley
2) Tetovo-Gostivar Valley

Well now

I don't have room to cover everything in the course of one blog.

Ti, bato,

dajdžestiraš vesti za englesko govorno područje. Problem je što tvoje pisanje čitaju Srbi koji govore engleski i koji prate situaciju vrlo pažljivo. Oni koji govore engleski, koji ne prate situaciju u Srbiji i koje bi tvoji tekstovi zanimali ne dolaze na B92. Zašto onda pišeš?

Otkud znaš

možda njegovi pretpostavljeni čitaju ? :)
Dobra analiza, hajde videćemo da li će biti baš tako.
A g-din Lyon neće iz Srbije, kaže - iz inata, slatko me nasmejao :))) počeo čovek i da razmišlja ko mi koliko je dugo ovde

Ej Bato

you might be very surprised to know who reads my blog...


sampling opinion

My guess is that you are after samples of educated public opinion among english speaking Serbs as well. What better place than here.

Plus, everyone of us know-it-alls will be quick to point out all the holes in your argument on a certain topic and provide valuable feedback for adjustments.

I've noticed that you've refined the way you present your basic postulates quite a bit since starting your blog here.

Other IR officials would be smart to do the same, instead of sticking to one-way communication through specialised online and offline publications that do not offer a grain of interactivity with the target audience.

Our own politicians or their PR services would be smart to do the same. But then, they never wanted our feedback in the first place


Noooooo! My hidden agenda has been uncovered! :-)

no need to keep it hidden

i wish our politicians and civil servants had interactive columns as well :)

Some VIPs I guess?

If so, wow! Alal vera Bato!

What is more among your tasks

here, beside creating public opinion? and gathering information?
hmmm...mora da je baš zanimljiv posao

I doubt that anyone would be surprised to know that.

Why do you say so ?

Bata James,

Taj tvoj "you might be very surprised to know who reads my blog" nalikuje mi na hvalisanje. Šta će to tebi?! Ti si čovek profesionalac i verovatno ne pišeš samo za tvoje gazde, kako lepo primeti kolega, niti za američke domaćice željne geostrateškog znanja, nego pišeš za one Srbe koje i su van Srbije, koje mogu tvojim gazdama da posluže i koje treba prebaciti na vaš put. I za srpske političare kojima, valjda, tako stižu svetle misli.

E, da nam Bog dâ, pa da se sklonite svi vi ispirači mozga, da pustite Srbiju na miru i da ovaj narod počne da živi normalne, bez anglo-američkih agitpropovaca.

Ja mislim

da bi u tu Anglo-Ameriku trebalo poslati balkanske agitpropovce. Da vide da i mi konje (ooops, agitpropovce, mislim) za trku imamo. Eto.

good summary James...a few more points tho...

Someone mentioned Presevo Valley here, so the tactic you seem to be criticizing makes sense.
If the whole of Kosovo gains independence, then Presevo and who knows what is next, as it will be adjacent to a huge chunk of Albanian territory that will tend to expand more under population pressure and nation-building drive.
If Northern Kosovo is partitioned from the rest, then it becomes a part of Serbia proper adjacent to Presevo, Medvedja, Bujanovac, and creates a Serb majority in a currently Albanian-dominated portion of South Serbia.
With further migrations from Kosovo, Serbs will constitute an outright majority in South Serbia and dillute possibilities for further Albanian territorial expansion or demands for 'comprehensive autonomy' on claims of majority population status.

There is one more possibility

If you look at the maps in the new SANU books and talk to certain persons working this issue inside Serbia's government, you will see that the maps clearly call for the Serbs to leave the enclaves and resettle in the Presevo Valley, thereby diluting the Albanian presence even further, creating potential problems as the newly arrived refugees interact with the Presevo Albanians.

They are not refugees

but IDPs only. That might also create a ressetlement location problem. Being citizens of Serbia, IDPs from the enclaves have right to move or (re)settle their homes wherever they like, same as all the other citizens of Serbia. According to the Constitution of Serbia (and international humanitarian law), neither SANU nor any other local or international institution can force them to be resettled to the academically, artisticaly and scientifically designed region of Presevo Valley.
It might be suggested, instead, that the estimated SANU members resettle to Presevo.


are you trying to tell me that Serbia would be the first nation in the world to have a policy for internal migration and re-settlement? It is precisely becasue of careful settlement and demographic policies that countries such as the Netherlands, Germany (or at least west Germany), Belgium have properly decentralised states in which there is no serious imbalance between the regions and hense no inter-regional tension based on economic and political disparities.
What are you suggesting, that all the IDPs should flock to Belgrade and Novi Sad?
The only duty the state has is to invest in the region the IDPs are resettled to and provide them opportunities to work and prosper.


I am still waiting for your answer on your previous post, and would be very thankfull to get it.

Ooops. Sorry....

...for not responding.

That is a good and very troubling question. I am uncertain that I have a good answer for you. In fact, I fear that anything I say may sound trite or condescending. Whenever I am in a similar situation I keep my mouth shut and listen. I then ask myself the simple question: does it pass the bull-s#@t test. I then go on to the next level: are human beings being harmed? I then improvise. :-) Does anyone else have a way of dealing with this?

Thank you, I need all

Thank you, I need all friendly advice I can get :)

James hello again,

James hello again,

I think the partition of Kosovo is the only fair solution, because Serbs and Albanians really hate each other and can not bear each other. Absolutelly different language and culture. Both are primitive. There is no way you can make multhi-ethnic society there.

It is much better to make partition, 10-20% to Serbs plus guaranteed security for Serbian churches. It is better for them (Albanians and Serbs) to separate and be good neighbours live in peace, then to try to make impossible - multiethnic society and have long term instability.

Furthermore, that Serb area could have been populated by Serb refugees, who fled Kosovo after 99. war.

I think this is very good, practical and fair solution for both sides.

Eto kako to izgleda

lep primer, cak izuzetan, zamene teza.

Obratite paznju na konstrukciju "srpski nacionaisti hoce da isprovociriaju jadne albance da eto oni uzmu i spale sve sto ima veze sa Srbima juzno od ibra".

Pomisio bi covek, sta ce ljudi morali da spale. Pa vidis da ih srpski nacionalisti provociraju.

Mislim... sta reci.

Samo vi gosn Lajon radite svoje...

Nemoj se sekirati....

....radim svoje, radim svoje...


You people have all went

You people have all went pro-looped :)). Wow, trying to find the reason-behind-reason in what Koschtunitscha and his eminent experts do. Maybe they don't have a clue, maybe they are paralysed like the coup goverment of Yugoslavia just before WWII, hmm? Then, it is not least likely that somebody is telling these freaked-out guys what to do. And they are stupid enough to think that the "help" they receive will gain something for this country.

Yeah, we have all lost it....

.... I don't think anybody in Belgrade is paralyzed. Rather, I think they are all trying to figure out how best to stab each other in the back.

Change of language

I love the fact that they are changing the terminology. "Correction of Kosovo's borders" sounds like straight out of RNC's cookbook, or Karl Rowe's kitchen!
"Clear skies initiative", or "No child left behind"! Gotta love it!
It is amazing what an important role language plays in politics. It may be the difference between success & failure. "Partition" is so rough, but "correction" sounds like a little benign procedure.


.....Serbia has hired Carl Rove as part of its new diplomatic offensive. It wouldn't surprise me to find that Kostunica and Bush are on the same ideological wave-length.

Shameful how terribly I misspelled Rove's name

Bush and Milosevic were more alike. Couple of parallels:
- Bush used “threat of terrorism” to advance his personal agenda and make his buddies very rich (shareholders in Texas energy companies – read Halliburton). Milosevic used “threat to defenseless Serbian people” to advance his personal agenda and make himself and his buddies very rich.
- Bush uses personality assassination and the number of illegal tricks to get rid of his political opponents (Valery Plame & Jo Willson for instance). Milosevic used physical assassinations to achieve the same thing.
- Remember the boycott of French (‘freedom fries”)? Remember the boycott of Slovenians?
- Both of them did not like media and appearing in a free form interviews…
- The whole either "you are with me" or you are a traitor thing.
- FOX News = RTS

And many more…


Zašto Halibarton kad je jednostavnije reći vice predsednik of USA Dik Čejni koji je preko ćerke
firme Halibarton mešetario i na Kosovu a verovatno to rade i u Srbiji.Iza korporacija stoje odredjeni ljudi sa imenom i prezimenom te nema potrebe da se
diže dimna zavesa pošto su ovi podatci dostupni a mišljenje o istim nazvavši ih parvim imenom i prezimenom stoji na web-u:vidi Robert Anton Wilson.

Associating language

When I hear the word "correction" I immediately think of The Shining: Gradie the caretaker speaking to Jack: "my daughters didn't much care for the Overlook; they even tried to burn it down. So I 'corrected' them (chopped them into little pieces) and when my wife tried to stop me from performing my duty, I 'corrected' her too." !!

Well, my observation was

Well, my observation was based on the fact that K. is not behaving intelligently from the beginning. It is clear that Kosovo is only good for Serbia if it is out of it (and probably vice versa). We can try to find logic in K.'s team moves but it is evident that they're not going to achieve much. I would attach more significance to what our team is doing if they were, for example, insisting on the division in the first place, and not now near the end of the process. Or, focusing on the facts of life for the remaining Serbs down there.

As for backstabbing, you're probably right. This could be the opportunity to blame your enemies for the loss of Kosovo.

Wishful thinking

Maybe if we Serbs stab each other in our backs Mr. Lyon will finally move to new pastures.

Oh no

I will now stay here forever simply "iz inata".

now you sound more like a

now you sound more like a serb. though your english got me confused for a sec. ;)

Of course James

Of course James, you have to stay "iz inata"
and help us to make peacful partition, and then we will have a lot of "pecenje and spricer". After that you are very welcome to bring a lot of investors from the
states and everybody will make money and
will be happy.


Bas si zajeban :-)

Interesting note on Serbian holly sites being south of Ibar.

Hidden coal reserves are often mentioned in economic plays.

EU regional view is missing from your analysis. It works fine around Slovenian borders.

LP MMM, Ljubljana

"NO!" to Violence...


First and foremost, as a 4th Generation Montenegrin-American I fully understand the power of words in phrasing an argument. While I understand it is popular, even trendy, to refer to our belief system as "myth", in reality, this is a highly charged and racist term that is being utilized to dismiss our concerns and our history as illegitimate and unworthy of respect. East Jerusalem is a similar situation with two different ethnicities laying claim to it. No one would ever tell the Muslims there that it’s a "myth" that Mohamed ascended to Heaven from the Dome of the Rock, and that they should "get over it", as many Pro-Independence people are telling Serbs these days. I would appreciate it if you were to refrain from using such politically incorrect nomenclature and show respect for our well established belief system that we've followed for many centuries.

That being said, I would like to add that I do not believe that partition must involve violence. While I agree with you that nationalistic elements of the Serbian political spectrum would like for it to evolve that way in order to further their own political goals, I do not believe the Serbian people would wish for it to happen that way.

I personally have been advocating partition for a while now, and it does in fact make the most sense and has the most support from both sides of the debate of any status solution plan so far. Many Albanian commentators here have in fact agreed that it is a reasonable solution, and that it would find support in the Albanian community. Now is clearly the time for moderate elements of Serbian society to advocate such a plan in a reasonable and peaceful manner where we have plenty of room for compromise.

One of the main sticking points would be what to do with the Trepca Mines, which are of course North of the Ibar. Being that it was already sold off to foreign interests and the money used to pay off Milosevic's debts, I do not believe this to be a deal breaker, but it may require some creative accounting and/or other solutions like guaranteeing the Kosovar population the right to work there.

Obviously the most critical sticking point is what to do with those areas with the most important cultural and historical sites. Those regions that represent the very foundation of our civilization yet have an Albanian majority.

One obvious compromise solution would be to trade areas like Presevo Valley for those sites. I would even go so far as to recommend considering giving areas not inhabited by an Albanian majority in South Serbia to Kosovo. If our cultural heritage is as important to the Serbian people as we claim it is, no sacrifice is too much in order to attain this goal.

Another possible solution would be to grant the Serbian Church in Kosovo Vatican level Status with a UN seat and everything else that goes along with that. While this is not ideal, it would give the Serbian Church there the level of respect that I believe the average Serb could be proud of and support.

A radical solution would be to render the borders issue moot by immediately allowing all the disputed areas in the Balkans to join the EU and adopting a similar procedure for electoral districts that the US currently uses in determining its Congressional districts. The EU is already in charge of Bosnia and Kosovo, why not add Serbia and Albania to the list? Take away the borders and you take away the problem. This is the best solution, but the European Community is not as dedicated to a solution as they claim to be.

