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Srbija 2020

Remembering Điki - a day late, but better late…

I remember the day Đinđić died very well. I’d been here for around seven months and was working in Dom Omladine for B92 at the time, editing raw news translations for the English site. The day was hot for mid-March – about 74 degrees (23°c) – and I was just preparing for my morning coffee and cigarette on the stairs when a short news item came in for me to edit.  

The rough report read something along the lines of: “three shots fired in the vicinity of the Serbian Government building. Police on the scene immediately. Two reported injured. Three men arrested.” I got to work editing it up, but it was quickly put under an embargo. A subsequent report appeared in my inbox ten minutes later, which read something like: “two shots fired in the vicinity of the Serbian Government building. Police and emergency services not on the scene for five minutes. One man reported seriously injured.” 

It all seemed a bit curious and contradictory to me, but colleagues and friends assured me that this sort of thing was normal in Belgrade. I kept those two reports saved on my hard-drive for a long time, just in case, but I forgot to take them when I left B92 and they’re probably lost forever now…

Incidentally, the first time I heard about the assassination of Đinđić was about two months before it happened, when some daft lad from Zemun – a friend of a friend of my then girlfriend – told us how his ‘pals’ had had enough of Đinđić’s interfering with their businesses and were planning to sort him out. I didn’t really take him seriously – he was just a ‘toy’; a wannabe bad lad – and it actually made me think that Đinđić must be doing something right if the likes of this idiot were finding themselves professionally frustrated. I forgot all about that conversation and it was only on that fateful day when the news broke of just who’d been shot outside the government building that his comments returned to me. His name was duly called in to the hotline and I heard through the grapevine that he was later jailed, but for stalking an ex-girlfriend rather than assassinating the PM.

In the wake of Djnidjic’s death I contemplated leaving Serbia. Before his demise I was among those foreign residents who felt like Serbia was on the verge of finally achieving something big; that the country was on the brink of casting off the burden of history and taking its rightful place among the nations of Europe. Afterwards, though, I felt like I was counting the days until the Radicals came to power and kicked me out… in many ways I still feel like I’m awaiting that fate; stuck in Serbia’s purgatory until God and the voters of Serbia decide whether the verdict against the nation is one that will lead to redemption or universal damnation.

Back on Karaburma that evening, I noted that a fundamental change had occurred. In the days leading up to the PM’s death, he’d not been the most popular of visionary leaders. His approval rating had dropped to around 11%, I think, and this was reflected by the members of the household: three generations were united in their distrust and dislike of Điki. He was criticised for this and that move; berated for this and that link (to Germany, to political rivals, to criminals, etc.) and generally not well liked. However, the instant he died it was as if the whole family (and most normal people in the country) had all just been gifted irrefutable proof that Đinđić had been right all along and that they’d been fools to distrust him. As Rade (the head of the household) replaced his old picture of Tito with a framed picture of Đinđić, I observed and noted the birth (through death) of a democratic martyr.

We attended the funeral as a family, following the procession down Srpskih Vladara to the great temple. The atmosphere was one of sombre solidarity. “I went to Tito’s funeral as well,” Goca told me, “but that was more of an obligation for the nation. This time we’re here out of choice to show something more genuine – our love and regret: regret that he died, but also that we didn’t believe him before”.

I was standing on the field behind St. Sava Temple while the main funeral service took place within. The area was packed as far as the eye could see. Serbian people of all ages, shapes and functions could be seen holding candles high and looking genuinely united in their grief. I closed my eyes and the one picture I could see in my head was that of him; his face – wise but with a street edge; handsome and noble; proud but with a logic to his eyes. I wondered if I was the only one who couldn’t shake that image from my mind and, as I scanned the mass of mourners, I considered that I was maybe the only bloke from ‘Ull who couldn’t shake that image, but I was far from being the only one in Belgrade - a city that sometimes still feels like it's mourning his passing.     

Wrong thoughts

Quote: "Before his demise I was among those foreign residents who felt like Serbia was on the verge of finally achieving something big; that the country was on the brink of casting off the burden of history and taking its rightful place among the nations of Europe."

Dear Mark,

Well said after you spent 7 months in the middle of Europe, living in the one of the oldest European cities among people who belong to historical European nations. I cannot see any big achievement that this nation can do about the fact that Slavic tribes moved to Europe in the VII century and decided to live there. Current political situation does not affect that historical event.
I do not understand your urge to make this mistake (or that is simply an ignorance on your part due to your poor educational background).
Whatever is the reason for this purposely invalid fact, you should devote some of your precious time and take a look at the map of the world. Many answers could be found there for the people who are able to see.

