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Užas Uživo
Milan Lukić (11 Septembar, 2006 - 12:55)
Breaking NewsTog dana čulo se iz druge prostorije: "idi na CNN".Nekim čudom tada sam se oko 3 popodne zatekao na medijskom licu mesta.Nekim čudom neko je baš tog dana pored mene bio na CNN-u od samog početka izveštavanja. Dim kulja iz oblakodera. Stojim ispred ekrana.Ne shvatam u početku ništa.Šta se dogadja? Par desetina minuta kasnije oči primaju sliku aviona koji se zabada u drugi WTC oblakoder.Užas Uživo.Bio je to prvi i poslednji put da sam kraj televizora proveo više od 3 sata.12 sati,lični rekord koji neću nadmašiti. Shvatio sam, počeo sam da shvatam. A onda je pozlilo. Moj brat sa porodicom leteo je za Ameriku 13tog. Počelo. Rat Svetova.
111WTCPeopleBWDa li ste ikada videli osobu koja histerično odbija da udje u avion, noktiju zarivenih u asfaltnu podlogu piste dok stjuardese, policija i piloti nastavljaju, gotovo rutinski, sa "prijateljskim" ubedjivanjem? Jedna od uobičajenih scena na aerodromima širom sveta nakon 11.septembra 2001, jednog od najznačajnijih datuma 3. milenijuma Hristove ere. Danas, 5 godina od terorističkog napada - INVAZIJE TREĆE VRSTE NA PLANETU ZAPAD - situacija je gotovo ista.Iste psihoze i psihofizički poremećaji. Upoznao sam ženu čije je dete nastradalo u južnoj kuli WTC. Upoznao sam čoveka koji sa 5 duplih viskija u sebi i svesrdnu pomoć psihijatara možda ponekad uspe u naumu da sedne u avion i zaveže pojas, bez uobičajenih suza. Borba sa samim sobom - kako ući u letelicu? Al-Qaeda pobedjuje. Osvaja strahom sve što se kreće na dve noge planetom. To je uspeh kakvom se sigurno nisu nadali. Juče nas mediji obaveštavaju kako Al-Qaeda "obećava da će se osvetiti na Kosovu i BiH".Osveta i pretnje poklapaju se sa potpisivanjem SOFA sporazuma koji nasa zemlja ima sa SAD. "Mislite o tome".Sve se čini da Treća Vrsta svoja obećanja ispunjava.Svim sredstvima i po svaku cenu. 9/11? Daleko li nam je, pa to nema veze s nama? OK, naravno. Ovo je za nekoga ko je na današnji dan pre 5 godina možda izgubio SVE. Ostala su samo nasmejana lica na fotografijama u novcaniku.
Osama Most WantedInformation on Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, and the Jihad (Holy War).
Osama(Usama) bin Laden
Prior to the September 11, 2001 attack on America, Osama bin Laden was
called America's most wanted terrorist suspect. The U.S. State Department
said Osama bin Laden is "one of the most significant financial sponsors of
of Islamic extremist activities in the world." Osama bin Laden, sometimes
spelled Usama bin Laden, is 44 years old (2001). Osama bin Laden's code
name, "The Contractor," is maybe the best indicator of bin Laden's link
to terrorism. Officials in many countries including the United States say
Oct7 Osama Tall Books
that bin Laden's money has paid for terrorist acts in Europe, Africa and
the Middle East. His personal wealth is estimated at $250 million U.S.
Osama bin Laden
"The Contractor"
A Saudi, Osama bin Laden is the 17th child, of 50-53 children, from a family that ran the largest
construction companies in the Arab world. Bin Laden Group, a construction empire based in the
Saudi city of Jidda made its fortune in building projects for the Saudi royal family. He is said to
be the head of a worldwide network of terrorist camps that support Jihad or Islamic Holy War
against secular governments of the Muslim Middle East and Western powers. In 1998, bin Laden called on Muslims to kill Americans wherever they can Aug20 CNN Osama & Bodyguardsbe found.
What is Jihad?
Jihad uses centuries old interpretations of the Koran to justify violence in the name of God.
Muslim scholars brought out the Koran's interpretations during the 1979 Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan. Religious rulings were issued called fatwas. The fatwas exhorted Muslims
everywhere to defend Islamic land from infidels.
Osama bin Laden timeline.
In 1984, bin Laden moves from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan to help Abdullah Azzam, founder of the Office of Services, establish training camps across
the border in Afghanistan. The Office of Services' goal was to recruit and
train Muslim volunteers. Bin Laden provides financial support and
handling of military affairs.