One of the most important objectives to obtain in these settlement talks is merely the ability for the Serbian and Albanian sides to learn to talk to one another and compromise. Obviously letting the region degenerate into violence will not achieve this and would set the region back as a whole for many decades. The truly sad thing about the situation is that Serbia and Albania have exactly the same issues and concerns with their populations scattered throughout all the various regions in the Balkans. I personally do not understand why we do not do more to support one another, the Right To Self Determination for both Serbs and Albanians would be a Net Gain for both countries if only we knew how to work together to achieve this.

I also strongly feel that whatever area of Kosovo that is allowed independence also be granted the right to join with Albania. Already Albanians are divided into Tosks and Ghegs, and separated by a strong clan system based strongly on the idea of Blood Feuds and Revenge (Much like my beloved Homeland Montenegro). With Ghegs making up the population of Kosovo it is possible that in the future, much like Montenegro, they may start to view themselves as a completely separate Ethnic group from the Tosks. If this is to happen, it is not impossible that the Ghegs of Albania would view themselves as Kosovars and not Albanians and possibly want to join with Kosovo instead of Albania. In my opinion it is potentially dangerous to create new ethnic groups in the Balkans. My guess is that Albania will develop a strong tourist based economy on the Coast and this could lead to instability between the Haves and Have-Nots. Kosovo does not have the economic infrastructure to keep up the standard of living with Albania if its tourism does in fact take off, much like Montenegro has done recently.

I too, feel that violence will rule the day in the Balkans once again. We can only hope that the moderate politicians in Serbia, Kosovo and Albania become aware of the impending danger to the region and act in a concertive effort to work together and find a solution that ensures the highest level of peace and stability in order that we may both move forward in making the Balkans an important economic block to be reckoned with in the International Community.

Very impressive!

I agree with some of your comments and disagree with others. However, your response was brilliant: elegant, logical, and well reasoned. Obviously you have taken the time to through the issues from various angles and sought for reasonable answers and alternatives. You are to be commended for the thoughtfulness and quality of your arguments.

I also agree with Matthew

I also agree with Matthew and coincidentally I am a 2nd generation Montenegrin who came back to her roots 2 years ago and now living in Montenegro permanently.

Partition is the only viable solution as the Serbs have to be given something in return for Kosovo independence to avoid potential violence and mass migration.

I don't see how Kosovo can become economically viable just as Bosnia is still struggling. This is the biggest instability in the Balkans. I believe Serbia has the potential to become an economic powerhouse once Kosovo is no longer a drain on it financially and politically if they can get some decent political leadership.

Foreign investment is they key which is the reason why Croatia and Montenegro are doing so well. I can't see foreign companies wanting to do business in Bosnia or Kosovo for a variety of reasons.

For the life of me I cannot understand ....

If the main reason for the breakup of SFRJ was the wish of smaller nations to carve up the territories where they can be a majority thus not be dominated by a larger nation, wouldn't it be logical for the Serbs to try to do the same?

As the territories and history become irrelevant and more populous nations become stronger thanks to the power of voting numbers, shouldn't the Serbs try to keep as much of their kin together in order to preserve their identity?

Presuming that you are correct in everything you say, please explain why is the goal of partitioning Kosovo morally wrong?

And the last question to you directly, not the organization you represent: if you recognized the wish for self government for every ethnic group in this area (and you know that is correct) why do you not recognize it for the Serbs?

I am asking these questions not as a Serb but as a human being.

Really impressed with Matthew's comment - did not know that 4th generation emigrants know so much about this issue

Morally wrong?

I never said that partitioning Kosovo was morally wrong. In theory, if the Albanians and Serbs would agree among themselves to peacefully partition Kosovo, no one in the international community would object. But it would have to be a negotiated settlement with both sides agreeing willingly, and violence could not play a role. Should Belgrade and Pristina decide that partition is a desirable outcome, then they should sit down and discuss it.

What concerns me is the way Belgrade is going about doing it. I fear that it could lead to further violence, and that the Serbs in the enclaves will end up being the ones who suffer. If you can achieve a result without bloodshed, why chose a violent path?

Please bare with me ...

Do not wish to be a pest but I really need to understand the thought process here. I believe I am not the only one - you could win some of us over. So, please bear with me for just one or two more questions.

Please try to stay consistent with your previous answer.

We concluded that partitioning Kosovo is not an inconceivable solution. What is important is how it is achieved. I would say that most of us agree.

Please explain why you believe that Serbia can be strong-armed into accepting a loss of a very significant part of its country without provoking it into violence while Kosovo Albanians cannot be persuaded to do the same?

Why would you (James Lyon) support a non-negotiated settlement to the Kosovo - Serbia partition while you would not support the same type of a non-negotiated solution for Kosovo itself?

Thank you again for your answer. It really does help some of us understand how West reasons regarding this issue.

Yes James,

Yes James, that's the key for solving of problem in a peacefull manner. Just let them talk and do not pressure either side. If you pressure either side, there will be bloodshed for sure.

Let them talk on partition agenda and I am pretty much sure, that they will make agreement for reasonable and fair partition.

Thank you very much for this blog and fair discussion.

I will be in your Massacusetts for several days, as from tomorrow.

Best regards

Morally Right?

“I never said that partitioning Kosovo was morally wrong. In theory, if the Albanians and Serbs would agree among themselves to peacefully partition Kosovo, no one in the international community would object.”

Mr. Lyon,

Clearly that scenario not only is the most likely to find support among both the Serbian and Albanian population, its also the most likely to bring peace and stability to the region as a whole. It would also set a positive precedent on how various disagreements in the Balkans should be settled in the future, through peaceful diplomacy and dialog.

Even you seem to begrudgingly acknowledge that partition through negotiation and compromise could be a desirable solution if conducted openly and fairly.

So why is there such opposition to it among the pro-independence countries and NGO’s?

You yourself co-authored the following in 2003.

“Any partition of Kosovo along ethnic lines would raise very uncomfortable
issues elsewhere in the Balkans”
The Observer Sunday February 23, 2003

The ICG in general seems extremely opposed to any discussion of the possibility of partition.

“The international community has properly decreed that Kosovo's final status must not involve division of its territory. But this declaration has not been followed by sufficient action.”

“Territorial integrity is the correct policy because partition could provoke further population exchanges inside Kosovo and instability elsewhere in the Balkans…”
Europe Report Nº165, 13 September 2005

“neither Kosovo's return to Belgrade's rule, nor its partition, nor any possible unification of Kosovo with Albania or any neighbouring state or territory will be supported.”
Europe Report N°161, 24 January 2005

As early as 2002 the ICG was associating partition with secret plans by the Serbian government.

“the continuing lack of clarity about the international community's objectives allows hard-liners among ethnic Albanians to play on fears that the secret aim is partition, both of Mitrovica and of the entire province.”
Europe Report N°131, 3 June 2002

Now you too seem to be playing on fears that the secret aim is to partition Kosovo.

You and the ICG are respected experts on the region. I personally believe that because of this you must be extremely responsible with your words. Your blog, which was cited in the International Press numerous times, only portrayed the possibility of partition in a very negative light. You completely ignored the mainstream’s desired approach to the partition issue. Only the most extreme radical and dangerous elements of Serbian society would ever welcome the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the southern regions. Any situation involving that outcome would also most certainly involve the destruction of many historical sites which we consider to be the very foundation of our civilization. No sane Serb wants the outcome in which you describe. Yet the average person in the West reading your article may come away thinking that this outcome is what both the moderates and radicals in Serbia want.

The simple fact of the matter is the Serbian government is most likely waiting until the Ahtisaari plan fails in the UNSC to bring partition up. That way they will be in a “stronger” position to negotiate. I see nothing sinister lurking behind that political reality. Tadic’s diplomacy style is light years removed from that employed by the Milosevic regime.

The reason I think portraying the situation like you have is so dangerous is because it almost gives a green light for radical extremists on the pro-independence side to go ahead and engage in that sort of behavior, the “blame” will fall on the Serbian government. They may be led to believe they will get a “better deal” if they engage in a violent partition instead of a peaceful one. A very real danger could easily come from outside as well. It would only take an extremely small terrorist cell the size of the 9/11 Hijackers to completely destabilize the region at this point, no country or region can adequately guard against that. There is already far too much talk of blaming Serbia or Russia if the Albanians “lose patience” will a delay of final status. A repeat of 2004 is probably possible, I’m not sure that much has changed?

The simple fact is the arguments cited by the ICG against partition, that it may destabilize other regions, is also the argument being used against granting Kosovo independence in the first place. Both obviously have the chance to set “precedent” for future demands for independence.

We must ask ourselves what kind of precedent we would like to set.

Peaceful negotiation and compromise leading to an agreed upon solution?

Violence leading to reality on the ground, such as the Cyprus model?

Or shall we buy into the arguments proposed by the pro-Ahtisaari camp? That currently the situation is “unique” because you had massive violations of human rights combined with international intervention involving forces on the ground.

If Ahtisaari’s model is to be accepted for these reasons, which has been stated many times, no sane country would ever let UN peace keeping forces into their country again, not ever. This will have an extremely negative effect on the ability of the UN to bring peace to troubled regions where human rights violations are common. Much of the rest of the world outside of the “West” is an extremely dangerous and violent place.

There are additional troubling items in Ahtisaari’s plan itself. While only half the seats in the assembly reserved for minorities go to Serbs, it takes a simple majority of that voting block to completely revise the following rights and “guarantees” for the Serbs:

“a. Laws changing municipal boundaries, establishing or abolishing municipalities, defining the scope of powers of municipalities and their participation in inter- municipal and cross-border relations;
b. Laws implementing the rights of Communities and their members, other than those set forth in the Constitution;
c. Laws on the use of language;
d. Laws on local elections;
e. Laws on the protection of cultural heritage;
f. Laws on religious freedom or on agreements with religious communities;
g. Laws on education;
h. Laws on the use of symbols (including Community symbols) and on public holidays."

I fear this will put enormous pressure on the other minorities in Kosovo, particularly the Roma, who have already suffered so much everywhere they live.

Clearly Ahtisaari’s proposal offers no real protections for Serbs, and is facing a strong Russia veto. With the disunity in the EU, it appears headed for failure (The EU only agreed to support a proposal in the UNSC, could be an alternative such as partition, basically they only agreed not to support unilateral recognition outside the UNSC).

Now Mr. Lyon is when you should be proposing a solution based on peaceful negotiation instead of stirring up fears of violence and ethnic cleansing and associating that with the one proposal so far that might possibly be acceptable to both sides. We should be talking about what is fair and reasonable and whether to include Presevo, and if so, for what?

I personally believe you care about the Balkan people, or you would not have studied us so much.

I implore you to put serious consideration into supporting a fair and balanced partition plan founded on peaceful negotiation with support from both sides if Ahtisaari’s plan fails in the UNSC. If Ahtisaari’s plan fails, anything else is much more likely to involve bloodshed and violence. The world disparately needs unity on this issue.

no separation is ever gd

Separation of Kosovo would not be a good idea, and it is certainly not going to occur!
The Albanians will have to allow the Serb to be part of Kosovo, and the Serbs will have to allow the Albanians of presevo valley to be part of Serbia.
It is the only way forward.
Both of this are minorities and of such they should continue to be!
It is wrong suggesting that Serbia can divide Kosovo, as it would be only fare than to also add to your comment that the presevo valley would be annexed to Kosovo, if mitrovica is to be taken way!
The fact that Kosovo is becoming in depended should not be taken as an excuse for compromise by the Albanian side only. As they have cleared this out, independence of Kosovo as it stands now, is none-negotiable, and therefore Serbia has lost its say on this mater.
It would b a good idea to have minorities of each on both countries as it will help to heal the ethnic divide!
It is disgusting to read a comment of an American-Montenegrin here, who is so fanatically speaking of the Serbian historical relics in Kosovo. It is wrong, that the Albanians aren’t trusted, even we know that they have protected these sites and others for centuries.
It is deep ignorance not to realise that the Albanians, just like any other nation are normal people.
Nobody wants to destroy any kind of historical monuments.
What happened in 2004 was a reaction, triggered by Belgrade in an attempt to portray the Albanians as the bad guys! It is unimportant the number of Serb historical monuments in Kosovo to the Albanians, as this won’t change the fact that the country is becoming independent. The Albanians do not fear the Serb claimed monuments.
They will have to preserve them, as they are the owners of Kosovo, not Serbia.
It would be a big mistake to allow not only Serbia, but any other country to intervene with the preservation of historical monuments in the country!
Whoever talks about foreign or Serb ownership of any kind of monument in Kosovo is completely mad.
I say mad, because you are sincerely carried to far in your un pragmatic and myth thinking.
I am afraid those monuments are currently constituting and were in the past in this place called Kosovo and not in Serbia. You can’t own them, as they are not in your country, otherwise the Italians and the Greeks will want to own today ancient historical sites which belong to them around the Mediterranean, back in history!
But you do realise that pragmatically talking for them to claim the current ownership of those sites is madness!
So please let’s get real here, and with respect and responsibility write about these current issues of Serbs and Albanians.
Kind regards clayed

Dear Claedy,

Dear Claedy, thanks a lot for your reply. I think that this is the moment that Serbs and Albanians should have made an agreement which will enable long term stability in the region and relation of a good neighbours.