Purposeful misinterpretation

I said take its "rightful" place "among" the nations of Europe, i.e. as part of the family of nations of Europe that is manifested by the EU, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, etc.

I didn't say I hoped it would be annexed to the continent of Europe.

When people talk about European integration they aren't talking about integrating Timbuktu (or the rest of Mali) into Europe. Rather, they're talking about nations within the continent of Europe actually being integrated with one another.

And anyway, if you want to be pedantic I can go one further and say that we're all Asians anyway because Europe is simply the westernmost peninsula of the west of Asia (Eurasia).

Finally... Quote: (or that is simply an ignorance on your part due to your poor educational background).

I'd much rather be ignorant than an arrogant, insulting twat!

That's what I thought

Dear Mark,

Your arrogant quote “I'd much rather be ignorant than an arrogant, insulting twat!" gives great descriptive answer to my comment, and not just to my comment it explains your thinking process.
I am not the geography expert, but it is well known that Asia, Europe and Africa are linked, as well as South and North America. However, it would be incorrect to say that Argentinians are North Americans or people from Nunavut, South Americans.
Saying that, I would like to see surprise on the face of person from Japan to find out that he/she is the most eastern European, as you suggest in your descriptive Euroasia concept learned from Sci-Fi literature “1984”. Again, simple look on the map of the world can tremendously help you.

kaže se Mislilac
kapiraš zajeb?jbg,bežao si iz osnovne Š...
ali zato i jesi Mislioc a ne Mislilac,zar ne?

Long before Orwell

Eurasia is not "a concept learned from Sci-Fi literature "1984"", as you suggest, but rather the Earth's largest landmass, formed around 350 million years ago (long before Orwell) and today populated by over 70% of the population of the planet.

Primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres, Eurasia is considered a supercontinent (so your Japanese pal probably wouldn't be too surprised to be told he was an eastern European or that we're western Asians).

But that's not the point. The point is that you jumped on my initial statement even though you knew perfectly well what I was talking about. What does this tell us? Pa, samo da si papak i bilo bi pametnije da te ignorisem. Prema tome, ajde cao.

well Mark,

You should dedicate your time to something that brings benefit to the readers of this blog. When I read the lines of your quarrel with exceptional (speaks one foreign language) and literate sympathizer of Serbian Radical Party, self-proclaimed "Mislioc" one thought came to me: you two are very similar. I mean: you react to “the thinker's” stupid remarks (which proves you resembling him). Show some dignity!

nice written text, Mark

it is a shame you are not writing more often. your reminisces about cursed occasions connected with the cowared murders and tragical-solemnly funeral of a Great Man Zoran Djindjic are sincere and touching.
and, ignore "mislioc"- think he is one of the many devotees of "Karlovac, KarlobUg,Virovitica - a-topie".

let us closely look at his "thoughts" about "geohistorical TOOMUCHENJA"(sr.-eng. neologism): "overwhelming analysis" (in this case Ivory-tower miscontrustion "chardak ni na nebu ni na Zemlji):
"...European nations. I cannot see any big achievement that this nation can do about the fact that Slavic tribes moved to Europe in the VII century and decided to live there. Current political situation does not affect that historical event".

don't bother explaning this to us, Mislioche.
(we had enough)

my best regards, mark.

samo idi negde i stidi se

stid leči, nepismeni mislioče, genetski iskompleksirani, hiperarogantni, najpametniji, o sveti mučeniče, pripadniče nebeskog najstarijeg naroda ... tvoj drevni grad je u ubedljivo najjadnijem stanju, bez ikakve konkurencije i bez ikakve nade za oporavak. tvoj prastari narod je i dalje na mentalnom nivou deteta od 4 godine (i to mu je previše), i bez ikakve želje za napretkom; lepo mu je tako. toliko o prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti ...

idi, sakrij se negde i stidi se neko vreme, možda će ti neke stvari nakon toga biti malo jasnije. i da, nikako ne možeš biti "mislioc koji to jeste", možeš biti samo misliLAC koji to nije. 'bem ti narod!

