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CBGB Hosts Last Concert Before Eviction
The Associated Press
Monday, October 16, 2006; 2:47 PM

NEW YORK -- The final chords reverberated off the black, sticker-covered walls of CBGB as the grungy, iconic club toasted the end of its 33-year residence in New York. Rock poet Patti Smith headlined the Sunday night concert, CBGB's last before eviction by its landlord _ the Bowery Residents Committee, a homeless advocacy group that owns the property. The club will close Oct. 31.

Hundreds of music fans packed the small downtown club Sunday, while reporters hovered outside. The mood was both somber and raucous at CBGB, hailed by many as the birthplace of punk.

Rocker Patti Smith performs at the iconic New York club, CBGB, during the club's final concert on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006, in New York. A homeless advocacy group, which owns the property, is not renewing CBGB's lease. It expired in August 2005. The grungy club, which has been a fixture in downtown New York, will close October 31st. (AP Photo/Adam Rountree) (Adam Rountree - AP)

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"This place is not a ... temple," Smith said during the concert. "It is what it is."

She refused to wax nostalgic, instead claiming at a pre-show news conference that doubled as a sound check that "CBGB's is a state of mind" that will carry on elsewhere for a new generation. She later noted with relish that CBGB, at 33, was the same age as Jesus.

Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea surprised the audience, joining Smith's band for much of her second set. Having turned 44 at midnight, he was treated to a loud, enthusiastic "Happy Birthday" by the band and crowd.

Much of the concert was filled with reminders of changed times. Sirius Satellite Radio broadcast the show live, and digital cameras populated the audience.

Nevertheless, Smith often struck a '60s vibe, urging change and awareness of issues such as the disputed treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. She sang covers of the Who's "My Generation" and the Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter" with obvious parallels to CBGB.

The club was founded by Hilly Kristal in 1973 and over the years helped spawn the careers of such acts as the Ramones, Blondie, the Talking Heads and Television. Though its glory days are long gone, it has remained a symbolic fixture on the Manhattan music scene.

The crowd paid tribute to many of the bands forever connected to the club _ including several chants of "Hey ho, let's go!" from the Ramones' classic "Blitzkrieg Bop."

Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth of the Talking Heads were on hand, as was E Street Band guitarist Little Steven Van Zandt, who had battled to keep the club open during the protracted dispute over its future.

The Bowery Residents Committee's decision not to renew CBGB's lease when it ran out in August 2005 sparked protests, tributes and vigils for more than a year. Kristal recently gave up his legal fight to stay.

Though weary from his battle with lung cancer, he remains combative about his club's exodus from the Bowery, and said Sunday he was "very disappointed" in Mayor Michael Bloomberg for not saving the club.

Still, he says he remains focused on "generating the energy" for CBGB, which he plans to move to Las Vegas. It's very much alive as a brand, too. Kristal will transplant its store, CBGB Fashions, to a new location a few blocks away on Nov. 1.

"I'm thinking about tomorrow and the next day and the next day, and going on to do more with CBGB's," Kristal said Sunday.

Frantz said he and his wife, Weymouth, had to attend the finale because CBGB is like the "center of gravity for us." He reflected on the club where the Talking Heads got their big break.

"It just had a super cool ambiance or electric vibe ... even though it was pretty much a dump," Frantz said.

With a capacity of barely 300, CBGB was founded as a place of freedom for different musical acts. Smith said Kristal "always gave us a job, just like tonight."

"He was our champion and in those days, there were very few," she added.

Though its letters stand for the music Kristal originally planned to present there _ country, bluegrass and blues _ it quickly came to represent the physical epicenter of early punk and the storied downtown scene of 1970s New York.

Smith's final encore was a quiet poem listing many of the musicians who have died in the years since they played CBGB, but perhaps the more fitting send-off came right before it. The band played the punk staple "Gloria," verging back and forth between choruses of "Gloria! G-L-O-R-I-A!" and "Hey ho, let's go!"

The crowd shook its fists high for the Ramones' classic _ an anthem to CBGB and so much more.

Everything Must Go

Od čega je skraćenica CBGB? Da li su u njemu svirali Velvet Underground? Čuo sam za jedan koncert Velvet Underground posle koga su svi koji su na njemu bili osnovali svoje bendove. Mora da je to bilo u CBGB?

Žarko Aćimović


(Country, Blue Grass, and Blues) was a legendary music club located at 315 Bowery at Bleecker Street in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, New York, United States. Founded by Hilly Kristal in 1973, it was originally intended to feature its namesake musical styles, but became legendary as a forum for American punk and punk-influenced bands like The Ramones, Television, Blondie, and Talking Heads. The club closed on October 15, 2006, following its final concert by Patti Smith on the same day.[1][2]


overili smo cbgb...klub velicine akademca..

tri sata sam se smrzavao u redu neadekvatno obucen...
klozeti su im bili jezivi...nemaju vrata...skaradni grafiti...dvesta layera pocepanih opskurnih crno belih plakata...cesto nestaje wc papir...zidovi umazani govnima kao na nasoj akademiji (nauka) mogu da se setim da li su na akademcu u pocetku bili cucavci...

tako ih je sanitarna inspekcija zabranila...i mesto ustupila da bude homless shelter...

