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I Want To Be Premier: Here Are My Principles!!!
James Lyon (18 Mart, 2007 - 19:10)
The New Tito!!The other evening I was at one of Belgrade’s new, hip night spots with a friend. The place is located down near the Sava River in a refurbished warehouse, and the interior was worthy of any western capital. The music was loud to the point of causing pain, but we withstood it, due to the fact that this place is “IN”, and after all, we were there not to talk, but to engage in Belgrade’s favourite sport: posing. As we shoved our way through the crowd towards the VIP section, we noticed a prominent politician from a prominent political party who has been mentioned as a prominent candidate for a prominent post in the new government, accompanied by an attractive woman with prominent… uh.... contours. We greeted the prominent candidate prominently, engaged in brief chit-chat, and then moved on to our table and began talking about the latest candidates for government posts.... All the while posing. It is an art form, trust me. The conversation went something like this:
-“I heard that X___ has been mentioned as a candidate for Defence Minister.”
-“Sorry, that was the rumour from earlier this evening at 21:34. There have been 2 new rumours since then.”
-“Really? Why didn’t I hear that?”
“You had your mobile phone switched off during dinner.”
“Oh, yeah.”
-“Yeah, you really have to stay alert to keep on top of it.”
-“Uh-huh. Some of the rumours are actually getting quite silly and I suspect someone is launching them just to make people laugh.”
-“Oh? Such as?”
“I heard the other day that Vuk Jeremic was mentioned as a possible candidate for Foreign Minister.”
-“Ha ha ha ha ha ha…..”
-“Wait, it gets better! Someone said that Dinkic wants to stay on as Finance Minister.”
-“Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …..
-“And Kostunica wants to remain as Premier.”
-“Ho ho ho ha ha ho ha ho ha ho ha ho ha ha ha ha ha, stop it! You’re making me hyperventilate….”
-“And Velja Ilic will stay on as Minister of Capital Investments.”
-“Aaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha, ho ho ho ho, hee hee hee hee hee hee, stop it, I can’t breath.
-“And Kostunica wants Jocic to stay as Minister of the Interior.”
-“Ha ha haaaaaa ho ho hooooo heee heee heeee heeee heeee heee ho ho ha ha…. Gasp”
-“It kind of makes you wonder why they even bothered holding elections at all.”
-“James, you should be a candidate for Premier.”
-“No, they wouldn’t like it. I might actually get something done.”
Since that evening I have thought long and hard about my friend’s suggestion and am now willing to be considered as a compromise candidate for Premier. As Premier I promise that if selected, I won’t give jobs to any of my brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts or other relatives. Instead, I will give them all to your brothers and sisters and cousins and uncles and aunts!!
I have only two principles for forming a government:
Principle 0: All parliamentary deputies should wear t-shirts with a photograph of Nikola Pasic on it and the words “Serbian Statesman”.
Principle 6: The political parties should break all the promises they made to the voters during the election campaign.
Nice joking, Mr Lyon. Now,
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 19:44)
Nice joking, Mr Lyon. Now, lets get serious: what do you really think about forming the new government in Serbia? I guess that you have some influence among western governments, and possibly informations we don't have.
To cut the story short - is there a possibility Serbia will ever become a normal european country?
If you were asking me,
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 19:54)
If you were asking me, sleepless, Germany, UK or France would be my idea of a normal European country (better said, EU countries).
ha, ha, glorious Germany...
dunjica (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:02)
I think you (Vec Vidjeno) have a good chance to become a hero in e.g. Germany. Not many of my fellow citizens (I am a citizen of Berlin, Germany) are so optimistic as you are in calling their country normal. I think it is rather the tendency among (thinking!) Germans to call their ex role model country a Banany Republic.
Sometimes, if you would listen to German news, you might think they talk about Sebia, while actually talking about the most normal events of corruption, mismanagement and similar in the country.
Dear Dunjica,
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:13)
Sorry, I didn't get the impression that things were going so badly in Germany. :)
Of course, let me try to be serious once more. What I was referring to, was a simple idea of a country in which ultraconservatives don't get 30% of votes, while socialdemocrats get only 22%, and actually there isn't any real right center party. That was my point. Of course, I still believe that German judicial system works well, and that the public prosecutor performs his duties when a law is violated.
VecVidjeno, seriously
dunjica (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:18)
you are generally right. I just don´t like the idea of the "Land of Milk and Honey Flowing in Abundance", as it is the general idea of Germany in so called 2nd and 3rd world countries. It is far not so unblamable as many may think, but certainly much. much more comfortable to live in than many other, even in Europe.
