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Aleksandar Vasović (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 13:12)
Prostor dajem koleginici Olgi Bondaruk sa kojom sam dve godine radio u Kijevu. Mislim da je blog poučan. Olga Bondaruk ima da kaze sledece:
Have you heard the name of Heorhiy Gongadze? I bet you have. He was a Ukrainian journalist who paid a high price for his thirst for truth, leading a campaign against high level corruption.
It has been already six years since Gongadze’s murder, and there probably haven’t left a political party which had not used his name to lobby its interests. Slogans “We’ll put an end to Gongadze’s case!”, “All guilty will be put to jail!” were heard during every election campaign, be it presidential or parliamentary one.
Heorhy GongadzeGongadze's murder was among the catalysts for the popular uprising in late 2004 that ousted former President Leonid Kuchma's corrupt government and propelled reformist President Viktor Yushchenko to power.
Yushchenko swore almost to God to bring to the end this far too much politicized criminal case and imprison Kuchma, allegedly implicated in Gongadze’s disappearance. More than eighteen months past, the case is still unsolved.
Three police officers are currently on trial for the murder. Despite this progress, the leading police officer believed to have actually shot and killed Gongadze, Oleksiy Pukach, remains at large. Meanwhile, nobody has been prosecuted for ordering his assassination.
Heorgiy Gongadze was abducted September, 16, 2000, his beheaded and doused in acid body was found late November the same year.
Gongadze’s widow Myroslava Gongadze and her two children received political asylum in the United States and have lived there since 2001.
She continues to actively campaign to bring her husband's killers to justice as well as lobbying for democratic reform in her homeland. Current work in the US includes full-time TV and radio correspondent for VOA, freelance correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, visiting Scholar at Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University (Washington D.C).
The mother of the slain journalist Lesya Gongadze still lives in her tiny Soviet-time apartment in the western Ukrainian town of Lviv and receives a pension of about US$ 70.
Recently, she has announced that she will no longer take part in the trial of the three men accused of killing her son.
Gongadze’s body remains to be committed to the earth. It still lies in a Kiev's morgue.
Up to 38 journalists are believed to have been killed in Ukraine since it gained independence in 1991. None of the murders has been investigated.
As the sixth anniversary of Gongadze’s murder approached, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed concerns over a sudden increase in attacks on press freedom and on individual journalists throughout the country.
In August, 2006, a series of journalists were kidnapped, beaten and denied access to press conferences, while the authorities issued new restrictions on the work of journalists.
Has Ukraine become one of the most dangerous countries in Europe in which to work as a reporter?
Visit also:
www.pravda.com.ua (Ukrayinska Pravda, news web-site, which Heorgiy Gongadze founded together with Olena Prytula, now its editor-in-chief. English version available)
Gospodine Vasoviću, može
Atomski mrav (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 14:22)
Gospodine Vasoviću, može li neki Vaš komentar na ovo, čisto da znamo zbog čega se ovaj članak nalazi na blogu B92?
**Take your place in history and prey you don't repeat it**
Aleksandar Vasović (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 14:54)
da probam da vam odgovorim:
1. zato što nismo sami na svetu.
nagradno pitanje: zašto li sam povodom ubistva politkovskaje u moskvi stavio na blog listu novinara koji su poginuli na poslu (i zbog posla) u poslednjih nekoliko godina? na toj listi su i imena georgija gongadzea i slavka čuruvije... i još par imena meni veoma dragih ljudi.
2. blog - web log - neka vrsta "javnog dnevnika" - tako otprilike kaže definicija bloga.
3. uzgred, blog jeste na web stranici B92 ali ga ja potpisujem.
4. da li ste mi vi urednik?
1. Sme li na "javnom
Atomski mrav (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 15:11)
1. Sme li na "javnom dnevniku" nešto da se pita?
2. Da li pišete blogove zbog Vašeg urednika?
Samo sam očekivao da komentarišete tekst Vaše koleginice, to je sve.
P.S. Ako Vam se čini da je moj komentar neprimeren, molim Vas da ga obrišete, neću se ljutiti. Bolje i to nego da ovo preraste u neku raspravu, toga je na blogu B92 bilo i previše ovih dana.
**Take your place in history and prey you don't repeat it**
sonja k. (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 16:17)
I m really sorry Olga, it was nothing about your article. My comment was about discussion above which seems to be very senseless.
Anyway, thank you for this story…. i m very shocked to hear that there is no one case of 38 which has been investigated yet.
Aleksandar Vasović (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 16:13)
1. sme da se pita... naravno... moje izvinjenje zbog preoštrog odgovora.
2. da prokomentarišem tekst (pisaću na enlgeskom jer će olgi biti mnogo lakše nego da prevodi sa srpskog, a ja neću morati da provodim sate pišući na ukrajinskom):
I've decided to post the article because i believe we are not alone (sounds like an introduction to X-files, right?).
You see, there are other places on Earth than just Serbia which, it its everlasting and omnipresent vanity, believes it was, is and it will be the focal (or fecal) point of the universe.
During my two-year stint in Ukraine i've found remarkably few people there who had an idea on what was going on in the Balkans between 1991-2000, not to mention years that followed.
