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Bez reči, Srebrenica 2006


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Izveštaj jedne aktivistkinje Žuca sa stajanja povodom Srebrenice

Eksponat iz muzeja bodljikave žice, KanzasEksponat iz muzeja bodljikave žice, Kanzas...vratile smo se čitave. meni je bilo jako lepo i svečano. jedna nam je pobelela i pala u nesvest, valjda od vrućine. policija je dopratila zene od Žuca do ruskog cara. tu je bio performans, pod drvećem, sa devojkama iz izraela i palestine i 3 momka, nas oko 80, plus naše šarene drugarice. bobana i jasna su bile prema ulici tako da su popile najviše potmulog djubreta,...biljana/fotografkinja i jelena su slikale beskrajno, valjda ce ti miloš poslati, one su otišle opet pod obezbedjenjem, a ja nisam dobila kartu za lori anderson, jer je, kao racionalna žena, nisam kupila unapred, ako nas prebiju, da ne propadne.idem da spavam, polazimo u 5 u Srebrenicu...

Pijani vadičep

U društvi sam desetak profesora univerziteta u Koloradu, na vrhu Rocky mountains pored mesta koje se zove Buena Vista. Prelepo je i stalno pada kiša. Ovi ljudi su svi zvezde u svom domenu arhitekture, dizajna, uglavnom vizuelnih umeća i razgovaraju o svom poslu na politički način kao da spašavaju svet. Tu su i neki studenti izabrani da prisustvuju ovoj radionici i vode beleške i kuvaju kafe. Moj omiljeni lik je Tucker koji je smislio vadičep za pijane ljude i liči na Mik Džegera. Elem kaže Tucker iznebuha, ja stvarno ne znam čemu sve škole, šta čovek uopšte može da nauči, prosto se rodiš takav kakav jesi i radiš šta umeš. Tu se ja istinski zabezeknem i pitam, a svi ovi vaši studenti što daju velike pare da sa vama popričaju...jel ozbiljno mislite da im ne treba diploma. Kaže Tucker, ne u Americi, portfolio je taj koji donosi čoveku posao, ama niko nikad ne pita za diplomu niti će te angažovati zbog nje. Ostali se složiše s njim.


Mi, Žene u crnom, stojimo na ovom blogu kao na trgu Republike , u Srerbrenici i na drugim javnim mestima poslednjih jedanaest godina, pridružite nam se.


11.7.1995. – 11. 7. 2006.

Protest u crnini i ćutanju – Trg Republike,
10. jul 2006. 19.30h – 20.30h

Pre 11 godina 11. jula je Vojska Republike Srpske, uz podršku Miloševićevog režima počela da ubija dečake i muškarce iz Srebrenice. Za osam dana ubijeno je više od 8.000 ljudi bošnjačke nacionalnosti samo zato što su bili drugačijeg imena, nacije, vere... Likvidirani su i u naše ime, iako smo javno, jasno i glasno od samog početka državno organizovanih zločina protestovale, zahtevale odgovornost, odlazile na mesta zločina počinjenih u naše ime, izražavale solidarnost i saosećanje sa porodicama žrtava.
To i dalje činimo.
Smena diktatorskog režima oktobra 2000. nije dovela do raskida sa zločinačkom prošlošću. Organizovano se poriču zločin i zločinačka prošlost. To čini i vlada Vojislava Koštunice. Građanke i građani i Srbije nisu taoci samo Ratka Mladića i još petorice neizručenih haških optuženika, već sadašnje vlade i poremećenog vrednosnog sistema u kojem se zločinci slave kao heroji a građani/nke koji zahtevaju odgovornost za rat i ratne zločine, se proglašavaju izdajnicima.

Povodom jedanaeste godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici obraćamo se građankama i građanima bošnjačke nacionalnosti, ali i celokupnoj javnosti Bosne i Hercegovine ponavljajući:


Jedanaestu godišnjicu genocida u Srebrenici obeležićemo protestom u Beogradu na Trgu Republike, 10. jula od 19.30h do 20.30h. Aktivistkinje Mreže Žena u crnom iz Srbije posetiće 11. jula mesto gde se godinama sahranjuju žrtve srebreničkog genocida da bi iskazale poštovanje prema ubijenima i solidarnost sa porodicama žrtava.

Žene u crnom
Beograd, 6.7.2006.

Heavy Weather for Patriotism

Heavy WeatherHeavy WeatherHeavy Weather for Patriotism
4th of July, 2006 Austin, Texas

We gather in the big park waiting for the evening concert and fireworks. I have an uncontrollable feeling of deja vu. Some semi-familiar music is playing: American songs, kind of patriotic, kind of rock, kind of spiritual... those same songs that we in Europe, out of context, associate with an American dream.
Here on the ground, Texan families, mostly poor people, gather under the menacing clouds, with food, drinks and flags. Less than a month ago I saw a turbo-folk crowd in Belgrade: and I know that Ceca' s music, for those who don’t understand her, may sound exotic. It's no more exotic than this Texan country music. These Texans don’t raise three fingers in nationalist Serb gestures, but they have have red-white-and-blue flags on their heads, clothes and babies. One middle-aged cowboy reprimands us for touching "his" pigeons in the public park. He has a small flag sticking from of his back pocket of his pants. The American flag dangles like a straw tail, in grave danger of catching fire.