In 1986, Bin Laden establishes his own training camp for Persian Gulf Arabs
called Al Masadah, or the Lion's Den.
In 1988, bin Laden turns to a global crusade. He founds a group called Al-Qaida
or Al-Qaeda (Arabic for The Base). According to the American Central
Intelligence Agency, The Base has 5,000 trained militants, who have created cells in 50 countries. The purpose of these camps is to take militants from
around the world and shape them into an international network that would
bring all Muslims under a militant version of Islamic law.
In 1989, bin Laden returns to Saudi Arabia to join his family's construction company.
In 1991, bin Laden moves the headquarters for al-Qaida (Al-Qaeda) to Sudan,
where a militant Islamic government had come to power.
In 1993, a bomb explodes at the World Trade Center,killing six people and Oct7 Osamah TV4injuring another 1,000.
Links to the Office of Services and al-Qaida (Al-Qaeda) emerge, but do not lead to charges.
In 1994, Saudi Arabia strips bin Laden of citizenship for alleged terrorist links and his family
disavows him.
In 1996, bin Laden is forced out of Sudan following intense pressure from the U.S. on Sudan.
In 1998, bin Laden made his way back to Afghanistan. The International
Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, which acts as an umbrella
group for international militant groups organized by bin Laden, issues a religious
order saying it is a religious duty of Muslims to kill Americans anywhere possible.
Oct7 Philly Daily NewsIn 1999, bin Laden moves to the village Farmifadda, Afghanistan. Why does Osama bin Laden want to kill Americans?The following is excerpted from the fatwa, or edict, of
February 1998, issued by the Osama bin Laden organization.
For more than seven years, the United States
has been occupying the lands of Islam in the
holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula,
plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers,
humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors
and turning its bases in the peninsula into
a spearhead through which to fight the
neighboring Muslim peoples.
The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people, Oct7SingaporeReaderusing
the peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being
used to that end, but they are helpless.
...These crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on God,
his messenger and Muslims. And ulema Oct7 Calcutta Paper Reader Oct8[Muslim scholars] have throughout Islamic history
unanimously agreed that the jihad [Holy War] is an individual duty if the enemy destroys
the Muslim countries.
On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:
CubaThe ruling is to kill the Americans and their allies is an individual duty for every Muslim who can
do it, in order to liberate the Al Aqsa mosque [Jerusalem] and the Holy Mosque [Mecca]... This
is in accordance with the words of Almighty God...
We call on every Muslim who believes in God and wished to be rewarded to comply Oct7Palestine American Attack Has Begunwith God's
order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.
In Osama bin Laden's own words.
In an interview with ABC's correspondent JohnOct7 Tel avivMiller, on May 28, 2001, Osama Bin Laden made
the following comment on the fatwa issued calling
on Muslims to kill Americans, regardless of whether
they are civilians or military:
"Allah ordered us in this religion to purify Muslim land of all non-believers… After World War II,
the Americans became more aggressive and oppressive, especially in the Muslim world.
Oct7 FrankfurtAmerican history does not distinguish between civilians and military, and not even women and
children. They are the ones who used the bombs against Nagasaki. Can these bombs distinguish
between infants and military? America does not have a religion that will prevent it from
destroying all people
bin laden info:
http://www.september11news.com/OsamaBinLaden.htmOct7 Japanustadh-učitelj: http://www.paperlessarchives.com/binladen.html
Militant site shows more al-Qaida videos
Oct7 PakistanBushes lay wreaths at trade center site
Rice: Do not relent in fighting Iraq war
Chirac sends Bush Sept. 11 message
Sept. 11 aftermath, by the numbers
By OMAR SINAN and BASSEM MROUE, Oct7 China ShanghaiAssociated Press Writers
Last Updated: September 10, 2006, 11:40:21 PM PDT
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - A videotape posted on the Internet late Sunday, purportedly by al-Qaida, showed previously unseen footage of a smiling Osama bin Laden and other commanders in a mountain camp apparently planning the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.
Oct7 Beijing TV8The documentary-like retrospective of the five years since the attacks was unusually long - 91 minutes, split into two segments - and sophisticated in its production quality compared to previous al-Qaida videos. The footage - with English subtitles - surfaced Sunday night, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the attacks, on a Web site that frequently airs messages from bin Laden's terror network.