As per your proposal Serbian side will get nothing, and will be absolutelly dissatisfied. I mean, isn't it better to take the maps and start partition negotiation without any preconditions, so everything whould have been open and possible at the beginning of negotiations i.e. Presevo value, Mitrovica, churches etc.

I think that it would be great, if we make a peaceful agreement and be good neighbours! After that when your Kosovo part would be recognized by Serbia as well, then there will be a stable situation in the region, so very quickly both of us would become EU members. I think, this would be much better, then having decedaes of instability in the region, instigated by ultra-natinalist of both sides.

If both sides are reasonable and flexible, everything will be fine.

Thank You and Best regards

Quote:What happened in 2004

What happened in 2004 was a reaction, triggered by Belgrade in an attempt to portray the Albanians as the bad guys!

What was it a reaction to? What did Belgrade do to trigger it?

I am afraid those monuments are currently constituting and were in the past in this place called Kosovo and not in Serbia.

And I am afraid that this place you call Kosovo is in Serbia and was in the past in Serbia.


Yes I do agree with you LBSL!
But it is important though to realise where the Albanian and the Serb position lies in this matter, and understand where their argument comes from as well as its real intention.
It is not enough to have a compromise which is called of such only by one side!
Clearly speaking ahtisaris plan even though, seen by Serbia as one sided, it is a deeply regrettable compromise by the Albanians.
They never wanted to allow the Serbs in Kosovo more powers than any other minority has ales where! This will have its own negative subsequence’s in the future for the whole of the community in Kosovo and of its population. Regardless of what is at stake or currently demanded by the Serb community in Kosovo, or by its majority, legislation should be a balanced and thoughtful one so then nobody looses out in the country! I have lived under this negative effects in my own country of origin when the small Greek minority in the south was always given double the amount on everything, and were always first everywhere within the state owned sectors before anybody ales! This was done just because as a minority they should be treated better, and the communists use to pride themselves over it. I’d say b*** s*** to this! It is undemocratic and a clear discrimination for the rest of the people. All the people in a country should be the same before the law and their rites should be equal, and nobody should enjoy special privileges on the back of the majority!
Unfortunately under Belgrade’s unnecessary and as a consequence of an imaginative fear, those claims have managed to create a small country within Kosovo, much like a local principality shall I say!
I wander based on this reality, shouldn’t the Albanians of south Serbia have the same rites and why not saying, every other minority in the world!
Well of course the leaders in Belgrade now very well that there is currently no fear of the Albanians in Kosovo, there has ever been in the entire history!
Everybody knows well the Albanian character and nation behaviour in centuries.
It is a myth to say that the Serbs or their monuments are in danger in Kosovo at any given time. This is said only as an excuse to give Belgrade reasoning on its new and shameful claim over Kosovo.
Now what I would also mention is that Kosovo is not part of Serbia, and it has not been naturally since its autonomy removal, and legally since the UN mission in 1999! I do not know what to refer to you Mr as I can’t understand your name which is not in the Latin alphabet! But what I can say is that, you don’t belong in Kosovo, neither does your government. And the people of Kosovo don’t belong to you either. This was clear when your government reacted in an animal behaviour and denied the existence of all Kosovo’s Albanian inhabitants by refusing them everything the system had to offer. This people were left on the streets of their own land and country. How dare you claim that Kosovo was in Serbia then? Because if you were to ask me and any other sensible person on this planet, we would say that Kosovo was under a brutal and unlawful occupation, where terrible crimes were occurring in mass and against almost all its population, or in figures 97%! Clearly you do not want Kosovo, and it is very sinister to claim you want the province back, as your actions have been brutal and a mirror to your intentions, including the current ones and the ones you plan to have for the future. This is the reason why Albanians and Serbs will never be in piece until the elite in Belgrade sincerely burns this old diabolic ambition.
Regarding the so much claimed history, it is also true that Kosovo was annexed by the power of Russian guns that the Serbs of those days had in use! We have got abundant historical proof and no propaganda myths, of the struggle of the northern Albanians who wanted to unite with the rest of the Albanians in 1913.
Their heroic struggle which was crushed under the great powers of the time blessing for the Serbs has also been historically proven, and well documented.
Now this immoral conquest cannot ever be justified by any human means, nor can it ever be excused based on curst historical myths that the Serbs created which should have never come to existence as it is the real devil in serbo-albanian relations.
Some people, in an ignorant manner choose to ignore the reality and the real historical facts, or they tend to mix them up, or worse believe what Belgrade has to make out of it! And I don’t blame a colonial power for acting this way, as there’s no other way if you are of such, but is unforgivable for those who supported it, and who still do, knowing it’s a crime!
The reality today should be fully accepted and the ground of each position clearly checked and balanced.
In one side we have an autochthonous population which did not appear in Kosovo in just 10 years, but that was there since the illegal enlargement of Serbia in 1913. On the other hand we have the initial and unchanged since 1913, colonial oriented state policy towards Kosovo from Belgrade, still!
It is clear that Belgrade doesn’t care for the real value of the Serb monuments in Kosovo, and it cares less for the well being of the Serb minority in it!
What they care is one thing, conquer, conquer and never stop! Or shall I say, today is more, of a time of keeping what you managed to conquer last century, as it no longer is a suitable time to conquer!
It would perhaps be worthwhile me mentioning here that Belgrade didn’t want Kosovo alone which it managed to annex from the Albanian trunk, but the entire north Albania as it had a mega desire to have the port of durres and an access to the Adriatic sea just like Montenegro does. I am certain that if this was to also be successful in 1913 than there would be a few more monasteries, churches or castles declared as part of the Serbian heritage, to excuse the occupation of north Albania. Nobody should have the slightest dought about it!
Even if it could be true, you can’t claim a territory simply because you find monuments in it which you do associate your past with, today!
As I have already mentioned, in Albania we have some ancient roman and greek, not monuments, but entire towns, alongside a large range of Illyrian or pre Illyrian inhabited areas. But we have not burned them, or scrubbed the inscription surfaces of manuscripts and stones, to replace them with what we would say today they belong to the Illyrians.
The Serb government of last century did just that, and anyone in dought can read a lot of historical publications of the time, that give an accurate account of all this, for even the most thoughtful minded person!
Along with Albanian monuments in Kosovo were destroyed a lot of roman ones as well, as Mr Arthur Evans and others have documented.
Finally coming back to your question, what did Belgrade do to trigger it?
Belgrade’s secret intelligence operates in Kosovo, and if you don’t believe me you can check this reported reality with UNMIK or others in charge.
They did trigger anger by killing a few Albanian kids by the river, later to easily hide their involvement by saying that the kids drawn!
Just like a careful murderer does. Later this spies pretending to be Albanians were reported encouraging people who were angry at the Serbs to be violent, and believe me it is easy under those circumstances to lead a crowd where you want it to. It has also been reported that this people were burning the Serb monuments themselves first, this is why I say Belgrade doesn’t care for your monuments!! It makes me question whether they are actually real, and what you claim them to be. Do you think we are that stupid or naïve?
Now it is not new or it did not only happen in 2004, but it has happened throughout the history.
The very creation of the KLA was a reaction expected by Belgrade which worked hard to make it a reality, so then it could use it later to justify the mass ethnic cleansing and the criminal acts of killing easily the Albanian civilians. This was done in order to change the ethic make up of Kosovo and justify the brutal and illegal withdrawal of its autonomy. Simple people can say whatever they wish, but governments have to make sense of their actions in front of the international community.
And finally just as the writer of this article Mr James Lyon, is claiming, Belgrade has not changed its policy. They are still trying to ignite violence among unhappy Albanians in Kosovo, as a result of this successful Serb maneuver that has slowed down the process which will lead eventually to Kosovo’s independence. If violent erupts, this is seen by Belgrade as an achievement on their side.
Yet these monsters still claim that they want Kosovo back?
I will leave it at that, so any sensible human being can make up their own mind about this new Serbian mask!!!

Oh Boy

It is always interesting to see that Albanians can exaggerate and distort history just as much as Serbs. The number of factual inaccuracies in what you wrote is large. Here are two of them that really leaped out at me:
1) "Everybody knows well the Albanian character and nation behaviour in centuries. It is a myth to say that the Serbs or their monuments are in danger in Kosovo at any given time."
2) "Belgrade’s secret intelligence operates in Kosovo, and if you don’t believe me you can check this reported reality with UNMIK or others in charge. They did trigger anger by killing a few Albanian kids by the river, later to easily hide their involvement by saying that the kids drowned."

Well it is also very

Well it is also very psychologically important to understand your response Mr Lyon.
To you my opinion or any other which comes from the other side as well as all the historical facts which don’t come in handy to you, are surely an exaggeration and distortion of history!
Sincerely I do not blame you though as your reaction can be predicted and it is a normal one if I consider you are a pro Serb!
Yes I am an Albanian, and I tell you and all the world, Kosovo aint no Serb but Albanian Mr!
You can read this the way you like it, but that’s how it is! Oh I forgot, of course pardon me, to you this is also a factual inaccuracies,  :) hehahehe
plz.. Let this subject no longer be a reason to laugh!


My dear man,
Why do you meddle? This is between the bad guys and the mediators (the good guys who run the world). You will get to police a piece of someone's territory. All YOU have to do is harass some peasants and blow a few churches, traffick stuff to the City and girls to Mayfair.
No offense meant, its a charade anyway.
Mr Bondsteel.


meni nije jasno kao ih bre ne mrzi da pisu tolike reci gluposti....a obaska kad ustanu i podju da rade vec sta rade....mislim tu na 'sve' glupave ljudske protuve koje se muvaju po ovoj planeti iz meni nepoznatog razloga.
sta bronx najvise mrzi na svetu?
ljudsku glupost.

Cleady! Ma ko si bre pa ti?!

So I heard many nonsense and stupidity in my life but this is one of the best.If you would be aware of your ignorance and damage you make to your people you would relize that you're much more smarter when you keep your mouth shut! Or you know very well what are you talking about just playing smart ass here? Although I don't think that's the case, cause you're not smart enough.
And yeah we do know "albanian character and nation behaviour" in centuries -- sneaky, sucking in, always criminals doing with drugs and prostitution,trading everything they can and reproduce like rabbits, that's how you expand on our theritory!
Unhappy Albanians??! and Serbs are there without an electricity, old people , sick people, little children on -20C , surounded with iron nets and with soldiers who is taking them to school. Nuns raped , church' destroyed that are under protection of UNESCO. Is there anything that your "albanian character and nation behaviour" in centuries has made that is monument of the world?!

Ma jebala bi milu majku celoj ovoj vladi i srpskim političarima što su nas doveli u ovu situaciju da mi ovakvi mašu crvenim plaštom ispred nosa!!!

Here you go SERBIA!


I made up my it is; that's so, stupid...stupid...stupid...even, if is true. what kind of brain (thinking of your evil m. f. mind) can come up with such, b.s...

Re: James Lyion

Bei uns in Deutschland mus man unsere Deutsche sprache
gebauchen um sich verstentlich zu machen.

In Nederland moet man Nederlands spreken en schrijven omdat
het krachtens wet op integratie VERPLICHT IS VOOR BUITENLANDERS.

U Srbiji možete žvrljati Srpski,Hrvatski,Bošnjački ili Crnogorski.

In USA you can wright and speak any language as long as.....

And your point is....

.... what?

he's point is.....

there is no point.
people on this planet are crazy.I am going crazy becose I dont know Why am I among them.
(bad bad karma, I gues)

Your analysis is completely wrong

Mr. Lyon, your analysis is completely wrong. I intend to show how wrong it is.

