2009-02-24 11:12:21

Utisak nedelje o stanju i nesrećama u vojsci *

Jelena Milić RSS / 24.02.2009. u 12:12

 U prilogu je moj osmi post objavljen na blogu B92, davnog 2. jula 2006 u 23:07.  Integralni naslov posta  glasio je:


U emisiji Utisak nedelje, emitovanoj 2. jula 2006, čija teme su bile situacija i učestale nesreće u vojsci, NIKO od učesnika-novinari Miloš Vasić i Ljubodrag Stojadinović i ministar odbrane Zoran Stanković kao ni voditelj i urednik emisije Olja Bećković- ni jednom rečju nije spomenuo nerazrešeno ubistvo gardista Dražena Milovanovića i Dragana

2009-06-24 07:45:15

kao kakao

Jelena Milić RSS / 24.06.2009. u 08:45

"Ovaj postupak je jedna pravna nakaza, ovo je jedno zagađenje pravnog ambijenta, a uzrok tome je jedna idealna kombinacija između nekompetencije i poslušnosti. I to je slika i prilika tužilaštva danas. Mogu da kažem ne tužilaštva, nego v.d. tužilaštva." Sead Spahović ,branilac Radeta Terzića, bivšeg okružnog tužioca, kome u četvrtak 25. juna počinje suđenje, u intervju udanašnjoj Borbi

 U na kraju ovog posta  je tekst iz današnje Borbe, intervju  sa Seadom Spahovićem braniocem Radeta Terzica, bivšeg okružnog tužioca. Ogroman cover

2013-04-22 14:57:32
Kultura| Umetnost| Život


World News RSS / 22.04.2013. u 15:57

Pripremajuci se da  mladoj prijateljici  koja se sprema na odlazak od kuce I pocetak samostalnog zivota na koledzu  u Americi damo nesto vredno sto bi mogla poneti sa sobom nismo nasli nista prikladnije od knjige   “ Kako ziveti ? ili Ziivot Montenja u dvadest pokusaja da se odgovori na jedno pitanje” ( Sarah Bakewell)

1.Kako ziveti? Ne brinite zbog smrti

Ona ce se pobrinuti   sama o sebi.

2. Kako ziveti? Obracajte paznju na sve oko sebe.

Hvatajte beleske. Pisite.Osvestite se. Pratite tok svoje svesti.

3.Kako ziveti? Tako sto cete se roditi.

2008-08-15 12:06:59

Prave se Englezi

malasneki RSS / 15.08.2008. u 13:06

Ovih dana se koleginica i ja spremamo na sluzbeni put u London krajem septembra. Zapitacete se gde smo mi pozurule kad ima jos vise od mesec dana do tada. Ipak verujte, pored silne administracije pitala sam se da li cemo sve i stici pripremiti.

Naime, treba podneti zahtev predpostavljenom, pa on da ga odobri tj potpise. Onda dolazi finasijska procena troskova, rezervisanje avionskih karata, hotela, podnosenje aplikacije za konferenciju na koju idemo, i na kraju treba da se donese resenje kojim nam se odobrava sluzbeni put.

Ono sto je mene zacudilo u celoj prici je to da smo

2009-01-23 22:19:03

Konacno o Holandiji

malasneki RSS / 23.01.2009. u 23:19

Holandija me na prvi pogled opcinila. U stvari, na drugi, jer sam dosla nocu, pa sam malo sta mogla tad da vidim, ali sam sutradan vec posla na turneju.


Posle svih problema koje sam imala oko kupovinem karte, bila sam mnogo zadovoljna sto sam letela Lufthansom a ne JA(D)T-om jer se kvalitet njihovih usluga kao ni ljubaznost ne moze ni meriti. Posle presedanja u Minhenu, sletela sam na svoju konacnu destinaciju Dizeldorf, gde su me cekali moji prijatelji, i jedreci autoputem za tili cas smo stigli u Holandiju tj. grad

2009-02-14 01:05:02


malasneki RSS / 14.02.2009. u 02:05
Ovih dana sam sedela po 12 i vise sati na sednicama Skupstine grada, i ceka me bar jos ovoliko dana. Ne pada meni to sve tesko, dapace, da nisam htela ja ne bih ni prihvatila kandidaturu i sve obaveze, vec mi je muka da slusam prazne price nekih odbornickih grupa kojima je samo cilj da nas izlude, ispiranje mozga! Za tri dana jedva smo usvojili dnevni red i prvih 6 tacaka...
Da bih prekratila vreme, citam radni materijal, novine, ponesem neku knjigu, a pocela sam i da pisem. Objavih ovde vec dve price o maloj Aji, a
2012-12-14 21:23:04


malasneki RSS / 14.12.2012. u 22:23

"Ima jedna pecina stroga u kojoj zivi Babaroga" kaze decija pesmica. Ovih dana je (po ko zna koji put) dezurna Babaroga - Smak sveta...

