
Best Pet Reptiles to Keep

Reptiles make great pet choices for many due to their affordability, small size, and lower need for upkeep compared to other kinds of animals.

Reptiles come in a range of species that are suitable for beginners as well as more experienced pet-owners. So if you're searching for the perfect new pet, read on to discover the top picks among reptiles

1. Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons make excellent pet reptiles due to their non-aggression, ease of care and charming personalities. They make great additions to any household!

They're also surprisingly easy to care for, making them an excellent classroom pet to teach students responsibility and animal behavior. Plus, they're great fun to play with!

Maintaining your bearded dragon's health requires providing them with a nutritious diet and the ideal environment. Make sure they get calcium supplements twice weekly, as well as plenty of fresh water to swim in.

2. Green Basilisk

Green basilisks are highly sought-after pet reptiles due to their remarkable swimming abilities and stunning hue. These lizards make great additions to any yard display due to their ability to glide across water with ease, as well as for their stunning aesthetic appeal.

Basilisks in the wild feed on plants, insects and small vertebrates such as fish and frogs. Additionally they consume seeds, fruits and berries.

These lizards can be quite skittish and may bite if they feel threatened. To prevent this, handle them slowly and gently, introducing them to human contact gradually.

When selecting an enclosure for your green basilisk, try to replicate its natural habitat as closely as possible. Doing this will make your reptile feel secure and at home in its new environment, leading to a contented pet who enjoys being outside in its natural habitat.

3. Chameleon

Chameleons have earned a reputation as some of the best pets. These exotic creatures come in an array of colors, sizes, and species which makes them quite captivating to keep as pets.

Chameleons possess great intelligence, and can learn to recognize their owners' voices and smells. However, if handled too much, they may become stressed and aggressive; so it is recommended that only one chameleon be kept at a time.

Chameleons should live in tall enclosures with plenty of branches and plants to reduce stress levels. These natural elements give the animal a sense of security, enabling them to hide, climb, and play freely.

4. Water Dragon

The Water Dragon is an attractive, relatively docile reptile that could make a wonderful pet for anyone. Native to eastern Australia, this species thrives in various environments such as forests and bodies of water.

Water dragons communicate in the wild through various signals, such as head-bobbing and substrate licking. These behaviors are essential for socialization and help them feel secure.

Opportunistic eaters, they will accept most types of insects as food. Brown crickets, black crickets, locusts and mealworms are good diet staples.

Water dragons are avid drinkers, and so they need plenty of water to hydrate their tough skin. To fulfill this need, consider keeping either a kiddie pool or large plastic tub in your enclosure.

5. Tortoise

Tortoises make excellent pets for those seeking a long-lived reptile. On average, their lifespan is 80 to 150 years - significantly longer than most other reptiles.

They're herbivores, meaning they eat vegetables, fruits and leafy plants. Additionally, they enjoy feeding on insects; in some cases, some species even prefer live food sources.

Tortoises possess an acute sense of smell, which they use to locate food, locate a mate and select suitable digging areas. By pumping its throat and moving air past Jacobson's organ, they are able to detect heavy, moisture-rich odor particles.

Tortoises possess the capacity to store water in their bladders for extended periods, which can be extremely useful when trying to avoid dehydration in the wild. They drink from various sources such as plant matter and even consume waste products to replenish liquid levels back into their bodies.


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