Oct7 NEA Afghan TV Room"Planning for Sept. 11 did not take place behind computer monitors or radar screens, nor inside military command and control centers, but was surrounded with divine protection in an atmosphere brimming with brotherliness ... and love for sacrificing life," an unidentified narrator said.
The video released Sunday was stamped with the emblem of As-Sahab, al-Qaida's media branch.
Bush 9/13Hours later, As-Sahab said another new video containing a statement from al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri would be released shortly. CNN reported early Monday that the video appeared to have been recorded recently, and that al-Zawahiri refers to Israel's bombardment of Lebanon and the capture of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah and militants in Gaza.
The video released Sunday was titled "Knowledge is For Acting Upon" and NY Skyline Night Fire Aftermathsubtitled "The Manhattan Raid."
It showed the al-Qaida leader meeting with colleagues in a mountain camp believed to be in Afghanistan, as well as video clips of Vice President Dick Cheney defending his old job at the oil company Halliburton, and President Bush at his inauguration. Other scenes show training at the camp, with masked militants doing martial arts kicks and practicing hiding and NYC SkylineSmoke Cloudpulling out knives.
Excerpts of the footage aired on Al-Jazeera television on Thursday, and al-Qaida had said it would later release the full video on the Internet.
It included the last testament of two of the Sept. 11 hijackers, Wail al-Shehri and Hamza al-Ghamdi, and showed bin Laden Bush Speech Congress Sept20strolling in the camp, greeting followers.
"Among the devout group which responded to the order of Allah and order of his messenger were the heroes of Sept. 11, who wrote with the ink of their blood the greatest pages of modern history," the narrator said, referring to the hijackers who flew planes into the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
Al-Shehri and al-Ghamdi were each shown SecDef Rumsfeld Pentagon 9/11 AFPspeaking to the camera, their image superimposed over background pictures of the crumbling World Trade Center towers and the burning Pentagon, as well as a model of a passenger jet.
They both spoke of how Muslims must stand up to fight back against the West.
"If jihad now is not an obligation (on Muslims), when will it be?" said al-Shehri, pointing to attacks on Muslims in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Chechnya.
Homeland Security TomRidge"If we are content with being humiliated and inclined to comfort, the tooth of the enemy will stretch from Jerusalem to Mecca, and then everyone will regret on a day when regret is of no use," al-Ghamdi said.
The two videotaped testimonies had never been seen before.
Al-Shehri was on American Airlines Flight 11, which was the first to hit the World Trade Center. Al-Ghamdi was on United Osama Kalashnikov LapAirlines Flight 175, which hit the second tower.
In the footage, Bin Laden wore a dark robe and white headdress, and was shown sitting alongside his former lieutenant Mohammed Atef and Ramzi Binalshibh, another suspected planner of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, was killed by a U.S. airstrike on Afghanistan in 2001. Binalshibh was captured four years ago in Pakistan and is currently in U.S. custody, and last week Bush announced plans to put him on military trial.
Bin Laden was shown expressing his appreciation for the Taliban, the Islamic regime that ran Afghanistan and gave refuge to al-Qaida until the U.S.-led NYC Ground Zero Cross Nightvisioninvasion toppled them in late 2001.
"They allowed us to prepare and train, despite international pressure, and knowing that we were getting ready to strike the idols of this age - the American forces and the NATO pact," the al-Qaida leader said.
The video showed events up to 10 years before the Sept. 11 attacks - U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf War, bin Laden preaching to followers after the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Sudan. It also showed events afterward including a man in an orange jumpsuit at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Leaders Taliban AmbPak 14thIt was unclear when the tape was made, or how soon before the Sept. 11 attacks the footage of bin Laden was recorded.
It contained previously aired footage of al-Zawahiri, blaming the United States for provoking terror attacks.
"The Bush presidency was a bunch of cocky fools, motivated by crusader hatred ... which led them to imagine that they could takeover the entire world," he said. "They threw themselves, their people Nov11 WTC Bushand their nation into a sea of fire from which they are uselessly trying to secure themselves."
The video also showed young men wearing Arab headdresses and sitting on the ground, watching a recorded speech by bin Laden on a laptop computer and the narrator suggested Muslim youth have been emboldened since bin Laden's attacks five years ago.
"The calls of the Mujahid Sheik Abu Abdullah Osama Bin Laden awakened the consciousness of the youth of Islam ... and awakened their spirit of sacrifice, defiance and love of martyrdom," the narrator said.