Jezik Mrznje-Univerzalni jezik onih koji nisu u pravu

Inferiornost u intelektulnom smislu i nemogucnost spoznaje greske su najcesci uzroci nastajanja jezika mrznje.
Iako je jezik mrznje onaj, koji covek najlakse nauci od svojih neprijatelja, poceci ucenja tog jezika ipak dolaze iz porodice onoga koji ga koristi.
Najpre su roditelji tih jadnih individua prvi ucitelji. Oni svakako daju tim propalim pojedincima/pojedinkama sansu da steknu osnove sopstvene zaslepljenosti i neprimeren recnik.
Nije neobicno videti zvezdasa tatu kako poducava svoje cedo da mrzi partizan. Ni jednom ni drugom nije jasno zasto to rade, jer su naravno zaslepljeni.
Kasnije, tokom razvijanja tih tuznih ljudskih primeraka, primeceno je da se prema afinitetu svoje mrznje pocinju da grupisu u klanove, navijacke timove, politicke partije, cak i narode.
Tamo u takvim grupacijama nastavljaju da izucavaju jezik mrznje kojim se obrusavaju na grupacije koje govore drugim dijalektima istog tog jezika, zasto? Nikom to nije jasno jer su naravno zaslepljeni.
Elijas Kaneti je na temu Zaslepljenosti zasluzeno dobio Nobelovu nagradu za knjizevnost. Naravno u tom remek delu on je tek dotakao jezik mrznje.
Nazalost danas u gradu gde sam se rodio i odrastao i nazalost napustio, taj jezik je gotovo maternji. Ovaj nekorektni komentar "shme-a" moze da posluzi kao primer.
Kakva je nekorist jezika mrznje, poznato je svima, u sta taj jezik vodi znaju svi. Pa ipak, zaslepljenost je jaca i ljudi ga koriste sve vise i vise, gotovo bestidno. Jer kako drugacije kada u svojoj zaslepljenosti mrznje i ne znaju za stid.


Ba li bi mogao, molim te, da promenis nick, posto je ovo MISLIOC stvarno iritantno - podseca me na JNA (vrsioc duznosti pozarstva i dezurstva)


nema tebi pomoći

nažalost. čoveče, kako te nije sramota? al zaista? upadaš na nečiji blog, posvećen sasvim ličnom sećanju na jednog retko pozitivnog čoveka i na jedan užasan dan za ovu zemlju (iz koje si, da stvari budu još gore, otišao) i nagvaždaš o zauvek anuliranoj istoriji naroda kome (na moju sramotu) pripadaš. pri tome, vređaš čoveka koji je samo konstatovao da smo propustili fantastičnu priliku da zauzmemo mesto u evropi koje nam pripada, nakon predugog perioda samodestruktivnosti. moj post je daleko od govora mržnje; to je samo odraz realnosti, jer ti i tebi slični ugrožavate moju egzistenciju u gradu iz koga si otišao. over and out.

strasno je to

mislioc je poceo sa ispoljavnjem arogancije nicim izazvan. to ipak nije razlog da se odma plane. treba cuvati zivce.
ako smem da primetim budala sve cesce ima u vecini. vredjati se itd. nije korektno. ljudski je prastati. a vi odmah drvlje i kamenje.
i sada bismo mogli raspravljati u nedogled ko je "krivlji".

Why Điki?

Why Điki? It sounds as absence of minimum respect to anyone but your little brother.

Many of the late Prime

Many of the late Prime Minister's voters, as well as many members of his party, called him "Djiki" - because they/we liked him. I don't think that Mark was being disrespectful. On the contrary, I believe he actually showed a great appreciation for Zoran Djindjic.

Cheers, Mark!

it was an endearment thing.

it was an endearment thing. I Didn't mean to sound disrespectful and if I did then I apologise.


a koliko je mislioc pogresan svedoci sledeci line:
"Nije neobicno videti zvezdasa tatu kako poducava svoje cedo da mrzi partizan. Ni jednom ni drugom nije jasno zasto to rade, jer su naravno zaslepljeni."
Gospodine mislioce menjajte Nick u "Mislioc koji nije bio i nikada nece ni biti jer je primitvan, ostrascen i sve ono cega se i sam gnusa"
sram da te bude. ovo je mesto gde se moze prodiskutovati a ne nekakav vasar gde dodjes da glasno i jasno svima stavis do znanja si zaljubljen u Vojislava Seselja, da vreme provodis diveci se govorima tomislava nikolica i aleksandra vucica a da je Nenad Bjekovic Senior najveci sportista i covek sa prostora evroazije.
prica se da si otisao iz zemlje: e pa super! ne vracaj se ako boga znas.

