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Srbija 2020

Jasmina Tesanovic





Stavili su nas pred svršen čin – referendum za novi Ustav Republike Srbije. Da li odgovorni građani i građanke treba da prihvate Ustav koji je:

Anna Politkovskaya 1958 - 2006



In Moscow, hundreds of Muscovites thronged Pushkin Square, lit candles and laid flowers at portraits of Politkovskaya.


Balkan Music Avant-garde

U nedelju, 08.10.2006., u 20:00 časova, u sali Centra lepih umetnosti Guarnerius, (Džordža Vašingtona 12) održaće se zajednički koncert ansambala SONEMUS i PRE ART pod nazivom AVANT/RE/GARDE. Na koncertu će biti izvedena nagrađena dela 2. Međunarodnog PRE ART/SONEMUS takmičenja za mlade kompozitore (do 30 godina starosti) iz zemalja jugoistočne Europe: Teodora Stepančić (1. nagrada), Daria Andovska (2. nagrada), Milorad Marinković (3. nagrada) i Elizabeta Ilievska (posebno priznanje). U nizu planiranih projekata ove vrste, Međunarodno PRE ART/SONEMUS takmičenje za mlade kompozitore ima za cilj da pruži jedinstven uvid u stvaralaštvo mlađe generacije autora modernističke orijentacije, čije će delovanje u budućnosti zasigurno bitno odrediti specifični karakter savremene muzike koja dolazi “sa naših geografskih širina”.

15 Years of Women in Black, Serbia

Pozivamo vas da dođete na građansku akciju


Kazivanje epitafa za Miroslava Milenkovića

8. oktobar 1991 – 8. oktobar 2006.

20:30 – 21:00 Park između Skupštine grada i zgrade Predsedništva Srbije

Akciju organizuju građanke i građani koji su je pokrenuli pre 15 godina

Congress LOVES torture

State Of Exception, After The Torture Vote
- Naeem Mohaiemen

About culture's re-engagement with the war on something, Martin Amis
recently said:
"As Norman Mailer said when 9/11 happened, the temptation to charge
in should be resisted because what happens with writing is that you
receive the stimuli and they go down into your subconscious, and what
settles settles, and what doesn't doesn't. You find, after a couple
of years, that you've got something to write about. It's part of your
silent anxiety about what Don DeLillo calls the world hum."

Gone with the Wind

scarlettscarlettDinkic je sinoc u emisiji visokog rizika objavio da po novom ustavu nece biti robova i robovlasnika. Nijedna petarda nije odjeknula ali moje zensko srce je vrisnulo. Mali korak za Srbiju veliki za civilizaciju. I osetila sam se kao Scarlett O Hara...Samo da znate da mi to nije prvi put i da sam se osecala i kao Ana Karenjina na pocetku devedesetih kad su nasi Vronski momci branili srpske pragove daleko od Srbije...

Saopštenje – 15. godina od napada na Dubrovnik

   Danas je 15 godina otkako je Jugoslovenska narodna armija napala Dubrovnik iz svih oružja. Grad je demilitarizovan dvadeset godina pre toga, upravo zato da ne bi, kao deo svetske kulturne baštine, postao žrtva rata. Niko pre JNA nije 14 vekova direktno napadao Dubrovnik.
   Grad je bio od 1. oktobra 1991. do maja 1992. pod opsadom iz vazduha, sa mora i kopna. Građanima/kama su ukinuti voda i struja. Hrane nije bilo.

Letter to Carla Del Ponte

Dear Mrs. Del Ponte,

Referring to the trial of former Serbian State officials for the crimes committed in Kosovo during the war there I want to attract you attention to the fact that these people, this criminal group, did not kill only the OTHERS, that is people of other nationalities, but also people of their own nationality, their compatriots, when it suited them.

One of the particular crimes was the act of deliberately targeting 16 employees of Television Belgrade (RTS) to win the propaganda war with the West. For that crime nobody was convicted except the former RTS General manager Dragoljub Milanovic, who was sentenced to 10 years on charges of negligence, that is, he was accused of violating a governmental order about evacuation from the TV building.

There is a book about the crime, which came out in Serbia in April "Silence in Aberdareva street" which summarizes brilliantly all the existing evidences and even offers some new evidence that the top Serbian State and Military officials of the time knowingly left the television staff to be killed since they had been informed previously about the upcoming NATO raid.

Razgovor o Kosovu

        Medija centar, Beograd, 27. septembar 2006. od 11 do 14 h

U okviru mnogobrojnih aktivnosti osam nevladinih organizacija – Beogradski krug, Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Građanske inicijative, Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji, Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava, Fond za humanitarno pravo, Jugoslovenski komitet pravnika za ljudska prava i Žene u crnom na Kosovu sa Albancima i Srbima želimo da pokrenemo javni dijalog o budućnosti Kosova i Srbije i time razbijemo političku i medijsku blokadu informacija o mogućnostima normalne saradnje, organizujemo ovaj razgovor.