I simply allow myself to be critical to those I consider I am being part of ;-)
oldtajmer (21 Mart, 2007 - 02:39)
Uhm, ultraconservatives in the US got 54% of the vote in '04 ;)
Is that normal?
i think
BebaOdLonchara (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:06)
vec vidjeno, that u don't have any idea what r u talking about :-)))
(greetings to Dunjica :-***)
ps. btw, how was in Houston? ;;;-)))
Odgovor na srpskom.
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:25)
Ti bese ona sto si mislila da je Djindjic iscenirao atentat na samog sebe? Vracas mi uvredama zato sto sam ti rekao da se stidis, i tim glupavim (i besmislenim) pitanjem - nikada u Hjustonu nisam bio, i ne razumem o cemu govoris.
jesam, ja sam bas ta, sve
BebaOdLonchara (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:03)
jesam, ja sam bas ta, sve sam priznala odmah i na licu mesta. ne vidim gde sam te uvredila ako kazem da neznas o cemu pricas. ici turisticki u pomenute zemlje i ziveti u istim je sasvim razlicita stvar, mada bih ipak volela da srbija izgleda vise kao bas te zemlje nego da ostane ovakva kakva je. i znam da nisi bio u hjustonu. s tim u vezi, sto se ljutis toliko? :-) tvoje prenaglasene reakcije Uvek teraju na sumnju vezanu za tvoj identitet, da li ti je to jasno? nije prvi put, a?
ps. mind your attitude&tongue and be well, as much as possible...
Uvredila si me time sto si
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:09)
Uvredila si me time sto si mi rekla da ne znam o cemu pricam. To nije uvreda? I kakva sada sumnja u moj "identitet", o cemu govoris??
Pogledaj moje postove, ja ovde nikoga nisam uvredio, ali mi je zato receno da se "uvlacim u dupe" i da se "tornjam". Pokusavam da budem sto civilizovaniji mogu, ali vidim da je ovde opsta pljuvaonica. Kakve moje prenaglasene reakcije, molim te? Atentat na Djindjica je bio za mene jedan od najtragicnijih dogadjaja koji je Srbiju mogao da zadesi, zato sam ti ono rekao. Ako sam te time uvredio, sada se izvinjavam.
Jos uvek mi dugujes objasnjenje o "identitetu" i Hjustonu. Sta si uopste zelela da kazes??
abitno je
BebaOdLonchara (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:24)
sasvim. mada nije cudno da si bas mene napao tad, a? nisi me uvredio ali si pokusao. i stidim se zbog svojih misli ali ne zato sto si mi ti rekao da treba, stidim se vec 4 godine i to ce trajati...samo ti ne kapiras i dalje moju pricu o soli na ranu. zato ovako i reagujes. ali ko sto rekoh, abitno sasvim.
i da, slazem se da je atentat na djindjica najtragicniji dogadjaj za srbiju.
ne pratim bas sve ovo u meri u kojoj mozda ti to radis jer imam malo slobodnog vremena, ali eto, danas uz zakasneli obrok, otvorih blog...i grdno se pokajah.
i dalje tvrdim da je potrebno ziveti neko vreme u nemackoj/francuskoj/UK...da bi se shvatio sistem. evo npr, hamburg, milionski grad, jedan od najbogatijih u evropi, sa najbrzim internetom u evropi, ima O.Chaj.Nu i preglomaznu administraciju, sporu i nedostiznu. pri tom ne mislim samo na drzavni aparat. taj trend je pustio pipke i na privatni sektor. ko bi rekao?!
ps. hint: da li znas sta je IP address, IP number?...mada je i to abitno :-) zaboravi...necu te vise komentarisati.
Znam sta je IP address,
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:45)
Znam sta je IP address, identifikuje kompjuter na mrezi. Opet, ne znam koje veze ima sa mnom. Ma, naravno. Samo ti prospi djubre na glavu, i onda nemoj da komentarises. Naravno, kao sto rece, sasvim ce mi prijati ignore.
Da, koja mi je IP address? Time hoces nesto da mi kazes?
Sa zadovoljstvom editujem ovaj komentar. Ovo o IP adresi shvatam kao pretnju, jer se njome moze (posredno) saznati identitet nekoga. Samo, pazi - to jedino moze biti ucinjeno preko internet provajdera, ako postoji sudski nalog. Dakle, ti meni pretis otkrivanjem mog identiteta na nelegalan nacin.
Nelegalno - krsenje zakona - ko to radi - kriminalci...
pricas u prazno i napadas u
BebaOdLonchara (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:47)
pricas u prazno i napadas u prazno i Opet reagujes prejako. zato i budis sumnju. otomepricam.
Ma budim sumnju u sta?? Da
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:49)
Ma budim sumnju u sta?? Da li bi bila ljubazna da mi kazes u sta, konacno, sumnjas?
Zasto si inace pominjala IP adresu? Preko nje se hvataju pedofili na mrezi, kriminalci koji ostavljaju tragove.