"ne sudite

da vam se ne sudi". mateja 7:1

ma ne sudimo mi

mi osudjujemo

jos gora


dear mark,

can u tell me what is your opinion about possibility that order for djindjic assasination came from abroad?
p.s. pardon my poor english

Of course,

global conspiracy against all Serbs and everything Serbian.

Viva ludež!

Svasta ja naucih u Srbiji

Svasta ja naucih u Srbiji prolse godine –Srbi su nebeski narod, te mi naucili ove na tibetu da pisu cilicom, ljudi su zvali Srbe bogovi jer su tako izgledali, 4 s su nadjena na teritoriji Indije (to je kad su Srbi bili okupirali Indiju :D) i mogu jos da nabrajam sta mi je sve neki kao ovaj mislilac napricao jedne veceri u Bgd. Jao sve mi muka kad pomislim na sve te maloumne ljude i sve te teorije zavere…fuj...a plasim se da ih je sve vishe i vishe.

Jel moze neko da mi objasni odakle su sve te teorije potekle, S obzirom da oni iskreno i slepo veruju u sve to?

e vidi

to ti je sve poteklo iz neposredne blizine mesta odakle svi mi poticemo.

ali kako je doseglo taj nivo

ali kako je doseglo taj nivo gde to nije samo neka prica kao sa ufo i rosevelt nego oni imaju sve 'informacije' koje vatikan eto vec vekovima krije? Mora biti da je neko posvetio dosta vremena toma da razradi celu pricu.... :D

Meni je skoro neki chicha na ovom blogu

objasnio da je Otto von Bismarck bio Srbin, kao i svi Nijemci. Jerbo njem. rijec "Deutsch" dolazi od srpske "dojka", sto znaci da su Nijemci nastali odvajanjem od srpske dojke. Veoma dirljivo!

Dokaz za sve to je, kaze, danas postojanje etnicke manjine slavenskog porijekla "Lausitzer Sorben" (Luzicki Srbi) na istoku Njemacke.

Ma džaba ti Bizmark... je bilo skoro. Nego, provereno, Srbin je bio i Platon. Ime je dobio tako i zato što je sam plaćao sve svoje račune, (Platon - platiti). Naravno da je i sa Aristotelom ista stvar, s tim što se on izvorno zove Arištotal.o) Ovo -š- se kasnije izgubilo uvođenjem sibilirzacije. A ime je dobio po drvetu -ariš- i tradicionalnom srpskom pridevu -total-, što bi značilo da je visinom i vitkošću ličio na visoko drvo ariš.o)))
Ceo svet Dunjice potiče od Srba.o)))


mene vise ne moras ubjedjivati, ja sam vec indoktrinirana ;-)

Jedino ne znam kako se to uklapa u pricu da su Hrvati dosli iz Persije? Mislim: odakle onda dolaze Persijanci? Nemoj samo da Hrvati poticu od Srba, preko razlicitih veza i vezica!? To bi nas moralno, duhovno i ideoloski RASTURILO ;-))))

Iz Persije... kako ne znaš Dunjice.o) Pa zar ti ništa ne govori podatak da osiječka "Saponija" već godinama pravi "Persil", a da svi hrvatski ovnovi, od mora do Tomislavgrada, imaju savijene rogove, baš kao na persijskim tapiserijama.o) A Hrvati nemaju veze sa Srbima. To najbolje vidiš po jeziku.o)


Argumenti su ti neoborivi, nego ovaj s Persilom klimav. Persil je izmislio gospodin Henkel iz Düsseldorfa. A poznato je da je srpska düsseldorfska dijaspora neusporedivo brojnija od hrvatske, pa nemoj da i to s Persilom ispadne neka srpska zajebancija protiv Hrvata ;-)))

Ma, gosn Henkel... zapravo Hrvat, odnosno potomak prvih gastarbajtera iz Imotskog. Njegovo pravo prezime je Penava. Baš preko Persila hteo je da skrene pažnju na svoje poreklo.
Srbi imaju starije i lakše dokazivo poreklo.
Recimo - Sokrat - čist Srbin.o) Ime je dobio tako što je jedini u ratu pio sok. Pazi ime SOK - RAT.o)))
Svi ostali su pili vino, i onda ga proglasili nemoralnim te osudili da u tom soku popije otrov kako ne bi kvario prosek. Čisto srpski.o))) Tad je nastala ona čuvena Sokratova odbrana.
P.S. E, Dunjice, mi se zezamo, a pre petnaest godina su na ovom principu pisane knjige i prodavale se u ogromnim tiražima.