Since late January, when the Ahtisaari plan was publicly unveiled, Serbia’s government has been preparing the Serbia public for partition. While conducting a word search for the term "partition of Kosovo" (podela kosova) on a Serbian media tracking web site, I found that during the first three months of 2007 there were 54 prominent articles in the Belgrade print media, most of which appeared in February and March after Ahtisaari's plan was unveiled at the end of January. In comparison, during the whole of 2006 there were 106 such articles.

That might be true. However, what is the context in which partition of Kosovo is mentioned? I will make a search for the same term on, another Serbian media tracking web site. Unlike your supposed results from an unnamed site, everyone can verify my results here. I will analyse the last ten results in depth.

[1]: This piece from Glas warns against partition of Kosovo, voicing concern that if Kosovo is partitioned, Albanians from southeastern Serbia might want to separate from Serbia too. It views partition of Kosovo in a negative way.

[2]: This piece from Danas cites a Macedonian expert who warns that "partition of Kosovo [...] would be the worst solution". This too is a negative view of the partition.

[3]: Kurir's interview with Goran Svilanovic who roots for partition of Kosovo. This is a positive view of the partition.

[4]: This article from Glas also cites Svilanovic, and a political analyst who believes that partition is possible, but in more distant future. We could say that this is a positive-neutral view of the partition.

(A piece from Pink is no longer available online.)

(An article from Politika is also no longer available online.)

[5]: This article from Dnevnik contains the keywords but doesn't actually mention partition of Kosovo at all.

[6]: An article from Danas cites Riza Halimi who says that if Kosovo is partitioned, Albanians from southeastern Serbia will request separation from Serbia. This is, a negative view of the partition.

[7]: B92 news contains the keywords but doesn't mention partition of Kosovo.

[8]: Kurir article contains the keywords but doesn't mention partition of Kosovo.

[9]: This RTS news is no longer available online, but blurb which remained on cites Dusan Janjic who fiercely opposes the partition, calling it "a provocation of Kosovo Serbs". This is a negative view of the partition.

[10]: A piece from Danas which actually reports about opinions of various political acters about the partition. In brief: Dusan Janjic opposes, Artemije strongly opposes, Svilanovic supports, Nait Hasani and Hashim Thaqi support, Timothy William Waters supports, Oliver Ivanovic opposes, Marko Jaksic opposes, Goran Bogdanovic opposes, Tina Kajdanou opposes. As most cited politicians oppose the partition, we could call this a negative-neutral view.

Of ten analysed pieces, three don't mention the partition; two have positive view of the partition; and five have negative view of it. What we can see from this analysis is that most Serbian media which mention the partition actually oppose it. In addition, if we analyse who supports and who opposes the partition, we can see that circles close to Serbian government and representatives of Kosovo Serbs oppose the partition; and circles in opposition to the Serbian government and representatives of Kosovo Albanians support the partition. This completely shatters your conclusion that Serbia’s government has been preparing the Serbia public for partition. If anything, Serbian public is warned against it.

It appears that your analysis was aimed at people who don't know Serbian and thus can't verify it.

The Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SANU) chose to publish and release two books on Kosovo in early February 2007. Both were compilations of presentations given at scholarly conferences, one in May 2005, the other in March 2006. Both books contain pieces discussing partition and an exodus of enclave Serbs from Kosovo, including maps that show how partition would occur and how enclave Serbs should leave. Even with the slow publishing pace of academia, both books should have been published long ago. Was the timing coincidental?

Analysis of two books which are not available online is much harder, but as your analysis of media is completely wrong, it is probable that your analysis of the books is likewise wrong.

Among Serbia’s politicians the term partition is replaced by more politically acceptable terms such as “correction” or “change” of Kosovo’s borders. Former Foreign Minister Goran Svilanović stated that the Ahtisaari proposal created a de facto partition and could be used at a later stage for a “correction” of Kosovo’s borders, in return for which Serbia would acknowledge Kosovo independence. Sanda Rašković-Ivić, head of the Serbian government’s Coordination Centre for Kosovo hinted openly at partitioning Kosovo, asking “why wouldn’t it be possible to change the borders of an independent Kosovo”?

Words "former foreign minister" may sound nice to the uninitiated. Those with in-depth knowledge of Serbian politics know that Svilanovic's GSS came to power because of internal DOS agreement, without any voter support. Today, he is a political nobody and, what's more important, diametrally opposed to the government: if he supports partition of Kosovo, it can only mean that Serbia’s government's opposition is preparing the Serbia public for partition. Sanda Raskovic-Ivic is likewise not too important political player.

It appears that your analysis was aimed at people who don't know Serbian and have no knowledge of Serbian political scene.

It appears that official Belgrade has succeeded in its efforts to mould public opinion. In my conversations with Serbs of all political persuasions, it has become obvious to me that partition has become a popular option across the entire political spectrum, from the far right to the far left.

Translation: there is not the slightest evidence for what I say, so here are some unsubstantiated and uncomfirmable rumours to support it. ICG, send us someone better! :(

And by the way, you converse with Serbian far right? I knew it! A few more years of cevapi, rakija and Guca, and you'll be the next Archibald Reiss! :)

Your remaining assertions are even more out of touch with reality. You stack outlandish claims one after another (there now appears to be a certain growing consensus among extremists on both the Serb and Albanian sides that the Serbs should leave the enclaves; many are now speaking positively about the need for the Serbs to be ethnically cleansed; for many of Serbia’s nationalist politicians [...] losing Kosovo for one hundred years is not a problem, provided Serbia gets it back) not supportest even with the tiniest shred of evidence.

Kosovo status endgame is increasingly clear indeed: Kosovo will be separated from Serbia one way or another; then the remaining Serbs will be ethnically cleansed from the province "because they tried to partition Kosovo" while Serbia will be blamed for it (you are currently working on preparation of propaganda for this part); and if Serbia dares to intervene, as a bonus, you get to bomb it again! Nice, but too obvious.

You are good!

If I had the money in my budget I'd hire you to do media analysis for me. However, I am using a different data base than you, which includes electronic media stories. I also have access to the back videos of RTS and B92 dnevnici. The site is a subscrition site, so I don't believe I can post search results for everyone to see without giving out my login and password. I apologise for this.

As far as the people on the far right I speak with...yes, I speak with them, and I also speak with the people on the far left. But what is important is that the ideas I expressed in this article were articulated to me by influential persons in positions of responsibility within Serbia's current governing hierarchy who are a part of or close to policy-making circles.

If you speak with politicians in Serbia today, you will find that everyone, and I mean literally everyone, from the far left to the far right, feels that partition is the only fair outcome in the event Serbia loses Kosovo. And Belgrade has already completed all the necessary infrastructure preparations for this to occur.

I am uncertain how far removed you are geographically from Serbia, but the picture I painted is not only plausible, but is also entirely realistic in the current policy context.

If you are to be believed (and that is a big IF)...

... then the whole charade of our negotiations with Marti was intented as support for the Albanians to gain an even better position.

PS. As "promised" Carl Rove is neutralized.

Friday April 13, 2007
Rove in new controversy over e-mails (see REUTERS)

And you would have got what you paid for

But I don't buy it still. For one, also includes electronic media (RTS, B92 and Pink), and they publish on their websites same news they air. Even if that would not be the case, there is no particular reason for print media to offer practically opposite image from electronic media. So far, all evidence you offer is a quick keyword search, and your personal conversation with unnamed sources. That is not enough.

I live in Serbia, and to me your picture is about as far away from reality as one could get.


I live in Serbia too, and as nearly as I can tell, on the basis of what I watch on tv and listen to on the radio and read in the papers, there was a significant upsurge in partition related stories after the Ahtisaari plan was unveiled in late January. There was also a significant change in political dialogue and the level of public acceptance of partition.

Perhaps there was an

Perhaps there was an upsurge, but as we have seen the partition is viewed primarily negatively, hence level of public acceptance should be lowering.

You are one of the few.....

.....Serbs I have spoken to among either the political elite or the common man who is not in favour of partition.

Jamie, you will have to try harder on this one.

You are seen as the only Serb (pardon the expression) who is arguing for partition. Are you trying to convince someone?
Smolensky aint the only one you have to convince, even at the price of having a lot researchers on your paylist.
Talking of partitions. Here is list of partitions arranged by certain gentlemen from the Atlantic establishments. Chose your pick.

"They were gracious and cultured gentlemen of somewhat limited social experience who were much concerned with the freedom of expression of minorities and the rule of law for all, who constantly thought in terms of Anglo-American solidarity, of political partition and federation, and who were convinced that they could gracefully civilize the Boers of South Africa, the Irish, the Arabs, and the Hindus, and who are largely responsible for the partitions of Ireland, Palestine, and India, as well as the federations of South Africa, Central Africa, and the West Indies." Carroll Quigley

You seem.... be missing the point significantly. I am not arguing for or against partition. Had you bothered to read the text of my blog you would have seen that it does nothing more than describe attitudes and policy trends in Serbia. Please reread the text and try to comprehend it. It is a rather simple text. Simply because you and Smolensky dislike it doesn't mean it is inaccurate.

If I remember correctly,

the Serbian side did propose "decentralization" which was rejected by your side at the very outset of this last set of negotiations. Just because you did not have an ear to hear ANY of the Serbian proposals, you now try to sell to us in you sensationalist blog some old recycled news. One does not even have to read your texts, your position is entrenched by the practical policies of the West since early 1990s.
One is never sure about the foot-soldiers if they know what the generals want.


Proof of our Mersey and humanity is the very existence of the Serbs, and any other Slavs in the Balkans, as well as all the Asians invaders who make up the most of Greece today. Also proof of our humanity is the very existence of what u call Serb monuments in Kosovo, and of the Serb minority in Kosovo.
And it will be proof of our humanity for its future existence and protection in Kosovo.
You have no land m8, your only true land is Russia.
So if you desire to legitimately own land and have a clear counties about it go back where you came from. We won’t miss you.
Even though you have been here for a few centuries now, you can’t help but show your real face, like you just did, with this comment of an ignorant and hungered violent descendant of a violent invader.
Don’t pretend the scholar, your genies are from pagans and people who until very recently leaved like the animals in holes under the ground.
You have become a real disease in our geographical space
No bread, no lad, no worm welcome, no sincere try from all our emperors of our Eastern Roman Empire, one after the other to educate you and make you like us the rest, decent Christians and humans, has ever achieved its goal.
Wasted time, effort, energy to give this race what it is incapable of absorbing.
Don’t you see that the entire world is against you, don’t you ever wander why?
If you do, you will see the animal in you!
Shame on you and every other person who thinks like you.
You are not worth living, because you have become something ales and different from what the rest of the civilised world is, or as I have mentioned above, you have proven to be incapable of adapting, as you carry with you your past today, in your blood stream.
And as an old saying I have learned from my grandmother, “the wolfs change their feather but never change their habits”
That’s how you are
And don’t give me the usual lecture about bad Albanians, and what you charge this wonderful nation with, you irresponsible Serb, we already know anyway, as all of you are the manufacturers, and keep on repeating the same old lies.
All the world knows who are you, and who are we!

ej bre

ludaku kako te ne mrzi da pises sve te reci.evo mene mrzi da te citam aqli mi vrag ne da mira....ha...ha.james nemo da me brises stalno.

Nisam tebe brisao,

nego sam njega brisao zbog vulgarnosti i bezobrazluka. Necu to da trpim. Na zalost tvoj blog entry je bio zakacen ispod njegovog.

o.1% shantideva

one moments they are friends
and the next instant they become enemies
since they become angry even in joyful situations,
it is dificult to please ordinary people,

they are angry when something of benefit is said
and they also turn me away from what is beneficial.
if I do not listen to what they say
they become angry and proceed to lower realms.

they are envious os supirors,copetitive with equals
arrogant towards inferiors,conceited when praised,
and if anything unpleasent is said they become angry;
never is any benefit derived from the childish.

please, can we move on

I was more disturbed than angered,because of what was said(done) in the presence of the I am ok.

dont know why

but suddenly the partition of Ireland springs to mind..
or are you from the US?
oh well,
then - Alta & Baja California..

B92 Blog:Agood place for indiscriminate use of useless analogies

"or are you from the US?
oh well,
then - Alta & Baja California.."

People in Baja California have not been tortured and discriminated against as far as we know. Do you have some other information that you might want to share with with us? Perhaps RTS has provided you some secret information that we are missing. Please go ahead and enlighten us.And for God's sake, please stop using useless analogies....everyone. We are all adults here and we know what is alike and what isn't.