Some had a vague idea that there was a war and bombing and Djindjic's assassination and that's it.
I don't know how much do you know about Ukraine, but it is a critically important European country.
To go back to general lack of knowledge about Serbia and Balkans: I've experienced similar, well, one can call it a trend, in other places where people either knew litlle or nothing at all, or they had a sort of negative attitude about the region (our region) and its people.
There are exceptions off course and this is the weirdest one.
In a middle of nowhere in the Ghazni province, Afghanistan, i've encountered a former low-ranking Mujahedeen commander who said this: "Oh yes, by God! Yes, my brother! Serbistan! I know! Serbistan, big war, biiiiiig war! Brave people."
To conclude, my motive was to present to you and others who might read this blog, that important things are happening elsewhere and that they are not exclusively related with Kosovo, Serbia, constitution, Kostunica, Cedomir Jovanovic, Biljana Srbljanovic, Big Brother and whatever else we deem important. It was not my intention to patronize anyone and (or) you in particular.
Also, my original intention was to post this immediately after Politikovskaya's slaying and the blog about journalists who died in the line of duty, but had to delay that due to some matters i had to attend to.
a što bi brisao vaš post... tako se lepo nadgornjavamo. :)))
da je neprijatnih rasprava na B92 blogovima bilo, vala, bilo je i muka mi je od istih. a o tome ću u nekom narednih blogova.
Serbia is mentally isolated
IA (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 16:40)
All these years of wars, sanctions and struggle to survive made Serbians isolated from the rest of the humankind. I am always surprised when I come to Belgrade how little people are informed about what is going on in the rest of the world when it doesn't concern Serbia directly (and this story does).
where are we heading???
Olga Bondaruk (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 17:11)
I think the whole world is undereducated and people don't really care about what's going on outside their country's borders (if only, sometimes even outside their towns and villages)....
A couple of answers to the question "Where is Ukraine situated?"
1. still a part of Russia;
2. somewhere in Asia;
3. Err... don't know.... )))
4. (to me the funniest) in Africa (that was a reply of an American). )))
We know...
Ivan Marović (2 Novembar, 2006 - 17:25)
... and we care. I've just seen the first cut of the "Orange revolution" documentary by Steve York - it starts with the murder of Gongadze. I think you'll find it very disturbing, I mean the whole film, especialy from this perspective.
Ivan (Otpor)
P.S. Say hi to Andriy (Maidan), Dima (Znayu) and folks from Pora
"Orange Revolution"
Olga Bondaruk (3 Novembar, 2006 - 10:40)
what frustrates me the most is that you can hardly now call the events of the fall 2004 a revolution. the notion in itself suggests a drastic change. to my mind, faces changed (partly), but the essence remained untouched... the government policy became even more chaotic and irrational.
UA is probably the only country with such a frequent rotation of ministers.
"Don't be so gloomy. After
Aleksandar Vasović (3 Novembar, 2006 - 16:57)
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but what did that produce? Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." (Harry Lime, The Third Man)
:) so an artist should be
Olga Bondaruk (3 Novembar, 2006 - 17:11)
:) so an artist should be hungry, live in fear, wars and see lots of blood??? )))
see, i've seen prominent
Aleksandar Vasović (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 18:05)
see, i've seen prominent journalists in serbia who have little or no idea what's going on outside country.
circa 2003
"why would i care about iraq."
"don't tell me that noone abroad knows nothing about kostunica, he's our key politician."
but i have also seen my colleagues from abroad whith whom i had such exchanges:
circa 1999:
me - "i am from serbia."
him - "that's europe, right? that's where we bombed kurds? right?"
circa 1998
"serbia... you are from serbia.... tito still president?"
here are other examples i've seen. all are true and stored in my company's hall of shame:
"do they speak german in austria and if so why?"
"is pope catholic?"
Listen to this one (happened
Atomski mrav (1 Novembar, 2006 - 07:52)
Listen to this one (happened in Tunisia this summer):
- Where are you from?
- Serbia
- Serbia & Montenegro?
- No, no, only Serbia
- Why?
- Montenegro is now an independent state
- Such small state is independent ?! (and the guys says something in arabic and is clearly pissed-off)
**Take your place in history and prey you don't repeat it**
How little people are informed!
Whyomar (1 Novembar, 2006 - 11:35)
People in Serbia maybe have their reasons for their sense of isolation and focus on their immediate surroundings, but what about other places?
I think that this really has an even broader context:
People all over the world seem ready to withdraw into their own private sphere, their own local horizon: A Globe of Villages, instead of the Global Village; and this applies even when access to information is given at the press of a keyboard.
Not that I would deny the importance of one's local world, but if that is all we see, we end up in a fool's paradise, and it won't stay a paradise, either!
will gun help you?
Olga Bondaruk (31 Oktobar, 2006 - 18:55)
Recently, Ukrainian authorities allowed all journalists, who consider their work too dangerous, to carry guns with gas or rubber bullets. journalists will be specially trained, will have to pass psychological and medical tests...
can it really help you feel more safe? or will it just trigger more violence and misuse of the weapon?
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