'ah the storm is thretening my very life today...
rape, murder...
want you give me a shut away...'
'gimme shalter' su svirali i super su i petty i gosti...

...ali 'dicators' sa kvinsa su svima calipr kevu...
na kraju je na bis posle pet cuke svirke izasao i poslednji zivi ramones (koji sa dugom belom kosom podseca na deda mraza)...da izvedu blic-krieg bop...kao na ploci...atomski reaktor...
da pomenemo i debby harry* koja je najboljackapinasvetu...don't get me started...izgleda kao da ima tri banke...

kad razmislim ti ljudi sa stage-a(malo viseg nego na nasoj 'rupi') je jedna lavina autenticnosti...tu burazere (slatka sestro jasmina) nema ni jednog pogresnog su zive isijavajuce arhetipske statue koje ti udaraju pecate u celo...totalno su 'tuned in'....nema falsa,nema fake-a...tog trenutka dok sviraju su najbolji band na svetu....

ok, publika je bila malo vremesnija i frigidnija (nije ni mogao da bude pogo zbog zvegu- mada u njuci ima mnogo neopunkera), sto meni nije smetalo da ni jednog trenutka ne prestanem da shizim i urlicem (primal scream)...
pamticu 'closeing of 'cbgb club' cjeli zivot...

ps: pitao sam vlasnika da li se sele u las vegas na sta mi je on odgovorio...'ako imam da im pozajmim pet miliona dolara'...
'trenutno nemam , ali sto da ne kada mi krene'...

*odsvirali su (chris stain+acustic bus+acustic guitar)jednu stvar od beatlesa, ali sam zaboravio jaja (ma i jaja da gurnemo), ako je jos neko bio da me podseti...
please...mozda bas tu stvar 'molim te zadovolji me'...debby harry she's a trouble!

slusajte moju hilarious true story

2000 goidne kad mi je izasla knjiga u SAD-u bila promocija i u NY...ja stalno zurim i rasejana sam...stizem taksijem u klub, guzva ali ne bas nesto, ja kazem, pustite me ljudi moram da citam kasnim, oni me lepo puste, ja vidim citaju svasta, pevaju igraju mnogo talentovani ljudi svih boja i doba, i ja uzmem mikrofon, jedino me malo cudi, jes puna sala ali nigde nijedne face koju poznajem, ni moji pogledam u papir sa adresom i shvatim da sam otisla u cbgb instead of KGB iza coska ...poslednji put sam ucestvovala 2005 sa Hungry March Band, multimedijalno vece protiv Bush-a...i to nije bila greska, ali iskreno receno nema razlike

I kakva je bila reakcija

I kakva je bila reakcija publike na vas neplanirani, improvizovani nastup?


niko me nije davio niti pitao
ja sam doduse bila vrlo zestoka iz osecanja krivice sto kasnim
a oni tamo u KGB su me udavili pitanjima i onako nekom knjizevnom atmosferom ( Granta organizovala) dok ovima uopste nisam morala nista da dokazujem
mislim oni uopste nisu posumnjali da je NE treba da citam
cak su mi udarili pecat na ruci da mogu da cruise

Patti Smith


pustite neku muziku, ja evo i ja cu da probam


Na faksu ovdje, drug Amer nosio majicu sa tim natpisom, i pitam ja njega kad je bio, kakav je dozivljaj itd, on gleda u mene zbunjeno, i objasni da je on u stvari mislio da je CBGB clothing brand, ono kao BCBG, i da to znaci "College boys growing hair", mrtav ozbiljan. Usput da stvar bude bolja, covjek je veliki fan rock muzike i tako to. Na kraju mi rece, "you Europeans always know more about us then we do anyways". Steta sto se zatvorio, ne stigoh otici.

"Today is grey skies, tomorrow is tears,
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here." (T.W.)

E Pit

zato cesto oni vise znaju o nama nego mi sami
tacno je da vecima amera ne razlikuje zemlje po evropi
KOJE olaksanje ponekad
ali ovi zato koji znaju svasta govore o enklavama i zabitima kao o skolskom dvoristu


Rijetki su takvi, vise se srecu oni kojima je Srbija i Siberia isto, koji misle da je to tamo negdje u Africi, ali, dobro mozda je tako i bolje, manje ih muce problemi nego nas, sto manje znas, mirnije spavas.

"Today is grey skies, tomorrow is tears,
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here." (T.W.)


Asocijacija mi je, uvek kada se spomene CBGB - Ramonsi. Ne znam zašto, ali uvek oni. Naravno, najbolji uvek odlaze u legende i postaju mitovi, a tako će biti i sa CBGB i sa Ramonsima. Bio mi je super komentar onog tipa(ne znam kako se zove) iz Misfitsa koji je rekao da će Ramonsi za 100 godina biti najbolji klasičan bend.