IntelCenter said the next video from As-Sahab was Pentagon Airview 9/14coming shortly and would contain an interview with al-Zawahiri conducted by As-Sahab. It was likely to be released in the next 24 hours to coincide with the anniversary of Sept. 11 but it could take as long as 72-hours, IntelCenter said.
Crucixix at Ground ZeroPresident George W. Bush Speaks to
America After the Strikes Begin.
Following is the text of the address made
from the Treaty Room in the White House
on October 7, 2001.
On my orders, the United States military has begun strikes against al-Qa'eda terrorist training camps and
military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
These carefully targeted actions are designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations
and to attack the military capability of the Taliban regime.
Aftermath APWe are joined in this operation by our staunch friend, Great Britain. Other close friends, including Canada,
Australia, Germany and France, have pledged forces as the operation unfolds.
More than 40 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and across Asia have granted air transit or landing
rights. Many more have shared intelligence. We are supported by the Aftermath AP2collective will of the world.
More than two weeks ago, I gave Taliban leaders a series of clear and specific demands: Close terrorist
training camps. Hand over leaders of the al-Qa'eda network, and return all foreign nationals, including
American citizens unjustly detained in our country.
None of these demands were met. And now, the Taliban will pay a price.
By destroying camps and disrupting communications, we will make it more difficult for the terror network to
train new recruits and coordinate their evil plans.
Aftermath Time APInitially, the terrorists may burrow deeper into caves and other entrenched hiding places. Our military action
is also designed to clear the way for sustained, comprehensive and relentless operations to drive them out and
bring them to justice.
At the same time, the oppressed people of Afghanistan will know the generosity of America and our allies. As
we strike military targets, we will also drop Oct11 WTC Smokefood, medicine and supplies to the starving and suffering men and
women and children of Afghanistan.
The United States of America is a friend to the Afghan people, and we are the friends of almost a billion
worldwide who practice the Islamic faith.
The United States of America is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barbaric criminals who profane
a great religion by committing murder in its name.
This military action is a part of our campaign against terrorism, another front in a war that has already been
joined through diplomacy, intelligence, the freezing of financial assets and the arrests of known terrorists byAftermath Oct3 Light Detection NYClaw enforcement agents in 38 countries.
Given the nature and reach of our enemies, we will win this conflict by the patient accumulation of successes,
by meeting a series of challenges with determination and will and purpose.
Today we focus on Afghanistan, but the battle is broader. Every nation has a choice to make. In this conflict,
there is no neutral ground. If any NYC Building Status Graphgovernment sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocence, they have
become outlaws and murderers themselves. And they will take that lonely path at their own peril.
I'm speaking to you today from the Treaty Room of the White House, a place where American presidents have
worked for peace.
We're a peaceful nation. Yet, as we have learned, so suddenly and so tragically, Oct9 AlQaeda Ghaith Al Jazeera TVthere can be no peace in a
world of sudden terror. In the face of today's new threat, the only way to pursue peace is to pursue those who
threaten it.
We did not ask for this mission, but we will fulfill it.
The name of today's military operation is Enduring Freedom. We defend not only our precious freedoms,
but also the freedom of people Oct10 Taliban AmbZaeefeverywhere to live and raise their children free from fear.
I know many Americans feel fear today. And our government is taking strong precautions. All law enforcement
and intelligence agencies are working aggressively around America, around the world and around the clock.
At my request, many governors have activated the National Guard to strengthen airport security. We haveAug20 CNN Osama Videoscalled up reserves to reinforce our military capability and strengthen the protection of our homeland.
In the months ahead, our patience will be one of our strengths — patience with the long waits that will result
from tighter security, patience and understanding that it will take time to achieve our goals, patience in all the
sacrifices that may come.
Today, those sacrifices are being made by Oct7 Moscow TV Reflect Osamahmembers of our armed forces who now defend us so far from
home, and by their proud and worried families.
A commander in chief sends America's sons and daughters into battle in a foreign land only after the greatest
care and a lot of prayer.
We ask a lot of those who wear our uniform. We ask them to leave their loved ones, to travel great distances,
to risk injury, even to be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.
They are dedicated. They are honorable. They represent the best of our country, and we are grateful.
Bin Laden Interpol most wantedTo all the men and women in our military, every sailor, every soldier, every airman, every Coast Guardsman,
every Marine, I say this: Your mission is defined. The objectives are clear. Your goal is just. You have my full
confidence, and you will have every tool you need to carry out your duty.
