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Banka hrane

Srbija 2020


Žale mi se prijatelji iz Londona, pravi Englezi da ne mogu da iskuliraju  pojačane mere bezbednosti    u mega akciji sprovedenoj ovih dana. Evo uputstvo za preživljavanje: 

...look as white as possible, do not look shabby, don't make
funny movements, walk slowly, never rush, but don't look lost ...etc...

 A ovo je tekst koji ide us svaku BBC vest na tu temu:

*Police officers can shoot "to stop an imminent threat to life"
*A firearms officer should identify themselves and give an oral warning
of ntent to shoot*Officers should not fire warning shots except in "most serious and exceptional" circumstances*Shots should be aimed at the central body mass
*The Operation Kratos [shoot-to-kill] policy allows officers to shoot
at the head without warning if they believe the suspect may detonate a bomb

*Kratos does not require police to see a "suicide jacket" before opening fire

Znam da zvuči smešno da se neko iz Srbije žali na američku policiju ali ja sam u LA-u godinu dana živela u paranoji da ne uradim neki pogrešan potez koji može da me košta od 100 dolara do života.