...on analogies, discrimination, torture, politics, terror, religion, survival of the "fittest", big and small powers, regimes, military might, lobbying, media campaigns, political & economic interests, resolutions, autonomy within autonomy, independence or partition..

on truths and lies..

the ultimate enlightment, as requested..

I have been enlighted

Thank you :)
By the way, did you not find it appropriate to show the wholesale destruction of Albanian villages? Oh NO, that would have made the video too long. My Bad.


Further update..

It´s 1980. All over the world, Yugoslavia is represented by Ambassadors of Albanian nationality. Albanians holding high-level positions in all sectors of the then Yugoslav rotating government. The word "passport" is written on my own passport in Albanian. Kosovo has full autonomy. I'm in a bus on my way to Prizren to visit a friend. And my bus with Belgrade licence plates is stoned half an hour into crossing Kosovo territory. One year later the famous 1981 uprising of Albanians demanding independence. Miloshevic regime nowhere in sight. Tito hasnt got cold yet since his burial. Although the flowers on his grave may have gone dry.

It´s October 1998. Sagato Ogata is invited to witness, in front of CNN cameras, the desperate position of a group of some 50 Albanians who have been thrown out of their homes, allegedly by Serb forces. The filming lasts for about half an hour. It´s dusk. The CNN crew and Ms. Ogata leave the scene. Two hours later the 50 Albanians leave the scene as well and safely return to their homes.

If and when destruction of any Albanian villages occurred - it occurred as a REaction to a series of decade-long Actions and Provocations by Albanian separatists.

Indeed, the video would have been much longer if it was to include decades, not to mention centuries.


фром видовдан.цом

Sakupljeni od strane Međunarodne asocijacije advokata protiv nuklearnog oružja (International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms – IALANA)

1: Mišljenje Gornjeg administrativnog suda u Minsteru, 11.3.1999. (Az: 13A 3894/94.A):

«Etnički Albanci na Kosovu niti su bili niti su sada izloženi grupnom progonu na regionalnom ili nacionalnom nivou u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji.»

2: Mišljenje Bavarskog administrativnog suda, od 29.10.1998. (Az: 22 BA 94.34252):

«Statusni izveštaji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova od 6. maja, 8. juna i 13. jula 1998. koji su dostavljeni tužiteljima u pozivu za usmenu raspravu, ne dopuštaju zaključak da se na Kosovu sprovodi grupni progon etničkih Albanaca. Čak se ni postojanje progona na regionalnom nivou, primenjenog protiv svih etničkih Albanaca koji žive na jednom delu Kosova, ne može konstatovati sa dovoljnim stepenom verovatnoće. Nasilne akcije jugoslovenske vojske i policije počev od februara 1998. bile su usmerene protiv separatističkih aktivnosti i ne predstavljaju dokaz progona celokupne albanske etničke grupe na Kosovu ili nekom njegovom delu. Ono što se dešavalo u sklopu jugoslovenskih nasilnih akcija i eksesa počev od februara 1998. bile su selektivne akcije primene sile protiv vojnog podzemnog pokreta (a pogotovu OVK) i ljudi koji su bili u neposrednom kontaktu sa njim u oblastima njihovog delovanja. ...Nekakav državni program ili progon usmeren protiv čitave albanske etničke grupe ne postoji, niti je ranije postojao.»

3. Obaveštajni izveštaj iz Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 12.1.1999. Administrativnom sudu u Triru (Az: 514-516.80/32 426):

«Čak se ni na Kosovu ne može potvrditi postojanje eksplicitnog političkog progona usmerenog protiv albanskog etniciteta. Istočno Kosovo još uvek nije zahvaćeno oružanim sukobima. Javni život u gradovima poput Prištine, Uroševca, Gnjilana, itd. se, tokom čitavog vremena sukoba, odvijao na relativno normalan način... Akcije snaga bezbednosti nisu bile usmerene protiv kosovskih Albanaca kao etnički definisane grupe, već protiv vojnog suparnika i njegovih stvarnih ili pretpostavljenih pomagača.»

4. Obaveštajni izveštaj iz Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 6.1.1999. Bavarskom administrativnom sudu, Ansbah:

«U sadašnjem vremenu se unutar Savezne Republike Jugoslavije uočava povećana tendencija povratka izbeglih u svoje domove. ...Uprkos očajnoj ekonomskoj situaciji u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji (prema zvaničnim podacima Savezne Republike Jugoslavije, 700.000 izbeglica iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine našle su svoje utočište u njoj od 1991.), nije poznat ni jedan slučaj hronične neuhranjenosti ili nedovoljne lekarske nege među izbeglima, niti je uočen značajan broj beskućnika. ...Prema proceni Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, individualni kosovski Albanci (i članovi njihovih porodica) još uvek imaju na raspolaganju određene mogućnosti naseljavanja onih delova Jugoslavije u kojima već žive njihovi sunarodnici ili prijatelji, koji su spremni da ih prihvate i pomognu ih.»

5. Izveštaj Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 15.3.1999. (Az: 514-516,80/33841) Administrativnom sudu, Majnc:

«Kako je navedeno u statusnom izveštaju od 18.11.1998. OVK se vratila na svoje položaje nakon delimičnog povlačenja (srpskih) snaga bezbednosti u oktobru 1998. tako da ponovo kontroliše široke delove teritorije u zoni sukoba. Pre početka proleća 1999. još uvek je bilo sukoba između OVK i snaga bezbednosti, mada oni još uvek nisu dosegli intenzitet borbi vođenih tokom proleća i leta 1998.»

6. Mišljenje Administrativnog suda Baden-Virtemberga, 4.2.1999. (Az: A 14 S 22276/98):

«Svi izveštaji koji su predstavljeni Senatu slažu se u tome da je humanitarna katastrofa za koju se često strahovalo da će zadesiti albansko stanovništvo, izbegnuta. ...Čini se da je to situacija koja vlada od predstanka sukoba, nakon postizanja sporazuma sa srpskim rukovodstvom krajem 1998. (Statusni izveštaj Ministarstvu spoljnih poslova, 18.11.1998.). Od tog vremena, bezbednosna slika i uslovi života albanskog stanovništva znatno su se popravili. ...Kada je reč o većim gradovima, javni život se od tada vratio u relativno normalne okvire (videti Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova, 12.1.1999. Administrativnom sudu u Triru; 28.12.1998. Gornjem administrativnom sudu u Linebergu i 23.12.1998. Administrativnom sudu u Kaselu), mada su napetosti između populacionih grupa u međuvremenu porasle usled individualnih činova nasilja... Pojedinačni ekcesni akti nasilja protiv civilnog stanovništva, npr. u Račku su, prema svetskom javnom mnjenju, stavljeni na teret Srba, izazivajući veliko negodovanje. Ali broj i periodičnost takvih ekcesa ne opravdavaju zaključak da je svaki Albanac koji živi na Kosovu izložen ekstremnoj opasnosti po život i zdravlje, niti su svi koji se tamo vraćaju izloženi opasnosti od smrti ili ozbiljne povrede.»

7. Mišljenje Gornjeg administrativnog suda u Minsteru, 24.2.1999. (Az: 14 A 3840/94,A):

«Nema dovoljno istinskih dokaza o postojanju nekog tajnog programa, ili prećutnog konsenzusa na srpskoj strani, za likvidaciju albanskog naroda, za njegovo proterivanje ili drugu vrstu progona na ekstreman način koji se sada opisuje. ...Ako srpska država vlast izvršava svoje zakone i pritom nužno vrši pritisak na albansku etničku grupu koja je okrenula leđa državi i zalaže se za podržavanje bojkota, onda objektivni pravac takvih mera ne leži u programskom progonu ove populacione grupe. ...Čak i ako bi srpska država blagonaklono prihvatila ili čak imala nameru da deo građanstva koje sebe vidi u beznadežnoj situaciji ili koje se protivi obaveznim merama, emigrira, to još uvek ne predstavlja program progona usmeren protiv celokupne albanske većine (na Kosovu).

Ako, štaviše, (jugoslovenska) država reaguje na separatističke težnje doslednim i oštrim izvršavanjem zakona i anti-separatističkim merama, i ako, kao rezultat, neki od umešanih reše da napuste zemlju, to još uvek ne predstavlja sistematsku politiku (jugoslovenske) države usmerenu ka obeležavanju i izbacivanju manjine; naprotiv, to je usmereno ka zadržavanju tog naroda unutar državne federacije.»

Događaji počev od februara i marta 1998. ne predstavljaju program progona albanskog etniciteta. Mere koje preduzimaju naoružane srpske snage su na prvom mestu usmerene ka borbi protiv OVK i njenim pretpostavljenim pripadnicima i pomagačima.»

------ Napomene prevodioca (tj. izvornog prevodioca sa nemačkog na engleski) ---

Kao što je slučaj sa Klintonovom administracijom, sadašnji režim u Nemačkoj, tačnije Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Joške Fišera, opravdava svoju intervenciju na Kosovu ukazivanjem na «humanitarnu katastrofu», «genocid» i «etničko čišćenje» koji se tamo dešavaju, a pogotovu u mesecima koji su prethodili napad NATO pakta. Navedeni interni dokumenti iz Fišerovog ministarstva i raznih regionalnih administrativnih sudova u Nemačkoj, koji pokrivaju period od godinu dana pre početka vazdušnih napada NATO, svedoče da kriterijumi etničkog čišćenja i genocida nisu ispunjeni. Dokumenti Ministarstva spoljnih poslova bili su potrebni sudovima radi odlučivanja o statusu kosovsko-albanskih izbeglica u Nemačkoj. Mada bi se u ovim slučajevima mogla pretpostaviti pristrasnost u korist umanjivanja razmera humanitarne katastrofe radi ograničavanja broja izbeglica, ipak ostaje veoma značajna činjenica da je Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova, protivno svojim javnim tvrdnjama o etničkom čišćenju i genocidu kao opravdanjima za NATO intervenciju, privatno nastavilo da negira njihovo postojanje kao jugoslovensku politiku u ovom kritičnom periodu. I to je i dalje bilo njegova procena čak i u martu ove (1999.) godine. Dakle, ovi dokumenti ukazuju da zaustavljanje genocida nije bio razlog zbog kojeg je nemačka vlada, dakle i NATO, intervenisala na Kosovu, i da genocid (onako kako se podrazumeva pod nemačkim i međunarodnim zakonodavstvom) na Kosovu nije prethodio NATO bombardovanju, bar ne u periodu od rane 1998. do kraja marta 1999., već je bio njegova posledica.

Izvodi iz ovih zvaničnih dokumenata došli su u posed IALANA, koja ih je zatim prosledila raznim medijima. Tekst koji je ovde upotrebljen objavljen je u nemačkim dnevnim novinama Junge welt 24.4.1999. (vidi kao i komentar na

(Prevod sa engleskog i uvod: Aleksandar Pavić)

Unbelivable garbage

Submitted by shubidubi
"It´s October 1998. Sagato Ogata is invited to witness, in front of CNN cameras, the desperate position of a group of some 50 Albanians who have been thrown out of their homes, allegedly by Serb forces. The filming lasts for about half an hour. It´s dusk. The CNN crew and Ms. Ogata leave the scene. Two hours later the 50 Albanians leave the scene as well and safely return to their homes".

If i knew nothing about what happen in Kosovo I would of believed you, but thankfully I do. As long as half of Serbia believes this kind of garbage, don't expect anybody in the world to feel sympathetic towards you cause. Forget about partition, autonomy, or any other imagination you can dream up. Your nation and your government has no credibility, so anything you ask for is dead on arrival.

Your little story above is an insult to anyone who has the most basic knowledge about what happen in Kosovo.
Did you ever come across a place named Blace Border Crossing? I did. In fact I was there,together with 10-20 thousand other people who were forcefully removed from their homes.And no,we did not go there for a picnic. Don't insult our intelligence with your garbage please.