I recently received a touching letter that says a lot about the state of America in No Commentthese difficult times, a letter
from a fourth-grade girl with a father in the military.
'As much as I don't want my dad to fight,' she wrote, 'I'm willing to give him to you.'
This is a precious gift. The greatest she could give. This young girl knows what America is all about.
Since Sept. 11, an entire generation of young Americans has gained new understanding of the value of
freedom and its cost and duty and its sacrifice.
The battle is now joined on many fronts.
GuthrieWe will not waiver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.
International Leaders Speak Out After the American Air Strikes in Afghanistan.
In Their Own Words. © CNN
"None of the leaders involved in this action WTC Reuterswant war. None of our nations want it. We are a peaceful people.
But we know that sometimes, to safeguard peace, we have to fight. Britain has learned that lesson many
times before in our history. We only do it if the cause is just." -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair
"We regret that diplomatic efforts to convince Taliban leadership to respond to the international demands did
not succeed ... Pakistan did whatever it could to convince the Taliban leadership of the gravity of the situation
and take the right decisions in the interest of the Afghan people. We also hope that the operations will end
soon and a concerted international effort will be WTC Face 12 South Towerundertaken to promote national reconciliation and help
Afghanistan with economic reconstruction." -- Pakistani government statement
"We see in the United States the leader of this campaign, and we shall not do anything that may frustrate or
endanger the campaign itself ... We feel part and parcel of this campaign, and, if it should be asked,
everything will be considered, seriously and positively." -- Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres,
speaking in an interview for CNN's Larry King Live.
"These brutal attacks are as horrendous, terrorist acts as any in the world. America has always chosen the
military approach .. the Afghans will rise against the new colonialist." -- Taliban Ambassador to PakistanWTC Face 14Abdul Salam Zaeef
The attacks "were carried out without regard to world public opinion and particularly the Islamic countries.
These attacks will result in loss of life among civilians, and, therefore, they are not acceptable." -- Iranian
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi
"What America did today is that it had targeted a country and people who are among the poorest in the world.
Anybody would condemn this attack, not because it's coming from America or because it's against Muslims and
a Muslim country -- but because it was done outside the framework of international law and because AmericaDevil's Face in the Smokedidn't present a convincing proof against those it accuses of terrorism." -- Iraqi government statement
"The fight against terrorism is a fight that is complex, difficult and that has to be played on several fronts. It is
not just a military fight ... for this action facing us, the French are united ... We are all united." -- French
President Jacques Chirac
We are part of an unprecedented coalition of nations that has come together to fight the threat of terrorism
... Canada will be part of this coalition every step of the way." -- Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
September 2001 Daily Timeline & Images.
A Daily Chronology and Timeline of EventsAftermath Reuters 5From September 11, 2001 to September 30, 2001.
Photos © AP or Reuters
NYC Aerial Sept 23
On Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, the U.S. is attacked by terrorists
in New York City and Washington, and the world changes forever.
Sept. 11: Hijacked jetliners hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outside
Washington. A fourth hijacked plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania. Trading on Wall
Street is stopped. The Federal Aviation Administration halts all flight operations at the Devil's Face Headlinesnation's
airports for the first time in U.S. history. U.S. military is placed on high alert. President Bush
addresses the nation and vows to "find those responsible and bring them to justice." Hundreds
of New York City firemen and policemen sent to rescue WTC workers are lost when the WTC
Twin Towers collapse. Reaction from international leaders is swift as world leaders react with
outrage over the attacks. Go to Attack Images/Morning Timeline. Go to Bush Images/Timeline.
Memory Lane CrossSept. 12: New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani warns death toll will be in the thousands at the
trade center. Firefighters continue to douse flames in New York and Washington. Bush labels
attacks "acts of war" and asks Congress to devote $20 billion to help rebuild and recover.
America is Attacked
World Trade Center
Sept. 13: Fighting back tears, Bush vows that America will "lead the world to victory" over
terrorism in a struggle he termed the first war of the 21st century. Secretary of State Colin
Powell identifies Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect. The United States will respond with a
sustained military campaign, not a single strike, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz says.MissPers Posters NY UMed CtrManAir travel resumes. Go to profile of Osama bin Laden.
Sept. 14: Bush declares national emergency and gives military authority to call 50,000
reservists to active duty. Justice WTC Dusty NeighboursDepartment releases names of the 19 hijackers. Afghanistan's
Taliban militia warns of "revenge" if United States attacks it for harboring bin Laden. Bush
leads four former presidents and nation in prayer at National Cathedral and visits trade center.