Ma mogu knjige pisati i u velikim tirazima

prodavati, ali ako je u maniru, recimo, Radoja Domanovica ;-)

Ako je Platon placao sve svoje racune,

onda je mogao biti samo srpski penzioner. Poznato je da su oni najuredniji platise.


Da, bio je...

..invalidski penzioner. Kako ga niko od Srbalja nije razumeo, poslali su ga na lekarski pregled i prevremeno penzionisali.

e dunjice ovo ce mi biti topic dana

Otto von Bismarck i kako su nastali Nemci. Sjajno!!! Ko je fantasticni chicha? : ))))

Fantasticni čiča

je osoba pod nickom "čika Miloje". On je to mene bio ozbiljno uzeo u rotor, izgrdio na pasja kola kad sam u jednom postu napisala: "Nemojte, molim vas, samo da opet Nijemci budu za sve krivi!" ili u tom smislu. Ne sjećam se vise koji blog je bio, ma spominjao se puno genocidni hrvatski i njemacki narod, urote protiv Srba i ta čuda.

vidi dunjice..

gospodin isakov koji je bio u vladi pokojnog djindjica govori o tome (ne znam na osnovu kakvih informacija), da je "signal" za ubistvo djindjica dosao spolja.. verujem da je gospodin isakov u to vreme (a i sada) bolje obavesten covek od tebe...


oklen ti to? Mislim, da je Isakov bolje obavijesten od mene?

A i da jeste ;-), "signal spolja" ima jaaaako široko značenje, složiti ćeš se. Recimo, srpska mafija u dijaspori može također davati "signale spolja".

haha dunjice

ma sigurno je gdin isakov mislio na (srpsku) mafiju... :))

Abroad as in Den Haag?

Anything's possible.

Maybe the Americans and the UK, encouraged by Kosovo-Albanian lobbying, ordered him killed because he didn't want to give the International Community the time they needed to get themselves so deeply embedded in Kosovo.

Maybe Milošević, Šešelj or even the leaders of Republika Srpska ordered him to be killed for "betraying" the Serb nation.

Maybe a consortium of Serbian businessmen ordered him killed because they didn't like the way the privatisation process was going.

Maybe it was part of a larger coup plot orchestrated by those who benefited the most from his demise.

Or maybe Legija and Co. were acting unilaterally because they perceived Đinđić as a threat to their income and positions of power & influence.

Like I say, anything's possible.

Perhaps the legal process will reveal the full truth, but I doubt it.

It is probably more likely that this assassination will remain the subject of conspiracy theories for a long, long time to come and that the full truth will never be known.

Such a shame!

p.s. šta fali tvoj engleski?

dear mark,

i didnt mention it but it was a mr. isakov (at the time one of the colleague's of mr. djindjic) who said that order (green light) for assassination came from abroad. i dont know about his sources to say that but that was his words...
p.s.abroad is not den hag but washington and london of course.. they rule the world, aren't they?
p.s.2 moj engleski (mom engleskom) fali praksa :D


pa sad mi je konacno jasno!!!

ti pises sve ove budalastine, e da bi egzercirao engleski sa izvornim govornikom!

Mark, take pitty on him and practice some Humpty-Dumpty, London bridge is falling down, One potato-two potatoes etc.

that`s just what he needs :)

vidi mimi,

stvarno mi je zao ako imas problema sa izjavom gospodina isakova da je signal za ubistvo djindjica dosao spolja. siguran sam da je on bio bolje upucen u to od tebe..
znaci ako imas problem sa budalastinama obrati se gospodinu isakovu, verujem da bi te uveo u materiju :)

They don't rule

I used to regularly refer to Americans as New Romans and my own countrymen as nothing more than New Roman lapdogs with delusions of grandeur. However, though they both act like they rule the world (and would probably like us to believe that they do), I no longer actually believe that they're really the ones ruling the planet - not when the likes of Murdoch and Gates and Sheik X and Abramovich are around - the politicians also have to follow the money. Thus, if you’re looking for the real rulers of the world you’ll find them here


I think it was on one of the b92 blogs, where somebody said that soon we will have 3 superpowers:
USA - military
Russian Fed. - energy
China (or was it India?) - economy

I can easily imagine so.