"Smak sveta je pojava koja se javlja na svakih par godina."

"Dosao Smak sveta u Srbiju, pogleda oko sebe i kaze - Pa ja sam vec bi ovde. - i ode..."

A ja na sve kazem:

2008-10-11 19:40:56

Fair Cop

Chris Farmer RSS / 11.10.2008. u 20:40

It would make perfect sense to me if he turned out to be a cop.

Over the past days, all I am reading about is a supposed vigilante who haunts Bulevar Revolucije and metes out justice against the Parking Offenders along that Belgrade thoroughfare. According to various blogs, internet forums, and RTS television reporters, he cruises down the street in a Vengeance Mobile (this is my name for it) and spray-paints the rows of double parked cars and those brilliant drivers who park in the middle of the street.

2008-10-21 20:27:19

Gonna Fly Now

Chris Farmer RSS / 21.10.2008. u 21:27

The year was 1976.

A disenchanted American nation was ready to vote in a Georgia peanut farmer as president, to put away the hallucinogenics which blurred out most of the late 60s and early 70s, to put away their anti-Vietnam War banners, and start over again. The morale of US of A was lagging by defeat in Asia, humiliation in the White House, and the beginnings of recession and the Energy Crisis.

Enter the Italian Stallion: Rocky Balboa

Rocky, the film of the year, was the story of loser made good. Many people called it the embodiment of the American Dream. How a down and out Philadelphia boxer moves up the ranks to challenge and defeat the heavyweight champion of the world is the kind of rags to riches story which is called "inspirational" and "quintessentially American."

2009-10-17 12:13:32

Wintering Up

Chris Farmer RSS / 17.10.2009. u 13:13

Winter clothes. Summer clothes. Bags in, bags out. Sweaters, wool trousers, heavy suits, dark colors to absorb the watery winter sunlight. T-shirts, shorts, short sleeves. And do I really need this t-shirt that I could wear for the last time in the last century? Hm...

2009-12-11 14:46:13

Emasculating the Cowboys

Chris Farmer RSS / 11.12.2009. u 15:46

ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the new law on traffic, I am currently in the market for trading in my car in exchange for an elephant. Please contact this blog with photo and details. Camels also will be considered. No time wasters please.

Given that the newly sanctioned traffic cameras will apparently be rolling all the time, there will be no place for the White City's traffic cowboys to hide. By cowboy, I am referring to the guy in the black Audi, with no license numbers, slaloming from right to left to right lanes at 130 kph while talking on one cell phone, texting on another, lighting a cigarette, changing the cd music, and wearing dark glasses behind tinted windows.

2010-11-25 15:56:30
Društvo| Život

Oh yeah. Thanks.

Chris Farmer RSS / 25.11.2010. u 16:56

Thanksgiving is a survivor holiday.

The pilgrims were happy and thankful in 1637 that America had not killed them all. The Indians were happy and thankful that the pilgrims had not killed them all (yet). They survived. As a tribute to their survival, Americans traditionally eat themselves into oblivion on this holiday.

And not everyone will survive.



Dear Readers,

The most common thing for me to say at this point would be: "Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011"

Of course in Serbia the order would be reversed. And the words would be different. And Christmas may not be mentioned. And the year may be omitted for practical purposes. Otherwise it would be almost the same. Practically speaking.

2012-01-14 13:35:58
Društvo| Sex| Život

Of Women and Men

Chris Farmer RSS / 14.01.2012. u 14:35

This is the trouble with crowdsourcing.

I have been asked to write about the relationship between men and women. In order to do so, I am forced to call upon my many years experience as a male and attempt to relate the relative truths and gleanings from this experience into a form which will elucidate and provide the invaluable insight which this topic requires and deserves. The effort has been extreme, but I finally believe that I might impart this wisdom - the sum total of my understanding of the relationship between women and men.

2014-12-05 08:52:41
Društvo| Eksperimenti u blogovanju| Putovanja

4 a.m.

Chris Farmer RSS / 05.12.2014. u 09:52

the_persistence_of_memory.jpgIn many ways, we are at the height of our cleverness at 4 a.m. So many brilliant ideas occur to us at four in the morning but as a rule they are gone by the time the alarm goes off a few hours later.

Not so today.

While my body and mind are still responding to Chinese time cues, making me think four a.m. is a darn good time to get up and start the day, I happen to be awake and aware of the pre-down cleverness which most of us sleep through.




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