Sept. 15: President Bush says U.S. troops will hunt down terrorists in a long, unrelenting war;Aftermath Pentagon Reuterscites desire by American people not only for revenge, but to end "barbaric behavior." The State
Department warns governments will be isolated if they tolerate or assist terrorist groups.
Pakistan agrees to the full list of U.S. demands for a possible attack on neighboring Afghanistan.
George W. Bush
National Cathedral Pentagon Satellite PicSept. 16: President Bush pledges "crusade" to "rid the world of evil-doers," brushes off
reported Osama bin Laden denial. U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney warns that those who harbor
terrorists face "the full wrath of the United States." Pakistani official says senior delegation sent
to Afghanistan to deliver U.S. message: hand over Osama bin Laden or risk massive assault.
NYC Skyline Sept 16
Sept. 17: The supreme leader of Afghanistan's hardline Taliban says a grand council of Islamic
clerics will decide whether to hand over bin Ground ZeroLaden. The Federal Reserve cuts its key interest
rate to try to keep the economy from plunging into a recession. Investors send stocks reeling
on Wall Street's first day of trading since the attacks. The list of people FBI wants detained in
the United States and abroad grows to nearly 200.
NYSE Opens Again
Sept. 18: Taliban leaders call on Muslims to wage holy war on America if it attacks. 9/11 WTC street viewU.S.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says administration preparing sustained offensive against
terrorists and countries that support them. Bush leads nation in moment of silence. Authorities
say federal grand jury in New York has opened investigation.
Sept. 19: Pentagon orders combat aircraft to bases in Persian Gulf. Bush continues push toMemory Laneenlist global support in the battle against terrorism, meeting with the Indonesian president and
calling leaders of South Africa and South Korea; foreign ministers of Russia and Germany meet
with Powell. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf seeks to reassure his country the war against
terrorism does not target Islam or people of Afghanistan. Thousands of Afghans flee toward
M LaneSept. 20: In national address, Bush announces creation of a Cabinet-level Office of Homeland
Security and names Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to coordinate efforts to prevent terrorism.
Bush directs U.S. military forces to "be ready" for the gathering battle: "The hour is coming
when America will act and you will make us proud." Islamic clerics urge bin Laden to voluntarily
leave Afghanistan. Pentagon announces Ground Zero Gravesthat 5,131 members of the Air Force National Guard
and Air Force Reserve ordered to active duty. Go to President Bush's address to Congress.
Sept. 21: Taliban rulers refuse to hand over bin Laden and warn that any U.S. attacks could
plunge region into crisis. Taliban troops take up positions in the jagged mountain peaks on
Afghanistan's border with Pakistan. Ground Zero CrossThousands demonstrate in Pakistan's major cities. Pentagon
commits more aircraft to the Persian Gulf. German authorities say they believe a terrorist
group based there began planning the U.S. attacks as far back as 1999.
Donald Rumsfeld
Homeland Security
Speech to Congress
Sept. 22: The Taliban say they shot down unmanned spy plane in northern Afghanistan. United
Arab Emirates cuts diplomatic relations with Taliban for refusing to surrender Osama bin Laden.
President Bush meets with advisers at Camp David, Aircraft Carrier EnterpriseMd., as Pentagon orders ships and planes
to Middle East.
NYC Wall of Posters
Sept. 23: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell promises to lay out evidence against Osama bin
Laden. Donald Rumsfeld confirms the United States lost contact with an unmanned spy plane
over Afghanistan. Taliban leadership says it can't find bin Laden to advise him to leave the
country. U.S. officials dismiss the claim. Cross OriginalPresident Bush returns the American flag to full staff at
Camp David, symbolically ending the period of national mourning.
Manhattan Apt. Dust
Sept. 24: President Bush signs an order freezing the assets of 27 people and organizations,
calling it a strike at financial foundation of terrorists. He demands foreign banks follow the U.S.
lead. Osama bin Laden calls on Pakistan's Muslims to fight "the American crusade." The ruling
Taliban say they are dispatching 300,000 fighters to defend Afghanistan's borders. The United
Nations says the Taliban threaten to kill U.N. relief workers in Afghanistan.