Ooooh please please please
James Lyon (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:53)
Ooooh please please please stop the food fight.
How wonderful
Jelena Pavlović (19 Mart, 2007 - 03:56)
I know that it has nothing to do with this particular topic, but I have to mention an event some days ago at a party. There were around ten of us Serbs, two Americans one of which was American Jew. As we started talking about something completely irrelevant, we ended up shouting, talking over each other ending with not really knowing who was saying what. And the Jewish-American said:” O, you are shouting just like us.” The woman left and the rest of us continued. The reason I mention this was the constant arguing among us, wherever we are.
Dear Mr Lyon,
vec vidjeno (19 Mart, 2007 - 06:30)
I apologize for this exchange between Bol and myself, somehow, out of the blue, I was accused of... something. I still don't know what it was. But, never mind.
Just to say I believe it was not just a food fight. I have been threatened here, and you could have seen it.
Once again, my apology.
Ninoslav Randjelovic (20 Mart, 2007 - 02:51)
E, da, BeboOdLonchara, jos nesto.
vec vidjeno (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:28)
Ti ne znas gde sam ja bio, gde sam ziveo, sta sam video. Imam valjda pravo na misljenje. A slucajno se zadesilo da je dobar prijatelj mog oca preko 30 godina ziveo u Kelnu, pa sam slusao price. Mozda imam pravo na osnovu toga da izvucem zakljucak, sta mislis? Ili je to nekim kodeksom zabranjeno?
Ti imas neku aluziju, samo ja ne razumem koju. I ne mozes, kao sto sam ti rekao, da znas gde jesam, a gde nisam bio.
To Vec vidjeno. I guess you don't mean all
sleepless (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:31)
I guess you don't mean all EU countries, the status of more recent members is not quite 'normal', i.e., some are more equal than the others, but that would be another topic for some. I would paraphrase someone saying that the idea of(norm)ality of certain EU countries is constructed in itself against the background of 'abnormality' of others especially the former Soviet block or ex-YU. What is ipposite of 'abnormal' is just that, not necessarily something ideal.I lived in two of the countries you listed (for extended periods, not as a tourist or student etc.). There is no normality - if by 'normality' you mean the political, economic and social stability. My impression is that one (citizens) always have to fight hard to get closer to stability, regardless of whether some countries have longer tradition of democratic institutions etc., or not. All the countries you listed have problems on local, regional, international level - and the problems were never (and will never be) definitely solved. They are always in process of becoming less or more satisfactorily dealt with. One cannot win the elections or whatever and expect that the changes will happen just by the mere fact that the power changed hands. What impresses me is the engagement of citizens first on the very local level, where all the change begin, sometimes with success sometime not. But the point is a neverending fight for democracy.
I ardently support
adam weisphaut (18 Mart, 2007 - 19:52)
your nomination , Mr. Lyon! I would much rather we had a foreigner as primeminister than a grouchchy, self-rightous and fickle one as we have had thusfar,for a foreigner would have a much better understdaning of Serbia's needs . Unfortunately ,those jokes from your text are likely to become political reality.
James Lyon & the language
dunjica (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:20)
James, I assume, you wouldn´t mind if we turn to the language of the country that we discuss about. Wa all can speak it, so why not?
Thanks, JL, for the sign of good will
dunjica (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:39)
I always think it is a great sign of respect if we speak the language of the host.
Still, you are the host on this blog and in that respect English would be as appropriate.
Obavijest blogerima
dunjica (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:42)
blog James Lyona od sada pristupacan svima, bez obzira na znanje engleskog! Domacin bloguje na srpskom.
Gospodine James,
Labud (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:59)
Lyone, ovde ste već čini mi se deceniju i po, lepo govorite srpski jezik, mnogo bolje nego meštani sa KOSMETA.
moje pitanje glasi: hoćete li napustiti Beograd kada bude najzanimljivije ovde, to jest kada Kosmet bude nezavisan po volji medjunarodne zajednice, a bogami čini mi se i po volji političara iz Beograda !?
BebaOdLonchara (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:07)
ali to znaci da onda nesrpskopricajuci komentatori i blogeri ne mogu da ga prate...shell we continue then or...?
nesrpskopricajuci komentatori
dunjica (19 Mart, 2007 - 14:55)
da, zanimljivo pitanje. Ali, moji argumenti su slijedeci:
a - ovdje je rijec o ponudi James Lyona da se kandidira za premijera Srbije. Znaci - tema je unutrasnja stvar Srbije i tice se ljudi kojima je materinji jezik isti, u kojoj je govorni jezik srpski (sto se mene tice, to je OK ;-))))
b - koliko je relevantno (necu reci: vazno) da nesrpskopricajuci komentatori i blogeri ucestvuju u ovom blogu?
c - od covjeka koji zivi vise od 2 godine u jednoj zemlji bez pardona ocekujem da (pro)govori jezik domacina. JL je u regionu mnogo duze i njegov srpski je da mu vecina stranaca moze pozavidjeti.