Fantomska država Republika srpska krajina u egzilu


Uhapšen je pre neki dan u SAD/u kalifornijski advokat Jonathan Levy povezan sa aferom pranja novca i  trgovinom oružja preko ove države u egzilu , između ostalih. Ovih dana  biće konferencija za štampu...Škorpioni još uvek ujedaju...novinarka Kathryn Cramer takođe...ovo je samo first step, rekla mi je preko telefona, istragu je počela slučajno pre više od mesec dana preko interneta, to je i dalje njeno glavno oružje...


Monday, July 3, 2006

Investigative blogger vindicated by UN inquiry over Haiti mercenaries
Previously on BB, Cory posted an item about "investigative blogger" Kathryn Cramer's efforts to uncover damning facts about a US-expat-owned mercenary army operating in Haiti (...) [She] published an account that includes spying and the undermining of democratic elections on the island. [Cramer] has written extensively on mercenary forces around the world and recently began to research and publish on Consultants Advisory Group (CAG), a US-expat-owned mercenary army operating in Haiti. She began to receive anonymous tips from inside Haiti, including a leaked UN PowerPoint presentation indicating that CAG was providing "covert surveillance" for MINUSTAH, the UN agency operating Haiti.Today, Cramer has posted a letter from a UN investigator who checked out "Consultants Advisory Group," the group Kathryn wrote about back in March -- saying it appeared they were trying to in some way interfere with the Haitian elections:...Apparently doing stuff like sending spies disguised as journalists to Haitian presidential debates and other such. One of the funnier moments of the episode was when a Dutch journalist based in Panama discovered that CAG's alleged 7th floor office was located in a 3 story building.

Cramer says that at one point, MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) spokesman David Wimhurst threatened her with legal action over her posts.Recently, Cramer provided information on CAG to an UN investigation through an intermediary. She now reports that the Investigator concluded:Drawing from the information received from you, MINUSTAH has undertaken an in-depth investigation into this incident, which has uncovered that CAG has no legal existence neither in Haiti, nor in Panama, and that the company details referred to on its web site are false.Cramer wins. Meanwhile, she's found more trouble to stir up on her blog:
[I took on] a Serbian ultra-nationalist fake journalist named Mirko Miskovic who responded to my blog post about him by sending a bizarre letter spiked with 32Win.Mydoom.O (link is non-toxic). The cover letter reads "In secured and clean attachment there is my personal letter to You as kind of respond to Your article on Your site." His letter talks about stuff like equipment for extracting people's eyes.

War Tapes

War Tapes
"War Tapes" is a 90-minute documentary film. It is cinema verite, composed by three US soldiers in Iraq, and directed, via SMS messages, by Deborah Scranton. Deborah Scranton, the director, knows these soldiers. who returned to the USA in February 2005. Her intention in directing the film was to create a first-hand account off the story or war in Iraq, without her own presence or her own judgments interfering in that risky business of war.
All three of these soldiers are patriots, and proud to be so. The first one is a refugee from Lebanon. He speaks Arabic. He volunteered for military duty in Bosnia, Kosovo, and now Iraq.
He has a philosophy, an agenda: If you are a soldier there is no place for fear. Every soldier wants combat, just like a football player... Iraq, here we come! Life will never be the same. War is not a problem for a soldier, but the fact that he cannot choose his war.

He is not emotional like me, wails his mother, seeing her son after eleven months, alive. He does not want me to be emotional. My baby was in the worst place in the world, but it seems that being a soldier makes him a man.
Is she buying his philosophy, or just coping with it?

The Globalization of Balkanization

I ja sam u Aspenu, Fortune Brainstorm, gde je Ivan Marović sinoć održao revolucionarni otporaški govor. Onda mi je Glen Klous pričala o Radeta Šerbedžiji u LA-a i protestima devedestih u Beogradu, pa sam popričala sa Mustafom Cerićem, Grand Mufti of Bosnia o duhu srpskog naroda...I on se takodje kratko i jasno  obratio američkom narodu sa tribine odmah posle kraljice Nur. Sve to na panelu Madlin Olbrajt povodom njene najnovije autobiografske knjige u kojoj nas verovatno pominje. U autobusu me bivši kolumbijski predsednik pita, kako to da sam ja ovde, ...verujte mi ne znam...rekla bih da sam ovde zato što je neko drugi uradio nešto u moje ime a ja se pobunila. I tako već godinama. A Balkan story...jedino što je sada izvozimo u svet. The globalization of balkanization


Mene mrzi da se svadjam sa pljuvačkim komentarima, a i nemam vremena, i to ne samo na blogu vec inače, ne smeta mi kad neko ne voli to što ja radim ali ne želim da mu dozvolim da mi  pokvari energiju, otme doživljaj i izokrene temu, reč je moć...