Polazeći od realnosti na Kosovu i približavanja trenutka rešavanja statusa Kosova, mi iz nevladinih organizacija okupljenih u koaliciji G8 želimo da pokrenemo dijalog kako bi se javnost u Srbiji senzibilisala za realne tendencije rešavanja statusa Kosova.

The Third Wave of Nonviolent Revolt

Reason Magazine
September 21, 2006
The 50 Habits of Highly Effective Revolutionaries
The third wave of nonviolent revolt
by Jesse Walker

When the Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic left office in
October 2000, he was felled not by NATO's bombs but by his
own police and soldiers' refusal to enforce his orders. For
nearly a decade, a merry band of militants called Otpor
("Resistance") had been treating his regime to a mix of
Gandhian disobedience and Yippie-style pranks, planting the
seeds of rebellion across the country and helping assemble a
broad, nonviolent anti-government coalition. When Milosevic
refused to acknowledge that he had lost the 2000 election to
Vojislav Kostunica, the opposition called a general strike.

Gadgets Everywhere, Whether We Like It Or Not

LibraryLibraryThis device is a portable digital library, a plastic book, a gadget that I may conceivably need...  And what about many other high-tech schemes exposed at this conference? What is our digital dependence, the way forward or just an addiction?...Every day, hundreds of millions of illiterate people use cellphones to communicate...
Nature is beautiful in California, Orange County, the weather superb, the tasteful and pretty Ubicomp2006 souvenir shoulder-bags are even better-designed than  Swiss Army bags...  Yet I have a feeling that this is not our future on display, but our past...  This is not the real world of the 2010s, but California's 1990s.

Guest Bloggers Code Pink sisters LA, Venice Beach

Code pinkCode

What you women do is great. As women we hold the key to peace if we stand united. We must take back our earth from those, mostly men, who seek change through war and violence rather than through love and nuturing. The battle we face is not easy but with continuing support for each other we will prevail. Peace and love, Maggie Freilich (Codepink LA).codepinkcodepink

Jamie Romano, with the CODEPINK Los Angeles office. Today, as part of the nation-wide Declaration of Peace campaign, we will be visiting the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein, an on-going supporter of the US occupation of Iraq. We will be delivering voter signatures, voters who have pledged only to support political candidates who support a plan for the withdrawal of US troops and funding for reconstruction. We will be delivering the voter pledges to the Senator's office, showing her that her constituents are aware of her pro-war policies - and that she will lose their votes for her re-election is she does not change those policies.


Nenad Dimitrijević

Zašto je pitanje odgovornosti važno za današnju Srbiju

(izlaganje održano na tribini organizacije Žene u crnom, Vlasotince, 14. septembar, 2006)
   U naslovu naše današnje tribine izražen je stav da je pitanje odgovornosti za proslost važno za današnju Srbiju i sve njene građane. Odmah ću reći da se slažem. U mom izlaganju pokušaću da skiciram svoje viđenje situacije u Srbiji i pokušaću da kažem kako razumem odgovornost i zašto mislim da je ona važna.
   Kad danas posmatramo našu neposrednu prošlost – ‘Miloševićevo vreme’ -  mi ne možemo da budemo ravnodušni. Naše reakcije uvek su veoma emotivne. Na primer, setimo se jednog događaja od pre šest meseci – sahrane Slobodana Miloševića. Oni ljudi ispred Skupštine ili oni ljudi u Požarevcu bili su ujedinjeni jednom čudnom mešavinom emocija: tugom za umrlim, mržnjom prema onima koji ne tuguju za umrlim, te nekom vrstom prkosnog ponosa. Emocije je tih dana osecala i ona druga Srbija: mnogi se ljudi nisu stideli da sasvim nehriscanski kazu kako se raduju ovoj smrti; drugi su zalili smrt, ali samo zato sto su osecali bes zbog toga sto Milosevic nece biti osudjen. Dok su postovaoci osecali ponos zbog onog što su videli kao velicinu Miloševićevog dela, ovi drugi osecali su zbog tog istog dela samo sramotu.

UN LUNCH: Who is Missing?

Peace SpeechPeace SpeechBig day u UN zgradi, president Bush delivered a speech warning Iran and Siria against nuclear weapons, rings a bell?...I sada rucaju, jedan predsednik je odbio da sedne za sto jer se sluzi vino...Guess Who? President Tadica nisam videla na malom ekranu a cujem da se drze protesti ispred zgrade i da je nekih pet

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