2015-02-26 10:36:56
Društvo| Kultura| Životni stil

The Call

Chris Farmer RSS / 26.02.2015. u 11:36

In the old days, we used to happy when the phone would ring.

In the old days, the phone was a fixed object in some corner of the house, usually next to a comfortable chair, so you could sit and chat with whoever was on the other side of the receiver. When the phone would ring, we usually knew who it might be - a friend, your Aunt Wendy, your sister in Chicago.

Or Bob.

But that was then. Today Bob never calls. You read his Facebook updates. You might occasionally exchange "likes," possibly the odd instant message chat. And in the end, you know pretty much what Bob has been doing and what he likes and what is happening around him. The same for your sister and Aunt Wendy. The virtual nature of our communications today means that we have the impression of talking to people all the time. We open some social media site with our morning coffee or tea and instantly know what our thousands of friends are doing. Especially the friends we never met.

2015-07-08 08:06:05
Društvo| Život

Disarmed and Discombobulated

Chris Farmer RSS / 08.07.2015. u 09:06

I am having something of an identity crisis.

Yesterday I woke up knowing that I would face the mountainous terrain of Serbian bureaucracy in order to finish the establishment of my branding agency. It is mountainous, full of crags, hairpin turns, and impasses due to rock slides, and while

2015-09-12 16:20:49
Društvo| Satira| Život

No IDEA Whatsoever

Chris Farmer RSS / 12.09.2015. u 17:20

It's a mystery. Wrapped inside a pickle. On a ham sandwich.

On sale in Aisle 7.

The mystery is that I no longer know where I am when I go to the supermarket in Belgrade. Today, for example, I started out list-in-handed on a journey to IDEA in New Belgrade. I had received in the post a special Happy Birthday coupon for a 10% discount (on almost everything except what I wanted to buy I found in the fine print).


Члан 8. 

У члану 23. став 1. мења се и гласи:

"Припадник српског народа који нема пребивалиште на територији Републике Србије има право да буде примљен у држављанство Републике Србије без отпуста из страног држављанства, ако је навршио 18 година живота и није му одузета пословна способност и ако поднесе

2010-01-28 13:06:07

enjoy the music

antioksidant RSS / 28.01.2010. u 14:06

Failure refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success


2014-05-24 20:43:32

konkretizacija šerovanja

antioksidant RSS / 24.05.2014. u 21:43

ok, naravno da potpisujem ali da ne bi baš sve bilo baš potpuno isto, pa time i postalo neprimetno, proširujem ponudu:


Диспропорције су увек зајебане. Најраширеније су можда оне између жеља и могућности:

• желиш да скочиш и закуцаш али ниси у могућности ни да устанеш из фотеље;
• желиш на море али немаш пара ни за бус до Аде...

Али и диспропорције између могућности знају да саплићу.

Рецимо да знаш како да се докопаш нечег али не знаш шта би после с тим.


 Ovo je apel za pomoć. Jedan od mnogih, znam. Ipak pročitajte, podelite, pomozite ako možete. 

2009-01-24 20:21:33
Kultura| Muzika

M Ward

Aleksandar Stosic RSS / 24.01.2009. u 21:21


Chinese translation

I sailed a wild, wild sea
climbed up a tall, tall mountain
I met a old, old man
beneath a weeping willow tree
He said now if you got some questions
go and lay them at my feet
but my time here is brief
so you'll have to pick just three

And I said
What do you do with the pieces of a broken heart
and how can a man like me remain in the light
and if life is really as short as they say
then why is the night so long
and then the sun went down
and he sang for me this song


2018-10-08 19:31:51
In memoriam

Veliko srce

Spiridon RSS / 08.10.2018. u 20:31
2008-07-08 21:13:39

Band of brothers - The Nephilim

MightyNora RSS / 08.07.2008. u 22:13

This is dedicated to some of the greatest people that I would probably never meet in real, but whom I know much better then many people around.

To get into great PvP guild in World of Warcraft – it’s a very hard job, for which you need to invest a lot of time and dedication. In addition, as in that famous cartoon – Once when you start to play golf, there is no better game – it is rather similar with WoW (World of Warcraft). WoW and then you die. =) And when you try to play it as it is made to play, then one of your first goals should be to enter really good guild. This is

2009-06-25 00:24:57

... O šumi - buđenje

MightyNora RSS / 25.06.2009. u 01:24


< ... šuma se odjednom protegla, i onda naglo skupila; da me je neko pitao reklao bih da sam osetio kako se cela šuma pomerila; a opet znaka tome nije bilo; negde u pola noći sam osetio da se nešto desilo; mali zemljotres tačno usred mog sna ... >

Za snove kažu da mogu svašta. Svašta.

Marija je stajala iznad mene. Bio sam i dalje do pola usnuo, a od pola budan. Nešto je opet jarko svetlelo na njenom domalom prstu. Ličilo je na snoviđenje.

2009-07-20 16:37:53

... O zamišljanju

MightyNora RSS / 20.07.2009. u 17:37


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Jiddu Krishnamurti









2008-03-01 14:27:51

In on this?

Lucy Moore RSS / 01.03.2008. u 15:27

About a month ago I started blogging for Foreign Policy magazine.

Just recently the blog opened up for comments. And what regional coverage has elicited the most heated comment debate so far? The Balkans… One mention of FYROM’s name issue and off they went. Day one of the debate and “Damn Turks!” has already been dropped. (It’s always their fault isn’t it.)

Now, I know many of you on here enjoy contributing your two cents, so if you want to get in on this, check it out:




Galerija poklon zbirke Rajka Mamuzića

u Novom Sadu (ul. Vase Stajića 1)

12. oktobar (19 h) - 8. novembar 2011.

Autor i kustos: Nebojša Milenković


Emotivna istorija čoveka sačinjena je od malih, intimnih priča. Ako je desakralizujemo i lišimo pretenzija da daje odgovore na tzv. krupna, istorijska pitanja - shvatićemo da umetnost jeste univerzalna ljudska aktivnost, u podjednakoj meri u kojoj su to, recimo, uzimanje hrane, spavanje, vođenje ljubavi, čitanje, disanje i tsl.

 2098315571_6578279c80.jpgJ. Radić, Slika 2001.




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