Priznajem, malo je paradoksalno da se bas JA zalazem za srpski gdje god je moguce (na blogu), zar ne? Kad, eto, ne samo da svi trpe moj hrvatski, nego se cak i dobro razumijemo ;-))))
yu1bcd (18 Mart, 2007 - 20:55)
Just got the idea for GWB T-shirt: Awe & shock destroys WMD!
Libby action & UK lords titles overlooked.
LP MMM, Ljubljana
Red Devil (18 Mart, 2007 - 21:04)
I honestly believe you fit into the posing scenery perfectly. Is it not why you actually went there, to pose and be IN?
What a mess !
Ninoslav Randjelovic (19 Mart, 2007 - 02:38)
I just got home from a restaurant by the Sava river where I heard this conversation :
"Hey, do you know that James Lyon wants to be a Prime Minister of Serbian Government !"
" Who ?"
" You know, that fat guy with the red face who always has something stupid to say about political situation in Serbia".
"Wow, in that case he should definitely run for the office...He seems like a perfect candidate".
irvas (19 Mart, 2007 - 06:22)
...dude, you should change those shoes, seriously. I know, they're comfortable but, I mean, how comfortable do you have to be? being a poser in BG is one thing, but being a wannabe poser in BG is just pathetic, not to mention that you're never gonna pick up any decent girls wearing those grandpa sandals. here's a hint: fashion magazines are not just for ladies and gay people.
good luck mate, and btw, what exactly is that you do in serbia anyway?
dunjica (19 Mart, 2007 - 20:07)
meni se ucinilo da s Titom pozirate u Hrvatskoj, ne u Srbiji.
Osim sto se neprihvatljivo izrazavate cak i o ljudima koji to nisu zasluzili (u BiH npr. - HR CSS)
irvas (20 Mart, 2007 - 03:40)
...well come on now, I was doing him a favour.
James, you are not pissed off with me, aren't you?
Dear Mr. Lyon, if you ever
Piromanski (19 Mart, 2007 - 11:18)
Dear Mr. Lyon,
if you ever come to take a Serbian name, or at least use a Serbian pseudonym, I strongly suggest "Aleksa Žunić".
Hi James, comments on this
bela (19 Mart, 2007 - 13:15)
Hi James,
comments on this blog are exactelly proving that things you were talking about are true and nothing but the true.. For avarage serbian it is much more important how your sandals look alike than what you have to say. Posing is one of the things that I never met outside serbia and still don't understand why we are so superficial and why such a trivial things overtake our interests for real life issues. Posing is the reason why people comments on this blog are not addressing your excellent cinical text about "joke of our parlament" but rather your sandals and food fight.
Keep up with good work!
Ninoslav Randjelovic (19 Mart, 2007 - 14:27)
Lipa nasa
yu1bcd (19 Mart, 2007 - 15:44)
Ja pozirao sa Titovom slikom u Istri pa me izbacili sa Hrvatskog foruma! A u Ljubljani mu ukinuli ulicu. Moju Trebinjsku ostavili, a susednu 29. Hercegovacke divizije ukinuli. Ko je ono oslobadjao Trst?
Glavna prednost Zapada je slobodnija stampa...
LP MMM S56A, Ljubljana
Mr Lyon,
metastaza (19 Mart, 2007 - 15:54)
I'm not sure if you get this question when passing customs at "Nikola Tesla" airport in Belgrade, but I would be thrilled and deeply amuzed to know what your answer would be.
Customs worker: Welcome to Serbia Mr. Lyon (if that is your real name), what is your agenda here? Spreading anti-Serb propaganda or just mocking our parliament deputies and government officials? We appologize for taking your time but we need to know these things so we could make your stay more pleasant.
than go, take a pray
zarkov (20 Mart, 2007 - 00:37)
Since that evening I have thought long and hard about my friend’s suggestion and am now willing to be considered as a compromise candidate for Premier.
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Well ...
slayayu (20 Mart, 2007 - 00:46)
Well, if you reconsider photo of Nikola Pašić, I already know few people who will gladly support you as a candidate... :)
Oooh my dear James
bladerunner (21 Mart, 2007 - 12:34)
now,I'm sorry that I didn't read right away your blog I forgot how intersting you ...think you are.And you are to me also ...from time to time. Like now for example. I just wanted to offer myself to wear a wet t-shirt with your face on it...
You'll catch cold!!
James Lyon (21 Mart, 2007 - 13:08)
Wearing a wet t-shirt is not advisable. You might catch cold.
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