WTC Site Sept. 24
Sept. 25: The United States and six of the world's Oct7 NY Daily Newsrichest nations agree to produce coordinated
plan to freeze the assets of all terrorist organizations. Saudi Arabia cuts ties with the Taliban
government. Osama bin Laden's organization makes a fresh call to arms, saying "wherever
there are Americans and Jews, they will be targeted." The Pentagon calls nearly 2,000 more
reservists to active duty, bringing to 14,318 the number of Reserve and National Guard
members called so far.
USS Enterprise
Sept. 26: U.S. and Pakistani officials end two days of talks in Islamabad, with Pakistani leader
saying nations agree on military preparations for combating bin Laden's terrorist network in
Afghanistan. Thousands storm abandoned U.S. Embassy compound in Afghan capital of Kabul.Oct7 Sidney Daily TelegraphUnited Nations agency says assault on Afghanistan could send up to 1.5 million refugees into
Pakistan and other neighboring countries.
WTC Priest Prayers
Sept. 27: Taliban acknowledge they can communicate with bin Laden, saying they have given
him a week-old message from clerics that he leave the country voluntarily. Bush announces
plan to bolster airline security, including expanded use of federal marshals on airliners. At
Bush's urging, governors around the nation plan to use the National Guard troops for airport
Sept. 28: Bush says United States "in hot pursuit" of terrorists. Administration official says U.S.
special forces have conducted scouting missions in Nov11 WTC Bush WaveAfghanistan. Pakistani delegation fails to
persuade leader of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban to surrender terrorist suspect bin Laden. The
U.N. Security Council unanimously approves a U.S.-sponsored resolution demanding all nations
take sweeping action against terrorism. Attorney General John Ashcroft says authorities have
arrested or detained more than 480 people.
Taliban Ambassador
Sept. 29: In national radio address, Bush says nation's defense against more attacks will beDec20 WTC Sunsetto "aggressively and methodically" disrupt and destroy terrorism. Thousands rally in
Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Barcelona, Spain to discourage armed retaliation.
Anti-war protests draw hundreds in Austin, Texas, and Athens, Greece. The United Nations
resumes food shipments to prevent starvation in Afghanistan.
Sept. 30: The Taliban say explicitly for the first time that Osama bin Laden is still in Afghanistan
and is being kept in a secret location. Pakistani president says even under threat of U.S. military
strikes, hopes "very dim" bin Laden would be surrendered. Afghanistan opposition says
territory gained and hundreds of Taliban soldiers defected during three days of fighting inNov11 WTC Bush Annannorthern mountains. Foreign aid workers in Iran stockpile emergency rations for possible
waves of Afghan refugees.
o haljini
Tanja Jakobi (18 Decembar, 2006 - 18:09)
U ormanu imam divnu haljinu od teške svile i mislim da će tamo i ostati,skoro neobučena.
Kupila sam je tokom prvog zaljubljivanja u Njujork, u junu 2001. godine, na mestu kojeg danas nema - u podzemnom shopping mall-u World Trade Centra – i od ljudi koji možda nisu živi.
Nenaviknuta na ćudljivo vreme, ušla sam nasumice u radnju, ispostavilo se, Casual Corner, i sa šipke skinula prvu stvar za koju sam mislila da bih mogla da obučem na nešto što sam već imala na sebi. “Tako je lepa, kako to da je nismo ugledali ranije,” rekla mi je ljubazna kasirka i zamolila me da se okrenem u krug. „Jedina u radnji! Kao to da je neko od nas nije kupio?,” dodala je, dok sam se ispitivački gledala u ogledalu.
Onda sam zamolila da mi odmah, tu na kasi, skinu etiketu, da mogu da je obučem..ispunjeno na licu mesta, s osmehom. Izašla sam srećna, „kao” toplije obučena i suočila se sa rekom ljidi koja je kao slap negde malo posle 5 p.m. pojurila ka LIRR-u i bezbrojnim linijama metroa na nekada najvećoj stanici u Njujorku.
Tako sam tačno znala koliko je ljudi moglo biti u WTC-u 11. septembra.
Još čuvam odsečak avionske karte iz te 2001.. Tu kartu, sav novac koji sam imala, pasoš, sve adrese prijatelja u Njujorku, metro karticu, ključeve od njujorškog privremenog i beogradskog stana izgubila sam zajedno sa tašnom u jednoj, nekad slavnoj robnoj kući za pomodarke bez para, na samom ćošku sa WTC .
U žaru kupovine, sa sto haljina, sukanja, pantalona, džempera navešanih po sopstvenim ramenima i gomilom kesa u rukama, negde, na nekom spratu, pored neke gondole, verovatno dok sam pred nekim ogledalom svlačila i oblačila nešto i huktala, bacila sam tašnu na pod.
