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Srbija 2020

Running for the Needy -- Trčanje za sve kojima je pomoć potrebna

Little runnersLittle runners

The justification – Opravdanje


Today I’m setting a precedent that I’ve tried to avoid: I’m using this blog to promote a CorD event. However, I’m doing so with the excuse that it is indeed a truly worthy event that will benefit only the needy (and those getting free pr).

Danas pravim presedan koji sam se trudio da izbegavam do sada: koristim ovaj blog da reklamiram jednu manifestaciju CorD-a. Međutim, ovo radim sa izgovorom da je zaista vredan događaj koji će samo pomoći onima kojima je pomoc potrebna (i tima koji će dobiti besplatan marketing).  

So, without further ado, I invite you all to get running (or at least briskly striding) as participants in the 3rd CorD Charity Masters race…

Dakle, bez više okolisanja, pozivam vas da trčite (ili bar brzo hodate) kao učesnici u trećoj CorD Charity Masters trci…

The plug - Promo tekst

Where? Around Belgrade (due to start between Pionirski Park & the Federal Parliament) during the 20th Belgrade Banca Intesa Marathon (but not the whole marathon for those of us who are only mere mortals). 

[color=blue] Gde? u Beogradu (predviđeno da počne kod Pionirskog parka i Savezne skupštine) u okviru 20-og Beogradskog Banca Intesa Maratona (ali ne ceo maraton za nas obične smrtnike).

When? 21st April.

Kada? 21. april.

Why? To raise money for charity (100% of funds raised go directly to charity!). Funds can be raised for B92’s Safe House project, UNICEF’s School Without Violence project or any other worthy cause selected by the runner or team.

Što? Da skupimo pare u humanitarne svrhe (100% para će ići u dobrotvorne svrhe). Pare mogu biti poklonjene B92 programu “Sigurna kuća”, UNICEF programu “Škola bez nasilja” ili u one svrhe za koje se odluči učesnik.

How? Send an email to and we will send you all the information and registration forms you need.

Kako? Pošaljite email na i poslaćemo vam sve informacije i formulare koje su vam potrebne.

The post - Post

I suppose I must have been around seven or eight-years-old when a blank sponsorship form was first placed in my grubby little hands by a teacher.

Pretpostavljam da sam imao oko sedam ili osam godina kada je učiteljica prvi put stavila prazan formular za sponzorstvo u moje male prljave ruke.

My classmates and I undoubtedly gaped confusedly as the teacher told us that we would be running around the school field until we dropped in order to raise money (probably for starving Ethiopians at that time), and that we should ask our family members, friends, neighbours, or random passers-by, to provide financial support for this charitable cause.

Moji školski drugari i ja smo sigurno gledali skroz zbunjeno dok učiteljica je nama rekla da ćemo da trčimo oko školskog igrališta dok ne padnemo da skupimo pare (verovatno za gladni Etiopljani tada) i da bi trebalo da tražimo finansijsku podršku za ovu humanitarnu akciju od članova svoje porodice, prijatelja, komšija i slučajnih prolaznika.

“You could ask your cousins to give you twenty pence each for every 100 metres run,” the chubby teacher suggested enthusiastically.

“Možete da pitate vaše rođake da vam daju dvadeset penija za svakih 100 metara koje trčite,” entuzijastično je sugestirala naša bucmasta učiteljica.

My sponsorship form, with its intimidating blank rows and columns, was plucked from my grubby little hands by mother, and miraculously returned to me about a week later with all manner of names and sums – I noted contributions from my dad’s colleagues, my mother’s gym friends, even the window cleaner had thrown in a few quid.

Moja mama je uzela moj formular za sponzorstvo, sa zastrašujuće praznim redovima i kolonama, iz mojih prljavih ruku i posle oko nedelju dana je bio čudesno vraćen pun raznih imena i cifara – video sam da priložnici su bili tatine kolege, mamine drugarice iz teratane, čak i čovek ko je redovno prao naši prozori je dao par funti.