Nothing doing

Interni nemački dokumenti o Kosovu


Uvodne napomene:

S obzirom da se «legitimitet» tvrdnje većine zapadnih zemalja da Kosovo i Metohija «mora» da dobije nezavisnost zasniva na «argumentu» da je Srbija «izgubila moralno pravo» da upravlja Kosmetom zbog navodnih «zlodela» počinjenih od strane srpskih državnih organa protiv pripadnika albanske nacionalne manjine, da su ta «zlodela» bila («opravdani») povod za NATO-bombardovanje SRJ i kasnije razmeštanje NATO trupa (pod okriljem UN) na Kosmetu, te za «osvetničko» proterivanje preko 200.000 Srba i drugih ne-Albanaca sa Kosmeta, i da se mahanjem «srpskim zlodelima» na Kosmetu pokušavaju zamagliti norme međunarodnog prava (i Rezolucije 1244), po kojem je Kosmet neotuđivi deo državne teritorije Republike Srbije, u vremenu i pregovorima koji predstoje dragocena su sva izvorna svedočanstva koja opovrgavaju tvrdnje o «sistematskim zlodelima» srpske države na Kosmetu u periodu pre NATO-bombardovanja. Pogotovu je bitno da ta svedočanstva budu prisutna u medijima, s obzirom da je cela diplomatska igra oko Kosmeta očigledno izmeštena iz okvira prava, i da odlučujuću reč imaju propagandne tvrdnje i moć da se one što češće lansiraju što široj publici.

Naravno, bilo bi poželjno da ovakva svedočanstva budu dostupna što široj međunarodnoj publici, ne samo u zemljama NATO koje su glavni protagonisti kosmetske nezavisnosti već i u zemljama koje su ili rezervisane ili se protive (što iz sopstvenih, što iz načelnih razloga) takvoj politici. I mora se reći da je očigledno, čak uzimajući u obzir i delimičnu medijsku blokadu u zapadnim zemljama po ovom pitanju, da država Srbija nema nikakav program sistematskog obaveštavanja međunarodne javnosti o svojim stavovima ili činjenicama koje idu njima u prilog.

Ali ne treba zanemariti ni domaću javnost, u kojoj su, opet, mnogo prisutniji «argumenti» proponenata kosmetske nezavisnosti nego onih koji smatraju da je Kosmet neotuđivi deo teritorije Srbije i da je na delu jedna nečuvena otimačina istorijskih razmera. Jer, javnost koja je svesna šta joj se zapravo dešava, čak i ako u datom trenutku nije sposobna da to spreči (ovde se ne tvrdi da je to slučaj), je javnost koja je sposobna da uputi prave poruke svojim političarima i da od njih ima realna očekivanja. To je javnost koja će biti manje sklona emotivnim, nerazumnim ekcesima zasnovanim na nedostatku pravih informacija, ali i javnost koja će pravilno znati kako da se postavi i prema eksponentima (što stranim, što domaćim) politike o kojoj je reč. Na kraju, domaća javnost zaslužuje i da zna da li joj se, i spolja i iznutra, pokušava nabaciti jedan veštački kompleks, pomoću kojeg bi se danas opravdalo oduzimanje Kosmeta, a sutra možda još nekog parčeta zemlje, a i pomoću kojeg će se zemlji Srbiji i dalje ispostavljati novi i novi «zahtevi» i «uslovi» spolja (i iznutra), koji bi bili olako prihvaćeni, na sopstvenu štetu, u sklopu nekog daljeg «posipanja pepelom» za koje, ustvari, nema potrebe.

Dakle, u cilju bolje obaveštenosti domaće javnosti, sledi prevod jednog pomalo zaboravljenog dokumenta, koji je obišao Internet svemir tokom 1999. godine, a zatim bio zaboravljen. Objavljeni dokument, ustvari prevod odluka nemačkih sudova u vezi stanja na Kosmetu tokom 1998. i 1999. objavljen je od strane uglednog međunarodnog udruženja pravnika (Međunarodne asocijacije advokata protiv nuklearnog oružja (International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms – IALANA, Tokom 1999. pojavio se na više sajtova širom sveta, poput , , , itd.

Čini se da je uputno ponovo ga objaviti, pogotovu s obzirom na sve učestalija «podsećanja» američkih, nemačkih i drugih diplomata o tome «šta se dešavalo» na Kosmetu tokom 1990-ih godina. Možda je i kod njih reč o zaboravnosti. U tom slučaju, ovo podsećanje je utoliko važnije.


Sakupljeni od strane Međunarodne asocijacije advokata protiv nuklearnog oružja (International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms – IALANA)

1: Mišljenje Gornjeg administrativnog suda u Minsteru, 11.3.1999. (Az: 13A 3894/94.A):

«Etnički Albanci na Kosovu niti su bili niti su sada izloženi grupnom progonu na regionalnom ili nacionalnom nivou u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji.»

2: Mišljenje Bavarskog administrativnog suda, od 29.10.1998. (Az: 22 BA 94.34252):

«Statusni izveštaji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova od 6. maja, 8. juna i 13. jula 1998. koji su dostavljeni tužiteljima u pozivu za usmenu raspravu, ne dopuštaju zaključak da se na Kosovu sprovodi grupni progon etničkih Albanaca. Čak se ni postojanje progona na regionalnom nivou, primenjenog protiv svih etničkih Albanaca koji žive na jednom delu Kosova, ne može konstatovati sa dovoljnim stepenom verovatnoće. Nasilne akcije jugoslovenske vojske i policije počev od februara 1998. bile su usmerene protiv separatističkih aktivnosti i ne predstavljaju dokaz progona celokupne albanske etničke grupe na Kosovu ili nekom njegovom delu. Ono što se dešavalo u sklopu jugoslovenskih nasilnih akcija i eksesa počev od februara 1998. bile su selektivne akcije primene sile protiv vojnog podzemnog pokreta (a pogotovu OVK) i ljudi koji su bili u neposrednom kontaktu sa njim u oblastima njihovog delovanja. ...Nekakav državni program ili progon usmeren protiv čitave albanske etničke grupe ne postoji, niti je ranije postojao.»

3. Obaveštajni izveštaj iz Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 12.1.1999. Administrativnom sudu u Triru (Az: 514-516.80/32 426):

«Čak se ni na Kosovu ne može potvrditi postojanje eksplicitnog političkog progona usmerenog protiv albanskog etniciteta. Istočno Kosovo još uvek nije zahvaćeno oružanim sukobima. Javni život u gradovima poput Prištine, Uroševca, Gnjilana, itd. se, tokom čitavog vremena sukoba, odvijao na relativno normalan način... Akcije snaga bezbednosti nisu bile usmerene protiv kosovskih Albanaca kao etnički definisane grupe, već protiv vojnog suparnika i njegovih stvarnih ili pretpostavljenih pomagača.»

4. Obaveštajni izveštaj iz Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 6.1.1999. Bavarskom administrativnom sudu, Ansbah:

«U sadašnjem vremenu se unutar Savezne Republike Jugoslavije uočava povećana tendencija povratka izbeglih u svoje domove. ...Uprkos očajnoj ekonomskoj situaciji u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji (prema zvaničnim podacima Savezne Republike Jugoslavije, 700.000 izbeglica iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine našle su svoje utočište u njoj od 1991.), nije poznat ni jedan slučaj hronične neuhranjenosti ili nedovoljne lekarske nege među izbeglima, niti je uočen značajan broj beskućnika. ...Prema proceni Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, individualni kosovski Albanci (i članovi njihovih porodica) još uvek imaju na raspolaganju određene mogućnosti naseljavanja onih delova Jugoslavije u kojima već žive njihovi sunarodnici ili prijatelji, koji su spremni da ih prihvate i pomognu ih.»

5. Izveštaj Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, 15.3.1999. (Az: 514-516,80/33841) Administrativnom sudu, Majnc:

«Kako je navedeno u statusnom izveštaju od 18.11.1998. OVK se vratila na svoje položaje nakon delimičnog povlačenja (srpskih) snaga bezbednosti u oktobru 1998. tako da ponovo kontroliše široke delove teritorije u zoni sukoba. Pre početka proleća 1999. još uvek je bilo sukoba između OVK i snaga bezbednosti, mada oni još uvek nisu dosegli intenzitet borbi vođenih tokom proleća i leta 1998.»

6. Mišljenje Administrativnog suda Baden-Virtemberga, 4.2.1999. (Az: A 14 S 22276/98):

«Svi izveštaji koji su predstavljeni Senatu slažu se u tome da je humanitarna katastrofa za koju se često strahovalo da će zadesiti albansko stanovništvo, izbegnuta. ...Čini se da je to situacija koja vlada od predstanka sukoba, nakon postizanja sporazuma sa srpskim rukovodstvom krajem 1998. (Statusni izveštaj Ministarstvu spoljnih poslova, 18.11.1998.). Od tog vremena, bezbednosna slika i uslovi života albanskog stanovništva znatno su se popravili. ...Kada je reč o većim gradovima, javni život se od tada vratio u relativno normalne okvire (videti Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova, 12.1.1999. Administrativnom sudu u Triru; 28.12.1998. Gornjem administrativnom sudu u Linebergu i 23.12.1998. Administrativnom sudu u Kaselu), mada su napetosti između populacionih grupa u međuvremenu porasle usled individualnih činova nasilja... Pojedinačni ekcesni akti nasilja protiv civilnog stanovništva, npr. u Račku su, prema svetskom javnom mnjenju, stavljeni na teret Srba, izazivajući veliko negodovanje. Ali broj i periodičnost takvih ekcesa ne opravdavaju zaključak da je svaki Albanac koji živi na Kosovu izložen ekstremnoj opasnosti po život i zdravlje, niti su svi koji se tamo vraćaju izloženi opasnosti od smrti ili ozbiljne povrede.»

7. Mišljenje Gornjeg administrativnog suda u Minsteru, 24.2.1999. (Az: 14 A 3840/94,A):

«Nema dovoljno istinskih dokaza o postojanju nekog tajnog programa, ili prećutnog konsenzusa na srpskoj strani, za likvidaciju albanskog naroda, za njegovo proterivanje ili drugu vrstu progona na ekstreman način koji se sada opisuje. ...Ako srpska država vlast izvršava svoje zakone i pritom nužno vrši pritisak na albansku etničku grupu koja je okrenula leđa državi i zalaže se za podržavanje bojkota, onda objektivni pravac takvih mera ne leži u programskom progonu ove populacione grupe. ...Čak i ako bi srpska država blagonaklono prihvatila ili čak imala nameru da deo građanstva koje sebe vidi u beznadežnoj situaciji ili koje se protivi obaveznim merama, emigrira, to još uvek ne predstavlja program progona usmeren protiv celokupne albanske većine (na Kosovu).

Ako, štaviše, (jugoslovenska) država reaguje na separatističke težnje doslednim i oštrim izvršavanjem zakona i anti-separatističkim merama, i ako, kao rezultat, neki od umešanih reše da napuste zemlju, to još uvek ne predstavlja sistematsku politiku (jugoslovenske) države usmerenu ka obeležavanju i izbacivanju manjine; naprotiv, to je usmereno ka zadržavanju tog naroda unutar državne federacije.»

Događaji počev od februara i marta 1998. ne predstavljaju program progona albanskog etniciteta. Mere koje preduzimaju naoružane srpske snage su na prvom mestu usmerene ka borbi protiv OVK i njenim pretpostavljenim pripadnicima i pomagačima.»

------ Napomene prevodioca (tj. izvornog prevodioca sa nemačkog na engleski) ---

Kao što je slučaj sa Klintonovom administracijom, sadašnji režim u Nemačkoj, tačnije Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Joške Fišera, opravdava svoju intervenciju na Kosovu ukazivanjem na «humanitarnu katastrofu», «genocid» i «etničko čišćenje» koji se tamo dešavaju, a pogotovu u mesecima koji su prethodili napad NATO pakta. Navedeni interni dokumenti iz Fišerovog ministarstva i raznih regionalnih administrativnih sudova u Nemačkoj, koji pokrivaju period od godinu dana pre početka vazdušnih napada NATO, svedoče da kriterijumi etničkog čišćenja i genocida nisu ispunjeni. Dokumenti Ministarstva spoljnih poslova bili su potrebni sudovima radi odlučivanja o statusu kosovsko-albanskih izbeglica u Nemačkoj. Mada bi se u ovim slučajevima mogla pretpostaviti pristrasnost u korist umanjivanja razmera humanitarne katastrofe radi ograničavanja broja izbeglica, ipak ostaje veoma značajna činjenica da je Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova, protivno svojim javnim tvrdnjama o etničkom čišćenju i genocidu kao opravdanjima za NATO intervenciju, privatno nastavilo da negira njihovo postojanje kao jugoslovensku politiku u ovom kritičnom periodu. I to je i dalje bilo njegova procena čak i u martu ove (1999.) godine. Dakle, ovi dokumenti ukazuju da zaustavljanje genocida nije bio razlog zbog kojeg je nemačka vlada, dakle i NATO, intervenisala na Kosovu, i da genocid (onako kako se podrazumeva pod nemačkim i međunarodnim zakonodavstvom) na Kosovu nije prethodio NATO bombardovanju, bar ne u periodu od rane 1998. do kraja marta 1999., već je bio njegova posledica.

