2023-04-30 10:18:29


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 30.04.2023. u 11:18


2024-01-08 08:50:13

pa eto, nova je ipak opet došla ...

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 08.01.2024. u 09:50


2024-01-30 13:30:08

ima ovde i reke bez vode ...

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 30.01.2024. u 14:30


2013-12-30 13:41:47

Reverse Backsliding

Chris Farmer RSS / 30.12.2013. u 14:41

Time for a change. Again.

At the moment of the transition from one year into the next one, I am always confronted by a Troubling Paradox. The Christmas and New Year's (or New Year's and Christmas in orthodox juxtaposition) holidays always urge me to Observe Tradition and Incite Revolution.

2012-12-01 16:54:22

Human rights: youth view

Velimir Mladenovic RSS / 01.12.2012. u 17:54

Let's make a quick explanation, what is EVS ? European Voluntary Service consists in volunteering in another country of Europe. The idea is easy to understand : you work for an association (different fields : young people, environment, discrimination etc.) and they provide you with the plane tickets, the accomodation, the food and some pocket money each month. There are no conditions to participate, only to be aged between 18 and 30.

2021-05-12 05:47:38


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 12.05.2021. u 06:47


2018-12-24 07:11:05


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 24.12.2018. u 08:11

... ovde resursi od prirode dati su da bude blagostanje posvuda i po svakoga ... i onda, preterali su u pribaljanju tog izobilja ... dobro de, selektivno, ne baš za sve ... ali, ne može se osporavati,  i za narod je ostavljeno ...  


2018-07-31 13:12:16

Vreme sadašnje beogradsko ...

Đorđe Bobić RSS / 31.07.2018. u 14:12

Beogradsko vreme protiče u sejanju posvuda okolo propagandnih usklika i poruka građanstvu i svakako već je svima u gradu dojavljeno i svi znaju da je namera vlastonosaca beogradskih da se gradi jarbol na Ušću visok stotinudvadeset metara ali i gondola koja bi da poveže prostor opet kod Ušća sa Kalemegdanom, da se ne zaborave i pedesetčetiri fontane kojekuda po gradu. Ideja se već koje vreme ugurava putem medija a dužnosnici gradski sa sve novim gradonačelnikom svako malo podsete građane o navedenim  poduhvatima.

Čemu će to da služi ne objašnjavaju osim po koji od njih prozbori ono o napretku turizma i tako to. Sve to košta kako kažu znatne gradske pare za koje bi se moglo izgraditi po neka zdravstvena ustanova ili prostori za čuvanje dece ili bar par stanova za one što ih, kako izgleda, na ulicu sele iz Bristola. Ima naravno u gradu još kojećega što je svakako preče od jarbola sa zastavom državnom na vrhu ali i od gondole koja treba da prevozi sa jedne obale reke na drugu ali je neizvesno i ne zna se koga i zašto.


This new three-match series brings the cream of Serbian rugby league to the top... of an empty stadium.

Prior to the 1980s, the Australian rugby league interstate representative series between New South Wales and Queensland saw players represent the state where their current club was based. This meant that, as Queensland produced top quality players but had much poorer clubs than the rich Sydney teams, many native Queenslanders would be forced to pull on the blue NSW jersey and compete against the maroon QLD shirt of their homeland.

Queensland's frustration led to the birth of the State of Origin concept in 1980, which pitted "state against state", but also "mate against mate", with players from the same rich Sydney clubs competing against one another in a ferocious contest over three 80-minute battles.




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