2015-08-05 07:57:23
Reč i slika


Spiridon RSS / 05.08.2015. u 08:57


2015-10-21 12:08:03
Reč i slika

Nikad aktuelnije

Spiridon RSS / 21.10.2015. u 13:08
2016-07-16 18:30:01
Kućni ljubimci

皮肤癣 - 真菌感染

Spiridon RSS / 16.07.2016. u 19:30


2016-10-21 21:14:01

Marx said:

Spiridon RSS / 21.10.2016. u 22:14

We shall force the United States to spend itself into destruction!

- no, that was actually Lenin.

- I always get confused between those two!? 

-  which of them has a beard? Marx or Lenin?

- both. 

- I mean little beard ... 

2019-03-14 17:35:19
Film| Filozofija


Spiridon RSS / 14.03.2019. u 18:35


Jbt. Sergej se natripovao na Crnog Bombardera.  Najebali smo!


2022-06-24 09:23:48

Tenis za pocetnike (1)

Spiridon RSS / 24.06.2022. u 10:23

Kao i svaki drugi sport, tenis zahteva mnogo rada i truda da bi poceli da uzivate u njemu, a da to bude i tehnicki prihvatljivo. Zelim da kazem da nista tako ne "bode oko" kao 2 igraca koja mlate po loptici i ne uspevaju da uspostave nivo igre i ritam koji donosi zadovoljstvo. 

2023-06-27 08:24:46
Eksperimenti u blogovanju

Kud plovi ovaj blog?

Spiridon RSS / 27.06.2023. u 09:24
2024-01-16 17:23:03

Just for the Record

Spiridon RSS / 16.01.2024. u 18:23

I was out the other night in Belgrade when I found myself listening to a language I didn’t understand and a conversation about which I had no clue. It wasn’t the first time that this had happened to me here in Serbia, but after three years in the country I thought that the worst of it was behind me. The strange thing was, I wasn’t missing out due to my far from perfect Serbian, but because when I’d chosen a language at the Institute for Foreign Languages I’d evidently picked the wrong one. Apparently, I should have chosen Italian.

It was a very strange experience, sitting

2008-02-23 16:25:55

Kostunica Needs a Slap

Nicholas Comrie RSS / 23.02.2008. u 17:25

Where now for Serbia? Violent protestors; with the tacit support of the police and elements of the Serbian government and political establishment; have succeeded in setting Serbia back five years. After all the progress that Serbia has achieved over the last ten years to move towards the international club of nations, one night of state ‘green-lighted’ violence has recreated what should have now been, tired, negative stereotypes of Serbs. After all the positivity created by the likes of Djokovic, Ivanovic and Serifovic, Serbs are once more at the centre of violence which has been internationally


Šta će biti od BiH- EU, novi ratni sukobi ili dogovorni razlaz? Niko to ne zna, čak ni oni za koje se misli ili koji misle da upravljaju svetom.

Pitanje može glasiti i hoće li se pre raspasti BiH ili EU ili se ni jedna neće raspasti i mnogo varijati i povarijanti.


 Zato je BiH, kao uostalom i celi region, i dalje pogodno tlo za“intelektualne vežbe i simulacije supozicija“, ali i za dobro naplaćivanje takvih „mudrih projekata“. Upravo takav jedan projekat predstavljen je pre dva dana u Sarajevu.



We have almost a full year to go before the 2008 elections in the US, but already our potential presidential candidates are in full campaign mode.

I’m not much of a political junky, but this campaign spot, scheduled to hit the Iowan airwaves today, was just too amazing to not pass on.

It comes from oddball Republican Mike Huckabee...

...and it was all made possible by the "prayers and sacrificial givings" of his dedicated supporters (see his official blog).


2008-03-01 14:27:51

In on this?

Lucy Moore RSS / 01.03.2008. u 15:27

About a month ago I started blogging for Foreign Policy magazine.

Just recently the blog opened up for comments. And what regional coverage has elicited the most heated comment debate so far? The Balkans… One mention of FYROM’s name issue and off they went. Day one of the debate and “Damn Turks!” has already been dropped. (It’s always their fault isn’t it.)

Now, I know many of you on here enjoy contributing your two cents, so if you want to get in on this, check it out:



2008-12-11 18:14:29

Sramna prodaja NIS-a

jeremija92 RSS / 11.12.2008. u 19:14


drug.član me zamolio da skrenem pažnju na njegov post o sramnoj prodaji NIS-a.

Evo to i činim:  link




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