Izvodi iz ovih zvaničnih dokumenata došli su u posed IALANA, koja ih je zatim prosledila raznim medijima. Tekst koji je ovde upotrebljen objavljen je u nemačkim dnevnim novinama Junge welt 24.4.1999. (vidi kao i komentar na

(Prevod sa engleskog i uvod: Aleksandar Pavić)

Compare 1930s with 1980s in Kosovo

Gjon Bisaku, Shtjefën Kurti & Luigj Gashi:
The Situation of the Albanian Minority in Yugoslavia
Memorandum Presented to the League of Nations

This memorandum, originally written in French, was addressed to the League of Nations in 1930 by three Catholic priests, Gjon Bisaku, Shtjefën Kurti, Luigj Gashi, who had been working in Kosova in the 1920s on behalf of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide in Rome. Their desperate appeal shows that the situation of the Albanians in Kosova had not much improved a generation after the Serb takeover of 1913.


From no representatives in the civilian government of 1930 the Kosovo Albanians come to COMPLETE representation in 1980s and post 1999.
So what are you trying to rectify James?

Copy and Paste Contest?

I didn't think this was a copy and paste contest.


we all know that serbians politicians also know ,and accept privately,that kosovo is lost for serbia for decades now!(it has been "serbian" only for less than a century ,mr kostunica!) That's why milosheviq made these wars,to get rid of albanians ...But ,thanks to rugova,albanians were not crazy to be active players of this scenario and they just waited,when serbia would not be as powerful as in the beginning of the wars...
partition is only the same play,at an another scale: that's what they(serbs)want from the beginning,that's why they settled in mitrovica,which is not a place of historical serbian values.And french army and policy helped here.They wanted more than mitrovica:peja,istog etc up to mitrovica( And it is only because of the mineral ressources of this place! Nothing to do with the heart of serbia,the historical place...)but will accept in fine mitrovica only?!
For me, as albanian, partition of mitrovica is accepting serbian unification but dening albanian should not even be discussed,and if it is accepted,i can guarantee you that albanians of all the ex -territories of yougoslavia will ask just as the serbs of mitrovica,to join what they consider their homeland...and we will have presheva valley,macedonia, plave e guci again in troubles,that mean all the region!May be even voivodina and sandjak..
albanian frustration is great, of course . we are impatient to see our dream become true,but not as impatient as to risk our dreams... tell it to serbian politicians! we pretty well know that the only thing they expect is our revolt again international communauty and a new march...We've learned a lot too,from March events!
But our ,let's say passivity in front of serbian provocation,doesnot at all mean that we are ready to give up the ressources of our future state.On the contrary.

we have experimented lots of things,these we have partition,and even a alto-adigio solution .Why not..wait and see.But believe me,if the serbian strategy is waiting,they already are the lost ones.we know how to wait for a long, long time.we will overcame this waiting too.we will be there tomorrow too.


krpeljic RULES!

ps. as the issue of Kosovo and discussions on the subject SERIOUSLY increase my blood pressure, especially when endless and futile discussions imply undermining my IQ as though my brain was devoid of ANY activity - in the interest of my health I shall retreat back to B92 blogs that are anything BUT political.

pps. blago zemlji koja krpelja ima! :-)

fala ti ko bratu

ma ko sestri

pa smo kvit :)

Čika James

Iako sam rekla da neću učestvovati na blogu sa 'stranim neprijateljskim uplivima'( ne zelim da stvaram bore na mom lepom 31ogodišnjem licu)i umesto rasprava izabrala da tešim drugaricu koja je cmizdrila posle gledanja Poslednjeg tanga u Parizu po 100ti put, jedna stvar me strašno ineteresuje a to je govor Vojislava Koštunice u Savetu bezbednosti UN koji je jutros izasao ja mislim u Večernjim novostima . Inteersuje mi da li ste ga pročitali i šta mislite i njemu?

When you get a chance to answer the pretty young android....

let us know your view of Primakov's statement below:

"Ja se prema Ahtisariju dobro odnosim, dobro ga poznajem, ali on se kao pregovarač o Kosovu "istrošio". U pravom smislu, pregovora do sada nije ni bilo. On je putovao i saznavao stavove i na osnovu toga predložio svoj plan. Očigledno je da se pregovori moraju nastaviti. Ja sam se uverio da srpska strana hoće nastavak pregovora u direktnim razgovarima sa predsednikom Tadićem i premijerom Koštunicom. Srpska strana ne blokira rešenje. Dakle, do kompromisa se može doći. Srbi ne polaze od toga da mora biti samo onako kako oni kažu. Ultimativno se nastupa sa druge strane."

THE LAST SENTENCE IN TRANSLATION: "The other side is using ultimatums."

My theory is that "the other side" i.e. the Anglo-American axis is getting really cocky. It is acting with complete disdain and feelings of careless superiority towards anyone who does not partake in their global projects. And that can be felt in the attitude which you project in this blog.

Dear Krpelj,

pa gde si ti da me braniš?
Dobijam svakog dana svu dnevnu štampu u kanc. i par nedeljnika ( Vreme, Nin, Evropa, Svedok) i evo jutros sam u Svedoku naišla na članak (pročitaj ga ako možeš )- Novinar Karlton priznaje:"Lagao sam o Srebrenici", pa onda članak " Kad šiptari ubijaju to je osveta, kad nato ubija to je kolateralna šteta kad Srbi ubijaju to je zločin" pa onda članak "Ambasadori omalovažavaju naš ustav i istoriju" ( sa sve sličicama dragog nam Polta i Cobela, ma nemam ništa protiv momaka da se razumemo ). I sad bi verovatno Mr. Lyon rekao --so what's your point - a možda i ne bi. Samo hoću da kažem da mi je dosta ovakvih naslova i da mi je dosta da se osećam kao izradjeni magarac samo zato što sam srpkinja. Uvek se setim filma Wag the dog - trebalo bi da ga pogledaju svi , sa De Nirom i Dastin Hofmanom, biće im jasno kako i zašto se proizvode Markale ili Račak. I sve što na kraju dana želim je istina.

I od jutros sam loše volje bez želje da razumem sranja ovog sveta i izjave tipa -- vi i vaša deca ćete nositi teret genocida bla,bla . Bez obzira koliko se trudila da imam razumevanja za vaš posao Mr. Lyon možda treba da razmislite da ćete i vi nositi teret genocida nad iračkom decom ( što zbog sankcija što zbog vojne akcije tamo) koja možda trče pocepana i prljava i čija se majka raznela da bi vama odgovorila. Deca su za mene deca čija god da su, iako još uvek nisam majka.

tako da Krpelj hvala ti što se boriš, na svoj način za istinu

Dear Bladerunner,

Jamie wont bear the burden of genocide in Iraq any more than he bears the burden of genocide in Vietnam or any other major or minor injustice in which the United States were implicated. That is because he belongs to a superior culture which can be compared to the Hellenic-Roman culture in the antiquity for whom everyone outside of the group was just barbarian. That is why we are an ethnicity (as Greeks say), but Jamies does not belong to an ethnicity. Have you ever heard of anyone being of English or American ethnicity?
So, many of us Serbs want to be "Europeans" not just geographically or historically but by belonging to the European Union we want to be submerged in the trans-national. We in fact do not want to be different, but we want to be like "them" (dispite the fact that "they" are only in our imagination).
But while we are talking nonsense here, the International Crisis Group is discussing birth pangs of young Serbian mothers who are not smart enough to organize alternative birth methods for themselves.
I hope this helps.

Disappointed, no worried!

Dear Mr Lyon,

I suspect that I have joined the discussion far too late for you even notice this comment. However, it needs to be said.

Your political musing on this blog seem to exhibit the very worst of a combined US/Balkan attitude to 'constructive' argument and discussion.

You have every right to form your own opinion on what should be done with Kosovo, and every right to convince others of your own views. But you don't discuss - you preach and tell. Just because you believe a particular point is right, does not mean it is right.

After reading the lines of argument you take, I'm even more convinced that Kosovo should NOT be granted independence and full sovereignty without Serbia's consent as your points seem both ill-conceived and desperate; a case of making the wrong (but easy) decision and trying to find something (anything) to justify it.

Outside your musings on this blog, you exert significant influence in the policy decisions of some 'western' leaders. That's worrying!

Your sincerely,
Willy Garvin

Dear Willy Garvin

James is a researcher for an NGO which has surfaced out of nothing in the 1990s and has since established itself as an important creator of public opinion in the United Kingdom (as far as I know). It is aptly called the INTERNATIONAL - CRISIS - GROUP. If you look at the list of members you will see that they are all former or current officials in various national and supranational governmental organizations. So what is it that makes this a NON-governmental organization? I would love James to explain.

Za krpelj krpeljic

krpelj krpeljic,

I'm aware that Mr Lyon is ICG Country Director for Serbia and what/who ICG is. Also, the term 'NGO' has become a meaningless catch-all phrase for anything that is not directly controlled by a state institution/department.

However, neither of the above excuse his weak arguments.


The arguments ARE weak

but those who propose them have great power. It is not about NGOs but about the USA we have to talk about.

Look at their latest "proposal": to recognize "Kosovo" despite a Russian veto. How does that match with their apparent concern for stability in the Balkans?

Serbia should fully and finally become a Russian acolyte. The West has in the last 17 years entirely revealed its policy as regards the Serbs.

re: The arguments ARE weak

It is not about NGOs but about the USA we have to talk about.

Why? Do you have a fixation about the USA? I don't.

Look at their latest "proposal": to recognize "Kosovo" despite a Russian veto. How does that match with their apparent concern for stability in the Balkans?

What Russian veto? Have the Russians said they will use a veto? Under what circumstances will they use one?

Russia has a problem. It doesn't know whether Kosovo's imposed independence is a good thing or not. It can't make up its mind. But one thing is for sure, Putin will choose whatever he thinks is best for Russia. He doesn't care about Kosovo; Kosovo is just a way for him to flex Russia's muscles, look tough to the Russian public, and see how far the 'west' will run with this - and how much they are prepared to pay for his silence!

Serbia should fully and finally become a Russian acolyte.

Not a smart move.

The West has in the last 17 years entirely revealed its policy as regards the Serbs.

And of course, Milosevic and his merry men did absolutely nothing to provoke them did he?

The 'west' is indeed trying to sweep the Kosovo issue under the carpet and pretend that they've done a marvelous job. Until Omarska, the US was actually quite favourable towards the Serbs. They couldn't decide which side to support until that moment, and then once they'd made up their mind, it was all downhill!

Re Fixation: The US and its

Re Fixation: The US and its armed forces are used to dismember nations like Iraq and Yugoslavia, and will be used in the future perhaps for some other rich pickings (like Russia).

Re Veto: Look up the latest meeting in Kosovo between the Russian rep. there and Ceku. The Russian said: independence will not pass the Security Council.

RE: Russia+Serbia can be what USA+UK are = countries looking after their own interests. Serbia cannot really produce its own nukes.

"Milosevic and his merry men" are just victims like all other Serbs and Iraqis of the policies of the powerbrokers. Many other Milosevices and Saddams are tolerated in the world. The Western machine for producing cases is vast. Just think of all those university educated people in the West - what a resource! And they do support their own countries, with EXTREME docility. Think-tanks can make a case out of anything. Who are Milosevic and his men in comparison to the Bushes, Clintons, Kennedyies, Rockfellers, Rotschildes, Morgans, etc. etc. etc.?

SHOOT ME if Omarska was the crunch!

Big guys cannot stake their future on accidental wars of small guys. Big guys direct your future and shape how you think. They create educational systems for us guys. Didn't you learn anything from the long communist period?

But the track record regarding Serbian interests and recognition of Slovenia, Croatia, BIH and now the blatant threat and advance warning about the recognition of Kosovo while setting up rocket systems in Poland and Cz, just shows that "we" big guys can produce countries as "we" like. The more countries there are the more customers we have. Just check the number of UN members and how it grows.

Serbs are just victims of some planned operation, collateral damage. And the only thing, or the primary thing that is important for Serbs is security. It can be seen from current experience that the only way they can have security is if they become a client state of Russia, which does not mean they cannot be in Europe aswell.

Sorry for so much bullshit.


What can be dangerous in being a client state of Russia, after everything that Serbs of Former Yugoslavia lost and experienced since? What more have they got to lose?

I am sorry if you are a member of the Anglo-American POPULACE whose historic memory is conditioned to last from one change of government to the next, for that type of intellect it is superflous to analyse any historical events and periods. But mind you, the memory of their policy makers is not short-term at all.