Quien es el jefe de este mundo?

but if you see the WORLD as your own, inner UNIVERSE, who`s rulling it then? :))

there`s a truth in these words, as well

inner universe..?!

mimi.. yuo old hippy you.. :)

Codex_ gringo

da ubijem 1 postom 2 tvoje muhe:

1) nope, nemam ja problema sa tim, a ni sa mnogo manje ozbiljnim teorijama zavere, urotama, zbirima, etc. rekoh ti, budalastine me se ne doticu, samo se cesto bas doooobro ismejem kad ih vidim.

a bogumi, tvoji postovi prednjace (mada LudiMutinu nisi jos doaka!!! :)

2) osh malo? hihihihi

opet ti kazem mimi,

obrati se gospodinu isakovu za sve nejasnoce :)

hay solo un jefe de este mundo

su nombre es Rafael Leonida Trujillo,
un grande problemador

well mr. pulen,

considering the fact that mr. gates paid a penalty (a lot of money, dont know precise figure) to american government couple of years ago due to his monopoly behavior on the market I dont think of him as any kind of ruler enywhere, especialy not in US...

Dear Mark....

...(risking for this intro to sound like that `80s show "Dear John":), i just wanted to tell you and all the other purposefully-misinterpreted blog visitors - it is truly said to live one`s life in oblivion!!!

Kudos to you for your bravery to stay in this god forsaken, small-gettin-ever smaller country...

I get sad and so pesimistic&small&unimportant when i start thinking of all the balkan`s misery...

I cannot but keep wondering what kept you here (save for pot /ooops ;-)/, lager, night fun, chicks ...:) ?

I cannot be but appalled by many of this blog visitors` understanding of your essay???!!!

I keep asking myself are we all going slightly mad...?

But then again, basketball fans words come back to me, that draws a shy smile on my face and i keep heard it before?


(when it`s yelled, it rhymes :)))


im yelling but it still doesnt rhyme
moras ti u svakoj supi da budes mirodjija

onda ne znas

da slikujes...

sta da ti radim, tu pomoci nema!

'the instant he died it was

'the instant he died it was as if the whole family (and most normal people in the country) had all just been gifted irrefutable proof that Đinđić had been right all along and that they’d been fools to distrust him.'

Well Serbs are often accused of venerating the dead before valuing the living but this may not apply much to Djindjic.

There were quite a few people around who didnt like aspects of Djindjic's governing. I get no pleasure from going down that road reeling off issues on which I disagreed with that government so I wont.

The important thing is the broader sense. The sense that the country is still treading water rather than swimming at full speed (or at least trying to swim at full speed). The sense that Djindjic would have put the Hague issue to bed by now. The sense that Djindjic was respected in Western capitals as a man willing to do business which would have helped in these Kosovo negotiations.

I must say I dont buy into the hero-worship of any person, not to mention the political abuse of his memory but must admit I regret being so hard upon Djindjic whilst he was alive.

One issue that I misread was Djindjic's ability to polarise. It was a mistake to think that - the evidence is plain, he has gone now and so have the hard liners at DS. And yet Serbian politics remains as polarised as ever.

On that day I was waiting in a queue for Red Star tickets. There were many people waiting but nobody selling, some people were listening to radios. It was only later when my nephew called that I found out. My first instinct was actually 'this is it!'. I thought this was the final straw - Djindjic would survive and the much delayed October 6th would begin. I think this thought occured to others too. But it wasnt to be.

After when my mood became more sullen I walked through the streets and attended the burial. What a surreal day.

Oh, I'm sure I dont need to tell you but ignore the personal attacks.

EU language

Djindjic was speaking EU language in serbian, german and later english. It was easy for foreigners to understand without all the old selfmanagment garbage. Djelic is also good! Despite cheating on promise at his blog :-)

LP MMM, Ljubljana

it's universal

"Well Serbs are often accused of venerating the dead before valuing the living but this may not apply much to Djindjic."

Let us honor if we can the vertical man
Though we value none but the horizontal one

W.H. Auden

and I read it in a Le Carre novel :)



It was his nickname. See

It was his nickname. See Oya's quote above.