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Banka hrane

Srbija 2020


Fortune BrainstormFortune BrainstormEvo me u Aspenu na konferenciji koju organizuje Fortune Magazine i Aspen Institut. Sad cu da vas davim sa onim sto se ovde prica (inace nisam jedini B92bloger ovde, pa vi vidite). Upravo sam se vratio sa jedne zanimljive sesije koja se zove "Is America becoming untied?" Dakle ne united, nego untied. Glavni govornik bio je Huan Enrikez, koji je napisao knjigu "Untied America" ili tako nesto. Glavna premisa je da je na starom kontinentu u poslednjih par decenija nastalo na desetine novih drzava, uvedene su nove autonomije, a mi (misli na Amere) mislimo da to nama ne moze da se desi.

Ako nekog zanima u produzetku moze da procita moje beleske koje sam zapisivao na dlanceku (iliti palmtopu):

Question: Draw a map. Europe & Africa - more nations, but not in Americas. Britain, Spain, Belgium... everyone is thinking about divorce. Why not in Americas? US Is the only country that is enlarging. How many stars there will be in the US flag in 50 years? Bernard Lewis "What went wrong?" - both liberals and conservatives read it. Why countries disappear today? Not conquest. Internaly! Paris Hilton is a metaphor of spending money you don't have. Another thing is that founding fathers treated native Americans like sovereign nations and signed treaties. In 1993 Clinton apologized for conquering Hawaii. Now they have license plates "Kingdom of Hawaii"

Tu su, zatim, moje beleske sa panela o usponu srednje klase:

In the last 5-6 years bottom of the pyramid (5 bilion people) should be seen as a potential market. That can only be achieved with low cost without jeopardising quality. Let us look just at top 1-1.5 bilion concentrated in China, India, Brazil, Turkey and maybe Russia. This is the emerging middle class. This would double the existing market. These countries will also be hubs for manufacturing. The question: if 40 percent of your market is in China what should be the breakdown of your management? The current regional structure of business is not sufficient: China is a hub, Thailand is not. Life-cycle of the FDI: much shorter. Question: Is the nationality outdated, giving the composition of the workforce, market etc? Rise of the middle class will create opportunity for reduction of poverty. In China it is very attractive to expatriate products and not profit.