Re: Fixation

Sorry for so much bullshit.

Apology accepted. :D

Dear Serbs, Please don’t be quacks.

It is obvious what Jamie is doing. Towing the line for the global oligarchs. Creating “rumors of partition” and threatening with violence. Resurrecting the whole anti-Serbia propaganda panoply which most of you are gulping and regurgitating like timid cows. Don’t you remember from your communist youth days how a statement repeated many times, becomes the truth? Have you all sold out for the “research” pennies thrown out by the wealthy?
What is Jamie doing? Throwing in pregnancy pangs as diversion, or trying to find the right anesthetic for amputation of Kosovo? He just follows the repertoire of the global methods.

Read this article unmasking Jamie and “Rumors of partition” and Tom Lantos and the whole global setup.

Re: Dear Serbs, Please don’t be quacks.

Krpelj, do you work for baba JUL-a?

Sadly, I fear, Mr Lyon actually believes the stuff he produces. He and Sivi Soko are two of a kind - just opposite opinions.

How did you guess?

Who is Sivi Soko? Please update me.

re Sivi Soko

Unless you mean American Indians - my favourite topic: how they were exterminated, sidelined and anesthetized by the smart anglo-saxon tribe.

Re: How did you guess?

Nebojsa Malic left his home in Bosnia after the Dayton Accords and currently resides in the United States. During the Bosnian War he had exposure to diplomatic and media affairs in Sarajevo. As a historian who specializes in international relations and the Balkans, Malic has written numerous essays on the Kosovo War, Bosnia, and Serbian politics. His exclusive column for debuted in November 2000. "Balkan Express" appears every Thursday. For more of his thoughts on the Balkans and other topics, check out his blog: and


Thank you for bringing the grayfalcom blog to my attention, I agree with his reasoning because it is not dogmatic. Jamie on the other hand is a foreigner in Serbia who shows TOTAL disrespect and lack of understanding for anything Serbian. He is also working against Serbia with impunity which cannot be compared even to that of Austro-Hungarian consuls. Jamie in my opinion is an international thug, (he will delete this!) comparable to Holbrooke. Americans have nothing to teach us.
And all of this answers your question why am I am obsessed with the US? Am I not. But it is Jamie who eight years after the bombing of Serbia by his compatriots choses to fly the red flag into our face. Serbs in the UK and the USA do not campaign against the UK or the USA, nor are they plotting against those countries.

I can see that most readers react to my comments (on other blogs too) by trying to put me in some slot or some dogmatic or ideological frame. But they do not pay attention to the arguments. All of us who can be sitting on ANY place of this planet and communicate thanks to the internet technology - do not have to belong to former or present Serbian political parties, in other words I am not JUL, Socialist, Radical, Democrat, Lib - Dem....



How does it feel being pidgeonholed so often and not understanding why?

Sorry Willy you lost me. Tvoja baba Jula


Kosovo's top Islamic leader asks local Muslims for support
April 27, 2007



The top Islamic leader of Kosovo spoke to Muslims in metro Detroit today, asking them to support the independence of his province.

Mufti Naim Ternava, president of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, is in Michigan as part of a visit to the U.S. to garner support for making Kosovo an independent country. The Muslim-majority province is currently a part of Serbia.

"Pray for the independence of Kosovo," Ternava said through a translator during the Friday sermon to about two hundred Muslims at the Muslim Center of Detroit on Davison Ave. "Thousands of miles away from here, there are Muslim brothers in Kosovo who suffered for many, many years and who are close religious brothers with you."

Critics of Kosovo's independence worry that Kosovo would be a hotbed of extremism if it became a separate country, but Ternava and his assistant said that Kosovo's Muslim community is tolerant and modern.

Ternava also spoke with Muslims at the Southfield office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and at the Albanian Islamic Center in Harper Woods.

During his talk at the Muslim Center, Ternava said that "thousands of people…went as shahids (martyrs) during all these sufferings" that Kosovo went through.

"With the blood of these shahids, with the lots of suffering of innocent people…we hope in the near future to be the newest state in the world," he said.

Ternava also urged the crowd to follow the teachings of Islam.

"Islam is such a comprehensive religion which includes all what the family needs and what an individual needs in this world," he said. "Help others to understand it. Teach it to others."

During his U.S. trip, which is sponsored by the U.S. State Dept., Ternava is also visiting New York, and Washington D.C. to meet with Muslims and State Dept. officials.

He visited Michigan because of its significant Muslim population, which includes many with roots in Kosovo.

Contact Niraj Warikoo at 248-351-2998 or

Jamie is a "soldier"

he must believe in what he does. He is also "tvrdoglav" he cannot grow any more.


I am really looking forward to your next blog article! Is it going to be about corruption in Serbia? Don't keeping us waiting too long.


I am a bit late with my comment. But anyway...

Serb diplomats hinted already at the option of partition a few months after the Kosovo War. If the international community had taken this up instead of rejecting it immediately Kosovo might have been solved long before.

Contrary to what you state the international community is not open for partition. The Contact Group explicitly forbade it in their "principles" and for that reason it was not allowed in Vienna either.

there now appears to be a certain growing consensus among extremists on both the Serb and Albanian sides that the Serbs should leave the enclaves

I just wonder what the meaning of this statement is: Do you want to demonize the option of partition? Or are you preparing yourself for the inevitable exodus of Serbs when Kosovo becomes independent - that you will inevitably blame on themselves. In fact the main reason for the exodus will be economic and safety related. Go check how many Serbs in Kosovo have an income that is not government related. For many it is not safe enough to go to the cities and even in the villages it is either too unsafe to work on the land or theft and vandalism makes it rather unprofitable.

Yes, if these Serb villages get real autonomy some of their Albanian neighbours may riot. But that is because they are eying to get the Serb properties for a cheap price.

To partition or not to partition...

Wim Roffel said: "Contrary to what you state the international community is not open for partition. The Contact Group explicitly forbade it in their "principles" and for that reason it was not allowed in Vienna either."

But they seem very keen on partitioning Serbia into two parts: Serbia (minor) and Kosovo.

Notice the hypocracy in the International Community's position? It's OK for Serbia to be partitioned, but not Kosovo.

Morally Right?

“I never said that partitioning Kosovo was morally wrong. In theory, if the Albanians and Serbs would agree among themselves to peacefully partition Kosovo, no one in the international community would object.”

Mr. Lyon,

Clearly that scenario not only is the most likely to find support among both the Serbian and Albanian population, its also the most likely to bring peace and stability to the region as a whole. It would also set a positive precedent on how various disagreements in the Balkans should be settled in the future, through peaceful diplomacy and dialog.

Even you seem to begrudgingly acknowledge that partition through negotiation and compromise could be a desirable solution if conducted openly and fairly.

So why is there such opposition to it among the pro-independence countries and NGO’s?

You yourself co-authored the following in 2003.

“Any partition of Kosovo along ethnic lines would raise very uncomfortable
issues elsewhere in the Balkans” The Observer Sunday February 23, 2003

The ICG in general seems extremely opposed to any discussion of the possibility of partition.

“The international community has properly decreed that Kosovo's final status must not involve division of its territory. But this declaration has not been followed by sufficient action.”

“Territorial integrity is the correct policy because partition could provoke further population exchanges inside Kosovo and instability elsewhere in the Balkans…” Europe Report Nº165, 13 September 2005

“neither Kosovo's return to Belgrade's rule, nor its partition, nor any possible unification of Kosovo with Albania or any neighbouring state or territory will be supported.” Europe Report N°161, 24 January 2005

As early as 2002 the ICG was associating partition with secret plans by the Serbian government.

“the continuing lack of clarity about the international community's objectives allows hard-liners among ethnic Albanians to play on fears that the secret aim is partition, both of Mitrovica and of the entire province.” Europe Report N°131, 3 June 2002

Now you too seem to be playing on fears that the secret aim is to partition Kosovo.

You and the ICG are respected experts on the region. I personally believe that because of this you must be extremely responsible with your words. Your blog, which was cited in the International Press numerous times, only portrayed the possibility of partition in a very negative light. You completely ignored the mainstream’s desired approach to the partition issue. Only the most extreme radical and dangerous elements of Serbian society would ever welcome the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the southern regions. Any situation involving that outcome would also most certainly involve the destruction of many historical sites which we consider to be the very foundation of our civilization. No sane Serb wants the outcome in which you describe. Yet the average person in the West reading your article may come away thinking that outcome is what both the moderates and radicals in Serbia want.

The simple fact of the matter is the Serbian government is most likely waiting until the Ahtisaari plan fails in the UNSC to bring partition up. That way they will be in a “stronger” position to negotiate. I see nothing sinister lurking behind that political reality. Tadic’s diplomacy style is light years removed from that employed by the Milosevic regime.

The reason I think portraying the situation like you have is so dangerous is because it almost gives a green light for radical extremists on the pro-independence side to go ahead and engage in that sort of behavior, the “blame” will fall on the Serbian government. They may be led to believe they will get a “better deal” if they engage in a violent partition instead of a peaceful one. A very real danger could easily come from outside as well. It would only take an extremely small terrorist cell the size of the 9/11 Hijackers to completely destabilize the region at this point, no country or region can adequately guard against that. There is already far too much talk of blaming Serbia or Russia if the Albanians “lose patience” will a delay of final status. A repeat of 2004 is probably possible, I’m not sure much has changed?

The simple fact is the arguments cited by the ICG against partition, that it may destabilize other regions, is also the argument being used against granting Kosovo independence in the first place. Both obviously have the chance to set “precedent” for future demands for independence.

We must ask ourselves what kind of precedent we would like to set.

Peaceful negotiation and compromise leading to an agreed upon solution?

Violence leading to reality on the ground, such as the Cyprus model?

Or shall we buy into the arguments proposed by the pro-Ahtisaari camp? That currently the situation is “unique” because you had massive violations of human rights combined with international intervention involving forces on the ground.

If Ahtisaari’s model is to be accepted for these reasons, which has been stated many times, no sane country would ever let UN peace keeping forces into their country again, not ever. This will have an extremely negative effect on the ability of the UN to bring peace to troubled regions where human rights violations are common. Much of the rest of the world outside of the “West” is an extremely dangerous and violent place.

There are additional troubling items in Ahtisaari’s plan itself. While only half the seats in the assembly reserved for minorities go to Serbs, it takes a simple majority of that voting block to completely revise the following rights and “guarantees” for the Serbs:

“a. Laws changing municipal boundaries, establishing or abolishing municipalities, defining the scope of powers of municipalities and their participation in inter- municipal and cross-border relations;
b. Laws implementing the rights of Communities and their members, other than those set forth in the Constitution;
c. Laws on the use of language;
d. Laws on local elections;
e. Laws on the protection of cultural heritage;
f. Laws on religious freedom or on agreements with religious communities;
g. Laws on education;
h. Laws on the use of symbols (including Community symbols) and on public holidays."

I fear this will put enormous pressure on the other minorities in Kosovo, particularly the Roma, who have already suffered so much everywhere they live.

Clearly Ahtisaari’s proposal offers no real protections for Serbs, and is facing a strong Russia veto. With the disunity in the EU, it appears headed for failure (The EU only agreed to support a proposal in the UNSC, could be an alternative such as partition, basically they only agreed not to support unilateral recognition outside the UNSC).

Now Mr. Lyon is when you should be proposing a solution based on peaceful negotiation instead of stirring up fears of violence and ethnic cleansing and associating that with the one proposal so far that might possibly be acceptable to both sides. We should be talking about what is fair and reasonable and whether to include Presevo, and if so, for what?

I personally believe you care about the Balkan people, or you would not have studied us so much.

I implore you to put serious consideration into supporting a fair and balanced partition plan founded on peaceful negotiation with support from both sides if Ahtisaari’s plan fails in the UNSC. If Ahtisaari’s plan fails, anything else is much more likely to involve bloodshed and violence. The world disparately needs unity on this issue.

badinter comission in 1992 - ethnic partition best?

i just want to know, why did we have all these useless wars if yours (and the rest of the west) said in 1992-1999 that no republics can be split, and then all of a sudden turns on its face. Why do Serbs who are prob 90% of RS have to be part of the B-H if they dont want to be? Wouldn't it be better for both the B-H and Replublika Srpska if they split? Clearly that would at least resolve the issue of EU negotations since the police wouldn't have to be united and b&h can join much faster, and the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska can sit next to each other in the UN, and vote together, just like in eurovision ;)