Posle dva sata i X kesa više, iznenada mi je stalo srce, jer nije bilo samo tašne.
Sjurila sam se na odeljenje u podrumu,„izgubljeno nađeno” u potpunoj panici i skoro pod teretom pala na kolena pred šalterom...a tamo je stajao neko ko je već sve znao: „Sledeći put gospođice Jakobi bolje pazite na svoju tašnu...jedna pošteni američki građanin našao je vašu tašnu i sve vaše stvari, razbacane po podu, i sve ponovo vratio unutra...da li bi ste bili ljubazni da potpišete zapisnik da je sve na broju?” rekao mi je jedan nežno podsmevački glas.
Baš taj ćošak zgrade, u kojem danas više ne postoji odeljenje „izgubljeno nađeno,” ni garderoba za ostavljanje kesa iz prethodnih kupovina, bio je oštećen tokom 11.septembra, a robna kuća na neko vreme zatvorena. Gde su ljudi iz moje priče?
U trenutku kada je doživotna zaljubljenost u Njujork stigla tek do svog trećeg meseca, 11. septembra 2001. godine, bila sam kod kuće, kada me je mama pozvala da na BK televiziji gledam uživo prenos sa CNN. Ličilo je na neki nestvarni horor film američke B produkcije.
Onda je zvonio telefon iz Bosne: roditelji druga kod koga sam bila u Njujorku zvali su, gušeći se u suzama, da pitaju da li bih htela da nazovem telefon mog druga, ako veze iz Beograda rade i da proverim da li su on i njegova sestra koji su tog dana trebalo da dolete sa Arube u Njujork, živi. Samo veze nisu radile.
Onda sam dobila e mail od drugog druga da javim njegovoj porodici da je živ i zdrav i da nikako ne pominjem da je baš bio ispred druge kule neposredno pre nego što se zapalila.
Iz trećeg mejla saznala sam da su članovi porodica nekog tada veoma dragog na listi nestalih.
Malo kasnije, je stigao e mail da je moj drug koji je leteo iz Moskve, a na Floridu, prizemljen neposredno pre međusletanja u Njujorku.
Dve druge drage osobe bile su blizu Pentagona kad je odjeknula eskplozija, a samo za jednu sam znala da je živa jer se javila u program da izvesti o tome šta se trenutno dešava u Americi.
Između e mailova, telefonskih razgovora sa usplahirenim beogradskim rođacima američkih prijatelja i pokušajima da u Bosnu javim bilo šta pozitivno, da saznam šta je sa onima o kojima nisam imala nikakvog glasa, mobilni telefon je neprestano pištao i na njega su stizale bezvezne osvetničke poruke ljudi koji su, ne znam zašto, verovali da će mi biti zabavno da čitam da se konačno, posle našeg bombardovanja “neko osvetio i NJIMA,” i naravno gomila istih mejlova sa sličnim doskočicama....
Malo kasnije dok sam žurila na posao, probijajući se između veselih ljudi bezbrižno zavaljenih u kafiće duž kraćeg dela Nušićeve ulice, registrovala sam mehanički da je u Beogradu divan sunčan dan, da ja ne znam da sam u Beogradu, da ne znam da je divan dan, ni da li sam živa ili samo hodam.
Moja glava je bila u Njujorku, moje srce je bilo u Njujorku, moje su noge bile u Njujorku jer su meni svi bili MOJI a ne NJIHOVI.....
Nikada neću znati da li su živi ljudi koje sam srela u Casual Corneru.
Nikada neću znati da li su živi ljudi koje sam okrznula pogledom dok su u 5.30 p.m. jurili za svojim vozom, kućom, životom.
Nikada neću znati da li su živi oni koji su me u Century 21 životno zadužili.
Svi prijatelji pomenuti u ovom tekstu, su živi, zdravi i sećaju se 11. septembra.
Mnogo puta sam ovih godina iz ormana vadila haljinu, prešla rukom preko nje, dok sam mislila o tome na šta me podseća, nosila sam je u Njujork, gde je od 2003. do 2005. stajala u ormanima na raznim adresama...i vratila sam je u beogradski orman. Danas je slažim u kutiju ispod kreveta.
Ne mogu da je nosim, suviše mi znači da je nekom dam.
mislila sam o ovom postu mesecima...ali sam se još tada obećala...
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