This was just the first of many school and club events to raise money for various charities that were to be part and parcel of my childhood. We would organise jumble sales for charity, baking contests for charity and, of course, we would run for charity.

To je samo bio prvi od mnogobrojnih školskih i klubskih akcija skupljanja para u razne humanitarne svrhe koji je bio integralni deo mog detinjstva. Organizovali smo prodaju starih stvari u dobrotvorne svrhe, pekarska takmičenja u dobrotvorne svrhe i, naravno,  trčali smo u dobrotvorne svrhe.

As a result of the regular staging of such humanitarian events over the course of my childhood, the notion of giving – no matter how little one gives – has become second nature to Brits of my generation. Hopefully, the CorD Charity Masters can become one of the founding elements of a similar culture of ‘giving’ in Serbia.

Kao rezultat ovog redovnog organizovanja humanitarnih događanja kroz moje detinjstvo, taj pojam davanja – nebitno koliko daješ – je postao druga priroda za moja pokolenja Britanaca. Nadajmo se da će CorD Charity Masters postati jedan od temeljnih elemenata za sličnu kulturu ‘davanja’ u Srbiji.

hello mark

i don't understand a thing :>
where? in serbia? belgrade?
tell us a bit more about this.. please.
and yes, i'll send the e-mail, but.. but..
i don't have a clue what to type in it. :>
some help, please?

edit: oh, my mistake.. i don't read carefully. ;)

What don't you understand?

It's a charity race to take place during the Belgrade marathon on Saturday 21st April.

It starts at the intersection of Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra and Kneza Miloša/Takovska at around 10am (to be confirmed).

First pick the charity you would like to help (either find out their bank account number yourself or we can do that for you). Then apply to us.

You can apply alone or as part of a team (maybe Team Gogo).

You can choose the 5km fun run (as most of us will), the half marathon, the full marathon, or simply choose to run as far as you can to raise money for charity.

You will receive a simple sponsorship form and you should ask your friends/boss/local taxidermist/whoever to sponsor you per kilometre (so that you'll get something even if you only manage to run a kilometre). The sponsors will put their names and the amounts to be donated on the sponsorship form and when you complete the race, and receive your Charity Master certificate, you should collect the promised cash and donate it - in person with a cheque or cash (to be photographed by CorD) or directly into a bank account.

Make more sense now?
Feel free to ask more questions



lotta comments here

I can see that the needy have drawn the full attention and compassion of our fellow liberal-thinking bloggers....

My friend

Tvoje srce je veliko!
Kolega i ja se prijavljujemo! Koliko je dovoljno da pretrcimo (posto smo poprilicni trutovi)!?

Super, baš ste humani!

Koliko je dovoljno da pretrčimo? Pa, bar prvih 500 metara (dok nas gledaju kamere), posle toga možemo da prošetamo 4 kilometara, pa da trčimo tih zadnjih 500 metara do Hotela Moskva ;)

To je sasvim u redu

zrtva koju polazemo je ogromna, s obziroma na moju fizicku spremnost i kolegine gabarite!

Bravo majstore !

Evo mene prvi put na blogu,pa reko'da pohvalim ovu inicijativu.
idem sada da trazim sponzore, pa se javljam sledece nedelje. Nije kasno ?

Bravo i tebi!

Bravo i tebi! (Što ćeš da se prijaviš). Nije kasno. Treba da znamo okvirno koliko ćemo imati učesnika do ponedeljka 16-og Aprila - da naručimo majice - ali možeš da se prijaviš najkasnije do srede 18-og Aprila.

Mark, može li da se da neki

Mark, može li da se da neki novac, ali da se ne trči??

Ako može, je l' treba samo da pošaljem mail na onu adresu?

Sorry, kad sam lenština :)

Pa može. Možeš da budes

Pa može.

Možeš da budes sponzor nekih trkača.

Pošalji mail na i samo ostavi podatke, koju sumu novca hoces da daš i u koju svrhu.

Ja mogu

samo da podrzhim akciju Mark, a ako to neshto mozhe da znachi, otrchat cu taj dan i dio maratona, ovde u Amsterdamu.