Sve to me potseća na   onu čuvenu   gej paradu 2001; pored onih 800-900 huligana sto su  vikali i udarali, jedan pravi pravcati manijak me je čitav dan pratio po celom Beogradu i posle parade  vredjajuci me i bukvalno pljujući. Potpuno je bio otkačio od besa, mržnje, sta već... drhtao je i išla mu je pljuvačka na usta. Posle nekoliko dana sretnem čoveka na pijaci, ide sa zenom pod ruku i dvoje sitne dece.  Prijatno nasmejan me pozdravlja. 

Iz Boinga 747

ScreenshotScreenshotUvek sam se plašila letenja jer dok drugi putnici jedu , piju, spavaju, čitaju...ja avione vozim iz poutničkog sedišta. Medjutim danas vozim več blogujem...pozdravljam vas sve dok letim iznad Atlantskog okeana iz Boinga 747...bežična komunikacija s neba je čini mi se još brza.

The Bad, the Good, the Ugly and the Church

June 21, 2006

Scorpions Trial, Belgrade

The Bad, the Good, the Ugly and the Church

I missed yesterday's witness. My friend told me: youdidn’t miss much. He was lying constantly, laughingunpleasantly, and he was just a bad person, and it wascoming from every pore of his skin. He accusedprotected witness A from Hague of lying in court
in order to get legal status abroad. He didn’t fail to mention that
the "Cunt", meaning the guy who didn’t shoot the
prisoners, had shamefully failed to shoot any prisoners.
When he tried his best to look good, then he was the worst.

Today, instead, we had another show-off witness, though
God knows what he wanted to display to us. The other Scorpions
in court scarcely seemed to recognize our show-off at all: in
the war years, he was a young, very commonplace soldier.
Today his head is shaved, his scalp is full of scars, his smile is crooked
and unpleasant, and his body language is distinctly weird. He looks
like a deeply traumatized guy to me, like somebody who
suffered a lot of hell even before he became a Scorpion.

Ni kurve ni svetice nego žene

ninisveticesveticenegonegoženeženeEvo fotke sa performansa Ni kurve ni svetice nego žene, Dah teatra i Žena u crnom, 21 Juni, 2006, prvog dana leta na Trgu Republike u Beogradu. Obezbeđenje je postalo nervozno kad su žene počele da se skidaju ali kad su stale stali su i oni...forotgrafije Biljane Rakočević

Scorpions Srebrenica Trial, June


June 19, 2006

The War Sports

I always knew my Mom didn’t like the way I dressed, and the Special Court for War Crimes in Belgrade has my late Mom's taste in clothing. For all these months, the policeman at the door has taken charge of our manners, us, the special small crowd of women related to criminals and victims. He scolds us for chewing gum, sniffling aloud in grief, whatever...

Now he stops me: my summer T-shirt is indecent. The shirt's neck
is too large and it hangs loose. Sandals are certainly not allowed in court, but he tolerates my shoes. The T-shirt's sleeves are a proper length, but... I am trying to convince him that I won't suddenly expose my shoulder in the midst of the trial proceedings, but he doesn't trust my assurances.

At that point, the wife of a Scorpion volunteers to help me. Her skirt is shorter than mine, but she produces a handy pin and and fastens the neck of my shirt. The Scorpion wife and the guard exchange triumphant smiles. I say: next time I will bring a burka ... Rules are rules, he does not understand my remark... I have no innate problem with obeying rules, but who is making them, and why?

Not Whores, Not Saints - But Women, Performance

 Saopštenje za javnost


21. juni 2006. Trg republike, u 19h Beograd

Ženski performans u organizaciji Dah teatra i Žena u Crnom iz Beograda

S obzirom da je patrijarhat sistem koji proizvodi sve vrste nepravdi, a posebno tlačenje žena u celom svetu, ova akcija je vid međunarodne feminističke solidarnosti.

Inspirisane smo pokretom i akcijama žena različitih rasnih, etničkih i religijskih pripadnosti, koje se u Francuskoj bore za vrednosti laičke/sekularne države, pod imenom NI KURVE, NI POTČINJENE (NI PUTTES, NI SOUMISES). One, kao i mi, obelodanjuju da zloupotreba religije u političke svrhe najviše pogađa ženska ljudska prava. Zato insistiraju na laicizmu/sekularizmu – potpunoj odvojenosti Crkve od države, što podrazumeva i nemešanje Crkve i verskih zajednica u obrazovni, zdravstveni i zakonodavni sistem.

Izvinjam se

Ovo sam pisala za strance i zahvaljujem se svom kolegi Srđanu Mitroviću za idealno lošoj, obe, fotki...

Ideally Bad, or, The Banality of Her Badness
Belgrade 17 June, 2005

There is no excuse for going to Ceca's concert ("Ideally Bad") but I found one: I took a foreigner with me. I am trembling with shame while the local crowd of Ceca fans is flooding down to the confluence of the rivers of Danube and Sava. The concert is occurring next to the big, ugly monument that Mira Markovic built to celebrate the NATO raids. In the name of the Serbian people, this monument is inscribed. Well, NOT IN MY NAME.

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